New CB Story!

Chatterbox: Inkwell

New CB Story!

New CB Story!

So I have decided to start...a new CB story! Basically, you are all kidnapped, and...well, I'll just get to the next part.

This features fandoms. Only two people per fandom, please. The options are:


*Harry Potter

*Percy Jackson

*Star Wars

*Star Trek 


The charrie sheet:

CB Name:



Appearance(based on fandom): 

Personality(based on fandom):  

Weapons(based on fandom):


The plot is...well, it's hard to explain. If you trust me, just join and wait for the story to unfold.

Oh, one last thing- I can't guarantee that I can post on weekdays, so I will post one part every weekend, and work on it during the week.


submitted by Leafpool
(October 22, 2016 - 1:47 pm)


Awesome! I actually haven't read ALL of it, because I haven't gotten around to The Long Patrol yet. But I've read the rest! 

submitted by Cho Chang
(October 24, 2016 - 7:03 pm)

List of people that have joined so far: (I'm really just making this to help myself straighten things out, but you can use it for reference if you're joining.)

PJO: Brookeira, September

HP: Little Reader, Daisy

Redwall: Cho, Anadell


Star Trek: Mirax T., Ronan

Warriors: Clouded Leapard, VACANCY

So, Zombie, I know you signed up for Percy Jackson but Brookeira and September posted first so can you choose a different one? Otherwise, two more people can join and I'll try to get the first part out on Saturday. Also, tomorrow and the next day I won't be able to post so don't expect me.

submitted by Leafpool
(October 24, 2016 - 6:03 pm)

I'll get Coco to do SW!!

submitted by Cho Chang
(October 24, 2016 - 7:04 pm)

Name: Inktail

Fandom: Warriors

Age: 12 Moons

Appearance: Silver tabby with black paws and tail. Green eyes.

Personality: Kind, quiet, will sacrifice ANYTHING for her Clan. Would like some sort of complicated love triangle maybe? It would really cause conflict within herself.

Weapons: Sharp claws and even sharper wits. 

submitted by Inktail
(October 24, 2016 - 9:06 pm)

Ill join for Star Wars. GtG.

submitted by KtG
(October 25, 2016 - 1:00 am)

Here's an updated list:

PJO: Brookeira, September

HP: Little Reader, Daisy

Redwall: Cho, Anadell

Star Wars: Kate-the-Great, VACANCY

Star Trek: Mirax T., Ronan

Warriors: Clouded Leopard, Inktail

submitted by Cho Chang
(October 25, 2016 - 12:43 pm)

Oh! I'll join for SW! 

CB name: Leafmist

Age: 16

Appearance: looong feathery red hair, very pale skin with freckles, bright green eyes, tall and skinny

Personality: sweet but quiet, unassuming at first, but is very bubbly around her friends. Seems timid at frist but is a feirce fighter if her friends are endangered. 

Fandom: Star Wars

Weapon: green lightsaber 

submitted by Leafmist
(October 25, 2016 - 2:08 pm)


Leafmist, I can't see your post, but you took the last spot, didn't you?

@Leafpool, can I be a background cat in Warriors (or pretty please another MC, but I don't expect that)? If not, that's totally OK, I understand. If I can, then here's my charrie:

CB Name: Coconut the dog/Snowpelt

Age(fictional): 16 moons

Fandom: Warriors

Appearance(based on fandom): Short white fur, brown eyes.

Personality(based on fandom): Well, not to copycat, but the cat I'm making seems like Snowfur, Bluefur/star's sister. But that's off track. Personality: Loyal to her friends and, for the most part, her clan (except could she have a 'forbidden love' with a cat from a different clan?), smart, feirce, brave, hopful, determined.

Weapons(based on fandom): Claws, teeth, and mind.

Swift says "phfr." What, would you prefer that I be a background charrie in something else? Hmm, you have a point, 'cuz I do all those fandoms except for Star Trek. Nah, I'll stick with Warriors.

submitted by Coconut the dog, age I forgot, In the bed
(October 25, 2016 - 3:49 pm)
submitted by OK, how do we start?
(October 25, 2016 - 8:45 pm)

Leafpool will write the whole thing. So we just wait.

submitted by Cho Chang
(October 26, 2016 - 12:50 pm)

Yeah. I was visiting my older brother & sister at college on Tuesday and Wednesday, and I found out on Thursday that I got moved up to a higher level in gymnastics, (I freaked out) so sorry for not posting. I'm working on part 1 now.

submitted by Leafpool
(October 28, 2016 - 7:00 pm)

Top, top, toooooop!

submitted by Toppity toppity!, age Have pity!, As in top pity, top pity!
(October 28, 2016 - 7:01 pm)
submitted by POST LEAFPOOL!
(October 28, 2016 - 7:03 pm)

Hold your seahorses! I'm working on part 1, but I'm having some trouble getting it going, so you'll have to wait. 

submitted by Leafpool
(October 29, 2016 - 1:14 pm)

Hey Coco-

Sorry, I can't put you in as a MC. But I can mention you/Snowpelt in the bit of story with CL and Inktail. :)

submitted by Leafpool @Coco
(October 30, 2016 - 11:31 am)