Theater RPG!

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Theater RPG!

Theater RPG!


Peter Caminski needs a place to hold a very special talent show, so when his uncle lets him use the old, broken down Mableton Theater, he gets started fixing it up right away. Full of determination, Peter advertises his talent show all over town. He's trying to handpick a very special group of people for a special reason, and the theater gives him just the place to get started. However, Peter quickly realizes that someone is working against him. Snapped cables, crashing lights and sound equipment going haywire just when he needs it most isn't a coincidence. Someone doesn't want him to host a talent show at the Mableton Theater. So, the question is, are you going to audition? You'll probably get into quite a mess, and if you go to Mabelton Public High School, you'll probably get teased for hanging out with Peter Caminski, and of course, I can't promise that getting a bunch of theater-inspired teens and tweens together isn't going to include a lot of fighting and friendship troubles. But Peter needs you—now more than ever. 


This will work like a regular RPG for the most part. Every day I will post a "weather report." which will basically help us keep everyone on the same page with the plot (for instance, a "weather report" could outline sunny skies for our gang, or dark clouds when something ominous is looming. It will make more sense later, but it shouldn't change the flow of the story.


Now for the charrie sheet! I will be making another character later in the story. 


Age (12-19 please):



Something they are hiding:

Talents (anything from picking locks to to singing to lightning-fast sketching):



Name: Peter Caminski

Age: 14 1/2

Appearance: Typically disheveled light brown hair, dark green eyes, pale skin, a couple freckles here and there. About average hight. 

Personality: Excited, enthusiastic, absolutely determined, socially awkward, typically keeps to himself, always overflowing with ideas. He makes a great leader when he can pull himself together.

Something they are hiding: Peter was adopted. 

Talents: I know this doesn't make much sense, but Peter's talent is...being Peter. He's an actor and leader who's full of ideas. He knows he can pull this thing together. 

Other: It would be cool if he finally found a good friend with one of your characters since he really doesn't have any.


Weather Report #1 

Today's weather is a snowstorm of unique and a dash of determination. Low clouds are on the horizen however moving closer every time Peter puts up an advertisement poster...


submitted by Rose bud, age 14
(December 30, 2016 - 12:53 pm)

By the way, her talents is singing

submitted by BookBug, age 1,000, Australia
(December 31, 2016 - 10:21 pm)


I slip off my back-pack and fling it across the room to the couch before snatching a granola bar from the kitchen and running right back out the open door. 

"Peter! Where do you think you're going?" Mom yells from upstairs. Oops. Busted. I skid to a stop before I reach the front steps. 

"I'm going to bike to the theater and do some setting up. Catch ya later!" I reply, leaping down the stairs and yanking my bike upright before she can protest. Mom leans out the window, her alluring black curls falling across the sill. She yells something about homework, but I pretend not to hear as I push off and pedal away. Stearing with one hand, I rip the granola bar wrapping open with my teeth and try to stay steady on the sidewalk. Suddenly, I notice our neighbor, Mr. Trent, stepping carefully onto the sidewalk with a cumbersome package in his hands. He looks up and acknowledges me with a surprised/angry: "CAMINSKI!" I swerve around him just in time, but still manage to knock the package out of his hands. Uh-oh, it looks breakable. 

"Sorry Mr. Trent!" I call over my shoulder as I speed away. He yells something back about a helmet. I reach up to feel my bare head, taking both hands off the handlebars for a second. Hey, when your mom's a retired trapeze artist, you should be allowed to take some risks sometimes. Next time, I'll remember a helmet, but for now, I've got to get to the theater. 


I eat the rest of the granola bar on the way and shove the trash in my pocket where it crinkles next to my cell phone. When I finally see the foreboding marble collumn holding up the entrance to the once-magnificent theater, I start to squeeze the breaks. Before the bike stops moving, I spring off, and...oops...tumble to the feet of the wide stairway. 

"Oh Flash, do you ever stop moving?" A familiar, mirth-filled voice asks. I straighten up very quickly. 

"Uncle Tom!" My uncle smiles and shakes his head. He flips the key to the Mableton Theater in his hand. 

"Need this?" He questions. 

"Nope, I brought mine—for once." I whip the key out of my pocket to show him. 

"I was checking out some of the hazards you talked about earlier; looks like the old equipment is just finally breaking down," he says, "just be careful." Uncle Tom runs his hand through his grey hair, like I do with my own brown-almost-blonde lion's mane. My uncle is my favorite person ever. Okay, aside from my parents. He's wonderful and knows just what growing boys like me need; brownies and peanuts (extra salty) and comic books. Stuff that my mom doesn't really approve of. He started collecting comic books as a kid (mostly superhero stuff) and just never stopped. He has the most awesome collection EVER! Also, he's letting me use the theater that was given to him by his father. My phone rings from my pocket. 

"See you later, this is probably about the talent show." I pick up the phone and start walking up the steps. Uncle Tom waves goodbye and walks over to his car, which is parked along the side of the building. 

"Hello! This is Peter Caminski!" 

"I' to sign up for the talent show, please?" A voice answers. Yes! I silently celebrate. 

submitted by Rose bud
(December 30, 2016 - 7:45 pm)

Does anyone care if I write in third person?



Sometimes, after a stressful day at school, Tesha would sit up on the roof of her apartment building. It was easy- all you had to do was climb up a stairwell and go through the door that lead outside. She usually brought a few things to do, like her homework, but some days she would just sit and look over the city. And some days, that was enough.

It had been a particularly bad day. First, she spilled coffee- and yes, she drunk coffee- all over her only pair of jeans. When she arrived at school, her locker got stuck, and she had none of the books she needed for class. During lunch some boys had called her a freak. Then, as she was walking out the door, a bully tripped her and she'd almost broken her ankle. Tripping was not something she was accustomed to. Right after she'd started third grade, she decided that her shoelaces would be forever untied. She trained herself not to trip over them. It was one of her small acts of defiance.

By the time she got home, she was angry. This was not common for her, but when it did happen, you'd better watch out. During these times, the other members of her family knew to stay out of her way. She could be as deadly as all three of her sisters combined.

Grabbing the walkman her sister Zahra had gotten her for her tenth birthday, She stormed up the stairs to the roof. Even though she claimed otherwise, she knew her sister had stolen it. It wasn't like her to actually buy things. Unfortunately, stealing was a part of life in her family. More than half of her clothing had been taken out of lost and found bins, which was technically legal. Tesha always felt bad, even though it was the people who lost their item's own fault. "Wait at least three weeks. Then it's yours." Her sisters always said.

Tesha sat on the edge of the roof, kicking her legs back and forth. She wasn't afraid of falling- she'd done this many times before. A sad song with raw, honest words poured out of her walkman, but she wasn't really listening. She noticed clouds on the horizon, and hoped that it wouldn't start to storm- she planned on staying out here for a long time.

After a while, she began to get bored. Realizing that she'd forgotten to take her backpack off before she came up, Tesha checked to see if her notebook was still in it. Yes! It was the first good things that had happened to her that day. Now, she could write. 

She opened up the little yellow notebook to a skit she had been working on, 'Maid Amends'. It was about a businessman who got trapped in the office with his cleaning lady. As she quickly skimmed over the draft, a little slip of paper fell out of the page behind it. 

Oh! Earlier that day, she'd come across a flier for a talent show, and taken one of the slips with the contact number on it. If I could find an actor, I could write a play, She thought. I've been waiting for this opportunity my whole life.

Grabbing her bag and walkman, which still played soft music, she headed downstairs in the hopes that her sisters were home. They weren't, but their stolen phones were- just what she needed. Maybe her luck was changing.

Palms sweating, Tesha dialed the number. "Hello! This is Peter Caminski!" A voice said on the other end of the line. "I' to sign up for the talent show, please?" She replied.

"Great!" Tesha could tell that the boy was excited. "Well, first of all, what is your name?"

"Um, Tesha." He didn't say anything. "Tesha Narang."

"Okay. Age?"


He paused for a minute, like he was writing something down. "Mmhmm. What would you like to audition for?"

Tesha thought for a moment. "I like to write plays," she finally blurted out.

"I can act, too. But I like writing them better." she continued. Why was she so nervous all of a sudden? "Okay, lastly, I need some way to contact you."

Tesha didn't know how to answer that. Her family didn't have a computer or home phone. The only means of communtication they had were cell phones or old fashioned letters. She'd just have to give the boy her sister's phone number and hope he called at a convenient time.

After she gave him the number, he said, "Great, thanks for auditioning. See you there!"

Then, the line went dead, and Tesha was left to wonder if what she had done was a good thing, or just plain stupid.


I will post Toad's tomorrow. Sorry if I messed up anything about her living in an apartment. I figured a suburb-type place would have one, so... Also, I have no idea how to sign up for a talent show! Forgive me for that and any character control.


submitted by Bluebird
(December 30, 2016 - 11:13 pm)


I duck as the boy's fist comes flying towards my face. 

"Is that all you got?" I say, dodging. I can be as quick as a cat when it comes to a fight. 

The boy comes at me again, attempting to get me in the ribs. Good, he's distracted. I take this opprotunity to  kick him in the shin. He falls to the ground, and kids encircling us start to cheer or boo, depending on which of the two of us they had placed bets on. I am victorious. 

Well, for five seconds.

Then the principal comes outside into the schoolyard.

"What is this?!" he yells. The rest of the kids scatter, but I am pushed by the crowd closer the the principal, "Detention! For the both of you."

So at the end of the school day, I have detention. 

I walk down the halls to Mrs. Briggers' math classroom, where detention is held. There, I sit at a desk for an hour reading Inkspell by Cornelia Funke until I can go. I run to my bike which is tied up in front of the school, and jump on it, racing down the streets to my house. Normally, I don't go to my house twice in one week, but I ran out of my regular supplies, so I have to stop by my house. On the way, I spot a poster for a talent show. 

I get home, sneaking in through my bedroom window, and creep into the kitchen to use the home phone. I dial the number, and before teh person on teh other end can speak, I say,

"Hello. My name is Rowan Dover. I would like to be in your talent show."


submitted by Embers in the Ashes
(December 31, 2016 - 7:53 am)

~Anelia (translated from Polish)

I was scared. No, I was TERRIFIED. You would be, too if you were starting a new school in a country you couldn't speak the language of. 


Everything on that first day of American high school went all right. They had a translator for me, and the teachers were kind. But I felt empty inside- I needed a friend.


When I was walking down the hallway towards the door, I saw a flyer hanging up. It read, AUDITIONS FOR TALENT SHOW! MABLETON THEATER! I had done some acting back in Poland, and the drama teacher said that I was very good at it. So, I decided to go and see what it was all about. Instead of going straight home to my mean foster parents, I walked to the Mableton Theater.

submitted by elementgirl18917
(December 31, 2016 - 7:59 am)

~Anelia (Translated from Polish)

When I got to the theater,  I saw a boy from school,  cleaning up some of the mess on the theater's floor. " Are you the one organizing the talent show?" I asked. He just stared at me. "In English, please" he said. I sighed, and repeated my message in broken English.  " Yes" said the boy. "I'm Peter Caminski. " Would you like to audition?"  "Yes. I did some acting back in the old country, and the teacher said that I was good at it." I replied. " Excellent" said Peter "I'll keep you posted". Then I left the theater, wondering a few things. When were auditions? Was I good enough to make it in? And what did '"Keep you posted"' even mean? 


I reached home in less than 10 minutes, because I knew that I had to do many chores. Mr and Mrs. Smith, my foster parents, had me do everything from making dinner to cleaning their five year old daughter, Mary's room. The little brat takes all her toys out and puts them everywhere just to make it harder for me to clean. The Smith family thinks i'm a slave or something. One of these days, I am going to run away. I just haven't figured out how yet.

submitted by elementgirl18917
(December 31, 2016 - 8:21 am)

I'm modeling this after my hometown theater, so I'm doing the best I can to get everything accurate. 


Today I want to explore the wonders of sets and backdrops. Unfortunately, that means I have to climb a ladder up to a large storage platform. That wouldn't be so bad if the ladder didn't look so rickety or have so far-spaced rungs. Trying to channel the inner acrobat which I have surely inherited from my mom, I leap up to the first rung. Great; only like 7 more to go. When I put my foot on the last step, it breaks in half so suddenly that I barely have time to grab a taut rope that seems to be tied to something above the stage and anchored on the platform. And, at this most inopertune moment, my phone rings. I try to reach the second-to-the-last step, but my foot sways mere inches from it. I have to pick up my phone. I need as many people to be a part of this as possible. So, hanging ten feet above the ground by an old and possibly deteriorated rope, I press the green button and but the phone to my ear. 

"Hello, my name is Rowan Dover, I would like to be in your talent show." And that is when I drop the rope in surprise and plunge to my death.


We interupt this cliffhanger to bring you Weather Report #2!

Today's weather is clouded with despair and the need for self-discovery, but we do have some hopeful sunshine cutting through the clouds. However, the secret of the theater still looms on the horizen although a break-through is forecasted to come within the next few hours. Tomorrow we predict tumultous hurricanes of friendship troubles, betrayal, teasing, and fistfights, but hey, it's another day at school, right?

And now back to our scheduled program!


Actually, I don't die, I grab one of the ladder rungs and swing my legs to safety, so desbite some bruises and scratches, I have no reason to be banned from my "exploring." I have to keep myself from blurting: "ROWAN! OH MY GOSH DON'T YOU REMEMBER ME??? I'M LEAH GRAYSON'S SON!!" Instead I clear my throat and answer nervously: "sorry, um...let me write you down. What's your phone number so I have a way to contact you?" I grab my notebook from the floor and scribble down information as Rowan relates it to me. Of course I know she's 15 by now, but she obviously doesn't rememeber me (she was like seven when we last saw each other)  so I ask anyway.  

"I'll keep you posted," I say as I hang up. Then I go examine the broken rung of the ladder. Bending down to pick it up, I study carefully, but it just looks like it broke from stress or something. Then I realize that I should have a splinter by now. There aren't any broken fragments! It's a clean cut. Maybe I'm just paranoid, or maybe someone deliberately caused the accident. Just as I am thinking this over, I hear the door to the lobby open. Cautious foosteps sound across the lobby floor. A girl I've seen a couple times at school walks through the rows of seats towards the stage. She says something in a different language, and I reach for my notebook and reply:

"English please," then I wince at how inconsiderate that sounded.  

"Are you the one organizing the talent show?"

"Yes. I'm Peter Caminski," I answer. I love saying that. It sounds so nice to be the person other people are looking for for once in my life, "would you like to audtition?" She says something about acting, so I'm like: "Excellent!" I started to say "epic" but changed it just in time. I get down her name and age and number then promise: "I'll keep you posted." 


I do some more general cleaning up around the stage, then start the huge project of moving some of the props and sets stored backstage downstairs so that I can totally reorganize the area. The Green Room is hauntingly quiet, and the rooms that break off from it are super disorganized. I try to move very carefully so I won't knock any props over. After a few close calls (let's just say a formiddable stone angel almost lost its nose), I head back up for another load. Only, the doorknob to the stairwell doesn't turn.

"Faulty lock!" I mutter, rattling the rusted knob. It still doesn't open. Hmmm, I wonder if the dressing rooms have any old hairpins in them...  

submitted by Rose bud
(December 31, 2016 - 1:28 pm)

I didn't realize before the plot twist that Peter would have been able to speak Polish easily. They probably would have realized their relation right then and there! 

submitted by Rose bud
(June 6, 2017 - 2:29 pm)


If there was one good thing about his brother, it was that he never took it easy on Toad. Steven didn't care about his wheelchair- only that he still had two good arms, which were, if anything, stronger than before the accident. Pushing yourself everywhere is a good way to strengthen arm muscles.

Steven had a very strict schedule. They threw after school every day- well, every day that Steven didn't have practice and Toad didn't have band. Then, it was dinnertime, and homework, and down time. Sometimes, they would play poker or watch TV. His life was pretty normal, for the most part. 

"Boys, dinner!" His dad called. Today, his dad, who cooked for the family, was fixing orange chicken. Steven loved it, but Toad had never been a fan.

Maybe it was because, whenever Steven saw anything orange, Toad was bombarded with jokes about his hair. A traffic cone in the street? His brother would say, "Hey look, it's your long-lost brother." When they went to the pumpkin patch every year, he'd say, "Huh, it's like somebody cloned your head two hundred times and left them sitting here in this field." It got really old, fast. 

So, he was surprised when Steven didn't say anything. Something was up- he could tell by the way his older brother didn't make any jokes about his dad's receeding hairline or his mom's very bright pink shirt, only staying quiet and eating his food in small bites. "What's wrong, man?" He finally asked.

"Nothing." He grunted. Yep, something was definitely wrong. Toad would corner his after dinner and make him spill.

After they finished eating, the brothers stayed in the kitchen to do dishes. His parents sat in the living room, watching some old people show that Steven would be teasing them about on a normal day. He figured this was his chance.

"Steve," he said, his voice softer than before. "What's wrong?"

His brother picked up a plate, not meeting his eyes. "I'm fine, really."


He sighed. "Can we go on a walk?"


After they finished washing dishes, their parents said they could go out as long as they came back in time to finish homework. Toad only had a math worksheet, and Steven had to finish an essay, so they figured a quick walk couldn't hurt. Plus, Toad needed to find out what was bothering his brother.

They came to the park, and sat down on a painted green bench. Toad sat waiting for him to say something, while Steven searched for the words. He finally lifted his head. "This may come as a shock, but..."

"I have a crush." he blurted. "On the new boy in my class." 

Oh, Toad thought. It was a bit of a shock. No big deal though- Steven was still Steven, no matter who he liked.  "Hey man, it's okay. Do you want to talk about it?"

Steven didn't make eye contact. "How am I gonna tell mom and dad?"

Toad laid a hand on his shoulder. "I don't think they'll care that much. Besides, I got your back, no matter what happens. You can count on me. I'll be your wingman!"

He laughed a bit. "Okay, now you're pushing it, cheeto puff." Then he smiled. "Thanks, though."

They walked home side-by-side, teasing each other in a friendly way. Out of the corner of his eye, Toad noticed a poster. Steven saw it too, and read aloud. "Sign up for the talent show hosted at Mableton theater. Winners will recieve 2 free ice cream coupons to Caminski's Chills along with a special surprise! Signups begin December 30th. Talk to Peter Caminski or call fak-enu-mber. See you onstage!" He laughed. "You and I could do a show like the Harlem Globe Trotters. I do love ice cream."

"And a special surprise?" Toad grinned. "Sounds nice. But I don't think that'll work."

"Well, then take one of your instruments or whatever and go audition. I want ice cream, Toad!" Steven ordered, breaking into a grin. "Your flute playing doesn't make me cringe, anymore."

Toad stuck out his tongue as they walked through the door, but his mind was spinning. Talent show? He could admit he played the flute pretty well. Maybe he would audition. 

Later that night, he dialed the number on the poster. When the boy, Peter, picked up, he said, "I'd like to audition for the talent show, please."


Woah, that turned out pretty long, sorry. Top! 

submitted by Bluebird
(December 31, 2016 - 12:10 pm)


Could Sarah maybe have a crush on Toad? After all, they both play instruments.

Sorry if you don't want that.

submitted by Brooklyn Newsie
(December 31, 2016 - 4:32 pm)


Yeah, that sounds great! 

submitted by Bluebird
(December 31, 2016 - 8:18 pm)

Is it too late to join? This looks really cool.

submitted by The Riddler
(December 31, 2016 - 12:50 pm)

Can I still join? I can make a boy charrie if you need more guys. 

submitted by Starbringer
(December 31, 2016 - 1:23 pm)

Of course you can still join! 

submitted by Rose bud
(December 31, 2016 - 2:36 pm)

So I'm going to post my charrie sheet now because I won't have a lot of time the rest of the week. If I'm too late to join, then please ignore this. 

Name: Alex Carrier

Age: 15

Appearance: long (for a boy) dark brown hair, golden hazel eyes, tan skin, pretty tall, but you don't notice it because he usually keeps his head down. 

Personality: an invert, doesn't really talk a lot regardless of whether he's with friends or strangers but that doesn't mean he's shy. He actually has a nice sense of humor and will keep a conversation going if somebody else starts it. Supportive, easy mannered.

Something they're hiding: he's scared to reach out, afraid that somebody's going to judge him. 

Talents: well for art related talents, he's got a nice voice, and can think up song lyrics or basic story plots really quickly. He's never tried acting (I think we have enough acting people here already), but can possibly do a little. He also plays guitar and piano (nothing crazy).  For non-art related talents: he's supportive (as said before) and will stick with something.

Other: he moved to Mabelton a little less than a year ago, and still doesn't really know anyone. He was best friends with someone in his hometown but he never talks to him anymore. 



submitted by Starbringer
(December 31, 2016 - 1:50 pm)