Spy RP!  

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Spy RP!  

Spy RP!    


I creep along in the shadows, determined to deliver the note, no matter what. I know that I'm risking my life. If I am found out, I will die. Moonlight slants through the dark oak leave and illuminated the little cottage in the distance. That is my goal. That is where I need to deliver the message. A gust of wind blows the leaves of the tree as they dance across the night sky in a twirling pattern. I slip between the flower beds without a sound and clamber up the front porch. There is a reason I was selected to be the Messenger. Because of my stealth and slender frame. There's a reason my nickname is Moonlight Cat. I slip the parchment envelope into the door frame and silently disappear back into the shadows.


In this story, you are the person  that the letter is addressed to. You are an ordinary child from the age of 13-17 and have been selected by spies to join they're top secret society because of you're wits, speed, stealth and sharp eye. You will join the academy, and if you graduate, you become a spy. This is completely secret, even your parents don't know...


Basically, it's a classic spy story and you guys are the main charechters. Your charries need to be quick witted, slender, and light footed. 

My charrie:

Name: Luna Florence

Code Name: Midnight Cat

Age: 23

Appearance: She has long, wavy black hair which she usually leaves out, and pale skin with green eyes.

Personality: Detirmined, stubborn, quiet when she wants to be and kind to you, if she likes you. If she doesn't, she will make your life a living hell at the academy. (:

Other: She is your instructor at the academy, as well as the society's messenger who sends letters to recruit new spies. 


submitted by BookBug, Australia
(January 23, 2017 - 4:45 pm)


I stare at the paper in my hands for a full minute untill my dad yells at me to hurry up and I stuff the paper into my jean pocket. I make my way into the kitchen, trying to look smug. 

"No mail?" Mom snaps, without bringing her eyes away from the television in the dining room.

"Have a look at this." I say, handing her the fake envelope. She reads it slowly, her smile getting wider and wider as she reads. "Oh, honey!" She shouts, I am so proud of you! Chosen for tye most selective school in the world?!"

That night, she fusses and smiles over me. "My little boy?" She keeps saying. I really want to see her face if I tell her that its fake. But I dont. I have been trusted with their secrets. Im not about to blow thier cover.  

submitted by Sparkle Girl
(January 27, 2017 - 4:27 pm)

It was luckily the weekends after the strange visit of that person on the tree. I had accepted her offer, but then she just left. humph. I had to catch up on my sleep, so i slept in until 10:30 in the morning. I was still a bit bewildered about it. 


IDK what to do here... 

submitted by Storm Windwhisperer
(January 27, 2017 - 7:02 pm)

Here's my charrie:

Name: Kencey Inkwol

Code Name: Lioness 

Age: 17

Appearance: see below

Personality: fierce, loyal, sarcastic, adventurous, risky, secretive, trustworthy, athletic, able to think outside of the box, inventor, enjoys listening to audio books, but does not have the patience to read books. very impatient, has ADHD, incredible runner, has a SEVERE case of aquaphobia because her twin brother drowned when they were 7.


The Lioness.jpg
submitted by Kate-the-Great, age ??????????, A galaxy far far away...
(January 29, 2017 - 3:50 pm)


So it's 12:03 and we're sitting in the bushes. I'm wearing day clothes, but it feels weird since it's midnight.

Next thing I know, tap on the shoulder. " I see you're early. Where's Storra?" A voice whispers.

"Asleep." I say. I add, "She fell asleep at about 11:45." I flick her cheek. She bolts upright. "Shh."

"Okay. Tell us why we're out in the bushes." She says to the other person here. Evidently, she wasn't asleep. 

"I can tell you. But not here. It's too dark. Too cold. Too dark. Not to mention we're in the bushes."

submitted by Lucy B., age 12, California
(January 28, 2017 - 1:08 am)

Ok guys, I think we've done enough on the letters, now its time for the departure. If you haven't written about the letters yet, do that quickly, then move on to the departure.  


The day of departure is always the day I enjoy the least. Only because dressing up as a train attendant and smuggling children out of the station messes with my schedule. I sigh and make my way towards the group of children, huddled in the corner of platform one. I put on a fake, wide smile always worn on the faces of people who want to be somewhere else. A few of the group recognize me, some of them, like the parents, just stare blankly in my direction. My fake smile turns into a real one as I see the looks on there eager faces. Once the children finish saying goodbye to their parents, I pretend to lead them onboard. Once we are safe inside the compartment, I look at each one of there faces as they slowly recognise me.

"Follow me." I say.

submitted by BookBug
(January 28, 2017 - 5:19 pm)


I chew my bubble gum slowly, staring at the wide smiled woman in front of me. A few other kids are at each side of me, impatient looks on their faces. The blow out a pink bubble and watch the woman with mild interest. She does look faintly familiar, though I can't put quite figure it out. She is a spy though. It's her job to make sure she doesn't look familiar.

"...Remembered your toothbrush? Oh, your hair looks horrible like usually, you should really brush it..." Mom's nagging makes its way into the front of my mind.

"Yeah, yeah," I mumble, trying to ignore her again. Oh, it looks like we're going. Saying goodbye to Mom, I follow the woman into the train. Once the parents are far away and we're in the compartment, I let the grin slowly spread across my face.

"Follow me," She says. 

submitted by Danie
(January 28, 2017 - 9:35 pm)
submitted by cool!
(January 29, 2017 - 1:16 am)

Thanks ^^

submitted by Danie
(January 29, 2017 - 12:36 pm)

Thanks so much BookBug!  I really like your posts so far.  Great job!


Today's the day.  Today, I'm going to start training to be a spy.   I watchs some spy movies earlier today.  I don't think these spies will be like the ones in the movies anyway.  My whole family came today.  Rachael and Owen are sad I'm leaving, but mom is taking this harder than I expected.  When I went to that midnight meeting, the spy leader gave me a letter saying I would be going to boarding school.  I put it our mailbox early in the morning, and watched my mother open it.  I hate lying, so it was really difficult to watch.  Do spies lie?  I don't know.   On the other hand, maybe I'm not lying.  Maybe I really am going to a boarding school for my education.  Well, for my education on spies.

My mother's voice echoes in my head.  She said,"This is such a great opportunity!  I'm so happy you got picked."  If only she knew, writing essays would most likely not be taught here.

I hug Owen and Rachael goodbye.  I think Rachael's a little jealous I'm going away to one of the most "greatest schools" in the country.  Actually, I don't think she could leave anyway.  She says she would miss life here, and she has too many friends here.  She's probably right, while I am not as social.

Owen is too young to care about going away.  

The conductor is smiling, and I recognize her as the person who came at midnight.  Her smile is not only meant for the nervous parents, but it helps me not be as nervous also.  I step onto the train, and take deep breaths.  I look out the window, and wave to my family.  It will most likely be the last time I see them for a long time.  I look around at the other people on the train.  Hopefully, they will be my new friends.

"Hello.  Welcome," the spy leader says.  

Hello, new life.

submitted by Treble Clef
(January 29, 2017 - 10:34 am)

I'm going to change one thing about Kencey's history: she had a twin sister, not brother.


Have you ever had that feeling that something just isn't right? You don't know how, but there's definitely something wrong? I had that feeling last night. I woke up at exactly 12:00. Midnight. The Witching Hour. The time Zag and I were born. Look out the window, I could hear Zag's voice saying in my mind. I sighed and got up. Bare feet padding softly on the fuzzy carpet, I made my way through the darkness. I threw open the curtains and unlocked the window, breathing in deeply the night air. Looking down upon the silver landscape, I noticed something bobbing in the duck pond. It wasn't a duck. of that I was sure. It was way too small. I squinted, trying to make it out in the bright moonlight, but it was too far away. I tip-toed back to bed and fell asleep, leaving the window open. I woke up to sunlight streaming through my room. I glanced at my watch: 5:38. It was Saturday, so my parents wouldn't be up until 8:00. Two whole hours! I grabbed the sweatshirt hanging from my bedstead and yanked it over my head. I pulled on my sneakers and jumped out the window, grabbing the drainpipe and sliding down. Haltingly, I ran to the duck pond, early morning dew soaking into my shoes. I stopped at the bank and gasped. There was a beautiful wooden toy boat floating in the water. Oh no, I am not going in there, I thought. Net. I ran to the garage and grabbed the longest net I could find. Then, I ran to the laundry room and grabbed a few towels. Slowly, I made my way back to the duck pond. Using the net, I fished the boat out of the water. Imediately, I wrapped it in three towels. I was NOT going to risk getting wet. I brought my prize back to the garage again. I couldn't bear being in that horrible place for another second. Carefully, I unwrapped the boat, making sure it was completely dry. Etched into the wood were the words: Tomorrow, midnight, tree, secret. That was random. I read the words again. Wait a minute, I thought. The message was telling me to go to the old banyan tree at midnight tomorrow and tell no one. Who in the world was this from? I guess I would find out tomorrow. 



submitted by Kate-the-Great
(January 29, 2017 - 5:47 pm)


There's a downside to being sixteen and obnoxious and the time being midnight.  You want to make a lot of noise.  Midnight Cat wanted us to be as silent as possible, but I'm having a hard time.  I can only tell where I'm going by Sletcj and Midnight Cat's footsteps.  There are trees all around, and it's hard not to trip over the roots.  

I don't know how long I've been walking, but I'm tired, it's probably very early in the morning.  

submitted by Lucy B., age 12, California
(January 29, 2017 - 5:04 pm)

can someone include Ally? i'm not sure how to bring her in.

(January 30, 2017 - 9:30 pm)

Sorry, guys, I was away for four days so I couldn't post, so this kind of died, please top this, admins!! 


As I lead the group of recruits through the endless trail of compartments, I take notice of there special abilities. One boy seems to be swallowing up his surroundings as he walks, taking in even the tiniest of details. One girl with dark hair and dark eyes is walking cautiously and quietly making almost no noise at all. Finally, the group comes to a stop. I tell the group to call out when I read there names off a list. When they all have called assent, I slowly look around the room out of the corner of my eye and I lean over to pretend to tie up my shoe lace. I lean over and whisper to the silent brown haired girl I mentioned earlier.

"What is your name?" I whisper.

"Allison." She says, alarmed.

"Allison, I want you to walk as casually as you can over to that corner and stand on the red mark I made as I walked past on the floor to block the security camera from what I am about to do."

Allison looks awed. She executes the task perfectly and blocks us from all security. We only have a short time to act. I press my thumb against a hidden device beside the sliding door and a long, sharp sound echos around the room.

"Apathy in disguise crept on you like a spy." I say in a clear voice. The sound stops and I go into the corner and scan my eye on a device similar to the machine near our base and a circular hole breaks out from the floor just as I yell at the group to move. I stare out the window. The train is pulling out of the platform and we can see the country side rolling by. I stare at an old fashioned clock hanging on the wall.

Three second.....two seconds........one second..... 

"Jump!" I yell. This is part of training. Each recruit needs to learn to trust their mentor. About half of the group leaps through the whole and we dissapear through a secret tunnel built into the tracks. The other half stay behind, confused in the carriage. They have failed. That is one of the hardest tests in the academy. If they pass that first test, they will be lead to the top secret underground headquarters. If not, they will stay behind, confused and with the reason to believe this was all a joke. The train will later loop around the city and drop off the children back at the train station where they departed. They will then have to explain to their parents what has happened. The parents, then, unbelieving, will shake there heads and angrily exclaim about pranksters and time wasters. I should know. It happenes every time...

I turn to the solemn children in the dark tunnel, all lying confused on the floor. I offer a hand to lift them up.

"That was one of the hardest parts of the academy. You must learn to trust no one. No one but me and each other. Trust me." I say, "Or one day, it may be the death of you."

I look at the recruits faces. This was not what they were expecting.


Ps. Guys, none of those kids who were left behind on the carriage are you guys. They were just other recruits who failed the first part of the test....you guys didn't fail. Phew!  

submitted by BookBug
(February 2, 2017 - 3:11 am)

Wow! This is cool, BookBug! 

submitted by Sparkle Girl
(February 2, 2017 - 4:34 pm)


The spy lady leads us through a trail of compartments.  Without her, I would most likely get lost.  The other students take in their surroundings.  A few of them already show special skills.  One glides silently on the floor, and another has a look in his eye that shows he knows how to fight.  Some students even look like spies!  They have a beautiful, striking look as if they were born to be spies.  Students are whispering as they follow the spy lady.  They are doing natural spy behavior: anaylzing what they know, talking with others, and drawing conclusions.  One drawn conclusion I hear is that the spy lady is our instructor.  Thats good, because now I can call her something other than spy lady.  I think about approaching her, and saying hello.  

After all, I think, I should get to know her if she is going to be my instructor.

I'm about to say hello, when she stops.  Turning to a girl who looks as if she's a natural spy, the instructor tells her to stand on an "X".  The girl walks over without making a sound.  She looks nervous.  The instructor says nothing, and I don't know what that means.  Next, I hear her loudly stating a phrase about "apathy" and "spies".  I'm too distracted to listen because a hole had just formed from the train.  I wrench myself out of the way before I fall through.

Screams and yells follow me everywhere.  People are alarmed, and I force myself to take deep breaths.  Some people stare horrifyingly without blinking at the endless pit, as if it could somehow disappear.

"Come with me," she says, and she makes it sound more as a question than a demand.  She files through the hole as if she has flown before.

Some people just jump.  They don't care where they are or who they are.  They lock up all their feelings and just---jump.  Others don't even think about jumping in the first place.  They sit on the floor, and wait for the train to go back to the train station.  

What will they do when they get home? I think

I can't think about them because I have to think about myself.  I will be the small majority of the people who wrestle with their minds.  I have no idea what to do.  What should I do?  What should I do?  I Don't Know.  The hole is closing, and I will have to make a choice.  Suddenly, I know there is no choice to be made.

The train will go back to the train station, but I know I will not be there.

Some people scream as they go down in the air.  Other's put their hands in the air.  I just let myself relax.  The air surrounds me, whistling in my ears, and enveloping me in it. It's a combination of worry and beauty all at the same time. 

OOOOF! My suddenly body hits the ground.  I forgot all about landing on my feet, as if I could land correctly anyway.  Pain surges through me as I cough from the impact.  The instructor gives me a hand, and I take it firmly.  I look at her eyes.  They pierce me, and make me remember who's in charge.  I'm not helping her get me back on my feet.  I guess I'm a little too small and weak to be of any help.  Finally, she pulls me so hard that I'm a little wobbily, but not on the ground.

"You must learn to trust me and your companions--but no one else.  Not your mother, or father, or sister.  Trust is very important to being a spy.  If you cannot trust me or your companions, you will have a difficult time in training.  Jumping through the hole is one of the hardest parts of your education.  Please follow me," the instructor says.  

I regain my balance, and catch up to the smaller group.  How am I supposed to trust people in a place I hardly know?  Then, I think about the hole, and how I jumped through it.  Is that trust?  In a new place filled with new, mysterious people, I have no answer.   

submitted by Trebel Clef
(February 2, 2017 - 3:55 pm)