LilyPad clutched the

Chatterbox: Inkwell

LilyPad clutched the

LilyPad clutched the letter in her trembling fingers, her heart thumping in her chest. She knew this familiar handwritten scrawl and parchment envelope. She tore the letter open and her eyes widened.

This is a CBers at Hogwarts Solo Write. I look forward to seeing how much trouble we can get into in the magical world.

Dear CBer,

We are pleased to inform you that you have a place at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. A list of required books and items is enclosed. Term starts on the 1st of September at platform 9 3/4. .

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall

Charrie details:

CBer name:






Animal (cat, owl, toad or rat): 

Bringing to Hogwarts: 


Here's mine.

CBer name: LilyPad

Gender: Girl

Appearance: long blond hair, emerald green eyes and pale, freckled skin. Has a slim build and often wears colourful dresses and skirts (when not at Hogwarts).

Personality: Bouncy, playful and optimistic. Never gets bored and is full of ideas. Liked to brighten up a dark day with a good adventure. Is clever and thinks quickly. 

Wand: eleven and a half inches. Alder wood with unicorn hair core. Flexible. Good for charm work and transfiguration.

House: Ravenclaw

Animal (cat, owl, toad or rat): cat

Bringing to Hogwarts: all equipment (wand, books ect.) Chewabacca the ginger cat, portable music player, seventeen note books, practically the entire library, a Nimbus 2001 broomstick, snacks and my lucky charm. 

Other: N/A

I will except twelve charries (please note, they will all be first years.)

If you're not sure about houses, wands or animals I can add that into the story for you. Let's get started! 

Oh and by the way, CBers will be able to participate through the solo write. For example, I might do a sign up for Quiddich trials (well'e see if we can bend the first year rule) when CBers will be asked to specify what they would like to try out for, their ability and their type of broomstick. Anyway, we will get to that later. 

submitted by LilyPad, Hogwarts
(December 20, 2017 - 6:48 pm)

Cool! I’m glad we can stay friends. ^^ Also, Lily, not to bug you, but could me in that story (that sounded weird XD) be like the seeker or chaser or something for the Quidditch team? Maybe we could start a rival between myself and someone else in the other house, idk. Sorry if I’m bothering you ‘^^

submitted by Kyoto
(January 30, 2018 - 5:50 pm)

You're not bugging me at all, actually I need feedback and ideas. I will do a sign up for Quidditch trials soon, and if anyone is ok with being a friendly/comptitive rival with Kyoto from another house, thats fine with me. One more thing, everything that happens in the story it purely fictional. If I make your charecter do something you don't like (which I will try not to do) please don't take it personally! You can let me know, though, and I will change it.

submitted by LilyPad
(January 30, 2018 - 9:41 pm)

Also guys, constructive criticism is super helpful, so if you notice anything that you think can be improved, or you have a few ideas you would like to share, feedback is welcome!

submitted by LilyPad
(January 31, 2018 - 12:03 am)

LilyPad yawned as she got to her feet and followed Kitten across the hall to take their places behind the house prefects. She felt warm and sleepy, as she dragged her feet along the stone floor. “First years line up behind me.” Said a tall, curly haired 6th year, looking down at the new students distainfully. “Be quick about it please.” Lily doubled her place and lined up behind Kitten who was looking around excitedly. “Follow me, please, as I lead you to your house dormitery. This will be your new home, and your peers will be like your family here.” The girl was stating her sentence in a bored, matter of fact sort of voice, as if she had practiced the sentence over and over. LilyPad hardly noticed she was supposed to be moving forward, it felt as if she was floating on a cloud. She was too tired and happy to be shocked when the paintings on the wall welcomed them to Hogwarts as they passed through.

The group came to a sudden halt when they reached the house common room entrance. There was the portrait of a beautiful bird with inky black feathers on its neck and back, and brilliant bright hues cascading down its magnificent wings. “Password!” It spoke, delicately.

“Capulos Major.” Answered the prefect, with that same bored tone. “You would do well to remember that.” She advised the First Years. The Raven’s portrait swung open to reveal the Ravenclaw Common Room. LilyPad clambered inside and her heart missed a beat. A grand round room decorated with blues, purples and silvers met her eyes. In the far corner was a pair of winding staircases leading, presumably, to the dormetries. On their right side, a magnificent fireplace sent flickering light across the room. And, oh, the whole thing was too good to be true. 


Moonfrost stumbled up the stone staircase, sleepy and slightly dazed. She pushed open the dormitory door that read “Slytherin First Years” and slipped inside. It seemed her things had already been brought in, heaven knows how. Ibis ruffled his wings and cooed softly. Moon slipped over to her bed and unlocked Ibis’ cage. “Fly off to the owlery.” She whispered. Ibis cooed again and spread his wings, swiftly flying out the open window. Without undressing, or even removing her glasses, Moonfrost slipped in to bed and fell into a deep sleep.


I will right more later! Sorry, Moon, you got a smallish part, so I will write more of you in the next post.

submitted by LilyPad, Hogwarts
(January 31, 2018 - 7:09 pm)

Ooh, it's great! Two comments:

1) I do not want to play Quidditch.

2) Isn't the Ravenclaw password a riddle? 

submitted by Kitten
(February 1, 2018 - 9:53 am)

I love! I don't mind having a small part. Also, I forgot to mention but Ibis is a female. And I don't want to play quiddich, I'm scared of hieghts. ;) 

submitted by Moonfrost, age Who Cares?, Mars
(February 1, 2018 - 12:12 pm)

Looking good! I will play Quidditch, just to let you know, and if you want me to be a rival for someone, go right ahead! I can get kinda competitive when playing sports anyways xD

submitted by Vyolette
(February 1, 2018 - 1:03 pm)

@kitten, Moonfrost, Vyolette, thanks for replying, I will do a quidditch sign up soon. I know it was meant to be a riddle, but I really didn’t feel like writing a new riddle every post or whatever.

submitted by LilyPad
(February 1, 2018 - 5:51 pm)

I would love to play quidditch! I've always wanted to fly. I don't know how good I would be at aiming, though, so maybe a Keeper or a Seeker would be the best position for me. I've always been fast on the ground, so why not in the air?


submitted by Starseeker, age 156 moons, Enterprise
(February 1, 2018 - 8:03 pm)

Yeah, riddles are hard. :)

submitted by Kitten
(February 3, 2018 - 5:25 pm)
submitted by 100!
(February 1, 2018 - 8:21 pm)
submitted by 101 dalmations
(February 2, 2018 - 9:38 pm)

I would like to be a Seeker for Quidditch, or maaaybe a Chaser.

submitted by Aspen
(February 3, 2018 - 12:20 pm)

Cool! Maybe Starseeker and I could start the classic Gryffindor/Slytherin seeker rivalry. XDD

submitted by Kyoto@LilyPad
(February 3, 2018 - 8:02 pm)

Sure! Vyolette is open to it also.

submitted by LilyPad
(February 3, 2018 - 11:50 pm)