Chatterbox City RP!

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Chatterbox City RP!

Chatterbox City RP!

So I was looking through some older threads and I saw this, and it looked like a pretty cool idea. I think the original was created by Somebody.

Basically, the centre of the chatterbox city is a castle where the Admins live (unless they want to live someplace  else). Everyone else has a house/cave/secret hideout of their own surrounding it. The CBers have to work together to ward off glitches, vampires, giant sparkly unicorns intent on destroying the universe, ect. 

The CB City currently consists of a massive library, a starbucks and a doughnut store, but you can ad,d more. Here is the CB charecter sheet you must fill in to join:

CBer Name:




Where you live in the CB city: 

Ideas for buildings:


Here's mine:

CBer Name: LilyPad

Gender/pronouns: Female (she, her)

Age: 12

Appearance: long, flowing golden hair and green eyes. Has a slim build and a light sprinkling of freckles. Wears comfortable, yet fashionable clothes. 

Where you live in the CB city: I live in a tree house next door to the library. Does anyone want to be neighbors?

Ideas for buildings: N/A

Other: N/A

We'll start once we have eight people, including me, but anyone can join as we go. 




submitted by LilyPad
(January 6, 2018 - 7:32 pm)

I climb one of the vines leading up to my roof.  I take out a ball of twine from my pocket and start fiddling with it, when I notice something. CBers are running around, yelling about something. Fairy lights? News broadcasts? Runes on doors? Fun! I spread my wings and glide down to Secret’s house. “Hey hello namaste konichiwa hei god morgon gluten tag what’s going on?”

”It’s guten tag, not gluten tag,” LilyPad corrects,”and I’ve got to catch this rune-writing person.”

“Ok... where are they?” LilyPad points across the street to Chinchilla’s house. I race for it, hurdling bushes and using all my cross-country skills. Finally, something interesting. I skid to a stop in front of her door. 

I see orange painted runes, but no rune-writer. “Seriously? I missed them?”

~sorry for the shortness, I have writers block. 

submitted by Autumn Moon, age 11.”, Here
(January 10, 2018 - 5:27 pm)

CBer name: Weirdo


Gender: Male ( him , he )


Age: 127 months


Appearance: Short with brown hair. Strong legs, weakish arms. Blue eyes, uneaven feet weird clothing


Where you live: I live in a little place under the library, secretly built and cozy


Ideas for buildings: Maybe another library (more books is better)

an underground hangout.


other: I'm a weirdo who isn't normal doesn't follow trends. 

submitted by Weirdo
(January 10, 2018 - 6:14 pm)

I come up from my my little underground house and look around. I see some markings on LilyPad's house, intresting. I walk to the back of the library to Lucy B's, again markings. "WHAT?!" I yell "why does this have to happen right as I mover here??!!" I sigh I decide to go to the library to read.


I sit down with my book, Son of Neptune by Rick Ridorian and read, inoring the stupid symbols. I stop and think "Who's writing the symbols?" I Finish reading the part of my I was going to read. I get up and leave after putting the book back.


I go to find LilyPad but stop and head home. Once I got home I went to my bookroom and find two books a history book and a decoding book for old markings and stuff. I set the two books down and open them both. 

submitted by Weirdo, age 127 months
(January 10, 2018 - 6:45 pm)

I gasp and grab Chinchilla's hand. "I've got it!" I shout, dragging Chinchilla towards the library. Night has well and truly fallen now, as we dash blindly through the heather. "Where are we going?" Chinchilla asks, but I don't answer. We burst trough the library door and I finally let go of Chin's hand. Without saying a word, I take a seat at a desk and start flipping through some history texts. Chinchilla watches me in silence, but I am too excited and busy to answer the millions of questions that are jumbling around in her head. Finally, I find the page I was looking for. How could I have missed it before! I hand Chinchila the book. She takes one glance and a smile forms on her lips. "Ooooh." She grins. I pull out my phone and show her the photo of the runes. Then she looks down at the page, which is a full alphabetic chart of Anglo Saxin Runes. Clutching a candle in her trembling fingers, Chinchilla starts to unscramble the code by matching up the runes in my photo to the runes on the page. 

"The first word is...M!" She chokes with excitement. Together, we spell out the words.





"Meet!" I cry, "What could that mean?"

"Keep going!" Says Chin urgently.

We move on to the next word.


















We look at each other, wide eyed. "Meet me in the library!" Together, we finish the sentence.












I clasp my hand over my mouth to contain a scream. "Midnight?" Says Chinchilla, checking her watch. "But that's now!"

Suddenly, we hear a sound behind us and the candles are blown out. 

submitted by LilyPad
(January 10, 2018 - 10:19 pm)

Secret looks at me, apologetically. "Sorry." She says, putting a hand on my shoulder. I look as if I am about to explode, then all of a sudden I burst into tears. "I'm so sorry!" I sob. "I'm being so grumpy, just turning up to your house like that...and your new too!" Secret looks a bit shocked as if she doesn't know what to do. I wipe my eyes on my sleeve. "I've just been so...overwhelmed lately...its about those runes. I'm just so confused and...and stressed!" Secret awkwardly pats me on the shoulder, opening and closing her mouth. "Oh, I've been so horrible," I wail, "how unwelcoming I've been to a new CBer!" All of a sudden, a crash comes from inside the house. Secrets eyes widen. "Sorry-" she splutters, " Sorry, I have to go..." Awkwardly, she gives me a half smile and hurries inside.

submitted by LilyPad
(January 10, 2018 - 10:28 pm)

"WHAT!?" I hear someone yell, and get up from my post inside my tent-thing, curious.  The only person I see who could have yelled out was the shadow of a person running in the general direction of the library.  But as I turn to go back in, I spot something on the edge of my outer wall, glowing orange.  I look at them, trying in my head to decipher them.  After about five minutes, I give up and go back inside.


I'm REALLY sorry it's so short, it's 9:55 and I'm tired. 

submitted by Lucy B., age 13, Emmilvien
(January 11, 2018 - 12:54 am)

Okay..... got it.... in.... okay


O-kay. Lilypad is crying at the desk, it seems that Secret literally just appeared behind her, aaand this mysterious person hasn't even shown up- wait....

I tap Lilypad on the back, she seems really stressed and very tired.... But still I clear my throat and ask, "Um, Lilypad, I'm not quite sure what just happened, but, um, I think that we can still find this mysterious person...." She sniffles slightly and wipes her nose on her sleeve. "I know, I know. I'm just really stressed and I almost blew up at Secret when I should be friendly to her.... and...." She trails off, looking unhappily at me. Okay. I sit down next to her, and say, "Don't worry, it's okay. I'm really nervous for.... well for Frederic, and also Mew. I'm really worried, and I'm also really tired considering it's literally twelve o'clock. Actually, when did you go to bed last night?" She shrugs and replies, "I dunnow. Maybe at... like, one or something? I was really busy..." She sighs. "I feel like I'm really overreacting...."

I pat her on the back. "Don't worry, this is really freaking me out as well. I mean, I feel like this.. doll thing is following me, and it might have runes on it as well..." Lilypad looks up at me. "WHAT." I'm suddenly realise she's looking at me with slight concern. "Uh, just this doll thing kind of, heh, keeps on turning up, and actually it's really freaking me, um, out a lot...." She's shaking her head at me. "Are you okay Chinchilla? Even in Chatterbox, dolls, I mean, nobody would be that freaky and demented to do that here...."

I shrug. "Look, I'll show you." I take out the small doll, and fling it a few meters away. It stays there. Aaaand stays there. Lilypad is looking a little worried. "Uh, Chinchilla, do you feel well?"


"Ugh. Nevermind, I have an idea for where this person is going to meet us, follow me!" I say, maybe slightly too loudly. I stand up and drag her forwards until we reach the Unknown section of the library. It's rather dark here, and cobwebs hang from the cieling and drape over the books. The bookshelves are tall and made out of very dark wood. It's almost comepletely pitch black in here, and my fox-ears seem to pick up every tiny sound. Very creepy. I turn and whisper to Lilypad, "I think this is where this person wants to meet us.... Just look for some glowing runes or something...." Lilypad shakes her head slightly, but I'm already plunging into the blackness.


The darkness almost has a consistency here. Since my eyes can't see anything, I close them, and let my other senses take over. I can smell the wood polish, and my ears are hearing the tiny scrabble of claws-presumably mice. I hope. I carefully walk forward, my tail swishing slightly in the darkness. I seem to walk for ages, and after a while, I realise that if I'm supposed to look for glowing, why do I have my eyes shut? I open them immediately, and whirl about for amoment. I could have missed runes! Or I could have just walked right by the person we're supposed to meet! I immediately try to go back the way I came-BONK! I reel away, massaging my head. I just.... walked into a bookshelf.... But.... but.... I thought that was the way back... oh no. When I whirled around trying to see something, I must have lost my bearings! And.... and I don't know how to get back out..... I..... really didn't think this through.....

Great. I remember first coming to the library... How everybody kept on saying, "There are so many books in there, I swear, with the lights out, it's like a maze! Sometimes bookshelves even move!" Uh oh. The darkness gets slightly more oppressive. Well, any direction is good now, i geuss. As long as I don't walk into another bookshelf. I continue, feeling along the walls with my hands, stumbling off into the ever deeper darkness.

* * *

After a while, I'm suddenly aware that all sounds have stopped. Except for the soft swishing of my tail, there is.... nothing. The smell of varnish, originally nice, is now oppressive. I feel like I been in here for a long time. Days, almost. But.... that can't be right...  unless there was some kind of power-outage, the libraries lights should come.... on.... here......

I'm very tired, and only just managing to stumble along.... I feel like I'm fighting for breath in the oppressive smell of varnish, like I'm suffocating... Ugh..... SLAM! It feels like I've just hit another bookshelf. Ooooow.... I tried to push myself away, but... wait... bookshelves.... aren't tiled.... did I just trip over... something...? I'm finding it hard to think, and it feels like the library is unbearably hot. Okay... I'm lying on the flooor.... The tiles are nice and cool, feeling good on my hot skin. I hear footsteps, the sound almost seems to waver in my ears..... a voice, something like "And she even missed the hint about the Studio.... oh, poor CBer, why didn't you leave the investigating to Lilypad? Then she would be lying here all alone.... " The quality of the voice changes, starting to set my teeth on edge. "Why didn't you go to the studio?! It would have been so much simpler to capture you.... a complete set. Now Lilypad is wandering through here, alone, and very probably lost.... now we'll have to find her too..... oh well. At least I will still have a comeplete set. Considering you're already part fox, it will be very easy to turn you. Hmm.... yes, a fox will do very nicely. Oh, yes, mute should be good. It should do very nicely. Goodbye, Chinchilla." Something descends over my mouth, and I lose consciousness.


DUN DUN DUUUUUUUN! Oooohoooo the suspense! I hope. Heheh, I have plans for me CBer self, heheheh.....


submitted by Chinchilla
(January 11, 2018 - 4:30 pm)

I was thinking that maybe CBers and CAPTCHAs are being captured for a devious plan...

Also me/Chinchilla just got turned into a fox, very probably. Now then, what could these devious people be doing, hmmmm? Turning them into puppets?! No, that's just freaky. Are they going to stuff each Cber as an animal and make a universal animal exhibit?! TUNE IN NEXT TIME TO FIND OUT!

Or not considering this isn't even a radio show broadcasting station.... 


submitted by Chinchilla
(January 11, 2018 - 4:38 pm)


Yep, sorry that was confusing. I just said I was just in one place and then I was in the next! I meant to put in a one day ago or a one week ago to seperate those two posts I made coz it made 0 sense, sorry!!


I stumble around, blindly in the darkness. I grope arounf for a match, but to no avail. "Chinchilla!" I croak. "Can you hear me?" Nothing. I sigh, hopelessly and try to dig out my phone from my pocket to use as a torch. Drat! I must have left it at the desk! I feel around in my jeans pocket for my notebook. I pull it out. I can feel something bad is going to happen. I scribble down "help me" on the notebook and toss it into the darkness. If I don't come out of this library again tonight, if someone comes looking for me they will know that we were here. They will also have the clues left on the desk to guide them. Bonk! Ouch! I run my head, irritably. Did I just walk into a bookshelf? This day is getting better and better. Suddenly, I hear a noise from the other side of the library. "Chichilla!" I say. I flail my arms wildly as I slowly make my way across the library, running into at least four booksehelfs. The sounds are getting louder and louder...then all of a sudden it stops. "What the..." I breath. Suddenly, I trip over something fluffy and soft. It feels like a stuffed toy. Uh oh...

"Nice of you to join us, LilyPad." 

Says a voice. Something cold and hard weighs down my feet so I can't get up.

"Things were just getting interesting. In fact...for a while there I thought you weren't going to come..." The voice sneered. "Funny that." The voice sounded familiar. "Oh no, it doesn't end here. Things are just getting started..." 

Then everything goes black. 



submitted by LilyPad
(January 12, 2018 - 1:27 am)

Oh dear I remember being in the first one, aha. It was so much fun! Hope you guys enjoy this :)

submitted by Savvy/Leila
(January 12, 2018 - 8:07 am)

@Lilypad, yeah, I was sort of confused, but after a certain point, I realised, well, you know. I hope I didn't control your Charrie too much! Yes! This story is getting better! The tension picks up! Mysterious runes, disappearing CBers, and a section of the library that seems to be taken over by a mysterious figure! CBers are being taken! CAPTCHAs too! The tension is tightening! The plot is picking up! The confusion is mounting! 

We know that somebody is laying traps for CBers! WILL YOU BE NEXT?? 

@Savvy/Liela, yeah, I was in (I joined really late =P) the first one too! I bet you could join if you wanted!


PS, I was thinking that each of us would be turned into a different animal? 

submitted by Chinchilla
(January 12, 2018 - 1:29 pm)

Note: My home is a magical maze that I control.

I wake up at just past midnight. I hear a faint crash coming from outside. The library? I pull out my wand and whisper, "Lumos." Yup, my maze is fine. I tap the ground, and the door appears in front of me. I creep out, holding my wand in front of me, and close the door behind me.

I quietly walk to the library and head inside. The lights are all out, so I use 'lumos' again. There's a notebook on the floor. I pick it up and see 'Help me' written in LilyPad's writing. On the table nearby is a book. Oh, did she decode the runes? "Meet me in the library at midnight." Oh no.

I carefully head through the maze of bookshelves. There. LilyPad and Chinchilla are both on the floor, but they appear to be... stuffed animals? I study them, searching my mind for a spell to heal them. I hear a voice.

"You have arrived. A nice surprise."

"What have you done to them?"

"Oh, it doesn't matter to you."

"You-you evil afividugjkc!" 

"Are you excited to be a stuffed kitty?" The voice remains calm and cunning as my anger rises. I have to think. They're going to try to-

"Protego!" It comes out of my mouth before I even process what's happening.

"Nice try, but you don't know how powerful my magic is..." 

submitted by Kitten
(January 12, 2018 - 3:23 pm)

Uh, I was thinking, like, animal animals. Not just stuffed ones.... but that's an interesting and perseptive point! I see you thought about the Frederic toy.... mmm.... uh, guys, do you want to continue with this as stuffed animals, or do you want it to be real animals?



submitted by Chinchilla
(January 13, 2018 - 3:45 pm)

I was thinking we could keep the stuffed animal idea, but I thought we weren't actually turned into stuffed animals. So the villain kidnaps us and takes us somewhere and he/she leaves a plush toy to replace us like a creepy sort of message. I don't know, that's just an idea.

submitted by LilyPad
(January 13, 2018 - 5:10 pm)

That makes sense. So then it looks like they were transformed into stuffed animals but they actually weren't. Perhaps the mysterious voice in my post is bluffing and just trying to keep me from stopping them by misleading me?

submitted by Kitten
(January 13, 2018 - 7:30 pm)