The Deck of

Chatterbox: Inkwell

The Deck of

The Deck of Cards 

You're an alley dog. You were born on the street with no master, no friends, a free dog in this crazy world. You steal food, find shelter under benches and trees, while constantly running away from the dog catcher and the threat of custody hanging over your head. You want your freedom, and you will do anything to keep it. Every new moon, when the sky is darkest, you and the other alley animals  meet behind the local Casino to discuss everything that has happened since your last meeting. The last meeting you attended was in an uproar about the new disappearances of comrades, disappearances like nothing the city has ever seen before. It could just be the work of a new dog catcher on the streets… or something more sinister. 52 have gone missing since the last meeting, granting this case the name Deck of Cards. What will you do about this? What will you do to keep your freedom you have tried so hard to keep? What will happen to you?

Greetings. I am Asphalt, leader and organizer of the New Moon gatherings. We have gathered here today to discuss the outbreak of a new dog catcher. Yes, as you may know, this dog catcher has been the unfortunate fate of many of our comrades this past moon. Hush! Wait! Call to order! No, it is nothing more than a new dog catcher! Nothing more! Yes, 52 have gone missing. Yes, I suppose you’re right, that is the amount of a deck of cards. Call to order! Now, to protect our freedom, we must do something to get in the way of this new catcher. Yes, and save our 52 comrades. I need volunteers to help our cause. Call to order! These volunteers will work together to track this new dog catcher. Once they are found, if backup is needed, please see fit to start a bark track. No, nothing bad will happen to said volunteers. You will form a pack, nothing can hurt you when you are in a pack. Be careful not to let them solo you out. Do you understand how important that is? Good. Remember, a pack is as strong as its weakest link. Do I have my volunteers? Good. With the moons light, you will find this dog catcher and save our comrades. It is up to you. Good luck, chasers of the Deck of Cards. Meeting adjourned.

Charrie sheet



Gender (or preferred pronouns):

Species (you don’t have to be a dog):



Something random about you:

How you reacted to this meeting:



Password: The name of the meeting and the volunteers

Hey all! Yes that was pretty vague, if anyone has any questions, please ask! (Pre-answers to some questions probably) you can have had many charries as you wish, just don’t go overboard! Yes, the story will center around the volunteers, the chasers of the Deck of Cards. We will develop the plot as we move towards. I was thinking they lived in a suburb off of a city, so not too city-like but still dirty with allies and trash dumps and such. I’ll post my charrie later!


Noon says hypc. Are you hype for this! Me too!  

submitted by Claaws, age Class 2020
(August 11, 2018 - 4:07 pm)

I am in high school in RI. I highly doubt I can "Join you" also every kid who watched Nick and CN during the golden age before Nick became awful and CN became Teen Titans Go Tv knows that line

submitted by The Writer, age Eons
(August 30, 2018 - 7:44 pm)

Cosmos's ear twitched. She slipped away from the main group, and leapt from roof to roof. She didn't have long to go, before she heard the sound of human voices. Not the loud shouting of gambling, drunk humans, but the cold, terse words of someone skilled in their profession.

"We've got notice of a large pack of animals, probably heading toward the forest."

The words were short, clipped, and cold.

"Nope, no idea."

This voice sounded younger, a bit more relaed, with a slight Scottish accent. Cosmos peeked over the rooftop. Two people stood in an alleyway, huddling around a small device. One of them was an acne-covered boy, with a pet-store uniform and a baseball cap. He had curly hair, and glasses. The other was a tall woman. She was dressed in a business outfit, and her hair was jet black.

Cosmos almost slipped. She caught herself, but a pebble skittered off the roof. The woman's eyes shot up. Cosmos shrank, trying to disguise herself among the night sky. They eyes roved around, and passed right over her.

Cosmos purred a sigh of relief, and scampered away, careful not to alert them to tell the others about the catchers. 

submitted by Insomniactic
(August 31, 2018 - 8:36 pm)


I slip away from the pack. I will have to prove myself to them. As always. Suddenly, the back door of the casino swings open and a completely intoxicated man tumbles out, laughing drunkenly and hollering a bar song. I duck behind some boxes, growling quietly. I doubt he can hear my snarls over his idiotic bellowing. As he stumbles, he begins mumbling to himself.

"Oh, dem dawg cetchers are a'gonna HIC! git them mongrels tomorra, mebbe I should HIC! vonlunter to help the HIC! town gitchem HIC! aminals..." I leave the man to his hiccuping, half-singing, half-mumbling self.


I was thinking the pound recruited the town to help them capture the animals. 

submitted by Rogue Wildling
(September 1, 2018 - 2:37 pm)

Hmmm, Rogue, unless the situation of animals was really serious, I doubt everyone would be.... mmm....

Actually, considering people have done that thing where you ask everyone to bring a rat tail in for a cent, I mean, it might be possible that everyone would be recruited to 'help the cause' in any way they can. Although, I've only ever read about the rat-tail thing, so..... might not be true. I mean, if 52 animals have been taken by the dogcatchers, and 52 more to find them, plus maybe ten or so...?

That's..... uh..... 114 animals....? Roughly....?  

That's quite a lot of animals. Mmmmm unless this town is a big one. Then. Um. Then it's not actually... UGH NO THIS DEPENDS ON UNKNOWN VARIABLES AHHHH. Okay... so.. depending on the overall population, there could be enough animals to be a real problem, (In which case, that makes me wonder.. who are the real victims here??) like, enough of a problem to be an emergency, or, like, it's just not a lot of animals and the townspeople are, I dunnow, overreacting or sothing? I mean, unless I got the math wrong. I might have. I'm not sure.

But yes, I like that idea, Rogue. I know it sounds (Looks? Are, are we doing 'look' because you're reading this, or...?) like I'm contradicting myself, but I do like the premise of the idea, I was just wondering whether it would work story-wise. 


The rain poured down on the empty meeting place.

Of course. He was late, mostly because thinking that he could grab a few bites off of the usual breakfast plate that one of the crazy old cat ladies puts out made him waste several hours fighting for some food among the other strays. Idiot. Well. He took a quick glance around, checking all the dark corners. Of course, no one's there. Hmmmm. He scented the air. The rain had washed most of the scents away, but he could still smell faint traces of other animals. Probably the other Chasers of the Cards...... it was being washed away as he stood there, he was wasting time, something he had done far too much of today... but, even as the scent was being washed away, it wa still fresh. Perhaps he could catch up to them..... It wasn't like he had anything else to do today.......

He scampered through the alleyways, always smelling just faintly the smell of other animals....

Why would they all head this way in a group? Perhaps they had scented something else and were hunting it. Evan was slightly puzzled at their tactics. Why would they all just bunch up together? He went to the right down a garbage-strewn alleyway. Every stray knows to spread out, keep a bit of a distance to not look suspicious. They were going to be noticed. You don't often see a herd of 52 or more animals running down the street together. And he wouldn't exactly look normal, trotting down the street obviously scenting something. He dodged through an empty parking lot, fur tingling from being out in the open. Vulnerable. He twitched an ear irritably. Well, at the least this would be interesting... although also very wet. He leaped a large puddle, though he doubted that would make him any wetter. He absently noticed that something doglike -a wolf? Why would it be in the city? - had seperated from the group and split off. The scent smelled fresher.... he might be close.

He speeded up his pace to a run. 


Was that okay that I criticized the pack's movements? Just that they might be quite a sight. *Snorts* I can just imagine a large herd of animals thumping past our window. Look, there's a small flamingo, mommy! No, dear, that's a raven. They're totally different. 

submitted by Chinchilla
(September 1, 2018 - 6:09 pm)


We follow the scent with Fang and Summit in the lead and it leads to an open field. We look at each other and Summit is just about to say something when suddenly we hear the talk of humans.

"Come on. You said that the animals would finally be worked on!" A gruff voice yells.

"S-sor-sorry" A timid voice responds "T-the c-company raised the p-rice"

"So what!"

"They don't want us to hav-"



"The animals are here. I sense the husky and there are cats and other dogs, mice, ferrets, a bird, and a oh! a wolf!"

Sudenlly a net drops down on to me. I scratch at it but I just tangle myslef in it. I see that 12 others found the same problem. The rest fled.

"Wait!" I yell after them

They don't turn back.

"well well well" The man with a gruff voice comes toward us "A beautiful husky!" He says as he passes me. I growl in return. "Oh wow the wolf! and the dogs! A mouse! ha ha! The ferret, the raven or crow? I don't know But look at this! We caught thirteen! Wow! I can't believe it!"

The next thing I know we are being stuffed in cages in a van.  

submitted by Moonlight
(September 4, 2018 - 7:49 pm)

'Kay so realistically, if your husky is a nice purebred, it's more likely you're going to be cleaned up, brushed, perfumed, and sold to the nearest dog owner. I mean, instead of being killed. 


But, just saying, it sounded sort of strange. Interesting new development, Moonlight. Oh, wait, I feel a strange poem coming upon me. Think of the following words as a simply long, drawn out Top.

Ah, as the moonlight filters through the black, craggy lamposts, destroying the pleasant darkness and as the high, concrete buildings block the pleasant breeze, my thoughts are of you, as I stare at the sky, the stars like shattered glass on black ashphalt. Ah, the joy of hearing the raucous, and strangely lonely sighs and snores and general cacophany of the cars driving by. Ah, as we listen to the discordant crash and ensuing screams as a car spirals out of control. Oh, the joy of seeing this dark, dark night - as all the lampposts have now flickered out- and the glaring white headlights of the aforementioned car slicing through the darkness like a badly-aimed doctor's scalpal through a patient's heart. Oh, true joy is in my heart as the car careens past me, barely mising me by an inch. I thank my stars - as we can now see them, as the lampposts have flickered out and left me in darkness, as the screams and car-revving noises fade away behind me - that the car was not closer. I silently stand, in the darkness, savouring the sudden silence. Strangely, several screams preceded it. Ah, but one should not dwell on the possibly disturbing meaning of such an omen, but instead simply savour the moment. I feel a warm breeze on the back of my neck - oh, no, I think that was actually someone breathing behnd me. I wonder why they're so close. And so quiet, too.  

Sorry, that was random. It just sort of - you know when the words just sort of spill out onto the page like a cat throwing up? Yeah, this has nothing to do with my life or any others, nor how I actually see cities (I;ve visited a lot of nice cities. Great places.), it... it was sort of inspired by your name, Moonlight? Hopefully you'll inspire a less apocaliptic poem, next time. Also watching Presentable Liberty Let's-Play's may have inlfuenced that a lot. 

submitted by Chinchilla
(September 5, 2018 - 4:38 pm)

Cinnamon was not a mouse. If this guy could sense animals, why couldn’t he tell the difference? Mice were much smaller and their bodies were rounder and their claws were sharper and their thoughts were scared and-  okay. 

Cinnamon tried to turn her attention to the situation at hand. The nets were obviously not made for rats, and she could just... slip through. But none of the others could. She didn’t want to leave them. Except maybe that one cat that kept looking at her hungrily. Why did I think this was a good idea again?

The panic instinct was starting to take over. She was too close to too many predators and their scents were creeping in her nostrils and broadcasting alert messages to her brain. The humans were starting to drive. She had to escape—Charcoal nudged her with their tail, and Cinnamon calmed down. WE have to escape. 

Cinnamon, being Cinnamon, took a deep breath and swore a blue streak. Then, muttering the rat equivalent of “f**k’ over and over in her head, she started to chew.

submitted by Blue Moon, age 11, Here
(September 5, 2018 - 5:50 pm)

Oh, and on the townspeople- I've actually been seeing this as a small rural town, which fits because 

1. There would be a lot of animals from the surrounding woods

2. The town's small enough they would be noticed and a problem

3. The described settings (like a casino that seems like the only one) fit

4. A rural town would be more likely to have a 'cent for a rat tail' type thing 

and 5. The animals should be approached better with fencing, dogs guarding, etc. instead of attacking the animals. (A rural town should be able to deal better)

See? Puts animals in the right and makes sense.

submitted by Blue Moon, age 11, Here
(September 5, 2018 - 8:09 pm)

Oh! That's a smart way to solve the problem and, and patiently explain it to me. Thank you very much!

And to balance out that weird thing I wrote last, let me give to you an actual poem that hopefully balances it out. It's a bit less disturbing. Also, less like a cat threw up words onto the page, like Walt Kelly except without the intrinsic meaning nor overall clarity once you decode what he's actually trying to say.

Oh, and less overly-long sentences. Less of that as well. I hope you like it.

As the rain beats hard against the panes

We snuggle closer to our friends

To hear a story, one that lends

An extra piece of wonder from our pens

To give to you, from far-off land

A story finished, done by hand

To read, to hear, to love, to like

To listen to when you're a tyke

And maybe, if you listen closely

You'll hear the truth inside the story 

You'll see that in the web of fake     <--  LOOK I'M SORRY NOTHING ELSE RHYMED SO HELP ME!

Made to entertain, to take

The truth inside the lie

The thoughts from me to you

So, without too much ado                  <---- Or a lot of 'ado', depending on how you see it

I give to you

This tale of truth, lies, and in-between    <--- Also known as the moral grey area

For you, I hope, enjoy as well

As can be seen


Sorry, I wrote this a long time ago, that's why I had to write the snarky comments. It's just me, I guess. I still like it, though.



Did that sound vain?


submitted by Chinchilla
(September 6, 2018 - 3:32 pm)


okay rant over sorry though i guess i should have looked at the time period i guess sorry again!  
submitted by Moonlight
(September 6, 2018 - 4:25 pm)

Oh no! That's fine, Moonlight!

submitted by Chinchilla
(September 7, 2018 - 5:58 pm)

Hey guys sorry I haven't been posting but some serious sh- stuff (I was totally going to say that idk what your talking about) just got real and life is CRAZY (yet again...) SO SO SORRY!!!!!

Alright. Looks like about a million things are going on here. 

1. WHAT IN ALL OF KYNDOM IS HAPPENING?! everyone's writing a thousand different versions of everything AND GOING off in their own separate stories. This an RP guys, take in and play off of what the person before you wrote. If you can't do that, DON'T JOIN RPS!

So. Let's see. Summit almost fights Fang... hmmm... how about it was interrupted because Nova actually scented humans? Could they be the dog catchers? Maybe Nova just freaks out and THINKS it's the kidnappers so we start following them. (but guys, animals traveling in a pack does seem weird so maybe the cats are slinking along roofs and the rat and ferret are traveling through the gutters with maybe a few dogs too, and the others just keep to the shadows of allies) Maybe they're just normal dog catchers, slacking off. And everyone just overreacted. Maybe the kidnappers aren't even part of their small suburb, but are out somewhere in the forests and mountains surrounding it?

We are in the suburbs. Animals are usually accepted, as wildlife runs rampant. (I am thinking of introducing a deer character later on). This explains Fang's pack, maybe the people were just concerned about wolves because, you know, predators, so they set up all those coyote killing things in hopes of getting rid of them, etc. 

Stray's are abundant in this particular town, but people don't really care about them, unless they are invading personal space, threatening, or destructive. Sure there's a shelter or two, but they're no-kill ones. Which is why these 52 disappearances were so unsettling. It is also why some animals believe there are different, strange, or weird interworkings involved, and why this is feared. 

But so far the humans in the subberbs haven't noticed, or dont care. Well, atleast the local humans dont. 

I dont actually have time to write, so I hope this helps.  

submitted by Claaws, Class 2020
(September 7, 2018 - 10:40 pm)

I am still a bit confused on what is going on... also people tend not to capture birds since they have no reason to (pigeons and other birds are simply too numerous, removal would be because the bird is injured, or the bird is nesting in a vent or something) and it would be diificult (considering birds like high places). 

submitted by Storm Windwhisperer
(September 7, 2018 - 10:58 pm)

Well, if they're a nuisance, or they're extremely common, there could just be, you know, shootings. I mean, you may just be super annoyed at this one bird and think, 'hey. 'S not like they're endangered or anything.

And, as for perhaps being too common, wasn't there some sort of mass shooting of this super common bird and then it went on the endangered species list or something? I'm not being sarcastic, I literally can't remember what its name is or its story. Sorry for the vagueness. But yes, Claaws, I get it. We can't have all sorts of subplots going off in different directions and splintering the story. My character will quickly catch up to you guys and then will become part of ze overall narrative.

We all have things going on in our lives at one point or another, and thank you for taking the time to post that.  

Might you be thinking of the passenger pigeon? I'm not taking time right now to look it up.


submitted by Chinchilla
(September 8, 2018 - 2:39 pm)

Yeah that's the passenger pidgeon.

submitted by Rogue Wildling
(September 8, 2018 - 6:04 pm)