New Role Play

Chatterbox: Inkwell

New Role Play

New Role Play Story!

Anyone who wants to join can!  Let's try to keep the archnemeses (plural of nemesis is nemeses, Admin) down to a max of five, persay; same with the heroes.  Let's get cracking, shall we?

The young woman sprang through the undergrowth of the forest.  Her clothing helped her blend in with the forest, but she did not need the camoflage.  Her hunting knife lay across her right hip, and her quiver and bow across her back, both within easy reach.  Her brown locks flew out behind her, her brown eyes wide with fear.  The men behind her must not discover Rihana!  She attempted to increase her speed in vain; the day's events had exausted her. Somewhere behind her, she heard a shout. The men were almost upon her!  She spun around and halted to draw her hunting knife from it's sheath.  A knife shot out from nowhere, hitting it's target in the side.  The maiden collapsed, unconscious , just as the men  appeared out of the forest now in front of her.  As the men carried her out of the forest, her hair fell back, revealing a single, perfectly pointed ear.

submitted by Megan, age 14, Copper Isles (I
(August 16, 2009 - 1:18 pm)

((@ Julia: I shall summarize.

There are a buncha changelings running around getting kidnapped. By assassins, who are wonderful. There is also a falcon flying around. And there are elves, lotsa elves also getting kidnapped. About half the cast are currently in some form of dungeon, courtesy of Helena, the assassin. Megan's elf is about to be interrogated.

Roughly, that's our storyline. ;) I'm no good at summaries, though. Sorry.))

submitted by Mary W., age 11.71, NJ
(September 13, 2009 - 12:52 pm)

((Gotta love how everyone keeps referring to Helena as "the woman with the ray gun." ;) ))


"What d'you mean, there is no secret land?" roared Bo with a snarl. "You're lying!"

Helena winced and rolled her eyes. Bo was very, very bad at this. She left him to it. There were other flocks to attend to. Infinitely more interesting ones as well.


"You got the elf?" Helena asked Valour breezily. "The one with all the vowels and double letters in her name?"

"Allanna," smirked Valour. "And yes, we got her, she's just coming round right now." He gestured to a door. "See what you can get out of her, but don't hurt her /too/ badly, all right? She's important. ...And Helena?"


Valour smirked again. "Have fun."

Helena grinned and entered the room.

*((Yes, I know the POV in //double slashes// in unnessary. But the I'm in the habit from the HPRP.))

submitted by Mary W., age 11.71, NJ
(September 13, 2009 - 3:05 pm)

(Meant to put before my last post "Mind if I join," but I forgot... Hey, mind if I join?)

Alanna woke to a bright light she hadn't expected. She would have thought she'd be in a dark cell, but instead, she was in a strange, bright white room. A voice spoke suddenly.

"So, the sleeping beauty wakes." She couldn't seee anyone. The voice was cool and sinister, and most definitely male. "You were out for longer than usual. That is why you're here."

"Where am I?" she asked.

"You are here, in the observation room. After the second day you hadn't woken up, we were.... concerned." The voice sounded anything but that.

"I know there's another reason I'm here. Why? To find my weakness?" Her eyes strayed to her stomach, but she quickly looked up, in case the voice could see her.

"No, no. That is all. We didn't want to loose a valuable elf, such as yourself."

"I see." said said Alanna suspiciously. "May I go now?" 

"Oh, of course. I'll have someone come and ge you in a bit." Alanna could hear a few words, both male and female. All she caught was "Lena"...then a shout..."prisoner"... and a sigh of anoyance (sp?).... "Would if...Elf is..." said the male voice. "I'll see what I can do" growled the female voice. She heard foot-steps and the the handle of door to her right turned...

submitted by Emma O.
(September 13, 2009 - 6:25 pm)

((Er, I hope I'm getting what you're sorta hinting at here, let me know and then I'll post, k? *feels very subtle and mysterious* The whole stomach thing... *feels vague and idiotic*))

submitted by Mary W., age 11.71, NJ
(September 14, 2009 - 2:54 pm)

((I bet you do.... possibly.... I know! I'm addicted to dramatic writing... Sorry... I'm still not really sure how this is all gonna turn out, yet.... Oh, and no feeling idiotic! :PSigh! Now I'm feeling idioitic for all my "..."s Oh well...) ))

submitted by Emma O.
(September 15, 2009 - 5:39 pm)

((Haha, it's okay. :) The drama, I mean. ;)

Oh, 'n feel no guilt about all the "..."s. They are ellipses. According to Lena's Big Book of Suspicious Behaviours, it *is* very, very suspicious to use that many, though I'm not sure that this applies to everyone. Unfortunately can't query because LENA HAS DISAPPEARED...!! *freaks out much*



"Why hello darling," said Helena as she entered the dungeon. "And how are you this wonderful day?"

The elf remained silent, obviously under the (rather pretentious, Helena thought) impression that this was somehow honourable or noble, or something silly to that effect. Helena got a bad taste in her mouth just thinking the word "honour." She spat on the elf to express these feelings.

"I said," Helena raised her foot, which was significantly imposing compared to the small elf, "how are you?"

The elf cringed, hugged herself a bit, and whimpered something.

Helena scowled. Unrespnsive prisoners were no fun. She took out her ray gun and aimed it at the prisoner, who shrieked animatedly and tried to break free of the chains she was wearing, which was somewhat entertaining. Helena grinned; the day had just become notably more wonderful. 

submitted by Mary W., age 11.71, NJ
(September 16, 2009 - 3:37 pm)

((Oh, yes! Now I remember what "...."s are called! Could be because you told me, but...))

"I don't see how you find this funny!" Allanna said with a haughty air, at least she tried to sound haughty, but it proved quite difficult, considering she was scared out of her wits. "I don't think it's funny!" She watched as the woman with the ray gun (*wink wink* that's for you, Mary) looked at her, seeming to take in every detail. Allanna quickly sat down on the cold floor and drew her knees up. "Well, if you're going to harass me in such maner, at least tell me your name!" she protested, trying to stop those eyes from paying to close attention. She noticed a gleam of triumph in the woman's eyes. Did she know anything? Allanna took a deep, calming breath. "Well? What is your name?" She asked again.  

submitted by Emma O, /Allanna
(September 16, 2009 - 5:31 pm)

(The pain in the stomach could be Sedwe's attack...)

submitted by Dawnpaw
(September 16, 2009 - 5:03 pm)

((*grin* Yes, that's my Helena, the woman with the ray gun))


Helena smirked. Mission accomplished; she could enjoy herself for awhile now.

"Well, usually I only tell my name to those with whom I work closely or those who I plan on killing very, very soon," she said with mock deference. "Since you fall into the second category"- the elf didn't at all, of course, but it was fun to see the look on her face- "I have no qualms about telling you my name is Helena d'Mario. You can ask that page Valour hired awhile back what happens to people who call me Lena."

"Oh..." The elf gulped. "Where might he be?"

"Who, the page?" Helena grinned widely. "Oh, he's dead darling, surely you'd figured that out?"

Helena simply couldn't resist the urge to let out a shriek of somewhat maniacal laughter at the terrified expression on the elf's face. How she loved her job.

submitted by Mary W., age 11.71, NJ
(September 17, 2009 - 3:06 pm)

Surinta pulled back as the man yelled. Then she stiffened. "No, there isn't. And if you have a problem with that, you can keep us here until we rot, but there is no land in which we elves live. The Fay roam freely." The man clenched his teeth, but couldn't think of anything to say. Then he muttered, "Let them go. They're of no use for us." Surinta smiled to herself-but only for a moment. For then the woman with the ray gun smirked and said, "I've got a better idea. Throw them in the dungeon again." And to both elves' horror, the man nodded.

submitted by mango
(September 17, 2009 - 4:32 pm)


Weeee! Helena thought. Now she had *two* elves at her mercy! It was almost too good to be true.

Of course, she mentally added, entering her bedroom that night, Valour was still against her going out with the rest of the assassins to go on actual jobs, but now that she'd proved the theory they had about the elf Alanna, perhaps he'd reconsider. She danced. Just a little bit.

And in the meantime, the elves Alanna and Surinta would be sure to afford some entertainment.

She grinned.

submitted by Mary W., age 11.71, NJ
(September 17, 2009 - 6:49 pm)

(Can Sedwe work with Helena?)

Sedwe was happy. Very happy. Two elves! Wonderful. Now that the tests would begin.

The tests...


submitted by Dawnpaw
(September 18, 2009 - 3:55 pm)

*wants to join*

Name: Holly Laef 'daOrounio

Race: the only half-elf alive



Profile: Long blonde hair to her ankles, usually in braids that she yanks when frustrated (that's for you, Jen!), such deep blue eyes only an elf or half-elf could have them.  Kinda tall for her age. Slender and muscular, though.

As she was wrenched from her wood, Glae'an, Holly was thrust into a little van-like structure and tied in into this belt of some sort. She couldn't figure out how to work it, let alone take it off of her. "Where am I going?" she said in Elvish to herself. Of course, she could speak fluent English, but she like elvish better. It was so more complex, and Legato. She tugged on her braids fro beneath the belt and shouted, "Nii han que'ryn sila rhynwa!!!" which meant, "Let me go you ill-mannered brutes!" She tugged again at he braid. She hadn't been anywhere ezcept her home, the Secret-Place as Humans called it. She just called it Home. She was suddenly thrown back against her seat, then had her hands tied behind her back and unlatched from the horrendous belt ((seat belt :D)), and taken into a room with other elves and a few Humans. Oh, she hated humans, just like her father. She could, of course, understand what they were saying, so as she stuggled quietly, she listened to their slur of words. They didn't pronounced them all right! They were ill mannered, idiotic, brutes!! She muttered a very high insult at them,"Vos es peius - ratio , turpis zoophite - amo idiotic ferinus",hoping they couldn't translate it, because if they did... she was scared what they'd do to her.

submitted by Holly
(September 18, 2009 - 6:08 pm)

Alanna landed hard on the cold dungeon floor. She felt sick. She took deep breaths as she curled up against the cold stone wall, trying to keep the small meal of week-old bread and stale-tasting water down. It was then she heard the breathing of another Fay.

submitted by Emma O/, Alanna
(September 18, 2009 - 6:47 pm)

((@ Dawnpaw: Helena would love a colleague. Especially one who doesn't call her Lena? /subtlety))


"Oh, what a touching family reunion," said Helena dryly, watching the two elves stare at each other with expressions of mixed relief, terror, and gratitude. "Please excuse me while I go grab a tissue..." She dabbed dramatically at her eye. "I'll leave you two to it, then." She smiled. "Benevolent assassin that I am."

She ghosted out of the dungeon to report to Valour. He'd like this, Helena figured, he'd like it quite a lot. The elves had no chance of escaping, and even if they did the poison injected in their food would kill them before they got a day away. It was a rather clever poison, actually, you had to keep consuming it in order for it not to take effect.

Pity the elves didn't know.

submitted by Mary W., age 11.71, NJ
(September 19, 2009 - 12:28 pm)