Spirit solo write!

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Spirit solo write!

Spirit solo write!

Aethrae: a land where primal spirits prowl the land, bonding with and lending power to the humans they deign worth. but something is wrong. The Anemarls, a sect of humans who think that the spirits should be wiped out, have reappeared, and something is sapping the spirits power. Both the Harnells, those who use the spirits for power, and the Sagens, those who use them for knowledge, are sending out teams of spirit wielders to discover the cause of this calamity, and the solution.

Hi CBers! this is my first solo write, so I'm kinda nervous, but I'll do my best! Here's the Charrie


Age: (Up to 25 but no lover than 12)


Weapon of choice:

Spirit they have bonded with: (i.e. Bear, Sparrow, Elk. No repeats please!)

Harnell or Sagen: (four of each pls)


Ok, please four of each group (Harnells, Sagens), no spirit repeats (that would get boring), Deadline July 21. 

submitted by Firebird, age Timeless, The Sea of Flame
(July 11, 2020 - 6:52 pm)
submitted by top, age top, top
(July 21, 2020 - 1:02 pm)

I was just looking back through this story, and I think Zafi's spirit animal, the luna moth, will be named Io (eye-oh), after Jupiter's most volcanic moon. I liked it because it's small, like her :)

submitted by Gecko
(July 23, 2020 - 9:32 pm)

Hey guys! Just a heads up that I may not be able to post for a few days, since it's a busy time for me! Thanks for your patience!


submitted by Firebird, age Timeless, The Sea of Flame
(July 26, 2020 - 10:03 am)
submitted by That's ok, take your time :)
(July 27, 2020 - 9:42 am)

No worries, and thanks for the heads up!

submitted by Peregrine
(July 27, 2020 - 10:38 am)
submitted by Top!
(July 31, 2020 - 3:29 pm)
submitted by Tooooop
(August 2, 2020 - 7:31 pm)
submitted by TOP
(August 7, 2020 - 7:21 pm)
submitted by Hello?, Where ru?
(August 9, 2020 - 12:12 am)

Guys, I'm sooo sorry for not posting for that long, but I have returned!



Chapter 2

The Sagens left Lake Boundary at dawn the next day and headed into the Maridune Marsh. Liori was wondering how for it was to the small town from which the marsh took its name. 12 miles, Arion informed her. Zafi was wondering why he had perfect time sense. Just a little perk, from Io. Katt was thinking of the food she would order at the tavern. Saylor was despairing the specimens she was passing up as she squished along. Alwearin was putting a hand to her forehead. Fox was making dirty jokes again. 

An hour later, the group had an encounter with the notorious Maridune Sprinting Tarantulas. This ended with Lio falling full length in the mud and saying a very rude word, while Saylor attempted to grab one of the rare creatures, and the reat of them lauhged hysterically. Even Zafir, who, as Saylor realised while she regretfully watched the spiders recede into the distance, had a very nice laugh, when he chose to use it. Liori pried herself from the ooze, and, resolving that this was not funny and she would definitely not crack a smile, ordered them on. 

485 minutes, 36.29 seconds later, according to Io, they reached the hill overlooking Maridune. Almost immediatly, both Kattherea and Alwearin, gifted with unnatural perception, commented on the new flag flying, a black diamond on a white ground. "I don't like it." Zafir decided. "Zafi, it's just a flag," Lio told him, "what difference could it make?"


Chanelling Eagle's power was never easy, but now that he was below full strength it was downright dangerous. Swooping eratically abowe the treetops, River heard the signal, a loud "CAW" from Havanna, and made out the first sounds of combat. Taking a deep breath, he drew his swords and dropped like a stone. 

Sor was having the time of her life. As the caw rang out, she called on her spirit and felt fresh strength flood through her. Charging into the radius of combat, she saw Trinder, surrounded with a red aura, going hand to hand with one of the Sagens. across the clearing, Havanna was astutely dodging the dagger strikes of another. Sor didn't have time to notice any more before twor Sagens attacked from both sides and the fun began. 

In the end, the battle was a definitive Harnell victory. There was a sketchy part near the begining when Havanna was knocked out, but due to a great surprise attack by Runa, the day belonged to them. They were settling in to the serious task of demolishing as much food as was humanly possible when the starved looking kid burst into the clearing. 

submitted by Firebird, age Timeless, The Sea of Flame
(August 9, 2020 - 3:29 pm)

Firebird! This is great! I'm enjoying it so much. And no worries; you were busy. I get that, especially as we all get busy some time or other :) I'm really excited for the next part. You are portraying Liori perfectly:

"...falling full length in the mud and saying a very rude word..." Yep. That sounds right XD 

submitted by New Part!, age XI, it's Luminescence
(August 9, 2020 - 4:33 pm)

I love it Firebird! You got Zafi down really well, and you're a great writer!

submitted by Gecko
(August 10, 2020 - 4:40 pm)

Here is where it gets good!


Chapter 3

How was this happening? Zafi had never been beaten at chess. He looked up across the board into the sly eyes of Alwearin. She had just taken his queen. Io usually gave him some excess wisdom in the chess field, but she didn't posess the sheer tact and cunning that Fox gave Alwearin. 

"Your move," she informed him, grinning. Zafir ran a hand through his hair, smiling wryly back at her. She had him beat, and he knew it. Ah, young love, Io told Fox Ah, naive teens who wouldn't know romance if it came up and kicked them in the ***. Fox shot back. 

"Well this is very cute, you two," Katt broke in, "and I'd love to leave you to your romantic staring, but some people are approaching and I think we should talk to them." The people in question where two men, coming toward them from a different table. "Excuse me, but we noticed that one of your party was playing chess with unnatural ability, would you care to enlighten us?" 


Alwearin smirked. "Darn right it's unnatural," she told them, "Fox is the best spirit ever when it comes to the brains." "Ah, a spirit!" he rubbed his hands together. Lio was starting not to like him. "That explains it all, well, we must be going!" He and his friend exited. "That was wierd." Saylor decided, Sparrow had told her that the men were angling for something. Sparrow was good at reading people. "Nonsense, they were just staggered by my and foxes sheer talent." Alwearin told them. "It's about time someone was." Zafi laughed. Partly because it was funny, but mostly because he had just taken Alwearin's bishop. "Sheer talent your way out of that one, smarty!" He exuberantly challenged,

"HA! Your meager strategy is nothing compared to my brilliancy!" She took a knight."Is brilliancy even a word?" Saylor wondered, but the answer never came, instead, a crash sounded through the tavern as armed soldiers poured through the door. The fight that ensued was not long, but the Sagens fought viciously.

Sparrow didn't like killing people, but he gave Saylor raflexes and dexterity like crazy. She disarmed two and literally cut the armor off another before she was flung against a wall and knocked out. Alwearins pinned one two the door with a well-placed arrow, and strangled another with her bowstring. She was just letting him drop when a sword came down and severed her bow. Fox, who had been cackling maniacly, lending Alwearing combat skills and killer instinct, advised her to surrender. Zafir whipped out his swords, and recklessly curveted around the room, slicing down whatever he could. These included a chair, an officer, another chair, a wall decoration, and a soldier. Then he was restrained. Kat did'nt like fighting, but she bravely kicked a soldier in the shin and kneed another in the crotch before reluctantly drawing her sword and hiding behind the bar, stabbing out at intervals. Her downfall came when Kitten told her a joke and she laughed too hard and fell over. Lio threw daggers until she ran out, but was knocked out from behind. She managed to swear violently at the one who did it before collapsing onto the ground.


The kids name was Darrt. Apperently, he was a Anemarl who had decided that what they were doing was wrong and deserted his station at Maridune. River thought he was a spy. Sor didn't. Runa thought he looked starving and could use a good feed, which she gave him. In the end, the consensus was to keep him with them, but under close watch. This is a cleaner version of fifteen minutes of argument, several near fistfights, and Havanna giving him more food. 

When the matter was settled, all eyes turned to Darrt, who was eating a potato with great concentration. "So... what brings you around here?" Soryst asked, rather lamely. "Warning." he responded. "Um... what warning" this time it was Havanna, as Sor didn't mant to try again. "Warning for you. Many towns aren't safe." He continued his eating. "Which towns?" questioned Trinder. "Maridune, Nolla, and Trux." "Trux? ****!" River swore, "We were stopping there!" "RIVER!" Havanna protested. "Why aren't they safe?" Runa asked. She felt affection for this boy, and wanted to hear him out. "Convinced by Anemarls. Want to be treated fairly. Group like caught in Maridune just yesterday." This was the most he had spoken. Havanna couldn't Help thinking that the more he spoke, the worse it got. "Another group?" Runa queried, "Yes. Five."

"Wait. We all know that the Sagies put out a force too right?" River asked. "This could be that group. And it might just be usefulfor us to have them in our control." "What do you suggest?" Havanna said. 

An hour later, a half-baked plan emerged. Or maybe one-quarter baked plan. But that was how the Harnells liked their plans, and besides, it was the only one they had. So at dawn the next day, they set off. 

submitted by Firebird, age Timeless, The Sea of Flame
(August 18, 2020 - 6:41 pm)

Wow! I can't wait for the next part! This one was great!

submitted by Cynthia M, age 11, USofA
(August 20, 2020 - 9:13 am)

Great job! I love this story so much!!!

submitted by Moonlight
(August 21, 2020 - 5:45 pm)