Spirit solo write!

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Spirit solo write!

Spirit solo write!

Aethrae: a land where primal spirits prowl the land, bonding with and lending power to the humans they deign worth. but something is wrong. The Anemarls, a sect of humans who think that the spirits should be wiped out, have reappeared, and something is sapping the spirits power. Both the Harnells, those who use the spirits for power, and the Sagens, those who use them for knowledge, are sending out teams of spirit wielders to discover the cause of this calamity, and the solution.

Hi CBers! this is my first solo write, so I'm kinda nervous, but I'll do my best! Here's the Charrie


Age: (Up to 25 but no lover than 12)


Weapon of choice:

Spirit they have bonded with: (i.e. Bear, Sparrow, Elk. No repeats please!)

Harnell or Sagen: (four of each pls)


Ok, please four of each group (Harnells, Sagens), no spirit repeats (that would get boring), Deadline July 21. 

submitted by Firebird, age Timeless, The Sea of Flame
(July 11, 2020 - 6:52 pm)

Hi guys! Kind of a cliffhanger last time soo, sorry 'bout that. Kind of. XD

Chapter 6, cont.

The Sagend just kind of stared. The Sagens spirits, on the other hand, just kind of FREAKED OUT. HOLY SWEET BUFFALO MEAT WE'RE TOAST GONNA DIE AND FOR WHAT NEVER SHOULD HAVE BONDED WITH THIS KID OH FINE NEVER MIND BUT STILL THIS IS UNBELIEVABLE... and so on. Mainly this was Fox, but the others were still rather disstresed. As this was going on, someone down below finally spoke. "Um. Wow." You can tell that Liori's mental state was not entirely hunky-dory, so to speak. Saylor had plenty to say. "That's kind of sick. But at the same time rather fascinating. I wonder how the logistics of that would... Hey wait, that's really mean!" Caerberus sighed. "As to how I will accomplish this, well, I'll show you." He reached into his pocket and drew out a small black gem, a smooth spindle in shape, and seeming to leach the color from the objects around it. Something about this gem made all in the cell feel like puking. Only Zafi noticed the odd black wisps coming off the gem, and how they all seemed to be sucked in one direction. "It's simple. I press this on your forehead and poof, the spirit is gone. I know that you would rather this didn't happen, but well, it's really for your own good." He looked very apolegietic. No one cared. Alwearin was about to say something very rude that she would later regret, when the back wall of the cell slid open, and some bewildered looking people rushed through. Maybe it was the new arrivals, maybe she had been intending to do thin anyway, but whatever it was, when Liori saw those people she dis somethiong no Sagen would ever approve of: summoned Horse's strength and kicked down the door, allowing all heck to break loose.

submitted by Firebird, age Timeless, The Sea of Flame
(September 27, 2020 - 8:08 pm)

Ahh yes it's back. I missed this story! Thanks so much for posting again :)

submitted by Gecko
(September 27, 2020 - 9:44 pm)

Ooh, that’s really great! I love your writing style. 

submitted by Agent Winter , age Classified, Enceladus
(September 28, 2020 - 9:15 am)

Hey guys, I'm back. This is going to be a BIG post. I need a writing dump.

Chapter 7 

The Sagens, Harnells, and Darrt flooded out the cell door. The guards attempted to stop the flood. This did'nt exactly work. Liori jumped one of the guards, while Runa pounced on another and shook him like a tiger would. Darrt bolted up the stairs. Katthryea drew her sword and swung it like a baseball bat, making solid connection with a third guard. Saylor stabbed a guard but was restrained. The others either fought or ran, but all eventually ended up at the top of the stairs, facing Cearberus. "You just don't know when to give up, do you?" spat Alwearin, pulling an arrow to her cheek. "Wait, wait," he said, "You don't understand!" "We understand plenty, mister." Soryst was not in the mood for negotiation. "Have you seen what the spirits do to people? Sure, they seem nice and helpful, but when they need you, you say yes or die." "That's not true," said River, "The spirits never ask for our help." "But they will. And when they do, keep your loved ones safe." Saylor was not intimidated. "Who even is this guy? Come on, are we escaping or not?" Starting with her, they rushed forward. "WAIT!" he shrieked, but it was too late. As they rushed passed him, it was all he could do to reach forward and tag Zafir on the back with the gem.


They were running towards the doors when the arrows started raining down. Soryst raised her shield just in time, but the others had to dodge and duck. They were doing well, ten feet from the doors, when they realised that the doors were guarded. All but two slowed. Kattherea and River charged forward, unsheathing weapons and bulling into the soldiers, clearing a path. "Come on!" Katt yelled, and the others ran through the gap and out into the desert. The drama of the two at the gates unfolded in a strobe of backward glances: Kattherea fluidly stabbing an arm and slicing a stomach, while River slid his swords into the chest of another. Kattherea dropping low to slash at the legs as a dagger sliced across her back. River taking a wound to the arm from the same guard who he gutted a moment later. Katt cutting a throat while a sword found her chest, and finally, River blocking two stabs and wounding an arm as he toppled to lie beside Kattherea with an arrow in his back. Alwearin screamed in rage, and she and Havanna released arrow after arrow into the mass. But all in vain. None were spared from tears as they realised what the two had sacrificed to let them escape.


Chapter 8

Hours later, they were out of the desert and Zafir was in shock. Luna was gone. Gone. No time sense, no voice in his head. Nothing. The others were turning to more practical matters. "Is there a point in going on?" asked Liori. Darrt, by the way, had split for a nearby village. "How can you ask that?" said Alwearin, "We owe it to River and Katt to..." She choked up. "To go on." "Go where, though?" Zafir spoke up. "All the smoke from the gem went in one direction, East." He said. "That gives us a heading, right?" "But east means... the desolation." 

submitted by Firebird, age Timeless, The Sea of Flame
(October 4, 2020 - 7:57 pm)

Oh WOW plot twists!!! And our two groups are finally together, that should be interesting!

submitted by Gecko
(October 4, 2020 - 11:02 pm)

Thanks, @Gecko, by the way, all, I am SO SORRY for killing those two, it BROKE MY HEART to just... just.. *sobs, hits head on keyboard* Okay, I'm fine. abut please tell me if you like it cuz this is like, my FIRST major writing project.



submitted by Firebird, age Timeless, The Sea of Flame
(October 6, 2020 - 9:21 pm)

I love it! You've written all the character interactions so well and the spirits are so cool and really nicely woven in. Poor Katt and River and Luna/Io though :(( They will be missed.

submitted by Gecko
(October 12, 2020 - 5:29 pm)


Firebird, I'm really sorry I didn't comment on this five days ago, but this is seriously amazing. Poor Katt. And River.


And Luna! *more sobbing*

EVIL GEM!!!!!!!!

Sorry. But still. Anyhow I'm excited to see how our charries react to this and I really hope that Luna is okay. (in other words I hope she's not dead.)

submitted by Luminescence, age XI, California
(October 9, 2020 - 12:35 pm)

I'm going to miss River and Kattherea.  Like Gecko, I am interested to see how the characters react to their deaths.

You're doing a great job of this! 

submitted by Peregrine
(October 13, 2020 - 10:21 am)

Again I disapeared but


I am literally sitting in school trying so hard not to cry and it's really hard!

RIP River, Katt, and Luna!! 

submitted by Moonlight
(October 16, 2020 - 7:39 am)

Chapter 9 (I think)

"Then we're going to the desolation." "That
sounds...interesingly difficult in SO MANY WAYS I am not
getting good feelings from this, but the problem is that EVERYTHING ELSE IS A
WORSE IDEA. I'm in" Havanna was feeling conflicted. The others agreed,
except for Zafi, who shrugged, because losing your spirit, believe it or not,
is a somewhat scarring experience. "Hey guys, this sounds like a GREAT
plan, but can I possibly bring up, y'know, food, water, basic
necessities?" "WE DON"T CARE!" Zafi snapped "It doesn't matter! What matters is that Katt and River and... and Luna are gone and we owe it to them to keep on going, whatever the cost." Inspired and also rather heartbroken, the groups agreed, and firm nods were exchanged.


Five days later, they were starting to regret their rash decision. The food and water stores were low, and with no map, they had wandered into the dusty tundra that formed the desolation. The only life here were the dust rats and the hyenas that preyed on them. Neither made good eating, although they had already weathered two hyena attacks. More days passed. The food ran out, then the water. They slogged on, day after day, until one day, they saw and elk, eating a cactus. "What!" several were heard to exclaim, but most just rushed upon the odd phenomenon. After the elk was brought down and the cactus squeezed of it's juice, they roasted the meat and moved on, Liori parceling the food carefully and in small amounts. It was on the third day after this that they found The Cliff. 

submitted by Firebird, age Timeless, The Sea of Flame
(October 17, 2020 - 6:01 pm)
submitted by top
(October 20, 2020 - 9:26 pm)
submitted by Top!
(October 30, 2020 - 5:45 pm)

Chapter 10

The Cliff was beyond what any of them had expected. They had heard the stories of it being at the edge of the world and all that, but the reality of the looming cliff plummeting down to the edge of vision and beyond was quite another thing. Zafi was baffled. "We... we went the way the gem pointed...right?" "So how are we not...anywhere?" Alwearin asked. "We didn't take any detours, so how have we not found whatever the gem was pointing at?" They looked to Havanna. "Well, mage girl? You gonna do your weird karma thing or not?" Soryst was not in her most sensitive form. Havanna concentrated, but all she saw was a steaming meal, which was probably her stomach acting up. Unless... "The deer!" she shouted, her eyes flying open, "We changed direction to take the deer!" Alwearin cursed. "Well, Liori, what do we do?" They turned to Lio, who had become something of a leader to the group, but she was swaying, glassy-eyed. As Saylor rushed forward, Liori fainted away, and Saylor caught her, yelping in surprise. "She's so light! Just skin and bones... Oh, sweet swallows, the food!" Liori had been rationing out the food, and it suddenly became clear to all what had happened. Lio had been rationing out the food. "She's starving. We got her food." 

Sorry this is short, I didn't have much time.

submitted by Firebird, age Timeless, The Sea of Flame
(November 3, 2020 - 4:05 pm)
submitted by Is anyone, age this?, reading
(November 4, 2020 - 7:03 pm)