Hogwarts RP!

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Hogwarts RP!

Hogwarts RP!

I've wanted to make this for a long time...am I allowed to make an RP of a pre-existing fictional world? I hope I'm not plagiarizing. Um.

Oh, and there might be spoilers??? I mean I don't know exactly what's going to happen, but here's a warning. 

Also I've never made an RP before so I don't really know what I'm doing. xD  I made it pretty vague so that there's more room to create characters and a plot as we go along.

It's the first week of school, and you're sitting in the Great Hall at your house table. The large room is full of delicious aromas and chattering students. You look up at the doorway, but your best friend still isn't here. You wonder if they're angry at you for some reason.

Your first class is Transfiguration, but they don't show up there, either. Did they fall sick? But you remember seeing them at dinner last night, and they were perfectly fine then. After Transifiguration, you race back up to your House common room and search the room, but you can't find them anywhere. Finally you have to run to your next class, but you're worried. Where could they be?










Pets (if any):



I guess it's OK, if you give credit to J. K. Rowling for creating Hogwarts, then create your own characters.


submitted by Lupine, Platform 9 and 3/4
(September 13, 2020 - 10:53 pm)

I was originally most excited about Charlie, but like, I'm in love with Ace's character now :D And Charlie's popular, so it could be like, the final tipping point for everyone to panic about people going missing? idk, something like that. Charlie can go missing but Ace stays owo

submitted by Raining Rainbows
(September 21, 2020 - 2:20 pm)

YAAAY in that case here goes!
Name : Leafy

Age : 13

Gender/Pronouns :  He/Male/Him/His

Personality : calm

Appearence : Whitish Palish skin, regular brown hair, always carries a blue and bronze book bag, also always in school uniform

House : Ravenclaw

Patronus : Dragon (is that okay?)

Pets : an extremely fluffy cat named Fluffy that always gets in the way of his textbook (haha)

Other : Can be a know-it-all sometimes, and will probably talk your ears off with info 

submitted by Spirit, age ????, Who knows?
(September 21, 2020 - 2:27 pm)

Leafy can go missing. Ik that I was late in submitting my charrie :P

submitted by Spirit, age ????, Who knows?
(September 22, 2020 - 10:38 am)

Leafy's last name is Green. Kinda ironic. But yeah. 

submitted by Spirit, age ????, Who knows?
(September 24, 2020 - 1:09 pm)

Ocean can go missing! We can have a kidnapped charrie group. 

<3 Fidelity 

submitted by Fidelity
(September 22, 2020 - 12:49 am)

I would prefer if Lucia wouldn't be kidnapped but I'm also gonna play as her little sister Callina (probably) and she can be kidnapped.  I'll submit Callina's character sheet later.

submitted by QueenofWolves
(September 22, 2020 - 4:17 pm)



"Did you hear? Alyssa hasn't shown up to any of her classes," Charlie said loudly to Ace.

"Unlike you, I don't know the names of every person in the castle," Ace remarked, plucking at his violin's strings.

"Alyssa. Brunette hufflepuff," Charlie continued, "And anyway, I wonder where she went. She's like, a good girl and she doesn't skip class."

"You should be in potions right now," Ace said.

"So should you," Charlie said, shrugging.

Ace frowned, and went back to tuning his violin. "Well, seeya! I have a prank to pull!" Charlie said, hopping up and shouldering her bookbag.

Oh, this is going to be amazing!

Charlie was off to re-hinge all the doors with Theo (Fairan)! Because it would be pretty funny to see people slam into doors when they didn't push, and also because Hogwarts was hundreds of years old, and didn't follow safety regulations at all.

"Theo!" Charlie exclaimed, in her classic new york accent.

"Hey! Charlie!" Theo said, running over, "Ready? I found a spell!"

Charlie grinned, running to keep up with Theo. "Totally! Let's go re-hinge these doors!"

"Okay, have you got the map?"

Charlie reached into her bag, and her hand reached out into emptiness. Her eyes widened.

"Oh no, I forgot the map at my dorm! Be right back!" Charlie yelled, already dashing down to the Slytherin dungeons.

We have to start by 5, or else we won't be able to get it all done tonight!

Charlie checked her watch. It was 4:56. Four minutes to get that map!

She sped up, and promptly crashed into someone.

"Oh, I'm sorry!" Charlie said, raising her eyes to see who she had crashed into.

A grim black-hooded figure gave her a creepy smile. They raised their wand.


Moments later, two boys walked along the same hallway, now completely empty.


Kicking it off with a disappearance! Hope including Alyssa and Theo was fine!

submitted by Raining Rainbows
(September 22, 2020 - 8:54 pm)


I look around. Everyone is leaving the tables. Time to study, I think. Before everyone else, I rush into the Ravenclaw dorm. Great. I left my textbook at the table. I sped back out into the hallway, and into the Great Hall. Where did my textbook go?!!! WHY DID MY TEXTBOOK HAVE TO BE STOLEN? I look down to find Fluffy at my feet, slinking away. Cats are like that. But still! I need to find my textbook! Running down the hallway, I stare for a moment at the portrait of a creepy, hooded figure. Suddenly, the figure comes alive and with a sweep of my cape, I am gone. 

Two minutes later, a few other Ravenclaw students come by. "Where's Leafy? He said he was going to get his textbook?" "I don't know, but it's not like him to miss the first class AKA tranfiguration." They fall to hushed whispers, not noticing the portrait staring at them. 

Sorry about the Ravenclaw students - if you don't want them there, then I will edit it and delete that part. If you accept it, anyone in Ravenclaw can opt to say those things. 


Don't forget Ibix. 

Yeah, don't forget Ibix! Ibix says kdgeo. kd geo? Idk what that means. 

Maybe it's magical. After all, this is a Hogwarts RP. 

Good point. 

Okay, you two. I gotta submit this thing now.  

Wait now Ibix says abnit

Ab knit? 

I told you, stop!


Aww, fine, though.  

submitted by Spirit, age ????, Who knows?
(September 22, 2020 - 11:55 pm)

Just realized a typo....2 hours later, not two minutes. *Slaps forehead* so many typos

submitted by Spirit, age ????, Who knows?
(September 24, 2020 - 1:19 pm)

Name: Callina Tew (Just realized I forgot to give Lucia a last name... Tew is hers also)

Age: 11 (first-year)

Gender/Pronouns: She/her

Personality: Optimistic, friendly, artistic, quite empathetic.

Apperence: Blue eyes, freckles, olive skin tone,wavy dark brown hair usually in pigtails.

House: Slytherin

Pets: She doesn't have any but really wants a cat.

Patronus: Field mouse

Other: She's Lucia's little sister

submitted by QueenofWolves
(September 23, 2020 - 4:15 pm)

Name: Magnus Wolf


Gender/pronouns: Male, smart, nice

Personality: He is shy and likes to study and wants to get into the quidditch team

Appearence: Meduim height, black hair with flecks of brown. Usaully seen wearing his outfit and a big bag of supplies.

House: Gryffindor, becuase why not?

Patronus: A kitsune, if thats okay with yall, it can be just a fox tho

Pets: A snowy and eagle owl hybrid

Other: Likes truffles and does not have much freinds. He also has older brother that is 16 named Sam.



submitted by Eric G, age ???, ???
(September 23, 2020 - 4:30 pm)

What Eric means is can he register rn? Like I did?????? 

submitted by Spirit, age ????, Who knows?
(September 23, 2020 - 5:24 pm)

Hmm...technically he'd be the 16th character but I guess it's okay.

submitted by Lupine, Platform 9 and 3/4
(September 23, 2020 - 6:43 pm)

Okay, he posted under Eric G. 


submitted by Spirit, age ????, Who knows?
(September 23, 2020 - 7:20 pm)

Thanks for starting, everyone! I got a little caught up with school and stuff :P Here goes...


I glance at my watch. The stars and moons spin around the golden face. I'm going to be late for Potions, and I don't want to give Professor Slughorn an excuse to fail me. It isn't like I'm acing the class anyway. But the door to the Hufflepuff Common Room stays shut, and Evy isn't appearing. I'm getting a little worried, but class starts in two minutes and I have to run all the way to the dungeons. I give my frizzy brown hair another nervous tug and hurry off.

Evy Glassgold is one of my best friends. We met when our cats had a huge boxing match in the Common Room. Dandelion is not to be messed with. Luckily, we succeeded in stopping them from killing each other. I know I shouldn't be too worried about Evy, because she's usually late for class anyway, but I can't help feeling that something's off. I heard some kids murmuring about disappearances this morning--apparently Charlie Wynne, a popular Slytherin girl, hasn't been seen all day. Even I know this is weird, and I've never talked to her. But she usually seems to be everywhere, talking to everyone at once. I shake these thoughts away and try to focus on the instructions for a Shrinking Potion.

When Evy doesn't show up for lunch, I really am starting to get worried. Maybe she's sick, I tell myself. Maybe she had an important essay for Defense Against the Dark Arts that she had to work on. But I can't help wondering if, somehow, the two disappearances are linked.

My stomach twists as I stand in the doorway of the Great Hall, packed with kids. Without Evy, I don't really have anyone to sit with. Just then, an unfamiliar Ravenclaw with blue-dyed hair approaches me.

"Hey," he says. "I've been asking everyone I see--have you seen Leafy? He's a Ravenclaw. Short, kind of pale kid? Brown hair...?"

It sounds vaguely familiar, but I can't put a face next to that name. "Uh...no, sorry."

The kid nods and walks off to go talk to someone else. 

OK, now I'm really worried. This can't be a coincidence.


Wow, that was really long. Thanks for reading my writerly rantings xD Also Luminescence, I hope it's okay that our charries are bffs now. I felt like their personalities went the best together. :)

submitted by Lupine, Platform 9 and 3/4
(September 23, 2020 - 7:29 pm)