Author Pairs

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Author Pairs

Author Pairs


I'm not sure if any of you remember this or not, but I found a really cool thread from a while ago. It's too long to comment on again, but I thought I'd try to make another one just like it. Here's what it is (copied from the original thread):


The Author Pairs Movement.


Hello, welcome to 'The Author Pairs Movement.' (TAPM).

A. Q&A

B. Rules

C. Genre Options

D. Sign-up sheets



Q: What exactly is 'The Author Pairs Movement'

A: 'The Author Pairs Movement' otherwise known as the TAPM is a place where authors to come and look for another similiar to them in level and genre and pair up with them to write a poem, song, short story, chapter story, etc.

Q: are they paired up with their match?

A: Well first the TAPM managers view the forms that authors have filled out, and judging by the quality of the sample story (poem, song, etc) and the type of genre they like, the TAPM managers will pair them up with someone who is on the same level and likes the same genre.

Q: So, in the forms, do you have to give out any real last name, address, know, stuff you could track me down with?

A: Nope! You just have to give out your name (first name only) or your nickname, a sample story (song, poem, etc.), and likes and dislikes!



Be nice!

Follow all Cricket rules!

You can have one partner per story! (Song, poem, etc)

If you and your partner don't get along, I can assign you to another one, if you have a good reason, and if their are two other partners avaliable...but even if you don't get along, please be nice!



Story Options





Poem Options






Song Options






(Please fill this out and copy and paste! Then post! ;)

Name (First name or nickname only.)

Song, Poem, or Story sample. (A short 200 words or less sample of a song, poem, or story that YOU wrote.)

Favorite genre of stories, songs, poems, etc.


submitted by GloWorm
(March 12, 2009 - 12:39 pm)
Anyone want to try it with me? Oh, and if you want to check out the first one yourself, go to Inkwell, click "replies" twice, and click the thread that says "Author Pairs Movement".
submitted by Princess P.
(May 12, 2011 - 10:13 am)

Sounds nice, but not quite sure how it works.  What am I supposed to do?

submitted by Oregano, age 13, over loveseat,
(May 12, 2011 - 1:47 pm)

Okay, let's see if I can explain this. First, pick an option. You here are the options and explanations.


Story (These are the options if you want to write a story. You can write a story about fantasy, romance, horror, or mystery)

Poem (These are the options if you want to write a poem. You can write a sad poem, a happy poem, a dramatic poem, an abstract poem, a poem about nature, or [I'm just adding this now] a freestyle poem.)

Song Options (These are the options if you want to write a song [but you don't have to put music to it!]. It can be a sad song, a happy song, [I took out confusing because I'm not sure what it would mean...], or a rock-and-roll song (I added that one). Any other ideas?


Then you write a story, poem, or song (which ever one you picked). It has to be 200 words or less (you can have more if you want to, just try to keep it around that amount, since it's just a sample).


Finally, you write a list of your favorite genres of stories, songs, or poems (which ever one you picked). Then I match you up with someone who is most like you (you all can help me pair everyone up, too). After you have your match, you make a new thread on Inkwell, and start writing a new story, poem, or song (which ever one you both picked). If you do a story, you can do a RP or an RR. If you do a poem or a song, maybe you can just post poems or songs together. But lots of them because otherwise the threads will be too short. Hopefully that was okay. I tried to explain it as well as I could, having never done this before. :-)  Anyone want to try it? TOP please!

submitted by Princess P.
(May 12, 2011 - 4:33 pm)

Ok, yes, that definitely clears it up!  I'd love to try it!  And my choice is story, definitely!  Well... I guess that's fantasy.  I'll post my sample thingywingy later on, I'll compose it in Microsoft Word because that does a word count.  Thanks!

submitted by Oregano, age 13, the loveseat...
(May 13, 2011 - 8:07 am)

Sorry, this is more romance, and 231 words, so it's actually very abbreviated.  Whoops.




In all the village of Otwedan, none was so beautiful or so
kind as Survia, a milkmaid.  She
spent her days milking, scraping cream, tending her cows and reading all the
books she could find, which wasn't very many.  When she got tired of her books, she got paper and wrote her
own.  She had brown hair and brown
eyes, and was fairly tall, with a waist that her father, Poporova as she called
him, used to be able to put his hands around.  She no longer lived with her parents; she was eighteen or
so, and quite old enough to be married. 
But she turned down every advance from each boy in the village, except
for the ones that didn't come. 
Naturally, because she couldn't turn down offers that didn't exist!  Neither could I.

  So one day a boy
came up to her - well, not a boy, a man. 
A young man, close to her age. 
She curtseyed and went on her way. 
But the next day he was back. 
And the day after that, and so on. 
Survia consulted Poporova and Mamarova and they told her it was high
time she married, why should she want to die an old milkmaid?  So she decided that she would accept
him when he asked.  And he did and
she did and they married and lived happily ever after!  The end.

submitted by Oregano, age 13. Still!, the loveseat
(May 13, 2011 - 12:59 pm)

Name: Oregano, I guess that's a nickname, though I'll post my real first name if you reallllly want

Song, Poem, or Story sample. I posted that already!!

Favorite genre of stories, songs, poems, etc.  I like fantasy, adventure and sci-fi stories; I looove humor and love writing funny stories; and romance in moderation, and when all those are mixed, I can't put the book down.  Songs - mostly classicalish songs, like from old operas and operetta and really old musicals, I don't do modern songs.  I don't read a lot of poems, either, but I write a few, once in a while, mostly ones that rhyme, but occasionally ones that don't.  I've always wanted to write the libretto of an operetta, and then my brother, who's a kind of talented (everyone says so) composer, would set it to music.


Sorry I didn't post this before.

submitted by Oregano, age 13, the loveseat-ga
(May 14, 2011 - 9:50 am)

A sample of  my poetry, if you were curious:



My stomach starts rumbling

and then it starts grumbling

it's telling me "YOU MUST EAT NOW"

It isn't yet lunchtime

so I won't yet crunch lime-

covered yummy tuna fish chow.

I catch sight of two bowls -

one has fruit, one dinner rolls

tempting me from my strict fast,

but closing my mind to

such thoughts, I grind my shoe

and say, "This hour I have to outlast!"

Then from the bowls rises

a smell that comprises

the odor I dream of all night.

It tickles my appetite-

I can't put up a fight-

and I take a really huge bite.

submitted by Oregano, age 13, the loveseat-ga
(May 14, 2011 - 10:22 am)

Oooh! Goody, goody! This sounds fun! 

 Name: Elizabeth M.

Favorite Genres of: 

Stories: I prefer historical fiction, mystery, adventure, a little tradgedy or fantasy. I'm not a big sci-fi person and I can take just a slight bit of romance

Poems: I don't write poems a lot but I kind of like heart felt sad ones *romantic*

Songs: Love songs... Heartbreak...

Story Sample: 

Sorry, this is more than 200 words but it's a prologue so I thought it could work...



The phone rang throughthe dark and silent house. Minutes later a woman in a light blue nightgown came hurriedly downstairs. “Hello?” Her voice was tired and hoarse. A short pause.“Yes, that’s me.” The room was silent but was suddenly pierced by a shriek. “NO! I—“ Tears ran from the woman’s eyes and she covered her mouth with her hand.“Coming? Yes. 15 minutes,” the woman said through choking sobs. She let the phone drop and slumped against the wall. A small girl appeared at the doorway to the small kitchen. Her face was full of worry and confusion. “Mommy?” she asked quietly. Her mother looked up from her place at the wall. “Come here, baby.” The woman held out her arms invitingly and the small child stepped cautiously towards her mother. “Honey, we’re going to go somewhere, OK?” The little girl yawned and nodded. The mother picked her up and brought her out to the car.

Aftera short drive they arrived at the hospital. The woman picked up the now sleeping girl and hurried inside. A circular reception desk met them as they got inside. “Ma’am? Who are you visiting?” The woman at the reception desk looked up at the sad pair with dull bored eyes. “Brookes. The emergency room.” The lady at the desk typed a few things in her computer and picked up a small phone. “Doc? Yes, Brookes, they’re here.” The woman hung up and beckoned to a seat. “Doc will be right with you. You can wait there.” The woman sat down, exhausted. In a few minutes a man with dark brown hair and a small mustache walked out to meet them. “You must be Mrs.Brookes.” He held out his large hand while the woman stood up shaking it. The little girl in her arms sighed contentedly and nestled even more into her arms.The man told them to follow. They strode off until they got to a door. Muffled voices could be heard from behind the door. “Will he—“ The woman’s voice choked and didn’t say the last word. “We’re doing all we can. . . . All you can do is hope.”




submitted by Elizabeth M., age 11, Germany: 11 Day
(May 13, 2011 - 7:11 am)

Wow, that was great!  I can't wait to read the book!

submitted by Oregano, age 13, the SAME lovese
(May 14, 2011 - 7:57 am)

Wow, you both a really good writers! Do you think that you two would be good partners? Hopefully, more people will write in soon. TOP please!

submitted by Princess P.
(May 14, 2011 - 9:29 am)

Sure, I'll partner with Elizabeth if she's willing, or if she'd rather someone else that's fine with me too!

submitted by Oregano, age 13, the loveseat-ga
(May 14, 2011 - 1:46 pm)


submitted by Princess P.
(May 14, 2011 - 9:30 am)

Name (First name or nickname only.) Amy G.

Song, Poem, or Story sample. (A short 200 words or less sample of a song, poem, or story that YOU wrote.)

Stranger’s Angel                

Stranger walked slowly down the narrow mountain pass, wincing with the pressure on his sore and blistered feet. It seemed years ago when he had nearly danced along this road, but in truth it had been only two weeks. Then he was so happy, he could have sung. He had strode along in bright sunlight, not gloomy dusk. Then he had a name. He had a purse. That was important. But now it was all lost. Every single thing that Stranger had ever known had been obliterated.    


Stranger paused. He heard the low sound of men’s voices from around a bend. He could only distinguish one word. It sounded like lost. That was right, thought Stranger. Lost was the right word. Stranger was lost. Deciding to continue on and take his chances with the men, Stranger walked as quickly as he could on his aching feet around the curve in the road. A group of three men, all wearing dark corduroy, stood with their backs to him. They looked gray and lifeless under the shining, almost night sky. One by one the men turned around, searching for the sound of the limping footfalls. The shortest of them waved a hand briefly at Stranger, a wary, guarded gesture.  Stranger slowly limped over.    


“Hey there,” said the man in a flat, expressionless voice. “Kinda late to be prowling around, eh?”     


Stranger’s heart sank. Of course he looked like an untrustworthy character, with his torn blue jeans, old shirt and dirt smudged, scratched up face. But Stranger tried anyway. “Sir, could you tell me where the nearest inn is?” Of course, he didn’t have any money. I’ll deal with that later, he thought. He was not one to worry overmuch.    


The man frowned in bemusement at Stranger’s authoritative, smooth voice. The man had large jowls and very creased skin on his short face. He had the look of an old bloodhound, though Stranger knew that he was a tough old farmer from the district. The man spoke hesitantly.  “There’s a tavern down the road a ways, in the Village.”    


Before Stranger could thank him for the information and be on his way, a tall, thin stick of a man moved out from behind and said in a husky voice, “Now I know this ain't my business, young man, but could you happen to tell me why you wander ‘bout so late in the day?”    


Stranger wondered why the men were still standing there. Not wanting to provoke an argument, he said quietly, “I’m on my way to make a fortune in paradise. And I thank you kindly for telling me..”  But before he could finish his well meaning words, the men, knowing immediately who he was, dispersed around him and disappeared into the night.    


Stranger sighed. This was the same reception he’d gotten every time he revealed the purpose of his journey to a village. Every time he emerged from civilization with less than he had upon entering it.

     “Wait,” muttered a voice huskily. You aint leavin’ yet, aint you?”

Sorry, this is over 200 words, but seriously it is the shortest story I have!!

Favorite genre of stories, songs, poems, etc.

Fantasy, historical fiction, science fiction for stories, for poems everything, and songs--never written one.

submitted by Amy G., age 14, PA
(May 14, 2011 - 5:48 pm)

I forgot to say, this is a really good idea!

submitted by Amy G., age 14, PA
(May 14, 2011 - 5:49 pm)

I would be obliged to pair up with Oregano!

submitted by Elizabeth M., age 11, Germany: 9 Days
(May 15, 2011 - 3:39 am)

"Obliged?"  I'm happy to go with someone else if you would rather that!

submitted by Oregano, age 13. Still!, the loveseat (w
(May 15, 2011 - 1:11 pm)