Kyngdom Survival Guide

Labyrinth Tunnels Code8


Labyrinth Tunnels Code8

Labyrinth Tunnels Code8

If you're just joining us, start at the first labyrinth post. You can find all the labyrinth posts at the Power of Claw page.

Happy day! Not only did we solve another riddle (and a tough one at that: "X-A-X-I-S"), but Little Crow is back! That's right, he just casually flew down the tunnels to join the party last night, bearing plenty of food and water and more of the badger's green stones. I must've been staring at him strangely, because he apologized for taking so long. I shot a glance at Who, who was preening his feathers and paying barely any attention to the scene before him, then I wrapped Little Crow in a bear hug (apologies to any bears reading) and asked him to tell me everything that happened.
There wasn't much to the story. It's difficult to find food and water in this region, as we all know. Who and Little Crow agreed to split up, and Little Crow went in an unlucky direction, and had to fly all the way to Southeast Kyngdom to get those silly little green stones and a fresh cheese wheel for the mice. He had run into a party of birds fresh off the latest B.I.G. raid and spent one night with them, but otherwise he'd been all alone, safe as a small, solitary crow can be in Kyngdom.
We walked through the next door together, and saw something incredible: 

We were standing at the base of a spiral staircase, which must've been nearly impossible to engineer this deep underground. Dozens or hundreds of feet above us some sunlight leaked in from cracks in the ground. We climbed the stairs until we reached this gate:


And of course until we met another combination lock and code carved into the wall.


Can anyone help with this one?

The badger seems to be getting more excitable. He keeps mumbling "Seventeen will leave, nine left over," as usual, but he's started saying other things. When he crossed another letter off the bark, he even read the remaining letters aloud, very very slowly:  


I'm so happy to have good news for you all, for once. Hopefully the remaining tunnels are just as sunny.  

submitted by Charlie W., Labyrinth Lands
(May 29, 2016 - 7:31 pm)

The answer is pretend!!!!!!

submitted by Thimble/Jaaws
(May 30, 2016 - 3:16 pm)

{Hey admins! I had a great idea about what happened to Little Crow! Is this idea okay? If not, just delete it--I promise I won't mind. P.S.--Please delete this note if you do end up posting it!}

~-(What happened after Wiseowl escaped the clutches of the mysterious thing)-~

  ThE OwL hAs esCaPEd mY cLutChES. ArE yOu tHrEe hApPY? WiLl yOu sTop bOtHEriNg mE nOW? ThE OwL tOlD mE YoUr nAmEs. NoW, I dOn'T kNoW wHicH is IcY aNd wHiCh iS ElI, bUt I cAn gUeSs wHo lItTlE cROw iS. NoW nOw, dOn'T giVE mE tHat LoOk! ThIs wOn'T hurT a bIt. *Flash of blackness....................*

HoW dO yOu liKe mE? I lOvE tHe fEatHerS......WhAt'S tHaT? HoW dID I dO tHAt? oH, yOu dOn'T eVeR wAnT mE tO kNow yOuR NAmE. *Grins* It iS pRetTy cReEpY sEeIng yOuR fRiEnd gEt poSesSeD bY aN eViL dRagON, iSn'T iT? nOw lEt mE fInD soME fOoD tO bRiNG bAcK tO coNvIncE tHe oThERs I'M tHe rEaL cRoW!

Oh? DoN'T be SilLy, tHe hUmaNs yEarN fOr mY preSenCE. oF coUrSe I'Ll gEt aWaY wItH tHis! *Flies off*

submitted by ???
(May 30, 2016 - 3:38 pm)

Right now I think the answer is either pretend or intends.

submitted by Arra
(May 30, 2016 - 5:10 pm)

I think that it is pretends, because all of the other codes have been mostly correct, gramatically.  (Did I spell that right?)

submitted by Draca F., age ???, The Tunnels
(May 30, 2016 - 5:23 pm)


submitted by Lucy/Xiǎolóng
(May 30, 2016 - 5:30 pm)

So, the remaining letters are:


Those letters mean that the remaining codes could start with any of the letters. The answer could be pretend.

submitted by Draca F., age ???, The Tunnels
(May 30, 2016 - 5:31 pm)

You're right, that narrows it down to contend and pretend, unless anyone else thinks of another possiblilty.

submitted by Arra
(May 30, 2016 - 7:45 pm)

Umm guys, sorry if I'm being a downer or whatever but I kind of want people to play the fact of the possibilty that I'm the spy.

submitted by Wiseowl , age 11, Reader's Barn
(May 30, 2016 - 5:43 pm)

That would be a really cool plot twist, but your character is just too nice and honest for me to believe that. 

submitted by Arra
(May 30, 2016 - 7:46 pm)


As a kindergardener, I never get to do anything! Ugh! I'm lucky they let me even come! But why? I'm the smartest girl in Kyngdom!

As everyone is talking, trying to figure out the password, I suddenly have a thought.

That message: Don't trust the owl.

What if Wiseowl is the untrustworthy owl?!

"Excuse me, Charlie," My tiny footsteps echo in the tunnels and I walk over to Charlie. "I have a suspicion."

"What?" The boy looks annoyed at having a six-year-old interrupt his train of thought. "What is it?"

"That message--Don't trust the owl. We have owls in our group!"

Charlie's annoyance vanishes, replaced with astonishment. "I never thought about that!" 

submitted by Lucy/Xiaolong
(May 30, 2016 - 8:32 pm)

May I join?

submitted by Cherryfeather , age 8, the forest
(May 30, 2016 - 6:24 pm)

May I join?

submitted by Cherryfeather , age 8, the forest
(May 30, 2016 - 6:24 pm)

Of course! You're a bit late, but as long as you've caught yourself up on everything, and it all makes sense, just jump right in!

submitted by Moonshadow
(May 31, 2016 - 8:41 am)

Of Course! I'm pretty sure that everybody is welcome in the search. Charlie?

submitted by Arra W.
(May 31, 2016 - 9:06 am)

Finally! I have arrived.

This is where they said the Labyrinth tunnels would be. This cool cave opening that seemed to radiate darkness and death. I glanced at Cealani. He glanced nerviously back and gestured for me to go in first. You see, Powers are normally fearless. Strong. We control the world! But for things we don't control we fear. At one point we have all feared each other. But we know each other. 

This is different.

There is a Power, coming from the tunnels. It was unknown. Claaws couldn't tell what it was. It was like to all you humans who have only had five senses researching another animal's sixth sense. It was unknown. It was hard to know what it was. Trying to figure it out. To the was like a seventh sense.

Claaws swallowed hard and took a step fowards. Then, in a flash of darkness she shrunk to the size of a panther, well just a head taller then a panther. She glanced at Cealani, who is a flash of light blue light, shrunk to the size of a large white and yellow crow, with a single, long yellow tail feather and at the tip a hint of brown. He squawked indignantly and took flight, hovering behind Claaws. She sighed and looked back to the tunnel. Darkness....

It was sort of like her darkness, she realized she must be feeling much more familiar with this sixth sense than Cealani was. But it was not quite the same. It seemed to be more powerful. Like it controlled the deepest evil of the world. 

Or perhaps made it.

Claaws squeezed her eyes closed, opened them, then squeezed them closed again. News had gotten out that her Eli was missing. And that new Cellist (*sigh. You know what I mean.) or PowerFriend, as the animals called her. There was also another but she could care less about another crow. She had basically raised Eli. She wasn't about to let a dark cave swallow her hole. Even if there was another Power hidden in there

Another Power? How would there be another Power? Who would have made it?

Cealani squaked again, and it seemed like he was going to turn around. "No. We must go in. For Eli. For my little warrior."

At that Claaws walked to the mouth of the cave, took a deep breath, and stepped inside. 


(PS, Thimble. Jaaws creats all evil, Claaws controls all darkness. Like bad animals and humans. Jaaws creates the deepest darkest evils.  I made an RP about the first war of Kyngdom, and was hoping if you could clear some things up on it. I created that thread as in I hoped it would clear things up about the history of the Powers and Jaaws. Who, I guess tecnically is a Power. So there would be seven Powers. Interesting. Anyway, please post how Jaaws and Catastrophe met, how Jaaws was planning to rule, how she fell into a deep sleep, all that good stuff. I've also given others the okay to write in Jaaws' view on that thread. You know, to bring interest back into Kyngdom. And they can write in Claaws' view and the other Powers. And together we can create the history of Kyndom. :) 

(PPS, I am making it my goal to make Kyngdom intresting again!


Claaws, have you tried overpowering AutoCorrect? After it corrects your spelling, delete its spelling and type yours again. That usually works for me. It gives up pretty easily. Maybe that will work for you. YOU are smarter than AutoCorrect! Although I do like the name Cellist.


submitted by Claaws
(May 30, 2016 - 11:12 pm)