Kyngdom Survival Guide

Labyrinth Tunnels Code8


Labyrinth Tunnels Code8

Labyrinth Tunnels Code8

If you're just joining us, start at the first labyrinth post. You can find all the labyrinth posts at the Power of Claw page.

Happy day! Not only did we solve another riddle (and a tough one at that: "X-A-X-I-S"), but Little Crow is back! That's right, he just casually flew down the tunnels to join the party last night, bearing plenty of food and water and more of the badger's green stones. I must've been staring at him strangely, because he apologized for taking so long. I shot a glance at Who, who was preening his feathers and paying barely any attention to the scene before him, then I wrapped Little Crow in a bear hug (apologies to any bears reading) and asked him to tell me everything that happened.
There wasn't much to the story. It's difficult to find food and water in this region, as we all know. Who and Little Crow agreed to split up, and Little Crow went in an unlucky direction, and had to fly all the way to Southeast Kyngdom to get those silly little green stones and a fresh cheese wheel for the mice. He had run into a party of birds fresh off the latest B.I.G. raid and spent one night with them, but otherwise he'd been all alone, safe as a small, solitary crow can be in Kyngdom.
We walked through the next door together, and saw something incredible: 

We were standing at the base of a spiral staircase, which must've been nearly impossible to engineer this deep underground. Dozens or hundreds of feet above us some sunlight leaked in from cracks in the ground. We climbed the stairs until we reached this gate:


And of course until we met another combination lock and code carved into the wall.


Can anyone help with this one?

The badger seems to be getting more excitable. He keeps mumbling "Seventeen will leave, nine left over," as usual, but he's started saying other things. When he crossed another letter off the bark, he even read the remaining letters aloud, very very slowly:  


I'm so happy to have good news for you all, for once. Hopefully the remaining tunnels are just as sunny.  

submitted by Charlie W., Labyrinth Lands
(May 29, 2016 - 7:31 pm)

Charlie, try pretend! It keeps the rhyme scheme. 

When we ___________ (pretend)

to make amends

our eyes reveal

what depths we feel.

It all makes perfect sense! Just try it.  

You guys probably know that I'm on mostly on the weekends now, so I'll launch the mission this Friday. Make Ready! 

submitted by Moonshadow
(May 31, 2016 - 8:47 am)

I found this code in one of the tunnels. (I know that I shouldn't have been wandering.) Does anyone know what it says?

submitted by Draca F., age ???, The Tunnels
(May 31, 2016 - 4:43 pm)