Kyngdom Survival Guide

The Animals Group

Chatterbox: KYNGDOM™ Groups

The Animals Group

The Animals Group

We are the Animals. We wish to end the tyranny of the Inquiry Guild. We need help. If you help us, we can protect you.

submitted by p.p. Alexander
(May 9, 2016 - 3:48 pm)

Great. I gave Fur some instructions on her attack. But, do me a favor, try to take over. Then, we can try to do what is necessary, to take out all of the prisoners. If you can get in charge, I promise that I will not take over, I will only send support and help you plan.  

submitted by Alexander
(May 15, 2016 - 9:28 am)

Hello. I am Arona, and I am a cat. I wish to help. My best friend from childhood was taken by the guild, and I will do anything I can to avenge her, for I am pretty sure she was killed by the guild because of the experimentation. I do not wish to sound frightening, I would just really like to help! I can be used as a spy, scout, sentire, or ambusher. Anything I can do to help, I will do it. 

submitted by Arona
(May 14, 2016 - 9:07 am)

Well, at the moment, I really like it when people take, well, more skilled jobs. I think that you would be the most helpful as an ambusher. I have an army of bats, so those make up all the spies and brute force. If you really want to be something else, I am fine with that. Do you have any questions about my group? Welcome to the team.

submitted by Alexander
(May 14, 2016 - 9:55 am)

Eliyana's attack will not interfere with ours, nor vice versa, no matter what she believes. But we're still supposed to be one team here, and if the animals split up, B.I.G.'s already won. And since I'm not on the front lines, I'll be willing, to varying degrees, aimed at Eliyana initially, to hold prisoners for anyone on our side of the battle.


submitted by Tessa Silverleaf, age 14, N.E. Kyngdom Highlands
(May 14, 2016 - 12:40 pm)

I have sent Fur 20 bats to use in her attcks on BIG. I think that we should keep working in Info Chan and Nutmeg, who Fur would most certainly not rescue. If Fur's team gets the power of claw, let's try not to have her cause a disaster. Scarlet, if you can become the team's leader, try to give them some common sense. They may attack BIG, but they may not rescue all the prisoners. I have given my bats orders to rescue any prisoners inside BIG, but also orders to stay alive. In other words, they will take no risks. So, uh, that is pretty much the update. 

submitted by Alexander
(May 14, 2016 - 8:21 pm)

I keep tabs on every page, and every comment and post.

Not even kidding.

I was trained for combat by Claaws herself....

So watch out what you say about me behind my back.

I'm always watching...

~Eli <3 

submitted by Eliyana Fur, age 105, Unknown
(May 16, 2016 - 9:44 am)

Oh, sure, like I'm gonna believe that. I don't care who trained you in combat. You'll never be good enough for me to stop going after you. And, ya, who knows who's watching you from the shadows. And, I'm not gonna say something that you might hear when I don't want you to. Because, you just blew your cover. So, some advice, next time, you might want to keep your mouth shut. And one last thing, are you part of our group? No? Then get out of here, Fox. 

Note From The Author: I have said this before, and I will say it again. When I'm mean and rude, im just trying to act in character. And since my Charrie hates Eli, she's gonna say and do some mean and rude things. This is not my personality, I'm usually not like this in real life, so that's why I'm leaving so many notes like these. Again, lots of sorrys. 

submitted by Scarlet
(May 16, 2016 - 1:19 pm)

When you're inpenatrable, why hide?

~Eli <3

P.S: Same Scarlet :) 

submitted by Eliyana Fur, age 105, Unknown
(May 16, 2016 - 3:48 pm)

Well, do the words collecting information mean anything to you. We do not fight all the time, we only fight when we really need to. And please, leave us alone. 

submitted by Alexander
(May 16, 2016 - 6:22 pm)

Eli, Leave My Friends Alone.  This is my war, and I. Will. Win. 

P.S. I know things that you can't imagine. The song of war bird will sing soon. I hope you're on the right side when the time draws near.  

submitted by Scarlet
(May 17, 2016 - 8:37 am)

My loyalty is, and always will be, to animalkind.

Oh, and just an fyi....people from the group that I helped to organize saved both Nutmeg & Shadow C.

Heed cri.

~Eli <3

P.S: I know of the Heed Cri. Icy told me, she's my sister irl. 

submitted by Eliyana Fur, age 105, Unknown
(May 17, 2016 - 3:52 pm)

Well, I have have bean using Nutmeg as an agent and more recently a member of the team. Let some other people have the spotlight for a little while. This may just get ugly.

submitted by Alexander
(May 19, 2016 - 11:01 pm)

Tessa has formed a very interesting RP Thread, called non-fighting contributers, and is baisicly for the generals and planners to chat. I urge anyone here to check it out!

submitted by Alexander
(May 14, 2016 - 10:45 pm)

Thanks, Alex. Smile

submitted by Tessa Silverleaf, age 14, N.E. Kyngdom Highlands
(May 15, 2016 - 12:11 pm)

Have you read my post on it?

submitted by Alexander
(May 15, 2016 - 12:59 pm)