Kyngdom Survival Guide


Chatterbox: KYNGDOM™



This Book of Myths and Legends is intended to inform, illuminate, educate, and elucidate. But the trepidatious Reader must proceed with caution. Once the Reader has filled their mind with thoughts of Beasts, the Reader can no longer un-know them. Sometimes, the only safeguard against the shuddersome creatures that stalk this Globe is to utterly deny their existence.

submitted by Dr. Sheepshank, Cypher Labs
(March 12, 2016 - 12:42 am)

Ha ha! Did I get you?Cool

submitted by Swipeclaw, age 10, Cliff City
(May 27, 2016 - 9:32 pm)

Nope, yup, definitely me. Cringey. 

submitted by Catsclaw
(November 24, 2019 - 9:36 pm)


The Utahraptor is the larger cousin of the popular velociraptor. As its name implies, it was discovered in Utah, and Utahns have been trembling in their boots ever since. The beast is quiet as vapor when it creeps up behind its prey, but its claws glitter like lightning, and slash through the air at the most inopportune moments.

submitted by Dr. Sheepshank
(May 27, 2016 - 2:35 pm)

Giant Earthworm.


This creature is almost excactly what the name implies, a worm which is as long as about five cars lined end to end used to be believed to be rather mild-mannered and peaceful, known to all as a great and noble race. But, as the legend goes, after the Powers fell, the Earthworm's peaceful nature disipated. Many thereorize that the 'death' of the Powers drove all of the Earthworms to such madness that they became wild, ferioucious beasts who think of nothing but inflicting as much pain to the world as they can. Their appearance changed also. They used to be huge, streamlined but miscled beasts with giant, sad eyes as dark as pitch, and strange though it may seem, beautiful singing voices. They used to, in the longest night of winter, raise up their voices in song. Their eyes were fabled to see straight into a creature's soul, man or beast. But after the death of the Powers, the Earthworms changed dramatically. Their bodies turned to pure muscle, and their eyes disappeared completely. As for their mouths... their mouths became giant holes of teeth and saliva, stinking of rotting carcasses, and instead of soul-cleansing song their mouths emit a loud, horrible roar that freezes any within hearing vicinity in fear. Instead of silently and swiftly tunneling through the earth, they now barrel through the ground, and cause earthquakes. In fact, one of the best ways to avoid them and recognize when one is coming is to feel the ground for tremors. However, whatever you do, DO NOT LISTEN FOR THEIR ROAR. YOU WILL FREEZE IN TERROR AND WILL NOT BE ABLE TO MOVE UNTIL THE SOUND PASSES. Some say that the Giant Earthworms are the most dangerous and terrifying creatures on Earth. But if balance is restored then the Earthworms will turn back to their former form. But do not approach one in wild at any time. The legends say that only if your heart is pure the chief of the Earthworms will help you.

By A Writer.

*A scribbled note in the margins:* 

If you're name is I_ _ or you know a Eart_ D _ _ _ _ _ then go to the Spring For_ _ _ and seek help from Aganol the silver Earth Worm, bring Iv_ with you in case things get na__y.

-Griffon _ _ _ _ 


So uh is that secret messege okay with everyone? 

submitted by Chinchilla/Ivy
(May 27, 2016 - 3:15 pm)


They are a tribe of humanoid creatures that live in the swamp. Their bodies are rather mishapen, with huge, flipper-like feet and long noses used for smelling out prey. They have murky brown skin with patches of scales in various places. The Mogae live in packs and are experts at navigating the swamp. Speaking no known language, they communicate through primative hand signals.

Once they are close to their prey, they will start to sing a ghostly eerie tune that brings desperation to their victim. If you ever hear the song, you know that you are as good as dead.

They are very sensitive to strange smells, as their noses are very perceptive. If you want to kill one you have to aim for the heart, as their skin is very tough anywhere else.

If you do come face to face with one, do not panic. They can smell fear, and will exploit your weaknesses if they do. Try to climb nearby trees, as they can't climb very well. If they start to sing, do NOT give in to the hopelessness. Keep a calm head and think your way out of the situation, as they are not as intelligent as you. 

submitted by ????, age ????, ????
(May 27, 2016 - 7:14 pm)

My CAPTCHA says nyma.  nyma? Sounds like a name. huh. Weird. Got any ideas?

submitted by swipeclaw, age 10, cliff city
(May 30, 2016 - 7:23 pm)

Oh gosh.

submitted by Catsclaw
(November 24, 2019 - 9:37 pm)

At twelve feet tall and twenty feet long, the Giant Ground Sloth (also known as Megatherium, or “Giant Beast” in Latin) looms over much of the animal kingdom, yet it subsists on a gentle diet of vegetables and herbs. It is known for taking long, luxurious naps in the sun while purring like a housecat. While sleeping, the beast appears so harmless and soft that visitors often attempt to pet the cuddly animal. But Giant Ground Sloth always sleeps with one eye open, ready to spring up and claw at its enemies—but in the disorienting haze of waking up, the beast often has trouble telling between friend and foe, and so unfortunately often slashes at the friendliest of passersby. Best to let sleeping sloths lie.

submitted by Dr. Sheepshank
(June 1, 2016 - 8:59 am)

the Silver Beasts. 

They come in a circle of silver mist that seems to hum when it comes. They wondered the streats a long time ago, in the once called human City of Kyndom, of which a hundered years ago was the capital of Kyndom, now known as Catastropheville, of now just a small town not even on the maps. These beasts had eyes that glowed golden in the mist. What the creatures were always veried. There have been reports of wolves, foxes, dear, tigers lions, domistic house cats and dogs, and even a sighting of a large elephant. It was said that the leader of these hypmotized animals was a large white owl, a side affect of one of the powers going wire. Sylvia, I bealive, misused her power to try and create another magical thing, which turned to go hawire and dissapear. This "sideaffected Power" the Owl, the Powers were soon to call it, was killed by a small blond, blue eyed boy, and the prize of its head gave him the crown of Kyndom. Soon the city of kyndom was named in his honor as he led the humans to glory in their war with the Powers.

Now some say, this may or may not be true, that Jaaws was too a sideaffected Power, as of Claaws's. But no one knows what Claaws tried to do to make it apear, then take form into a dragon like its mother. Not even Claaws knows what she did, maybe it had something to do with her rage and jellusy towards the other Powers?

Sideaffected Powers 

These sideaffected Powers may or may not have minds of their own, but their destony is to ruin the Origonals. For they know they are special the moment they are created, and do everything in their power to kill the Powers and becom their replacements. Some can be smarter than others, and plan to kill the Powers in a more afficiant way. But what they dont know is that if the Power that created them dies, then they too fall into a deep sleep and only wake once the Power is activated again. No one knows how many sideaffected Powers there are, most say there is only two. 

The sideaffected Powers can also be killed like any normal creater. They have none of the Powers immortality, as they are not poisoned by the Brazen goo. 

submitted by Claaws
(June 2, 2016 - 11:59 pm)

Oh, oh, oh!  Is the white owl whist?  Like before the city was destroyed she was, I don't know, one of the hypnotized animals or something? And then when the city was destroyed she was ranked leader of the mists?  But of course she was disfigured after that, but well.  We'll see. Oh please oh pleeeeese!.....

My captcha named waffle says "zhuc". I know you don't like spinach, but don't worry were having meatballs for dinner! 

submitted by Windswift/whist
(June 3, 2016 - 9:22 pm)

She can be the owl, but like I said in this the leader was hypnotizing the other animals into killing everything they could (I forget to mention that actually) and the owl was a side-affected power, with no immortality because side-affected powers don't get immortality like the Powers, and was created by Sylvia when she tried creating another power. So if you want her to be her, okay! Go ahead!

And I also need to add that side-affected powers have the ability to hypnotize, but they can't hypnotize powers. And powers can't hypnotize at all. :)

submitted by Claaws
(June 3, 2016 - 11:50 pm)

Yay! I am now the evil owl who lurks through the night screaming mua ha ha ha ha ha!   (And hypnotizing animals to destroy stuff!). Thanks Claaws!  I will do my best.  Well not me Windswift, me Whist;-)   and I will be scary, maybe a little crazy. Oh and I will make sure I die in the end.  

My captcha named Waffle says "fifr"yes yes,  wait a second......EUREKA!  You just  gave me a great idea!

submitted by Windswift/Whist
(June 4, 2016 - 9:01 pm)

If you want to add on anything about your new character, please do so here but also in the RP of Kyndom's first war so everyone knows what's happening. :) 

My captchaway as aaur. Aww, are you roaring like me? Or being a pirate? Or roaring like a pirate? Aaur!!!!!! :)

submitted by Claaws
(June 4, 2016 - 10:53 pm)

The Winged Wolf:

The Winged Wolf, or Angel Wolf, as they are sometimes called, are like normal wolves, but with wings. They are also bigger most of the time. They can fly very well, and have a beautiful howling voice. They love flying in the night sky, singing to the moon, and gazing at the stars. They are majestic creatures, often times being fully white, and their feathers are the softest thing you will ever touch. There are not many of these creatures left, but Lunee, the Power of Howl, was said to have been the most majestic, radiant, Winged Wolf there has ever been. The feathers of a Winged Wolf are almost luminescent, reflecting the moonlight. And often times, Winged Wolves have a strong connection to the night sky, stars, or moon. They are the most fabulous creatures, flying, and howling their resounding tunes. There is even a great constellation of Lunee, which symbolizes not only all wolves, Winged or otherwise, but shines brighter than any other star on one certain night. The night of the Powers. When the powers were born. Often times these Angel Wolves are also called Star Wolves for their strong ties to the night sky. These creatures are most magnificent, and said to be even more beautiful than unicorns.  

submitted by Moonshadow
(June 5, 2016 - 7:59 am)

Okay, Claaws, I just posted something on the war RP, and then I read your post on the tunnel code 13, and now I'm here and I just read the side-affected powers. (You might want to read the war RP note sheet I put together; it'll be up around the same time this is.)

In my thoughts when I was still planning Jaaws, I imagined her as the monarcy of evil. I dunno...It's just, I was thinking she'd be alive as long as evil was alive. I mean, she is what made evil exist. (Claaws is who made her exist, therefore Claaws is somewhat responsible for evil humans and animals, too.) If she just died, then all the evil in the world would have to have some way to die, too. I wrote a theory on how to kill Jaaws in the war RP you made. Tell me if you like it! I don't want Jaaws to be OP, but she'd just be...I don't know, kinda lame if she could simply be killed and done with.

(Those are just some ideas I'm throwing out there. If you don't like them, tell me, and I'll get to work formulating some more. ;D) 

submitted by Thimble/Jaaws
(June 8, 2016 - 1:59 pm)