Faerage Delert: Special

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Faerage Delert: Special

Faerage Delert: Special Mission, Apply Now! (R.P.)

If you are B.I.G., do not read this.  I am Echo, a fae spy.  I recently pretended to be B.I.G. for spying sake.  Please help me on a special mission.  B.I.G. is ruthless, but I have found a way to defeat them.  The Faerage Delert is a seclusive half-dragon, half-fae.  It is our answer.  They live on the Luna Islands.  I gave B.I.G. the wrong island.  We must find and talk to the Faerage Delert, the last of it's kind.  It has all the secrets of the world.  Send an application now!  Help me!  (This is a R.P. once I have 8 other applicants.





submitted by Echo, age 11, The Islands
(February 5, 2016 - 6:56 pm)

Yes of course you can come.  The mission will begin very soon.  Pack your provisions.  Sorry, @HackerD.  You aren't coming.  I didn't get that background info.  The RP starts now.  Write a story from your charrie's point of view.

submitted by Echo, age 12, Crescent Island
(February 16, 2016 - 7:16 pm)


"I still can't belive we're doing this," I say, staring up at the ceiling. "The quest starts in two days." "Well, I feel the same way," Delilah, my best friend, said. We were in our room at the Charion Inn, a tiny little hut with four rooms in the small town of Bridging-on-Sea, the coastline town where Echo, the 11-year-old fae leader of our quest, had told us to meet. The aim of our quest was to find the Faerage Delert, a seclusive half-dragon, half-fae who knew all the secrets in the world, to find out how to infiltrate B.I.G. "Can I have a bed on our ship?" Delilah asked. "Don't be silly," I said. "You're a fox. You're small enough to fit on my bed with me." "Not true!" Delilah joked, giggling. I laughed nervously. To tell the truth, I was worried that I- or anyone else- might not come back from this quest alive.  

submitted by Ronan I, age ??, Kyngdom
(February 17, 2016 - 4:32 pm)

Sorry this was so short. It's actually my first time doing an RPEmbarassed

submitted by Ronan I, age ??, Kyngdom
(February 18, 2016 - 4:18 pm)

Also, I am creating a thread for our R.P.

(NOTE: All RP- related messages go in the thread!) 

submitted by Ronan I, age ??, Kyngdom
(February 18, 2016 - 4:48 pm)

Hakuna Matata!


submitted by Kathleen M, age 12, Daydream
(February 21, 2016 - 7:20 pm)

Actually, lets stay on this thread.


All I had to do was wait now.  For the others to meet me.  I was packed, I had been for a while now.  About a year I had been ready.  Ready and restless, pacing the dugout.  At least my Clan duties kept me busy...and the nature stuff.  Finally it was happening.  Only two days.  I wondered what the others were doing now.  Were they nervous?  I wasn't.  I had wanted this for so long.  And this was a huge step to defeat B.I.G., huge.  I just hoped that we would find it.  I swiped those thoughts away.  I had to stay positive.  It was never work if I wasn't.  I needed to distract myself from this worrying.  I would go to the Clan.  Something always needed to get done there.  And I was the one who could make it happen.  The leader.  I basked in this thought.  It still made me happy to think about.  Or maybe I could seek advice from my best friend.  She was extremely wise beyond her 12 years.  I would have liked her to come, but the Clan needed her.  She was in charge while I was gone, with the advisory of my role model and my former Clan leader.

submitted by Echo, age 12, Crescent Island
(February 22, 2016 - 5:09 pm)


At exactly midnight, I awoke. It didn't seem like so long ago that B.I.G. had acceped me...and didn't even know who I was. Ever since I had met Rajjk, it seemed like my whole world had turned upside down. I crept out of the B.I.G. dorm, in my softest shoes, glad that I had decided to wear my traditional dress. It looked enough like a nightgown for no one to suspect that I was sneaking out. Crack! I jumped, and looked around, only to see a dark figure moving toward me. I leapt into action, swinging my body around a table decorating the floor of the H.Q. I heard the figure, Dr. Hornshaw bark into a small device in her hand. Then she placed a large metal object onto the table that I sat under. Gizmos! I came close to panic as Dr. Hornshaw spoke to the-was it a cage?!

"And now, sweet," she crooned. "I suppose that it's time now, isn't it? If you refuse to cooperate any longer, we SHALL have to use the Cypher on you. Come pet, it isn't that hard. One bang and poof! you can talk!"

A famillar howl filled the air and the sound of snapping teeth made me start. It was a Kijja wolf! A young one, (younger than Rajjk definatly) who was being tortured. I had to act. Before I knew what I was doing my leg shot out and kicked the evil woman in the shin. Prof. Hornshaw yelped in pain, and I moved out from under the table, and before the Professer knew what had happened, I had grabbed the cage and jumped out of the nearest window.  

submitted by Kathleen M, age 12, Daydream
(February 29, 2016 - 12:08 pm)

Just as I opened the cage to set the wolf free, a heavy hand took hold of my brown curls, and yanked me to my feet. I turned around to see Dr., Hornshaw. I squrmed in her grasp, as her hawlklike eyes took me in.

"Oh, yes," she hissed, "I knew you were trouble-"

"Let me go!" I yelled, unaware of the danger that faced me.

"Not now, child," she said with a sickly smile "Oh, yes-you are so like Cara and Edmund..."

And then I couldn't breathe. Suddenly, I felt like a child again, small and defenceless.

"You knew my parents?!" I croaked. 

submitted by Kathleen M, age 12, Daydream
(March 4, 2016 - 1:37 pm)

"Knew them? Why, my dear sweet child, I think I knew them better then anyone else. She was my best friend, Cara, you know. But we grew apart, to each her own. Until she debated against my 'Future of Mankind' paper, telling me that I was wrong and cruel. They say revenge is a dish best served cold. So I waited. And my! how that house blazed when me and my colleges set it up. They were horrified when they thought of an animal sympathizer under our noses. We led a riot, and my friend Henry led it. Marvelous my dear-really marvelous."

"But you-why would-"

"I'm not finished yet, sweetcakes. You really do have a tallent fo ruining plans. Like your mother. Ha! 

"When you survived our little work of pyrotecnics, everything changed. I sent the letter to you, hoping to keep an eye on you. I did work didn't it. I know all about those midnight escapades. Isn't it funny when you think that you are smarter? Well no longer!"

My face must have paled, as I realized what she was going to do. I had no time to think, as I acted out of instinct. I bit my parents' killer hard on the ear. She let go of me in shock and pain, as I slipped out frome her grasp. I ran to a secret cavern in the cliff, and began to climb. My adrenaline fueled me, and I reached the bottom without mishap. My violin bumped against my back, as I ran into a cave, that I knew would lead to a river. Rajjk (on a sugar low, thankfully) held the boat where it was, and we floated off to freedom.

We wole an hour later, thankful of the smooth waters, me throughly shaken, and Rajjk throughly hyper.

"What happened, Kathleen!?!?!?!?!?!? Huh?! Huh!? Huh?!"

"Hush, Rajjk. I'll tell you later when we get to Echo's."

We arrived later that day, and Echo welcomed us with open arms. Her traditonal clothes matched my own, and after a good deal of awe at our clothing choice, we went indoors. I unpacked our small bags, and tuned my violin. Echo helped and showed me around. I was excited when I thought about the other members of the team. 

submitted by Kathleen M, age 12, Daydream
(March 4, 2016 - 5:08 pm)

Hey Admins, just a quick question. How are we going to know the other powers, their gaurdians, and when? I've been wondering about this for a long time.



My guess is that Zephyra will tell us all that once she’s rescued.


submitted by Kathleen M, age 12, Daydream
(March 4, 2016 - 8:12 am)

Ronan--- I dream I'm trudging through the forest with a spear in my hand. The oddest part is that lots of men and women in black robes and hoods are marching behind me. It's odd because people never march behind me. I'm so scrawny and weak, people just punch me around. We come to a clearing. In it are a mother and  a father wolf. The mother wolf looks at me and snarls. I get scared.   'KILL THEM!" I yell. But I don't have my normal voice. It's all raspy, which scares me even worse than the wolf did.  Then I realize that the wolves have a baby. "STOP!" I yell, this time in my normal voice. But the black-robed people behind me have already thrown a volley of spears.

The scene changes. I'm now in front of a wooden two-story house at night. There are the black-robed people again, but only a few. They're all holding flaming torches. I scare myself again by saying "BURN IT!" in my raspy voice. The black-robed people throw their torches in a pile at the doorstep. I watch as the house starts to burn. The people all look inside, as if looking for proof that someone is suffering from what they did. I look on, mortified. That's when I wake up.

I sit straight up, my forehead covered in sweat. The sun is just peeking over the windowsill, and Delilah is staring at me. "You talk in your sleep," she said dryly. "Gee, thanks. Good grief, my dreams have been getting odder and odder," I say, stretching. "We go to the Luna Islands today,"  I tell Delilah, throwing my dog tags into the old, holey kit bag I keep my possesions in when I'm traveling, which was all the time until last night, when I checked into the Charion Inn where I was staying. "I don't need to pack," Delilah said sassily.  "Well, I do," I reply. I pick up KNOW off the floor. KNOW is a enchanted piece of paper that is folded into quarters. What you do is you write something- anything-  on the front- say, FAFA, for example- and it gives you as much information as it can fit on itself. After a minute, I head down the stairs, my peg-leg clunking all the way.

I buy one loaf of bread and a head of lettuce at market (I don't eat very much) and go down to Fisherman's Road, the ocean-front road where people fish, of course. I see an array of boats, but one stands out to me. A small, dingy boat with the name MOLLY JANE printed on the side and with holes in it was not my first choice for a way to get to the Luna Islands, but it was in my 50-killok budget. I approach a man sitting near the boat. "Excuse me," I say, "is that boat for sale?" "NO," says the man, who seems to be a bit hard of hearing, "IT AIN'T, M' LAD." "Even for 50 killox?" I tease, showing him one of the gold killox. The man's eyes gleam. It must be rare coming across so many killox, I think. "ALRIGH', 50 KILLOX FOR MOLLY JANE. JUS' MAKE SURE SHE COMES BACK IN ONE PIECE."

"Should we be doing this?" Delilah asks, looking at one of the holes in the MOLLY JANE while I get hold of the oars. "You know it's all I could afford," I reply, using the oars to push off of the dock. Even if the MOLLY JANE doesn't look pretty, it's fast, and we're out in the open ocean in ten minutes. Delilah watches Bridging-on-Sea until it is a speck on the horizon and says, "How long will this take?" "A few hours, if the weather stays nice," I say. "KNOW says it's about four miles from here." Time passes without much occurence until about three o' clock, when I look at the sky and see dark clouds. "Oh no," I say. Within two minutes, the storm is upon us. The waves roll up and down violently, the rain beats down, the thunder rumbles, and to put the icing on the cake, after ten minutes of rain, a heavy fog rolls in. "CAN WE STOP AND SET UP CAMP?" Delilah yells, attemping to make herself louder than the storm. "DON'T BE RIDICULOUS," I yell back, desperately trying to improve my visibility. "ONE, I DIDN'T PACK A TENT IN MY KIT BAG, AND TWO, IT WOULDN'T HAVE FIT!" Just then, a huge wave picks the MOLLY JANE up. We go flying. I smack into Delilah, who smacks into my kit bag, which smacks into the MOLLY JANE. I try to see. Then, it all becomes easier. The fisherman's words, "JUS' MAKE SURE SHE COMES BACK IN ONE PIECE," replay in my mind as the MOLLY JANE smashes into a huge clump of rocks. Whoopsie-daisy. Me, Delilah, and my kit bag go flying. I shut my eyes, not wanting to see what happens next. I hear a SMASH like a window, a small shriek, a  wooden-sounding CLUNK, a CRASH like dishes, and a BANG. I feel something wet and sour, like vinegar, on my face. I open my eyes and see a table on its side, smashed dishes, a bowl of salad next to me on the floor, and a disgruntled-looking, well-dressed fae glaring at me. "Nice dressing," Delilah said, licking herself. "Is this how you enter everyone's house, Ronan?" Echo asked. I blushed.    




submitted by Ronan I, age ??, Kyngdom
(March 4, 2016 - 11:56 am)


I heard a crash, and then a thud, and liet out a small shriek. I'm not the best with loud noises, and with my previous experience, much less so. I heard Echo's dissaproving voice as I raced into the dining room. Rajjk had beat me to the disaster, and was now cavorting in-was that a salad?-with a small fox. A boy lay on the floor, turning the kind of red that I do when meeting a new person.

"Is everything okay?" I say, hurriedly. My face feels numb and pale, and I realize that i'm in shock. With last night and this crash reeling through my head, I feel overwhelmed. 

"Echo," I hesitantly say, "what happened?" I clutch at my head, feeling dizzy and scared.

"Oh," she said, sounding more than a little annoyed."This is Ronan. Ronan, this is Kathleen. And-well-I think Rajjk knows Delilah by now."

"Yeah!" yells Rajjk, his golden eyes bright and alert.

'Hi," says Ronan, "Ummmmmmm...Sorry."

Echo looks like she's about to lose it-and I see why. Delilah and Ronan must have broken clean through the window, and into the salad, which was once our lunch. I moan a little as pain shoots through my head.

"It's not okay!" she yells, and I see what looks like a nasty temper under the collected fae surface. "Do you know what you did! Not only did you break a window, and scare poor Kathleen out of her mind, but you have nothing to say except SORRY! I'll give you-"

Suddenly, the whole world went silent and black.    

submitted by Kathleen M, age 12, Daydream
(March 4, 2016 - 6:29 pm)

I came. And I saw. From shadows, I watched them. I saw it all. Their journey. All of it. 

submitted by Blood Eyed Dragon, age 70, Kyngdom
(March 6, 2016 - 1:00 am)

"Do you think Kathleen is-" "JUST SHUT UP!!!" Echo screamed at me. My face turned red again, but not from embarrassment. Slightly-okay, very affronted, I said, "WHY DON'T I JUST QUIT! YOU DON'T NEED ME ON THIS QUEST..." I stormed out of the room and down the rope bridge connecting one tree to another. Stupid quest, stupid Echo, stupid Kathleen, stupid salad... I thought. I looked at the base of the tree, where a man in a lab coat was cutting into it with a chainsaw. Stupid man, stupid chainsaw... Man? Lab coat? Chainsaw? I put two and two together and raced across the bridge. "ECHO! ECHO! ECHO!" I yell. "WHAT?" Echo yelled. I didn't need to put it into words, though, because the tree gave a huge shake.

submitted by Ronan I, age ??, Kyngdom
(March 7, 2016 - 5:43 pm)

I awoke suddenly, and realized that my newfound friends were looking over me anxiously. Echo looked sad as she stared at my eyes, and I thought I saw something that looked like tears in her own.

"Echo..." I began, "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to worry you..."

"It's not that," she moaned. "I just lost a member of the team. And I didn't mean to! I hate my temper..."

"Ronan?" I ask, and Echo nods. Poor Ronan-that boy must be having a hard time of it-and come to think of it, Echo too. "it's okay, Echo. It was my fault. Just I had-well, I'll tell you later. You might want to apoligize to him."

"What!" she stammers. "Er-no. Nonononononononono. I can't, Kathleen. I just can't. I'll bet he hates me now. Can-can you? Please? Just convince him that I'm sorry. I am, truly, Kathleen." 

Even Rajjk looks serious now.

My inner voice taunts me, "No Kathleen, you can't do it. You're too shy. He'll hate you too, and Echo will be even worse off. Prof. Hornshaw was right-" 

"Well, fine," I say, determined to rove my parent's murderer wrong. I stand up and brush my skirt off. "I'll do it."

"Thank you!" Echo says relieved. But at the very moment that i walk out the door, I hear Ronan screaming Echo's name.

"What!" she yells back. but the nois of a chainsaw fills my ears, and I understand.

"Echo!" I scream in panic. "It's your tree!"

Echo turns pale, as does everyone else, as we run across the bridge near her home-hoping that it isn't too late! 


submitted by Kathleen M, age 12, Daydream
(March 7, 2016 - 6:47 pm)