You are invited

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

You are invited

You are invited to a Winter Ski Lodge Murder Mystery! 

Who: Everyone is invited to join. One of you is a murderer, but which one? 

What: This is a murder mystery. Every day, one person will die. Who is it? That's your job to figure out.

When: The game will begin on January 1 and end whenever it ends.

Where: The Ski Lodge. In other words, this page.

RSVP: I don't really care as long as you join sometime in December.

Various sundry rules and explanations:

-Each day I will write the story (probably in the morning or right after I get home if I have school). After that, you're welcome and encouraged to write your own view of the day.

-Big one: This isn't violent or gory.

-The motto: The funnier, the better.

-Basic geography does not apply. The Ski Lodge and Surrounding Territories more or less rewrites itself depending on how I want you guys to die.

-I don't decide who dies, so it's completely impartial. I pull everyone's names out of the Sugarbowl. The murderer comes out first (so I can keep track, really) and then I just draw a new name every day.

-Yes, the Sugarbowl is a Sugarbowl. I couldn't find a good hat the first time I wanted to do this and there is actually a skiing place in California called the Sugarbowl, so I thought, well, why not? It's more or less my Death Note.

-Pleeaaaassseee don't ask me to give you some long ridiculous name to put in the Sugarbowl. "Melody the Awesome Authority on all things Disney who is really Awesome" is so large, of course it's going to be pulled out right away.

-Like any good cartoon, logic and physics are overrated.

I hope you can join us.

-The Omnipotent Narrator 

submitted by T.O.N.
(December 1, 2013 - 9:29 pm)

That was hilarious! *sways off humming to the tune of feminine* (I don't care for the lyrics either, but you're right Melody, it is catchy.)

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule, age ageless, Acting Feminine
(January 10, 2014 - 7:02 pm)

That was really funny.

submitted by Maggie, age 12, nowhere pleasant
(January 11, 2014 - 5:48 am)

I am impressed. I laughed.

submitted by S.E.
(January 12, 2014 - 7:57 am)

OMG! This is creepy because I just happen to know the entire periodic table by heart!

submitted by Tovah. L, age 12, Massachussetts
(January 12, 2014 - 5:03 pm)

Awesome! The song you were singing is called "The Element Song" (super original, right?) and it's really funny, so I suggest you listen to it if you haven't heard it already.

submitted by T. O.N.
(January 12, 2014 - 5:25 pm)

Hello. This is a message from The Evilious Chronicles. We have kidnapped your narrator and are now brainwashing him with music about people dying in strange, fascinating ways. He insists he's doing research. We insist he's a bad liar and he's just procrastinating. Because we have him in our evil cluches, Day 10 will appear to be posted tomorrow. In actuality, it was posted today, but we sent it on a time machine, so it just looks like it will be posted tomorrow. That being said, it will be posted in the morning, and Day 11 will be posted in the afternoon. Good? Good. Lastly, always remember to watch out for crazy women with scissors and buy Westing Paper Products!

submitted by T.O.N.
(January 10, 2014 - 8:46 pm)

You should totally have Melody sing "Let it go" from Frozen. I am addicted to that song! I'm even listening to it right now. "Let it go, let it go can't hold it back anymore ... " I LOVE it!

submitted by Watermelon, Ski lodge
(January 11, 2014 - 9:58 am)

Melody tells me what she wants to sing, but if she doesn't post her song before I get around to writing Day 11, then "Let it go" it is! And if she does decide to post a song... *cough cough Melody, suggest "Let it go" cough cough*

submitted by T.O.N.
(January 11, 2014 - 11:45 am)

What about Elsa's solo from Frozen?

submitted by Melody, age 15, Disney
(January 11, 2014 - 1:46 pm)

Which would be Let it Go of course!  


The next day should be... Grim Grinning Ghosts from the Haunted Mansion. 

submitted by Melody, age 15, Disney
(January 11, 2014 - 4:12 pm)

*futuristic sound* Whoooooooeeeeeeeeooooooo *fwump!* The time machine has landed!

Day 10

Grace: Something is rotten in the state of... the state of... the state of... Where is this place, anyway?

BHR: What happened?

Grace: *holds up skull* Alas, poor Theo! I knew him, BHR; a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy- Oh, come on, it's just a Hamlet prop. 

SC: Poor Skyler.

Blackberry: What happened to Theo?

Grace: He looks a bit squished.

Ivy: Oh, just a bit. Well, that's good. I'm glad he's not completely squished!

Gilraen: I'm in detective mode! Hold on, I need to get my trench coat, fedora, and imaginary pipe- There! So, Grace, lead me to the scene of the crime. I must find the vile evildoer who squished our friend Theo.

Grace: He's at the bottom of this ski run.

Gilraen: Elementary, my dear Grace! Judging by these giant pawprints, Theo was stepped on by a giant rabbit.

Skyler: Oh, hey, my giant sock is gone!

Gilraen: Elementary, my dear Skyler! It apears that the rabbit took the sock and squashed Theo at the same time. 

Tovah: I bet the rabbit only came here to get the sock back. If it wasn't for the sock, Theo might still be alive. ... Skyler! Didn't your mother tell you not to pick up giant socks from strangers or in strange ski lodges?!

Blue Fairy: Well, what's done is done. Let's clean up and go back to-

Melody: The Tiki Tiki Tiki Room!

Red: Funny, last time I checked it was still just a Tiki Room. Where did the other two tikis come from?

Watermelon: I like tikis!

Bounty: And I like rooms!

Watermelon and Bounty: So let's go to the Tiki Tiki Tiki Room!

Maggie: I like flowers!

Lizzy: When they're all abloom!

Maggie and Lizzy: So let's go to the Tiki Tiki Tiki Room!

Melody: What are you doing?

Bounty: Rewriting the lyrics!

Ivy: I like sweet scents!

Blackberry: And I like perfume!

Ivy and Blackberry: So let's go to the Tiki Tiki Tiki Room!

Skyler: I like bright colors!

SC: And I like costumes!

Skyler and SC: So let's go to the Tiki Tiki Tiki Room!

Red: I like dead people!

Melody: And I like tombs!

Red and Melody: So let's go to the Tiki Tiki Tiki Room!

Grace: No.

Red: No?

Grace: No.

Red: Aww!

BHR: Wait! The last verse!

JLM: I like knives!

BHR: And I like Barbie's doom!

JLM and BHR: So let's go to the Tiki Tiki Tiki Room!

Gilraen: Well, if you like knives so much.... This girl has been stabbed! Elementary, my dear ski lodge! I did it!

Moral of the story: Don't accept giant socks from strangers and don't ever, ever, let me write songs.

I have an amazing idea. Ski Lodge: The Musical. Nothing could go wrong. 

Rest in peace, Theo. Rest in peace.

submitted by T.O.N.
(January 11, 2014 - 11:33 am)

Is that a Doctor Who reference that I see in the first line? I can't wait for the next one later!

submitted by Ivy
(January 11, 2014 - 3:54 pm)

Is it? I have no idea. I've never watched Doctor Who. I assume you're referring to the time machine and not the Hamlet.

submitted by T.O.N.
(January 11, 2014 - 5:07 pm)

That was the Doctor Who theme at the beginning. Oh. It's part of the song (I DON'T SING. EVER)

submitted by Maggie, age 12, nowhere pleasant
(January 11, 2014 - 4:26 pm)

Whoa, it is! That was totally on accident! I was just trying to write something that could sound vaguely like a cheesy time machine. I should keep having these kinds of accidents. Perhaps I could learn to accidentally make it rain money, that would be quite nice.

Captcha says dici. Things are getting pretty dicey here at the ski lodge! 

submitted by T.O.N.
(January 11, 2014 - 5:13 pm)