You are invited

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

You are invited

You are invited to a Winter Ski Lodge Murder Mystery! 

Who: Everyone is invited to join. One of you is a murderer, but which one? 

What: This is a murder mystery. Every day, one person will die. Who is it? That's your job to figure out.

When: The game will begin on January 1 and end whenever it ends.

Where: The Ski Lodge. In other words, this page.

RSVP: I don't really care as long as you join sometime in December.

Various sundry rules and explanations:

-Each day I will write the story (probably in the morning or right after I get home if I have school). After that, you're welcome and encouraged to write your own view of the day.

-Big one: This isn't violent or gory.

-The motto: The funnier, the better.

-Basic geography does not apply. The Ski Lodge and Surrounding Territories more or less rewrites itself depending on how I want you guys to die.

-I don't decide who dies, so it's completely impartial. I pull everyone's names out of the Sugarbowl. The murderer comes out first (so I can keep track, really) and then I just draw a new name every day.

-Yes, the Sugarbowl is a Sugarbowl. I couldn't find a good hat the first time I wanted to do this and there is actually a skiing place in California called the Sugarbowl, so I thought, well, why not? It's more or less my Death Note.

-Pleeaaaassseee don't ask me to give you some long ridiculous name to put in the Sugarbowl. "Melody the Awesome Authority on all things Disney who is really Awesome" is so large, of course it's going to be pulled out right away.

-Like any good cartoon, logic and physics are overrated.

I hope you can join us.

-The Omnipotent Narrator 

submitted by T.O.N.
(December 1, 2013 - 9:29 pm)

Oof, I finish one, and immediately you want another? Your narrator is very tired and I'm sure the Admins would like a break from reading a post approximately the size of Finland from me everyday. I might do another in the summer. Maybe August or late July? I don't know, I'll have to see how things look then.


On the contrary, T.O.N., we look forward to reading each installment. We even vie to be the one to discover and post the new part each day. The one thing I've been so tempted to add . . . would you mind an addition of "Requiescat in pace" at the very end from this Latin scholar?


submitted by T.O.N.
(January 25, 2014 - 5:55 pm)

TON, your endings are always so well-written and eerie.  I remember shivering at the last one when Red told me to push him because he couldn't jump and when I sang I've Got Friends on the Other Side.  Today, I shivered as Grace released BHR.  I love how these evolved from simply a fun thing to do to a CB staple.  I also think it's cool how the ski lodge turned out to be evil.  Oh, and face it.  The Admins love you.

submitted by Melody, age 15, Disney
(January 25, 2014 - 7:29 pm)

I really like doing the endings but every time I worry, "Ahh, is this considered too scary? Will the Admins cut it?" I'm glad I manage to convey a proper creepy tone. 

I don't necessarily think the ski lodge is evil. It's just very different and very unhuman. It likes other's fear and that makes it happy. I don't think it knows how to ask for what it wants so it just tries to take it. 

submitted by T.O.N.
(January 26, 2014 - 3:57 pm)

*unpacks the sparkly purple lightsaber and Little Mermaid Blu Ray*

submitted by Melody, age 15, Disney
(January 25, 2014 - 7:32 pm)

Day ???

The staff members are all back except for one- but that knock on the door seems auspicious. The knock, it seems, was only to announce the lady's arrival, as the proprietress bursts in anyway. 

Proprietress: I am back, bearing invisible gifts! 

Maid: They're invisible? 

Proprietress: Nope, I don't have any gifts but I still wanted to say "I'm back, bearing gifts!". So I did. Yeesh, I forgot how horrid this place is, all cold and nub.

Maid: Geez, you got me all excited there.

Butler: I though you weren't going to be back until the fifth?

Proprietress: I know I said I would, but I changed my mind. I want to get something together for #4's second deathday and JLM's 15th birthday.

Butler: We weren't expecting you so early. As you can see, it's still a bit messy. 

Proprietress: A wizard is never late, or early, he arrives precisely when he means to. And I arrived when I meant to. Now there's glory for you! Narrator, what are you doing, still sticking around? I thought we'd be rid of you ages ago.

I decided to hang around because I felt like it. Doesn't that excuse work for you?

Proprietress: Fair enough! I'll kick you out anyway, we only need one of me around at a time. 

Head Chef: Ah, Narrator, you're still here? I thought you already wrote the ending.

I did. This is day ???, the epilogue. 

Proprietress: The epilogue of what?

Maid: A bunch of people came while you were gone and, well, you know what the lodge does.

Proprietress: Have we laid them to rest yet?

Head Chef: I just laid the stone down. Do you want to come and see?

The garden of the ski lodge appears to be a simple expanse of snow surrounded by pine trees. Behind a certain pine, however, a simple path appears. It meanders through the pine forest at the back of the lodge before stopping at a clearing. Sunlight shines down through the open sky, but no snow lies on the ground, as if to honor the dead. In the center of the small clearing lie four marble stones with inscriptions written on them. The proprietress kneels by the last and largest stone and reads the inscription. First comes a list of names, and then:

In memory of dear friends

Who came upon strange adventures

And were not afriad to deal with the darkness.

In memory and honor of heroes lying here,

Requiescat in pace. 


submitted by T.O.N.
(January 26, 2014 - 11:30 am)

T.O.N., thank you for this epilogue! I thought yesterday's was the last installment. I'm honored by the final line. 

submitted by Admin, Midst snowdrifts
(January 26, 2014 - 3:13 pm)

For four days I thought that day's post was the end...  This is the most beautiful ending.

submitted by Gollum
(January 26, 2014 - 5:44 pm)

Perfect! Wonderful way to end it!

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule, age unknown, Murderer's Club
(January 26, 2014 - 6:07 pm)

Yesterday actually was the end but I decided to add an epilogue for the Admin. I may also have wanted to write the proprietress in. Possibly.


I am so honored.


submitted by T.O.N.
(January 26, 2014 - 6:09 pm)

You are so awesome!  I love the ski lodge!

submitted by Bounty, age 11 forever, ?
(January 28, 2014 - 5:38 pm)

I actually forgot about this post so I just read the entire thing now!! It was amazing, T.O.N you should be an author!


Also, I am a girl, so skyler is a girl.  

submitted by skyler/leion, age 13, SD
(February 4, 2014 - 12:23 am)

*facepalms* Keeping track of genders? That's just ridiculous! In my (very poor) defense, I believe others thought you were a guy as well, so I can blame them for this assumption. I am clearly not at all in the blame.

submitted by T.O.N.
(February 4, 2014 - 8:19 pm)

I think that this is a nice idea but I am not sure anybody wants to die.

submitted by Aparajita J., age 12, Sacramento, CA
(February 5, 2014 - 12:49 am)


submitted by SKI LODGE EXAMPLE
(June 10, 2015 - 8:10 pm)

I like that this is before Theo revealed her gender and it's like "he did this" "this is girl stuff". Ha ha!

submitted by Ellie, age 12, Place of ski lodge
(June 11, 2015 - 12:41 pm)