Regular poetry thread

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

Regular poetry thread

Regular poetry thread (because I'm tired of not editing my poems)

This is exactly what it sounds like! A thread to post poetry. I'm excited to read all of your work!

submitted by Bluebird
(April 30, 2017 - 8:51 pm)

I don’t want to

Grow up
I want to
Stay here forever,
Drowning in a 
Flood of memories
Can you see them?
Remember when you were
Big hands trying to
Shake mine and
Helping Greta learn
English because she
Laughed at the
Kids who loved Star Wars with me then
Blasting Mamma Mia and
Watching a human
Be born, a human I’d
Wished for for
So long
Reading and reading
And really, really wanting a
Cat and
Pushing my brother in
A little blue stroller,
Him almost three and
Talking non-stop and
Jesse stepping on a 
Scorpion for me and
The one who does all the work,
Gets all the learning so
Alistair twisting my necklace till I
Laughed and pulled his hands away and
Playing in Alta Plaza every morning 
Crazy hair and no 
Shirts and
Greta wrapping me in a towel or
I had a cat — no,
Two, a surprise and I 
Named one, Julia, and
Talking to Greta about
Queen Bees, and
Awful substitutes and
Pretending we worked in a bank with the
Multiplication board and
The peg board because our
Was never there
Meeting Emily 
Burning a black circle in the
Wood with the
Frog lamp
Record books and doodles in the
Corners, leaving an 
Ava trail 
Wherever I went in the 
Classroom and then
Writing and writing and
I didn’t know I was so
Good at this, and then
Kelley leaving and
Pixie the frog, 
And crushes and laughter and
Giraffes and
Burnt popcorn and 
UN and sixth grade,
So cool and
Next year will be
Different but I
Can’t wait and
Carmen and 
Sweat and makeup and blood
Places I didn’t know they came from
Muscles and flesh
This is weird but
I like it so
New friends I 
Wasn’t expecting and
Teachers praising me for my
Writing and
Being better at math than I 
Thought I was and
Jessie trying to
Get me in all her classes and
Singing Hamilton and In the Heights too
Loudly and 
Skittles when our backs hurt and we
Haven’t eaten real food for a week,
And best friends and teasing and
Laughter and shipping, so much
And things I never
Did like TV shows and
Really liking people,
Sorting paper towels in the 
Long supply closet
Making lists of things I 
Wanted in
Workshop and building
A catapult and
Dancing with sticks
A blossom of hope
Alive beside my heart
A million things I haven’t done
But they’re there, 
And I have to
Leave and go somewhere new but
For now there’s this,
The thrill of Jessie telling me she
Used my paper to
Grade the others and
Leo teasing me by
Asking me out on terminal while we
Let all the blood rush to our heads and
Bunchacrunch with Emily and
Eating chocolate on the bus, 
Talking about how the boys will
Never understand and
Suddenly everything is
Crazy and people are
Growing up but I have
Holding hands under the 
Softest blanket I’ve 
Ever felt and
Hair that won’t stay still so it’s
Pushed out of my face by
A warm hand that
Is bigger than mine and
Squeezes tight before it
Lets go
Hands that
Are attached to a person 
Who laughs with me in study hall until
Yells at us
For the hundredth time 
Greta so confident too and
Finding myself,
A whole new person sometimes but
Always there to
Support my best friend
I have so many.
Something I love
Something I’ll hold 
Even when I’m older and broke and
Writing my thesis
I don’t want to
Go to high school so
It feels like
Getting a job and
Having a family
Everything is stressful but I’ve
Got to hold on
To what I do want —
Kissing someone and
That fiery ball in my stomach and
Heat between skin
That thrill again when someone
Tells me I wrote something good,
Maybe publishing a
Book or
Ten and
Finding someone,
Someone I’ll know will be the
Right someone
Getting married and
Getting a house and
A glowing plus sign 
Something else growing
Inside me,
Children with wings
Free to be who they want to be 
Flying so far
Singing till I don’t have a voice
Writing music and
Words on the paper,
And maybe someday
I’ll look back
And want this again,
Im sure but
For now 
The best I can do is
Enjoy it
While it
submitted by SopranoTwo
(January 4, 2018 - 10:06 pm)

This is amazing. I'm serious. o.O It makes me happy reading it :) This line hits particularly hard: Thirteen / A blossom of hope / Alive beside my heart / A million things I haven’t done / But they’re there, / And I have to / Leave and go somewhere new / and also; I don’t want to / Go to high school so / Soon, /. Geez, everything after 'Thirteen' captures eveything I've been struggling to put into words! I also don't want this year to be over D: 

P.S. Have you heard of Cicada? I don't know if I'm allowed to link it, but I think you should join it once you turn fourteen. A few CBers (including me in 10 days :D) are on there, it's kind of like a poetry, writing, and art forum, and I think you'd like it. 
submitted by Bluebird
(January 5, 2018 - 7:24 pm)

Ahhhhhhh!!! Oh my goodness, thank you so much! And yes, I think I will join Cicada once I turn fourteen. Thank you! <3

submitted by SopranoTwo
(January 6, 2018 - 5:19 pm)

How??? I am in awe of this and how amazing it is. Thank you for writing this.

submitted by Epic Fangirl
(January 6, 2018 - 1:41 am)


submitted by SopranoTwo
(January 6, 2018 - 5:20 pm)

This poetry is so amazing!  I can so feel all of your emotions as you grow up in this as time passes and you point of view changes!

submitted by Lucy B., age 13, Emmilvien
(January 6, 2018 - 3:36 am)

Thank you so much! I'm so glad it had the desired affect.

submitted by SopranoTwo
(January 6, 2018 - 5:21 pm)

Oh my goodness. SOPRANO. This is SO GOOD. I love it so much. I feel, like Bluebird, that puts everything I've been feeling lately into words. The whole thing made me want to cry, but in a good way. :)

submitted by Leeli
(January 6, 2018 - 9:51 am)

Awwwww! That's really sweet! It was inspired by my friend (the one in the trebuchet poem if you remember that ahahaha) -- he was saying how he wants to be fourteen forever and he sent a long paragraph about how he would miss things like holding hands or being told off by teachers in class and I thought it was really sweet so I wrote a poem about it because eXACTLY?! I'd been feeling this way for a while, I just wasn't sure how to write about it, and I'm so glad, Leeli and Bluebird, that I could put your feelings into words too because I love reading poems about things I'm feeling. Ahhhhh! Thank you!

submitted by SopranoTwo
(January 6, 2018 - 5:26 pm)

Wow. Wow. Wowwwww. I have no words, Soprano— this is amazing. <3

submitted by Abigail S., age 13, Nose in a Book
(January 6, 2018 - 2:32 pm)

The second and third lines of this poem are not entirely true. I wrote this when I had writer's block, and it did help.


In. Out.

I can't write. 

I read somewhere that writing about writer's block helps.

It doesn't.

Crumpled paper surrounds me, broken pencil tips reflect my mind.

Tears of frstration.

Pencil shaving spilled.

Ripped post-its.

Pulling my hair, banging my forehead on my desk.

Nothing helps.

Calm down.

Breathe in.








A sketchbook.

Sharpen a new pencil.

Ideas flow, not in words, but in art.

Conveying ideas in another form.





submitted by Quill, age Infinite, Sky
(January 6, 2018 - 1:02 pm)

I wrote this some weeks ago. It's a poem and not, a rant and a wish, but mostly, a peek inside my head. (The full piece is much longer, this has been edited for content. Anya is my best friend. During the time of writing, we were having a fight.)


insecure, they say, strange, alone, afraid. all these words that apply to you: they speak them in solidarity, to say that you are not forsaken.

but somehow, it only makes you feel worse. it doesn’t feel like they get it because they’re wrong. it doesn’t feel like awful and it doesn’t feel like scared: it feels like dying. it feels like you’re in a sea of people and thoughts and confusion and your lungs, your head, are cottony and wet. it feels like fire in your head, consuming everything you are and love, licking with destructive pleasure across the base of your skull. it feels like being lost in the arctic, with the cold on your cheeks, and it feels like your heart is freezing, slowly, into something not quite human.

it seems so much easier to stop trying, to give yourself up to the wind and the flames and the water. you want to crawl inside someone else's world and breathe their air until you forget about everyone you ever were and are.

anya doesn’t like them, but you love fantasy books in a way that you can’t quitke explain. they’re so real but so unreal, a beautifully compact escape from everything that’s inside you. you can tumble into worlds that are more fascinating than yours and do things that you wish you could and fall in love and fly.

you sit in class and wish, with every fiber of your being, that you lived in the otherlands, that you went to border camp, that you could meet dryads and elves and harpies, that you could sword fight with serene and listen to elliot mouth off to teachers and have problems that, at least, are not your own.

you have food and shelter and good grades and parents that love you and the best, most brilliant friends in the world. but right now, you want nothing more than for someone to ask if you’re okay, to notice that you’re not. you want someone to hold you and let you cry into their shoulder, someone to tell you everything you didn’t know you needed to hear. you want someone that you can talk to about anything and someone that will listen.

you do not have anyone like that.


once, maybe it could have been anya, but you and anya have stopped saying “how are you?”. you have stopped saying much at all. she looks not at you, but you and you feel like a ghost: undead, invisible.

if she asked you, if she shoved aside the silliness and angry unsent text messages that's built a wall between you, you don’t think you would be able to lie. if she asked you, you would have to tell her the truth, you’d have to say, “i am not okay today”. if she asked you, you’d have to tell her everything.

you really, really, want her to ask. you really, really, want her to notice. you really, really, want her to care. she doesn’t ask. she doesn't notice. no one does, because this is how it goes. no one pays as much attention to you as you think they do.

you bite the inside of your cheek until your mouth tastes like blood, salty and sharp; you hold your breath until spots dance in front of your eyes; you dig your fingernails into your palms until you think your brain will burst with the pain. your eyes prick with tears and you blink until they curl, abashed, back inside your skull, only to wriggle back out again a few minutes later.

you feel undeserving and fragmented and very small. you get the best grades in the classes that you like the least and not good enough at the things you love. you don’t want to be a doctor or a ceo or a politician or a rabbi or any of the things people say you should be: you want to live in a pretty house with a pretty girl with galaxy-splashed eyes and a smile like the sun and you want to make art until you die.

you want to be heard, but more that you want to be listened to, to be seen. you want people to read your words and your drawings and see themselves inside of them. you want to create what makes others feel not-so-alone and you want to make beauty out of sadness. you want to paint the sky with the insides of your heart and be vulnerable and alive and loved.

you want to be sarah rees-brennan and jk rowling and emma watson and s.e. hinton and david almond and william shakespeare and olga grushin all rolled into one, but that’s sort of impossible. they’re all too great to be.

and also you don’t feel heard, and more than that you don’t feel listened to, or seen. it feels like you’re screaming into the void and your throat just gave out. flying means being knocked out of the sky and living means dying and loving means heartbreak.

no one you ever love will love you back, because that’s just the way it is for you: aim too high and fall flat; because you are crooked and odd and ugly and drippy; because all the people you were ever in love with are so much better than you are.

you clench your teeth together until your jaw aches. you really, really, want to disappear.

submitted by Abigail S., age 13, Nose in a Book
(January 6, 2018 - 2:43 pm)

I remember once you said a poem of mine was tangible and raw, and I'd say the same about this- you are an amazing writer, I'm always amazed by how you can put thoughts like these into words and have it sound so good! The paragraph that starts with 'you want to be heard,' is my favorite. And this line, 'flying means being knocked out of the sky and living means dying and loving means heartbreak.' I really wish I could do something to help other than send 1000 virtual hugs, which I'm sending to you right now <3 If you ever need to talk or rant or something, we're here for you.

submitted by Bluebird
(January 6, 2018 - 10:43 pm)

all-nighter [a collection of haikus]


let's stay up to watch 

the sun rise, mirrored purple

nightclouds in our eyes


paint bucket spilled on

black canvas, red sun rising 

above the meadows


breathe in soft, look out

through the windows, we witness

a day being born


above frosted grass

and hazy fog obscuring

the telepone wires




Trying to write a poem using just haikus. This is actually really fun, I challenge you all to do it!

submitted by Bluebird
(January 11, 2018 - 8:10 pm)

Ooh! This is cool, maybe I'll try it! I love how this poem gives you a very distinct sense of early-morning peacefulness.

submitted by Leafpool, age Finite, This side of reality
(January 12, 2018 - 4:13 pm)