Ryokan Suzuran  

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

Ryokan Suzuran  

Ryokan Suzuran      


The CBer sat in the shade outside their house, staring up at the single cloud in the sky. It was nearly July, and already sweltering hot. They wondered idly if it was going to rain tomorrow. 

A bird glided over from somewhere behind them. Oddly, it landed right at their feet, seemingly unafraid. As the CBer watched, it set down a scroll, and stared at them for a second before flapping away. The CBer watched it go, then opened the missive. 

You are invited to a free* thirty-one day** vacation at the luxurious Ryokan Suzuran! Located in a scenic valley, we offer hiking trails, hot springs and traditional Japanese rooms and services, all for no cost!* To accept, simply bury this message in open soil and water lightly. Guests and luggage to be transported by dragon.*** 

*Popcorn not included. 

**Length of vacation may vary. 

***Guests may not keep their dragons upon arrival. 

The Ryokan Suzuran is not to be held responsible for any loss of property, sanity, health, or life. Weapons and popcorn-making supplies will be confiscated on arrival. By accepting this offer, you agree to all terms and conditions. All rights reserved. 

The CBer leapt up, scroll in hand, and ran inside to find a watering can.  


We are Summer and Sukāretto, proprietors of the Ryokan Suzuran. We will be accepting 32 guests, including AEs and Captchas. The password is Lily. All who wish to attend must fill out this sheet. 



CBer, AE, Captcha, or Captchae: 





Reason for attending: 


Reaction to an unexpected shower of cherry blossom petals:  




Anyone who does not fill out their sheet before July 1st will be eaten by their dragon. We look forward to meeting you!  

submitted by Summer & Sukāretto, the mountains
(June 15, 2018 - 5:57 am)

TAHT WAS EPIC!!!! I was soooooo close! Darn you, tree roots. Also, congrats, Cockleburr!

submitted by Gracia
(July 24, 2018 - 1:21 pm)


That was so cool! Good job, Viola? and Alizarine!

And Viri said her third word: note! I guess that's her way of celebrating! Anyway, thanks so much for creating this ski lodge! It was so awesome!  

submitted by Agent Winter, Classified
(July 24, 2018 - 3:17 pm)

I know! Me too! That was the reason we wrote it, or at least one of them;a lot of ski lodges were dying without ending and we wanted to make one that finished. That's also why I entered it; wish fulfillment. :3

Eee, thank you! 

Mexi says mbmb. Mamba? Like the snake or the dance? 

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(July 26, 2018 - 1:24 pm)

XD Thanks! And thank you for visiting, making it possible.

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(July 26, 2018 - 6:14 pm)

Wow, I never would have guessed Alizarine. At least I got Cockleburr right though :P

Great story, guys! Thanks for following through with it, too! 

submitted by hotairballoon
(July 24, 2018 - 6:29 pm)

Oh yeah! You get a prize for guessing right. I kind of want to call it the Suzuran Badge, but it's not actually a badge, it's just a picture... This also goes to Jwyn, Blue Moon (How did you know, too?), Gracia and Cockleburr, as well as anyone I missed. 

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(July 26, 2018 - 2:29 pm)

Woot Woot! Thanks, everybody! This was fun but I'm probably never going to do it again.

Behind the scenes stuff/ missed clues:

Day one: "...Jwyn, glassy-eyed and twisted... with finger marks on her neck." This can rule out all non-humans who do not have fingers- although Spyro of course has a human form.

Day two: "Working on secret secrets which you are not authorized to know about..." & "...checking my supply of artificial dust..." Low-key snicket refrence; and be on the lookout for dusty rooms. They were probably used recently.

Day three: "Someone's found the secret room." This one was mentioned, but if the secret room was found so early it was probably some sort of decoy or red herring, and full of unimportant clues. This is true. I rigged the setup and dusted the corners. Also, Poison had discovered the room. more on that later.

Day 3 1/2: The pictures! There's a lot of stuff here:

-Lamp: Nothing interesting here. The lamp is a lamp.

-Origami bird: Aesthetic purposes only. Keep in mind I purposly rigged this room and thought went into each item.

-Blueprints: These were not the full blueprints. Only about half of the passages were shown.

-Every-rose-has-a-thorn note: To seem creepy. The note and its applications will come up later.

-Chopsticks: Aesthetic. 

-Caring for Perrenials- To add to the flower theme carrried throughout the month. Also to make "Every rose has a thorn" seem a little more significant.

-Pad of ink: To make it seem more like an actual workspace.

-Necklace: To seem elegant. 

-Hollow book: To raise suspicion and theories. For the curious, the hollow book contains two pens; one black and one blue.

Day four: "A key is slipped under a door." I knew Poison had been in my room (security cameras) and needed time to move everything out before anyone else got there. I made a creepy comment to discurage Poison from telling everyone and sent a note to Cockleburr that said "poison" along with a key to the front closet. Wanting to jump on the oppertunity, and not being completely sure which "Poison" I was talking about, she incorperated both.

Day five: This was probably not a murder. We don't have that worked out. Unfortunately for me, popcorn sales declined dramatically and no one wanted to buy any popcorn for the rest of the stay. Understandable. XD


The power just went out IRL and I need to save battery power on the laptop. Part two is coming soon! 

submitted by Sukāretto, aka Alizarine
(July 25, 2018 - 5:55 am)

Oh drat, I forgot to do the hollow book reveal! Sorry.

Day 5 was totally a murder! Where do you think Blue Moon got that popcorn? *huffy* Oh hey, someone brought popcorn money, right? It would've been really clever of us to kill that person the day before the Zeamaizock. Did we do that accidentally? I don't remember.

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(July 26, 2018 - 1:21 pm)

I think it was an accident, but I don't know...

submitted by Alizarine
(July 28, 2018 - 5:41 pm)

I think I mentioned I was going to steal popcorn because I didn't like rules, so maybe not. But you're a host, so! (Yes, I know this is old, but I'm going back to it for the CB book and I feel like I just have to leave comments on everything)

submitted by Blue Moon, age 12, Here
(October 12, 2018 - 3:18 pm)

That was AMAZING!!! I was the first to die, yet the smartest of all.


What?! Did you see how long it took that dragon to eat me? Did you see how I wielded that-




Now you’ve done it.


Well, she’s going to pay more attention to things for sure now.


I am SO glad we do NOT share a room. 


*sigh* Like my grandma says, ‘when the story’s all done, it feels like you’ve lost an old friend’. But we can always look back and remember.


And the reason I was reasonably sure you were who you were was because I read the story from the very start. I first saw you put the ‘SPOILERY DISCUSSION AHEAD’ comment on your congratulations thread and was confused. I posted as ‘Um... What?, What was that all about?’ wanting to know what was going on. Then I read through (I think) the entire Endless Spring ski lodge thread that never started and the end of the comments. I then realized what the comment had meant, then posted as ‘Aha! Now I get it, age Sorry, I’ll leave you two alone now’ to let you know I understood, but because I was interested in the makings of a ski lodge I followed your story. When the thread went up I filled in my sheet and all, and when you said not to read it anymore I didn’t, or at least most of it I didn’t. By that time I was doubting my memory as to whether or not you were Viola? and Alizarine, so I put my guess as you, but left open in case you were someone else.


Sorry for the long explanation, but there you go. Thank you for this awesome ski lodge! That was, as everyone has said, the first that I’ve seen that has ended, and even so, amazingly done. This was so much fun! (You should do another!!!)


Oh, also...

submitted by Jwyn, age 13, No Longer a Ghost
(July 25, 2018 - 11:06 am)

Aha! That was you! XD

submitted by Alizarine
(July 25, 2018 - 5:01 pm)

My thoughts exactly!

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(July 26, 2018 - 2:32 pm)

I go on vacation for the weekend, come back and I fell into a pit and then got revived. I'm so glad this was my first ski lodge! 

submitted by Pooki P, age -30, not where you live
(July 25, 2018 - 12:40 pm)

:D Thanks for helping us make it happen!

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(July 26, 2018 - 6:08 pm)