Hotel ski lodge!!!!

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

Hotel ski lodge!!!!

Hotel ski lodge!!!!


You run up the ladder into your treehouse, extremely glad it's summer. You crawl over to the stack of books in the corner and pick up the one on top. You see a piece of paper sticking out of it. You read:

Dear unknown child/tween/teen:

You are hereby invited to stay at my new luxury hotel, entitled Relaxation Suites! You all will be the first to visit. All rooms comprise of two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a living room, a small kitchen, and a deck with a spectacular view of the beach! There are several attractions inside the hotel, including: rooftop pool, trampoline park, indoor amusement park, giant ball pit, library, and much, much more! There is also a boardwalk out to the ocean. You are welcome to swim, as long as a staff member is watching. All meals will be served buffet- style, and desserts will be served after lunch and dinner. Vacation will last two weeks. I will expect you and your companion(s) in three days. Everything is free. You are welcome to pack your devices, weapons, and your own food. No pets, please.

Hoping to see you soon,

The Inn Keeper


Role(CBer, AE, ect.):




Favorite color:

Packing list:


So! Be free to guess me, I will tell you when all the slots are full, and the 'no pets' rule doesn't apply if one if your companions isn't human. Have fun, despite the mur-*coughcoughcough* I said nothing! 

submitted by The Inn Keeper, age Ski lodge, Relaxation Suites
(June 25, 2018 - 9:17 am)

This sounds fun--especially that indoor amusement park!

Role(CBer, AE, ect.): CBer

Name: Icy

Gender: Female

Personality: She tries to be friendly, but is all too wary of her own awkwardness. She is intelligent (except when it comes to math and anything social), and loves solving mysteries. She usually tries to do things as hard as she can, but gets upset easily when she fails. She acts occasionally shy, but usually friendly and happy when she knows someone better.

Favorite color: Light blue! (/aqua)

Packing list: Three notebooks, two pencils, one pencil sharpener, clothing, two journals, one pen, and one dreaded mechanical pencil.

Other: She has ice mage magic, but as it requires a lot of practice, she's not the best at using it yet.

I'll be bringing Thirty, my AE, if that's okay?


Role(CBer, AE, ect.): AE

Name: Narrator Thirty-three (Though she goes by Thirty)

Gender: Female

Personality: Acts very neutral, generally very wise (though lacking in wisdom when it comes to emotional matters), slightly cold when talking to others, only shows hints of emotion when narrating. She works hard to keep her emotionless behavior, but really depends on having an audience and will sulk when things don't go her way.

Favorite color: White.

Packing list: Three scripts, a copy of Grimm's Fairy tales, two fairy tale books, clothes, a bland makeup pallete.

Other: She has a constant habit of narrating what is around her. She is usually seen carrying a book or script and reading from it. 

submitted by Icy, age 13..., The Forest
(July 1, 2018 - 9:55 am)

Role: CBer

Name: Viola?

Gender: Female

Personality: Fundamentally catlike. Curious, excitable, adores elegance and desires respect but enjoys acting silly. Determined, methodical and realistic when she gets down to something, looking for multiple angles and selecting the strategically best. Always has an eye out for pretty little odds and ends (physical and metaphysical), weird connections to make and every possible chance to say something clever or funny. Dramatic, creepy, thinks things through. Always looks for the best in a situation. Can have a hard time communicating and/or appearing serious. Enjoys being in charge and everyone (including her) knowing what's going on.

Favorite color: I will go crazy if I think too hard about this, so I'll just say green. I always think of purple things as mine, though.

Packing list: A few changes of clothes, toiletries, some food, a small medical kit, a camera, a flashlight and spare batteries, several books, a sketchbook, her diary, pens, pencils and colored pencils, a silver alloy dagger, a bow and arrows, and a few bags to carry all the shells, rocks and sea glass she's inevitably going to collect.

Other: The Sticky Note Queen. Can summon and control sticky notes at will.

Nymph, Sea Glass, do you want to come?


If you wish.


Role: AE

Name: Sea Glass

Gender: Aporagender ("Separate gender"; neither male, female or in between, but not without gender), uses xe/xyr pronouns.

Personality: Quiet, polite, extremely socially awkward. Introverted and antisocial, yet achingly lonely. A dreamer. Formal, sensitive, shy, obsessive. Avoidant, but agonizes over it. Nervous, sad. Won't do things xe disagrees with, but won't speak out against them. Rarely smiles. Quick to please.

Favorite color: Pale blue, not too bright.

Packing list: A book or two, a few changes of clothes, toiletries, a journal and pen. Extra bracelets.

Other: Attracted like a magnet to small, interesting things xe finds on the ground. 

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(July 2, 2018 - 5:22 am)

Alright, today is the first day of vacation, and all we're doing is driving. I'm hoping for more people, but if no one else joins, fine. Anyways, I have the intro to the ski lodge written down and it doesn't mention anybody specifically, so here it is!


The guests walked to the hotel, shleping their luggage and CAPTCHAs alike, the AEs running around like hooligans, giddy with excitement. The Inn Keeper met them near the door. He was tall, with curly black hair and a good-natured look about him. His dark eyes flashed when he saw the small hoard of CBers. He grinned and stretched his arms wide.

"Welcome," he boomed,"to Relaxation Beach Suites! I am the Inn Keeper, but you can call me Nick. Come!"

The group entered. There were several gasps of astonishment. They had walked into  a bright, modern, incredibly vast sitting room, adorned with a large crystal chandelier. It was filled with cozy-looking sofas and abstract paintings. To the left was the check-in desk, and on the right were tables, evidently to hold their buffet-style meals.

Nick directed the group to the elevators, then handed each CBer a key card to their room and a map of what attractions were on what floor. (There were ten total.) The group split into different elevators, which were large marble machines, and trickled out to their own rooms.


Aaaand I'll stop there. 

submitted by Nick/Soren
(July 2, 2018 - 8:39 am)

Awesome! I like it already!

Here's my sheet: 

Role: CBer

Name: Kate-the-Great, or just Kate

Gender: F

Personality: Always happy, cheerful, and optimistic, forgetful, funny, always laughing, weird in a good way, adventurous, not squeamish, loves exploring and playing hide and seek, climbing trees, and just being active in general. Kind, resourceful, brave. Sometimes a little annoying. LOVES music and dancing. Loves playing games and solving mysteries. Loves stories, myths, legends, fantasy worlds, etc. Loves space!

Favorite color: BLUE!!!!!!!!!!

Packing list:



bow and arrows




sketch pad

drawing pencils

ipad and earphones (and charger)

A magical water bottle full of ice cold lemonade that refills itself

a magical cinnamon roll still hot that magically refills all the bites


Blue backback with stars and constellations on it that always seems to have just the right amount of room in it   



You said you wanted more people to come, so Brian wanna come? 


Ok, great he's coming!

Role: AE

Name: Brian

Gender: M

Personality: Introverted, sometimes gets depressed, annoying to a point beyond annoyingness

Favorite color: black

Packing list:


black hoodie 

Other: eh


Cardinal says "tmbr". She's listening to the song Timber. Let me know if you need her to come too.  

submitted by Kate-the-Great, age ???????, A Galaxy Far Far Away...
(July 2, 2018 - 3:54 pm)

@Icy of course you can bring N33! She'll make writing this fun:) @Kate thanks for saying it's awesome! You don't have to bring cardinal, I just think the ski lodge would be more fun with more people XP

submitted by Nick, MY INN
(July 2, 2018 - 5:53 pm)

Alright, so here is everyone with companions:


LilyLad                                                                                                                           Gem

Fireburst                                                                                                                        Byann.                                                                                                                            Darkfeather

Agent Winter                                                                                                                 Sam

Icy                                                                                                                                  Thirty

Viola?                                                                                                                             Sea Glass

Kate                                                                                                                               Brian

Aspen (needs to fill out sheet)

That's at least thirteen people in all. I'm probably going to go ahead and start it once Aspen gets back to us. 



submitted by Soren , MY INN
(July 4, 2018 - 2:15 pm)

Hey Soren, 

WHERE AM I ON THIS SHEET!? Sorry I'm a little ticked off. A little? Ann, learn to SHUT UP! 

Sincerly, Secret 


submitted by Secret, age Treehouse, Ticked off
(July 5, 2018 - 12:38 pm)

Oh, I'm sorry, Secret!!! You, ..., and Sophia have been added to the list.

submitted by Nick, age Sorry!!!!!, MY INN
(July 5, 2018 - 1:41 pm)

It's fine. Who's Sophia??????? 






Dream says mzna. Is that a friend of yours?  

submitted by Secret
(July 6, 2018 - 5:56 am)


submitted by Nick, age 9, MY INN
(July 5, 2018 - 12:53 pm)

I’m in.

Role: CBer

Name: ...

Gender: Not going to sayo

Personality: Shy, sometimes, until you know me. Sarcastic, good at reading situations. I love reading, period, and writing. 

Favorite color: Black/deep blue

Packing list: Books. Lots. Sea salt popcorn. A notebook and pencil. Toothbrush & toothpaste. Glasses. Tissues (I’m sick).

Hey, Leo, Soph, wanna come?

Uh, no. The Inn Keeper almost said murder. 

Well, Leo, maybe they were going to say...uh...murky! Like murky water. Or...murmur. Who knows?

Whatever, I’m not going.

Okay! Got it. Sophia?

Um...murder? That doesn’t really sound, what’s the word, oh yeah, SAFE!

It’ll be fine. Relax.

I guess. It does sound kinda fun...

That’s the spirit! Sign up.

Role: AE

Name: Sophia, you can call me Soph or Sophie though. 

Gender: Female, she/her pronouns 

Personality: Very cautious and shy until you’re good friends. Then she is very open and honest. 

Favorite color: Pastel red

Packing list: Diary, ballpoint pen, hair ties, watercolor set, small canvases, toiletries, iPod, sketchbook, pencils, tortilla chips





submitted by ..., age 13 eons , The Moon
(July 5, 2018 - 12:27 pm)

Question: Are all Ski Lodges murder related? Do they have to be?

submitted by ..., age 13 eons, The Moon
(July 6, 2018 - 9:48 pm)

Yeah.... What about near death.... or 1-5 people acutally die? 

submitted by Secret
(July 7, 2018 - 6:30 am)

Yes. A ski lodge is a murder mystery- that's their whole point. (Levana says pook. Hey, stop poking me!)

submitted by Nick, MY INN
(July 7, 2018 - 8:55 am)

As said by an earlier CBer, a Ski Lodge really is just a murder mystery.

They're all called 'Ski Lodges' because the first actually took place at a Ski Lodge. While they certainly don't all take place at a Ski Lodge anymore, they always (or almost always, in some of these cases) include:

-The CBers being invited somewhere by the writer (who often double doubles as the host in the story) of the Ski Lodge.

-The CBers going on a vacation

-CBers slowly dying, post by post, as tension builds and the readers wonder who the murderer is.

-A lot of murder.

Sorry for going crazy with the explanation--I absolutely love to explain things and elaborate. I hope you don't find this annoying.

submitted by Icy, age 13, And Narrator 33
(July 7, 2018 - 8:57 pm)