Silver Moon Group!

Chatterbox: In This Month's Issue

Silver Moon Group!

Silver Moon Group!

@pangolin and @wildsong (hope its okay i didn't use all the caps) this is our group! Let's see...we all like reading and writing. Which do you prefer?

submitted by Moon Wolf , age lunaryears, A Celestial Sky
(December 10, 2023 - 3:49 pm)
submitted by WiLdSoNg
(April 28, 2024 - 11:04 am)

Here's a very bad photo I took

submitted by Moon Wolf , age lunars, A Celestial Sky
(April 28, 2024 - 3:57 pm)

The Selection series is basically about a dystopian-ish world where everyone is divided into eight castes/social classes. 35 girls are chosen to participate in the selection, where they live in the palace and compete for a prince's heart. The main character doesn't want to get selected, however.

I never knew that there were friday the 13th societies! as for my handwriting, I suppose it's more on the normal script side, though there are the loopy y's. 

:) yep I might get one in the future (if I find one that's not super expensive). do you have a favorite necklace or bracelet?

personally I prefer wearing hoodies during the winter, mostly because it feels super cozy and nice. do you have a color scheme with your clothing?

I like doodling from time to time, like human faces and wolves (and birds recently), all of them in an unrealistic, cartoon-ish/anime-ish style. What about you?

Do you have a writing style? 

submitted by Moon Wolf, age lunars, A Celestial Sky
(May 3, 2024 - 8:16 pm)

Oh I think someone was telling me about that series. It looks good! Maybe I'll check it out!

Yeah I think my handwriting is similar to yours! I'll post a picture after this. :) I really like this one bracelet that had the title of a Hebrew prayer on it but then it broke and I don't know how to fix it. I like little silver necklaces with tiny charms on it like bees or the first letter of my name. 

I agree that hoodies are cozy. I love wearing this one hoodie that's giant and sooooo fuzzy. I wear a lot of darker colors like black, blue, and gray, but recently I've been trying to mix it up. So I guess I don't have a color scheme. What about you?

Thats cool! The wolf you drew is really good! I like to doodle random things but I'm also trying to get better at drawing realistic people. It's soooooo hard.

How long have you been on the CB? 

submitted by WiLdSoNg
(May 4, 2024 - 6:36 am)

:) yay! Is there a popular series that you personally don't like, or just a popular series you find meh? 

Yep your handwriting is beautiful! :) that bracelet sounds nice. Sad that it broke :( bracelets or necklaces?

My color scheme is a bit mixed though I tend to have white, purple, and pink in my clothing. Do you like wearing dresses?

:) tysm! I'm pretty terrible at realistic, especially humans, so I just stick to cutesy doodles. 

I've been on CB for almost a year! 10 days away from my CBversary. What about you?

Also have you ever done any big writing projects on CB (like ski lodges, solo writes, or RPs)? If not do you prefer joining a certain type?

submitted by Moon Wolf , age lunars, A Celestial Sky
(May 4, 2024 - 11:50 am)

Hmmm popular series I don't like.... I don't know that's really hard! I used to really like Harry Potter but now I don't like it as much but I don't think that counts. What about you?

Thanks! Yeah, I really liked it. I'm trying to get my dad's colleague to fix it but we'll see. Mmmmm maybe both? It really depends on my mood and what I'm wearing. I just went to synagogue and read Torah so I'm dressed fairly nice right now.

That's cool! I don't wear a lot of pastel pink, purples, and whites but I wish I could expand to wear more! Do you have a favorite article of clothing? I like wearing dresses but I don't wear them often. They're more of a dressy (no pun intended) thing. You?

Wow exciting! I love how active you are on the CB! It makes me happy to see things like 1 hour by Moon Wolf. :) I joined September 2022 so almost 2 years already!?! What?! I think I joined around the same time as Hawkstar but I don't exactly know.

No I haven't done any big projects yet, although I've really wanted to. I like joining Solo writes and ski lodges. The only RPs I've done are on Kyngdom. How about you?

Where has your favorite place to travel been?

submitted by WiLdSoNg
(May 4, 2024 - 1:21 pm)

I think I would say LotR. It's a good series, but not my favorite kind of fantasy genre. 

:) that's nice! i enjoy wearing dresses, but just for special occasions. do you have a dress preference?

yep I'm quite active. wow I can't believe you've been on here for almost 2 years! I think I joined around the time celineburningbright joined. it's always nice to see new cbers :)

I have finished a ski lodge, and I'm working on one right now (mystery inn, identity already guessed haha). I haven't made solo writes nor RPs, though I enjoy joining both. I love Kyngdom RPs especially, if I'm being honest. If you ever make a writing project (no pressure!), I would definitely join.

My favorite place to travel would be Canada or Taiwan. I have relatives living in both places, and it's just pretty fun to see everything, like nature in Canada or all the culture and 7 eleven stores (yes, those stores) in Taiwan. What about you?

Are you going anyhwere for summer break? 

submitted by Moon Wolf, age lunars, A Celestial Sky
(May 4, 2024 - 8:04 pm)

Hmmm yeah I get what you're saying. I like Lotr but I find it really hard to get through because the writing is so dense.

I don't really have a preference, I just like wearing dresses that I think flatter me. Do you have a preference?

I know I can't believe it either! The time has really flown by! If you could guess, how many CBers are decently active these days? I've been wondering.

Thats great! Haha I think I knew that you were the Mystery Inn author. Thanks! I've been wanting to for a while now, although I'm not sure how to get started.

Cool! I've been to Canada but I've never been to Taiwan. It's nice you have family there. I would probably go to Italy. I've been twice because my family likes to reconnect with our ancestry. Other than that, I would just love to go anywhere.

I'm going to Washington, Oregon, and Cape Cod. Each year we go to these same places to visit family. You?

Do you have a favorite food? 

submitted by WiLdSoNg , I cOmE fRoM tHe StArS
(May 5, 2024 - 7:26 am)

Yeah. When do you read books? Like in the morning or night?

I don't really, though I enjoy dresses that are light purple. Current outfit?

If I could guess...maybe around 20? Honestly I'd have to list them to know. What about you?

:) yep. I can try to answer some questions if you have any! And my advice for getting started is to just do it. You'll never rlly know unless you start.

Wow Italy sounds nice! And its cool that you're going to Washington Oregon and cape cod! I'm going to Taiwan for the summer. 

My fav food is probably sushi, ice cream, or pasta. What about you?

Do you have a favorite flavor of ice cream?  

submitted by Moon Wolf , age lunars, A Celestial Sky
(May 5, 2024 - 5:38 pm)

Ummmm I read when I'm home on a weekend or when I come home from school. What about you?

Cute! Funny, my current out contains quite a bit of purple! I'm wearing black athletic shorts, a dark purple crop top, dandelion socks, a light purple sweatshirt unzipped, and pink heart glasses on top of my head. And my hair is down. :) what about you?

Thanks! I'll try and pick a hobby. Maybe I'll do soccer or skiing first?

Italy is amazing! I love it! Wow that's so exciting! Do you go to Taiwan a lot? I'd love to go someday.

Mmmm those are all good choices! You're making me hungry XD I really like having a variety of foods but right now I'm in the mood for Korean pork (called Bo ssam, soooooooo good), vegetarian sushi, and candy! Do you have a favorite drink? Like either you go to the store and get this or order it at a restaurant. Could be multiple answers.

I really like Ben and Jerry's Ice cream and they have so many delicious flavors. One of my favorites is Coffee Toffee Bar Crunch, or fudge brownie, or Americone dream. What about you?

Do you like watching any sports? If not, who would you see in a concert? 

submitted by WiLdSoNg
(May 6, 2024 - 2:56 pm)

I read in the mornings, and before bed. I'm currently reading Listen, Slowly by Thanhha Lai, who also wrote Inside Out and Back Again. Have you ever read that book?

Nice! I'm currently wearing a thin long-sleeved white shirt with splattered paint design on it and pastel pink leggings. My hair is down. If you could design your ideal outfit, what would it look like?

:) sounds nice!

I went to Taiwan several times before, but this will be the first time I'm going since the pandemic. If you ever go, check out the 7-elevens because they are actually pretty good. They have really good snacks and drinks! Is there anywhere in Italy you went to before that you'd love to go again?

mmm kind of hungry haha it all sounds so good! favorite drink, probably boba milk tea or fruit tea. What about you?

ben and jerry's ice cream is good! all those flavors sound soooo good. My personal favorite ice cream flavor is lavender. It is rlly good :) though I also pretty much like any kind of ice cream

I don't really watch sports (besides during olympics). do you? Hmm, I'd probably see a Taylor Swift concert, though those are always filled quickly! Seeing a G.E.M. (a c-pop singer) concert would also be nice. What about you? 


submitted by Moon Wolf, age lunars, A Celestial Sky
(May 6, 2024 - 10:14 pm)

That sounds nice. I wish I had the time for that! I read Inside Out and Back Again, but I haven't read Listen, Slowly. I love IOaBA (I don't know if that abbreviation exists so I made an acronym :)! What's Listen, Slowly about and is it good?

Cute! I don't know what my ideal outfit would look like. Probably something slightly athletic but cute. I don't really know. What about you?

That's really cool! Do you go to Taiwan for a reason, like family or something? Haha I'll keep that in mind! Usually seems that other countries have really good snacks. I would go back to he region of Abruzzo, where my family used to live, and Puglia is so beautiful. But I would love to explore the rest of Italy. Where in Taiwan would you go back to? 

Mmmm boba. :p I really only like bursting boba because I don't like the texture of tapioca pearls. I like Yerba drinks by Guayaki and non-alcoholic cocktails at restaurants. Is there a drink or food you really don't like?

Yes they are so good! Lavender sounds great! I think I might have had it before but I can't remember. It sounds like it would be a very pretty color.

I love watching the Olympics! I also watch soccer every week and I watch the soccer World Cup and the skiing World Cup when it's happening. That's cool! Yeah Taylor Swift is very popular! What's your favorite song by her or anyone in general? I don't know who I'd see. I like a lot of different artists. Maybe Noah Kahan, Orla Gartland, or Alec Benjamin. 

What zodiac sign are you? 

submitted by WiLdSoNg
(May 7, 2024 - 6:42 pm)

Yes inside out and back again is so good! Have you read the sequel? Listen Slowly is about a girl who lives in Laguna CA who goes to Vietnam curing the summer. Its like IOaBa but flipped. Really good so far!

I would probably say something like Jean leggings, white shirt, and lavender jacket.

Yep I  have relatives there! Wow that sounds cool! I would probably go to Taipei and Taichung, and maybe Tainan. Do you have a favorite Italian food?

Bursting bona is pretty good. I've never tried Yerba drinks before. What does it taste like? I don't like...maybe bitternelon. What bout you?

It is a pretty color. Do you like Popsicles?

Ooo nice! My favorite song by Taylor Swift is probably Cruel Dummer. What about you? Nice! I've listened to some Alec Benjamin songs. 

My zodiac sign is Capricorn. What is yours?

Do you have a favorite month? 


submitted by Moon Wolf , age lunars, A Celestial Sky
(May 8, 2024 - 8:08 pm)

Woah can you believe how many pages we have on this thread! That's amazing!

No I haven't read the sequel. Is it good? Listen, Slowly sounds really good! I'll check it out!

Ooh cool! What kind of jacket are you talking about? I'm honestly picturing leather XD

Wow that's so awesome! Taiwan sounds so cool and you're so lucky you get to go! Do you have a favorite Taiwanese food? I'd love to go there sometime. I think Italians do pasta very well. I've learned that pasta is made specifically to hold a sauce, and they choose the perfect pasta for the sauce in the dish. It's sooooooo good!

Yerba has an interesting taste but I'll do my best to explain. Some flavors just taste like a juice but less sweet and a bit bitter. The mint one tastes refreshing and slightly bitter and so yummy! I really did not do a good job of explaining but oh well.

I've never had bitter melon before. What's that like? I don't like the texture of mushrooms, so there's that, but otherwise I'm not very picky. I also don't like gefilte fish, which is a common Jewish food eaten at Passover.

I do like popsicles! I tend to go for the more unique flavors, or stick to lemon. What's your go to popsicle flavor?

Thats cool! I don't listen to much Taylor Swift but I like her older songs, like Wildest Dreams.

I'm a Sagittarius! I don't quite know what that means for my personality though. What's your Myers-Brigg personality?

I don't think I have a favorite month. I can just find something good and something bad about each. What about you?

What made you choose the name Moon Wolf? 

submitted by WiLdSoNg
(May 9, 2024 - 3:44 pm)
submitted by Moon Wolf , age lunars, A Celestial Sky
(May 3, 2024 - 8:20 pm)