Hello, everynyaa. How

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

Hello, everynyaa. How

Hello, everynyaa. How are you? Fine, thank you. Osaka: Oh maw gosh! 

Hiiiiiiii. You can call me Red. I am a rather bookish guy who has been badgered into joining the Chatterbox by Sakura. Sakura badgers me into a lot of things.....  Anyway, I'm new to this whole Chatterbox business,so if you could introduce yourself that would be appreciated. Oh, and Sakura told me that there are only a few guys on the Chatterbox. Follow me, guys, and become my loyal minions! Follow me like lemmings and I will lead you to a great and glorious future, where boys are no longer the minority! For those who serve me faithfully, I will reward you greatly!

Okay, I'm just ranting now. I think my point has been made and I can now slink away....


-Cluny the Scourge 

submitted by Red, age 13, Somewhere Random
(August 10, 2012 - 11:57 pm)

Yeah, sure. Nova Scotia is yours. If you wonder why we want you, it's because Red's greatest dream is to be a typical anime Mary Sue heroine, so he needs a herd of followers. Pleeeeeaaaaassssseeeee do not ask anything about Red's "lil' anime chibi girl". It will scar you for life. Seriously.

Oh, and the real reason is because we are taking over the CB so we need a couple of followers so we can say to SC "haha, we have followers" and once we win you can recieve ample amounts of payment for putting up with this odd form of humiliation. 

submitted by Sakura C., age 13, New Brunswick
(August 20, 2012 - 7:22 pm)

We could make up a ton of fake CBer names and post once or twice on this thread so we can claim to have followers.

About the chibi thing? I'm not going to ask.


submitted by SilverWing
(August 21, 2012 - 2:55 pm)

Oh, I remember the "lil' chibi anime girl". That thing was actually pretty creepy, I just went and found the picture. For those who want to know:

-picture me (wait, you don't know what I look like. Just picture a average guy".

-with pigtails

-while wearing luridly fashionable girl clothes

-with a big cheesey grin

-and doing the peace sign on both hands

-drawn in an anime style

-while saying Chiizu with a little squiggly tilda thingy for the second i

-with a little heart on the end.

Very very scary looking. 

submitted by Red, age 13, Finally done with hw
(August 21, 2012 - 10:40 pm)

I drew this going by L's description of you.

I shall now attempt to scrub my retinas.

submitted by Quintus, Calveicia
(August 27, 2012 - 1:33 pm)

I don't know where Orion is, but Zach L. is in Hawaii. And when he comes back, he's probably either not joining at all or joining the awesomer side. That's us, if you were wondering. 

submitted by Tiffany W.
(August 18, 2012 - 12:27 pm)

I go on vacation for a week and you guys start a war.  Geez, am I the only one who is on the more sane side of insanity around here?  


Anyways, I am Melody.  I believe I have popped up in this thread more than once already, so, you may slightly know me already. I am the resident Disney geek.  Seriously, ask me any question about Disney, dude, and I will know it off the top of my head or will look it up for fun.  I specialize in the parks.  My location used to be "just being awesome", but now it rotates to a new Disney location every so often.  My location in the real world is somewhere in New England.  But I must not give away all my secrets, so you will never know it exactly.  My sister, ~Blue Fairy~ is around here somewhere.  *sets out cheese* There.  That should lead her to the thread.  I love reading and writing.  I also enjoy breathing, eating, and drinking water.  In my spare time, I act, sing, play clarinet, and dance.  And I like to ride my bike, listen to music, and play video games.  Honestly, the only thing I don't do is sports.  *shudders* *apologizes to athletes*  I like sports, just not participating in them.  My music tastes are quite eccentric.  Go look up my posts on the music threads if you want more info than that.  It's seriously hard to explain.  I'm 14 and like many others, I am entering those odd years called high school.  Oh, yeah, and how I'm talking changes.  Like right now, I'm really quirky and weirdly proper sounding.  Depending on my mood, I could be outrageously random and using abbreviations, or using some other voice.  Seriously, it fluctuates.  Speaking of randomness, that's what I am.  Potato.


On the subject of this war thingymajigy, may I be the Cesar Flickerman of it all.  Like, I'm the television host and I crack jokes about it and stuff.  Because I am not a lemming.  *does one of those head-rolly thingies*


Ooh, my ride's here.  *rides away on boat from Small World ride* 

submitted by Melody, age 14, Carousel of Progress
(August 19, 2012 - 10:49 pm)

I forgot to mention that Star Wars is awesome.  


And about my name... First, I posted under my real name coughcoughKyracoughcough, then I changed for every thread I was in (I wasn't a very serious poster), then in one roleplay, I was Analesia.  That's what a lot of Chatterboxers remember me as, since I posted as her? me? for quite a while.  Then I had a thread asking what name people wanted me to change to.  Not a lot of pele voted for Melody, but I changed it to Melody anyway since a) it's Ariel from the Little Mermaid (the best character and movie of all time)'s daughter's name b) it's really pretty and c) it has to do with music.  Since I love performing arts and Disney, it kinda fit. 

submitted by Melody, age 14, Carousel of Progress
(August 19, 2012 - 11:06 pm)

Yeah, we should probably have rules.

1. We start out with one country. And maybe one other place. coughCairParavelisminecough

2. Recruit people/creatures/the undead from your country, or force them to serve you for all eternity.

3. Write a short script portion of our battle over the Atlantic Ocean.

3b. Important: include much funnyisms and such. For example:

High Queen SC of Narnia (SC): Prepare to meet your doom, snivelling little children!

Red: (intelligently) uh... sure.

Very funny, no?

4*. We have Britain's navy, what does Canada have? Yeah, that's right, HOCKEY STICKS.



*Okay, maybe not a rule.

submitted by SC, age ALLONS-Y!, FOR NARNIA
(August 20, 2012 - 1:26 pm)

1.I claim Enackra. Because it will bug Sakura C. that I'm using Enackra without asking permission.

2. Enackra is overrunning with lemmings so I have a major army of (very) formidable lemmings. Also, we have Mag, Sinthi, Gridj, Brun/Chroose, Luca (because everything's better with Luca!) and Amarelle cause she might murder me if Luca comes along but she doesn't. 

3.Meh. I will invade Canada a liitle bit later, when I finish with my homework. If that ever happens.

4.Curling! Canada has curling! Oh, and Canada has Rush so it is infinetly awesomer.

5.Chaos! Heck yeah! 

submitted by Red, age 13, Enackra
(August 20, 2012 - 5:56 pm)

I'm invading.

You may call me... SilverWing. Heh.

I believe I have already claimed Nova Scotia.

And announced my allegiance to Red.

And declared non-lemming-dom.

But I shall do it again.

Just in case.


submitted by SilverWing
(August 23, 2012 - 9:01 pm)

Egad! I forgot to bestow a title upon myself!

I shall be called Quintus, Fifth of the Protectors of Calveicia, Sunday's Noon, 8th in precedence within the House.

Erm... I have a bit of a Keys to the Kingdom obsession, if anybody cares at all.

News! I have managed to recruit many of the Denizens of the House to our army! I have 849 Coal Collectors, Monday's Noon (formerly Dusk), 14 Thesauruses, 212 sailors of the Border Sea, the pirate Feverfew, Dr. Scamandros (almost as cool as The Doctor!), Thursday's Dawn, 384 Soldiers of the House, Friday's Dusk, 502 Sorcerers of Lady Saturday, 5 Internal Auditors (eep), 53 Winged Servants of the Night, 47 Raised Rats, and 34 Piper's children to serve our cause!

Britain is a Secondary Realm, you say? The House is not part of Britain, you say? I SAY NO. The House may not be a Secondary Realm, but the Front Door opens into many parts of Britain now because of the Inner House Apocalypse (but not Canada, I checked the Atlas) so we, by this, get all of the stuff within the House! Yay us!

I have also recruited the captchas. From the Captcha Talks thread. So we have them and ha.

High Queen SC of Narnia, we shall rule the world!


Garthwumpian Flopp, captcha of Quintus says wggo. We go!

Quintus, Fifth of the Protectors of Calveicia, Sunday's Noon, 8th in precedence within the House

submitted by Quintus, Calveicia
(August 21, 2012 - 7:56 am)

I just wrote my vocab sentences for English about the Lemming War *delusions of grandeur*. Ugh, I've been working for 2 and a half hours straight (somewhat). I don't want to reasarch jim crow laws and then write a 300-400 paragraph on it and make a presentation. *grumble grumble*. The hoorror of IB....

submitted by Sakura C., age 13, Doing HW
(August 20, 2012 - 7:26 pm)

And SC, the ever-responsible ruler coughcoughnocoughcough, is the first one to make a move to establish rules.  The last time she established rules, the entire centaur race was almost wiped out. Let's see how Red replies.

submitted by Melody, age 14, Carousel of Progress
(August 20, 2012 - 9:02 pm)

I think this is the longest welcome thread ever!!!!!

submitted by Gollum, Mooseflower
(August 21, 2012 - 4:30 pm)

Red's doing homework right now and every few minutes sending me an email complaining about it, so I'm going to post a little.

How exactly should we go about invading, SC? What I mean is, we need some kind of established way to conquer countries/provinces/etc. Pick one of the following:

1) The just say "we conquered___________ , good for us"! approach

Example: Canada is ours! Next up: Finland! (Que a bunch of little Spamalot people singing about Finland and fish slapping)

2) Describe the capture of said place in great and boring detail, city by city appraoach

Example: Today, downtown Victoria was bombarded by a host of feroicous lemmings that thundered down main street, hozpitalizing five. The lemmings proceeded to take over and show up in homes and bussinessses all over town. We have also heard reports of an exploding young man, a pyro girl, a vicious young lady who yelled at any one who attempted to go near said young man, a slightly less young man who appeared to be talking with snakes, and an old woman who was able to do a number of odd appearences that defied gravity and other laws of physics. Other shady characters were witnessed, including two young teenagers with capes and plastic swords, laughing evilly and talking in code about "SC", "Quintus", "CB" and other such odd names. One panicked bystander said, "It's the wizards! Lord Voldemort has come to life and is terroizing us all!" The city has gone into lockdown because of the sheer number of lemmings. Citizens should reamain calm, report any sightings of demons, and stay indoors until further notice. 

3) Or...

Red's army approaches Alberta. 

Sakura C: Tactics, tactics, tactics,... that's how I plan to secure this victory.  

Quintus: Canada will never fall to you! I will protect it at all costs!

Red:I wonder what prompted Quintus to side with SC.

SilverWing: I don't know. She kind of scares me nowadays......

Sakura: Enough! Let's go to the battle field!

(Battle field)

Red: I won't lose to you!

Quintus: I will protect Canada at all costs.

Red's army's turn.

Red: Let's go! 

(Lemming moves forward)

Amarelle: Let's go!

(Luca moves forward).

Amarelle: Luca, let's try Spontaneous Combustion!


Oh, dear. I don't think anyone's going to get this reference. Oh, well.

4) Your idea here. 

submitted by Sakura C., age 13, Not doing HW
(August 21, 2012 - 7:09 pm)