Hello, everynyaa. How

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

Hello, everynyaa. How

Hello, everynyaa. How are you? Fine, thank you. Osaka: Oh maw gosh! 

Hiiiiiiii. You can call me Red. I am a rather bookish guy who has been badgered into joining the Chatterbox by Sakura. Sakura badgers me into a lot of things.....  Anyway, I'm new to this whole Chatterbox business,so if you could introduce yourself that would be appreciated. Oh, and Sakura told me that there are only a few guys on the Chatterbox. Follow me, guys, and become my loyal minions! Follow me like lemmings and I will lead you to a great and glorious future, where boys are no longer the minority! For those who serve me faithfully, I will reward you greatly!

Okay, I'm just ranting now. I think my point has been made and I can now slink away....


-Cluny the Scourge 

submitted by Red, age 13, Somewhere Random
(August 10, 2012 - 11:57 pm)

I believe she was talking about Red. As in, Ruby, confused with Red, etc....?

submitted by Quintus, Taking over Britain
(September 3, 2012 - 7:33 am)

I am mildly creeped out now.

Background info for anecdote: I call this one guy Suppi and he calls me Ruby Moon. Long story there. Hence, we also have a Yue and a Kerochan, but they do not come into this story.

Lunch. A lot of people are eating in this one teacher's courtyard, Red and me included. This one substitute teacher walks by with her lunch.

Said substitute teacher: Oh, you two look so alike, are you guys twins?

(Takes a second for everyone to figure out who she is talking about, because Red and I look nothing alike whatsoever.)

Suppi: Yeah, they're twins Ruby Moon and, .... Uh, ..... Red Moon.

Teacher: Oh isn't that so cute! You have just such precious names! Well, I hope I can see you later.

Me (as soon as teacher leaves): What, pray tell, was that about?

Suppi: She's a really gullible teacher, let's see if she falls for it.

Red: Whoah, does that mean (girl who real last name is Moon) is our sister?

So a couple classes pass and we forget about that teacher until sixth period. And the teacher takes roll....

(When she gets past the mo-s.) Teacher: Wait a minute, I thought the twins were in this class. Why are Ruby and Red Moon not on my roll sheet?

So then we had to get up in front of the entire laughing class and explain that Suppi was joking. That we weren't twins. That our names were not Ruby and Red. It took forever to convince her. I felt like throttling Suppi afterwards (don't worry, I didn'nt).  But excuse me if I feel like SC is stalking me. 

submitted by Sakura C., age 13, SK
(September 3, 2012 - 9:50 am)

Alberta is next! 50,006 new lemming recruits arrived today, 4,000 of them will stay behind to guard British Columbia. We now have 16,793,223,313 lemmings for invading. Isn't that an awful lot? Anyway, tomorrow at 11:15 mountain time all of aforementioned lemmings will stream into Alberta and head for Edmonton, overwhelmiing any huuman settlements on the way. At 12:23, Brun will summon a herd of dragons to come terrorize people in the capitol but not to hurt any. And at 12:24 he will turn into Chroose. Anyway, at 2:18 Mag, armed with a rather poky sword, will force control of Alberta to transfer to Red or else I will let the Sugarbowl do its job MWA HA HA! Which I will find a way to stick in my binder tomorrow. They willl have one hour to decide. If all goes well, no one will be hurt, and we will own Alberta before school gets out. Yay. 

submitted by Sakura C., age 13, BC
(August 28, 2012 - 7:46 pm)

Melody: The dark side has conquered two provinces of Canada (British Columbia and Alberta) using lemmings.  The light side has conquered England by kidnapping important figures from there and using dragons against the prime minister.  Your thoughts, Leota?

Leota: I live in America, so I'm good.

Melody: Which side do you think is going to win?

Leota: The winning side.

Melody: Gosh, I can't control you any better than I can Sonny.  Do you think this war is the end of the world as we know it?

Leota: Well, I'm not dead yet, so I think we're good.

Melody: And how's your roleplay going?

Leota: I don't know.  I can't be in it since I'm here. *angry glare*  Put me back home right now.

Melody: And that's the end of our broadcast.  Leota, come back here!




For those who didn't know, Sonny and Leota are my two favorite characters I have created.  Sonny is a snobby supermodel who is psychic.  Leota is half-ghost, really bossy, and really sarcastic. 

submitted by Melody, age 14, The Black Pearl
(August 28, 2012 - 8:56 pm)

Alberta has fallen. MWA HA HA! 

Note: From now on, Red says he will either confer with me via email about a conquest, write the conquest himself, or write it with me. I think he's getting a little tired of random people going up to him and saying ,"Congratulations on Alberta!"

Additonal Note: One of the seventh grade science teachers has two chinchillas which I recruited today at lunch.

And one last note: atwr 

submitted by Sakura C., age 13, AB
(August 29, 2012 - 8:15 pm)

Red: Hello, today is a minimum day and a four day weekend starts tomorrow, so I am hanging out with Sakura C. We are know listening to Rush and plotting an attack on this one place I can't spell. 

Sakura:  Saskatchewan ... I think.

R: That sounds about right. Anyway, we're invading that place.

S: Troop numbers:  We lost 4 lemmings under a bus. Fortunatly, Mag and 5 witches currently located in Enackra replenished our ranks (ooh, Natural Science!) and we know have the exact same number of lemmings invading and 100, 132 lemmings staying behind in each province. Mag has requested 3 days off, which we have given her. We know also have two chinchillas, which I have mentioned who are actually sitting in California right now serving as interpreters for the lemmings. This is kinda a rodent war (16 billion lemmings, 2 chinchillas, 2 rabbits, and a rat? If I'm correct , SilverWing is a rat in the Chinese Zodiac). As for random human supporters in California, we have 7. 3 eighth grade girls, a seventh grade boy, and 2 sixers. And that's that.

R: How do you keep track of that? All I have are angels and demons dancing in my head, lunatics and monsters underneath my bed.  So at 4:28 Mountain time (5:28 centrol time) today all invading lemmings will run to Regina and generally run around and cause havoc. Wait a minute, how are all these lemmings being fed?

S: I've hired a team of 45 various magic users in Enackra to over see the lemmings wellbeing.

R: We are now on Red alert. This is awesome invading music, BTW. So at 6:24/7:24 a bunch of snakes will invade the capitol, provided by Gridj. There will also be a massive pile of homework falling from the sky, provided by our English teacher.

S:Not a bad idea, actually...

R: And dragons will fly over head and generally terroize people. And a black Rayquaza, a Mewtwo, and a Bidoof will run around causing havoc (well, flying, in the case of the Rayquaza) (Did I have the dream, or did the dream have me?).

S:And the Bidoof will pass out repetitive katakana worksheets.

R:Yeah, that too.  And various explosions will take place, probably caused by Sinthi. And Amarelle wil run around with her frying pan. And Luca will explode. And Chroose (is he still Chroose? S:Yeah) will be crazy. And the stars will look down.

S: You get the point. So at 8:30/9:30 we will tell them to give up Saskatchewan. Otherwise the Sugarbowl will do its best to hold as many miniscule little slips of paper as it can.

R:That's hecka creepy! I'm afraid,no!

S:Why? I wouldn't put your name in the Sugarbowl.

R:Frankly, sometimes, you scare me Sakurakun. And that's how it is. That's how it's going to be. That is all for now.




S:The Sugarbowl is watching you! MWA HA HA! 

submitted by Red/Sakura C., age 13 , Sakura's House
(August 30, 2012 - 4:02 pm)

Yerpderp slurpderp.

Rat, that's me. (cheesy grin) And I have recently claimed the CN Tower for my own. And Quebec. I'm working on the rest of Toronto.

Rochelle says domn. DOMINATE!

submitted by SilverWing
(September 9, 2012 - 6:52 pm)

Hi I'm Blackberry Elf-Glitter, and I AM A GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a slight tomboy who LOVES soccer!

You know, Red, even if you do join minions, it will be a very poor-numbered army...... 

Have you, by chance heard of a book called Ender's Game? If you have, you'll think that it's weird that I'm reading it cause I'm a girl, but if yyou haven't, then YOU MUST IT IS A GREAT BOOK! It is a bout aliens attacking Earth and a whole Battle School that trains kids to fight in the army. My mom though I wouldn't like it b\c its supposed to be for boys but  I LOVE IT.

submitted by Blackberry E., age 12 and 1\2
(August 30, 2012 - 6:22 pm)

Blackberry 'Elf-Glitter'? Really?

I actually have a very large lemming army consisting of some 16 billlion fictional lemmings, several fictional people, 7 very real supporters in California who simply find the idea of lemmings taking over the world hilarious, 2 real chinchillas, and 3 real people all in cahoots to take over the world. Unless SilverWing isn't real.... (shifty eyes)

I love Ender's Game, very, very, good book. Wouldn't necessarilly call it a boys book. Well, there are a few *moments* but that's about it.... I actually do not own that book, but I have gotten it from the library a couple of times, and I've borrowed Sakura's copy once.  

submitted by Red, age 13, At Home
(August 30, 2012 - 10:22 pm)

Haha..we'll see, Red!

Anyway, I can't belive you know about it! I was just trying my luck back there, I wasn't getting my hopes up very much I don't think it's a very popular book, but then I don't know much about it, except that I somewhat randomly took it off the rack in the library for free books because the cover looked cool. Now my mom has heard about all the gross things people say in it, but I really haven't told her EVERYTHING. You're rigth about the 'boy' moments though. *EWWWW* I wish I could read the sequel but there is little chance b\c my mom doesn't like it.

Welcome to the Chatterbox, Red! And congratulations on getting an ally in you army, (even though, yes, I'm a girl....) Boy armies are cooler, in my opinon............ Cool

submitted by Blackberry E., age 12 and 1\2
(September 1, 2012 - 10:37 am)

Now I am in Saskatchewan,, a.k.a. the place I can't spell. The abbreviation is SK, right?

So. Casulaities: a batty old lady tripped over a lemming on the way to buy cat food, and she broke her leg, but I think she'll be okay (that's what really happened to Mrs. Figg. Dudley is not to blame.). And 24 lemmings ran over a cliff. Just for the heck of it. Buttttt, the Sugarbowl did not need to have a million little slips of paper stuffed in it (fortunatly), and said place that i still can't spell is mine. Canada is a large country. *grumble, grumble*

The captcha says gitu. Gitu thee to a nunnery. 

submitted by Red, age 13, SK
(September 2, 2012 - 11:53 pm)

Because SC says she is a manifestation of my subconscious,  I will ask some questions that every one of my subconscious manifestations should know.

1. What is my real name?

2. What is Red's real name?

3. What is my favorite Rush song?

4. Which of the following are demons or are affiliates of demons: Sakura, Ani, Blue, Sage, Pochi ?

5. Which of the above characters has been giving me nightmares?

6. In Enackra, Walter is an anthropomorphous animal (I spelled that wrong). What type of animal?

7. Who is Walter's mother, father, little brother, and older brother?

8. What book does Walter and her family originally come from?

9. What are the laws of the universe?

10. Name two of the theories that concern my friend Gollum (not the Gollum on the CB).

Well, that should be a good test. If you don't know any of the answers, SC, make some up. The funnier the better. 

submitted by Sakura C., age 13, Canada
(September 5, 2012 - 6:14 pm)

1. Your real name is Duke Harrwin Asiel Braxtolph Venard Tarment of House Tarmentorianium.

2. Red's real name is The Bloody Warrior One Who Has a Crimson Sword.

3. Your favorite Rush song is Huckleberry Finn.

4. Trick question: they're all murdering demons. I would know. You have not known them as I have...

5. ALL OF THEM!!! You only remember the parts about one of them *cackles evilly*...

6. Walter is a velciroraptor whose secret identity is Harry Potter.

7. Walter's father and mother are dead, killed by the evil poacher hunter safari ninja known as Lady Flying Death. His little brother is adopted and is named Frodo. His older brother is named Peeta.

8. Walter and his family come from Harry Potter and the Lord of the Hungry Ring Games.

9. The law of the universe is that everything is possible. Every. Single. Thing.

10. Gollum from the movies has escaped and is trying to destroy you by slowly starving you to death by stealing your lunch. Dang it, I know you thought about this, but it must have been on the forefront of your mind and thus escaped my notice...


Now... how well does Sakura C. know the subconcious manifestation that is SC?

1. What is my preferred name/username/word of identification?

2. What is my real name?

3. What do I think of lemmings?

4. What do I think of One Direction? And pop music in general?

5. Why do I enjoy sending nightmares to your brain?

6. Why do I think that the multiverse theory is right?

7. Why do I fear... THE GOLLUM?

8. What is my preferred mode of transportation?

9. Where... is Waldo?

10. Me being one of your subconcious manifestations, why have I not destroyed your mind and sent you into a catatonic state?

submitted by SC, age ALLONS-Y!, FOR NARNIA
(September 6, 2012 - 9:43 pm)


1) No sorry, my real name is Petunia P. Best name ever.

2) Red's name is.... I can't think of anything funny right now. His name will be Cygnus. Or P-Mag. But I'm the one with the crimson sword (Zar'Roc 2) right now.

3) Haha, that's clever. No, Tom Sawyer isn't one of my favorites. It changes a lot. In the time since I wrote that, it went from Territories to Mystic Rhythms to Tears to Circumstances back to Mystic Rhythms back to Tears, listened to some music this afternoon, got five new favorites.... You get the idea

4) Kind of. But no. And if you're wondering, Red is the actual author. Not me. At all. Sakura: Her father is some kind of powerful lord (I forgot his name) who used to be a demon hunter and has now put up some law thing or other banishing demons. But Sakura is now trying to reverse her father's decree. I think she gets eaten at the end. By Blue. But Red hasn't written that yet. Ani: Yes, she is definetly a demon. With a pretty good human form. Her demon form *shudders* is incredibly scary. Blue: a demon in disguise. He's Ani's older brother. But everyone thinks he's a human because he is such a good shape shifter. Sage: he is a demon hunter who was tracking Ani until Sakura joined up with Ani, now he's coming along (with Blue and Pochi) because he has a mission to protect Lady Sakura  Pochi: shapeshifting boy with racoonboy form, foxboy form, and some cute little animal form which I forgot the name of. He is working for Ani because she accidentally killed his whole family and now he wants to have revenge. Hey, I didn't write this story, Red did.

5) I've been having nightmares of Ani eating me. Can't think of any of the others.

6) No, Walter is an owlman. 

7) Uh no. Walter (she's female, btw) has an odd family. Her mother is Winter. Her father.... I think he is a bug sorcerer imprisoning Walter's older brother but I'm not sure. He may be an old hippie dude on a moterbike (I'm quoting Red on this). Walter's brothers are Jack Frost and Merlin. Merlin is imprisoned under a rock. Isn't Enackra just so simple? As opposed to complicated demon stories?

8) Actually, thay come from a kid's picture book that I do not know the name of. I was hoping you might. But it is about this vegetable guy and time actually going in the land that time forgot, and winter coming and the vegetable guy fastforwarding his clock past winter... Anyone have a clue of what I'm talking about?

9) NO! There are two laws of the universe! Graah! *explodes* 1) When in doubt, blame______. 2) It's all _____'s fault. And those are all you need in life (The _____s are where people' names go. I cut out the names.

10) This is probably the closest one... There are a million Gollum theories. When Gollum brings his lunch to school the world will end; We are all figments of Gollum's imagination; Gollum is a vampire;.... 

submitted by Sakura C., age 13, SK
(September 6, 2012 - 11:08 pm)

Admins: I was kidding about number one. Petunia Poopenhagen is a made up name from True ... sort of which is a novel. 

Oh and correction on 7: Snow Queen should be read as Winter. I had a derp moment.

I just fixed that for you.



submitted by Sakura C., age 13, CA
(September 7, 2012 - 7:15 pm)