Reunion thread! Hey

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

Reunion thread! Hey

Reunion thread! Hey everybody! Valentine's Day is coming up in less than a week. Some of you already know this, but if you don't, February 14 is a day for old CBers to come back and say hi. I know I'm a little early, but I wanted to make sure there was a centralized place for old CBers to pop up so that we're not spread across eight threads in all corners of the CB. I'll post a longer, more personal hello once this gets posted, but I wanted to leave the intro pretty short so that we don't all have to scroll through it.

Also, just so it's clear: I'm the one posting this thread, but it isn't my thread! It's just a centralized place for CBers new, old, and somewhere in between to reunite. Feel free to add your own hello's, no matter if you're a visiting or current CBer. See you on Valentine's Day! :)


submitted by Starseeker, age 204 moons, Class of 2022
(February 8, 2022 - 9:59 pm)

Oh, I've seen your posts! I really like your writing style :)

And, hey, same pronouns!!

submitted by Writing_in_the_dark , age 12, Valhalla
(February 15, 2022 - 11:46 am)

Thanks so much! It's changed a bit over the years, but sometimes I'm pleasantly surprised at my past self's competence. 

Xe/they squad! 

submitted by Coulson, (xe/they)
(February 16, 2022 - 12:06 am)

Awe guys it's just making me so happy to see everyone again! I'm so nostalgic!! I guess I didn't realize how much I missed this place until recently lol.

submitted by Gracia
(February 14, 2022 - 11:14 pm)

Hello everyone, and happy Valentine's Day!

How strange it is to be posting on this little website again! I don't imagine any of you current CBers will remember me, but I'm the Riddler, I use she/her pronouns, and I joined the CB when I was 13, in early 2016 I believe. I'm now 19 and in my second trimester of college and I'm loving it a lot! I go to school more than 1,000 miles away from where my family lives, and I've loved getting to know a completely different part of the country. I don't fully know what I want to study yet, but right now I think I might like to be a math major with a minor in creative writing. Last summer, I started a summer camp at my house that ran for four weeks, for which my brother and I wrote a play to put on with our campers. As we wrote, I realized that our plot felt a lot like a good old-fashioned ski lodge mystery. Even after all this time, the CB still influences the stories that I write! 

Though I've outgrown it for sure, the CB was a huge part of my life for the few years that I was on it, and it really encouraged my love for stories - not just as something to consume passively, but as collaborative, creative, and inspiring processes that sometimes you just need to figure out as you go. Probably my favorite thing that I did on the CB was finishing the Evernaught City RP, but there were also many, many other RPs, ski lodges, picturing threads, solo writes, art threads, and more that shaped my experience and made it so important to me. The people that I've stayed in touch with have become very dear friends to me, and I am so glad that this was a part of my life for the time that it was. Also since when did captchas have 5 letters??

It's so lovely to see all you younger CBers breathing life into this place! I hope you all find as much joy in this place as I did. Who knows, maybe in a couple years I'll introduce my little sister to the CB - that is, if you guys are ready for her >:)


It's good to hear from you, Riddler, and all the others. I don't remember exactly when it was that captcha went up to 5 letters, maybe two years ago. We were getting a lot of spam, and the webmaster upped it to 5 in hopes of blocking the spam.


submitted by The Riddler, Howdy <3
(February 15, 2022 - 12:47 am)


Okay I know Valentine's Day was yesterday, but I have now read every single post and I almost cried.... um so I'm Tsuki, I'm 13 and use she/her pronouns, I joined late September.  This is my first-ever reunion, and while I don't know any of you all who left, I've seen a few of your posts in the back threads and you guys are so COOL... it seems most of you guys found the CB the same type of place that I do, and I'm so grateful to be a part of this community.  You guys are great; you shaped this place into what it is today.  Reading everything that was said, I started thinking "wow... legends have returned to us today" (dramatic, yes, but still.) I mean, The people who invented the Random Thoughts/Things? thread, ski lodges,  Ella Starburst?!?!?!  You're subtitling anime, you're writing books, you're being the awesome people you are?  And y'all are in late high school and college, and you guys are still in contact with other CBers?  I love this place so much...

being that it's after Valentine's Day, I doubt any of you guys will ever read this, but you're amazing- keep doing what you do<3 

submitted by Tsuki the Skywolf
(February 15, 2022 - 9:28 am)

Okay this is the sweetest. I love you. <3

submitted by Leeli
(February 17, 2022 - 4:41 pm)

Me, being as extra as I am, is gonna put up an "old CBers year-round chat thread" in This Month...

submitted by Tsuki the Skywolf
(February 15, 2022 - 9:29 am)

*insert LOTS and LOTS of squealing here* 


Hi Catsquil, and Cockelburr, and COYOTEDOMINO, and *insert flying tacklehug here* MICEARENICE and JYWN and MANGO and GRACIA and LILYPAD and VIOLA? and SYBILL and Peregrine, and ROGUE FREAKING WILDING, and Azalea/Doodlegirl, and ALEX and THEMYSTICWOLF and ABI (OH MY GOSH HI) and Indigo and OVER THE FREAKING RAINBOW (OtR!!!) and DRAGONRIDER and Starseeker, and Elvina and LEELI *insert tacklehug* and oh my gosh THE RIDDLER?! and and and *squeals again* HI ST.OWL/COULSON!!! And hi to RUBY M. too!!! 

Phew, I think that was everyone I recognized? Maybe? *nervous laughter* Sorry if I got a little over excited... I'm just super stoked to see y'all here!! It's a total party!!! *squeals*

Does anyone still have their AEs around perchance? I know I still have mine! ;P Puck and her twin, Ariel, will ALWAYS be a part of me. Oh, and their crushes too. Haha, I still remember when both Abi and I actually STARTED the whole 'AE crush thing!' XD 

Hmm, I wonder if Autumn Leaves will show up. Ariel still misses his girl, Saphira. Oh, and Puck, well.... *laugh* She doesn't want to ADMIT it but she still loves Dev. ;P

Anyways, I'm going to respond to as many people as I can within this comment but then I got to get back to HW, cause I'm kinda procrastinating rn... whoops. *sheepish grin*


@Alex: HI! Yeah, it totally has been a while! Glad to see you, and glad you remember me!

@Sybill: Hi! Good to hear from you again too! I definitely would recommend One Piece, but it also is like... over 1000 episodes and pretty sure still going? I love it though, along with a couple other animes. There are definitely a lot of filler episodes/story arcs though, so sometimes you got to be careful. And if you're patient with watching over 1000 episodes, then I say go for it! XD But the characters are absolutely amazing, I love them so much, and apparently there's a time skip within the series for the characters? But I'm not that far yet... lol.

@St.Owl/Coulson: HI!!!! *hugs* Oh my gosh, it is SO good to see you again! That's so cool that you're a library intern-I tried getting a job here at the college campus library, but to no avail. *shrug* It's ok though. I know being a librarian requires a masters degree, so right now I'm just trying to get my bachelors (English) and THEN go from there. I might need to look into interning, right now we're in the middle of the semester though, so maybe I'll look into it after I get back from a mission in a year and a half. And OF COURSE Duck lives on in infamy! Or at least, it does in my books. ;P Super cool that you're thinking about going into musem/archival work!! Do you have a specific major you are in or are planning on going into that will help with that? Anyways, I'd love to chat more!

@Viola?: Hi!! *sheepish grin* Yeah... I know I'm crazy lol. One Piece was just an anime that my roommates my first semester started watching, and I was INSTANTLY hooked. I didn't care how many episodes there are, because once I start something, I don't usually stop. XD But wait-Zoro is gone?!?! NOOOOOOOOO!!! :( Sadness.

@Ruby M.: Hi! Yes, I remember you, how could I not? You were a huge inspiration to me here on the CB! And thanks for the congratulations! :) As for what we're reading right now in my classes, it varies. In my Creative Writing class, we just finished our poetry unit, so we read a LOT of contemporary poetry, which was honestly super cool. And in my fundamentals of literary interpretation class, I have been reading a lot of short stories, (such as 'Story of an Hour') and poems, (such as 'the ladies of Cambridge who live in furnished souls.) Each class we are asked to read another essay, or poem, and then to come to class to discuss them. It's hard work, but it sometimes can be fun too. :)  


submitted by Joan B. of Arc, age 19, Camelot
(February 15, 2022 - 5:19 pm)

Hi Joan! 

I remember you as well and Im glad to see you! I don't think I've enjoyed a reunion quite as much as this one for some reason -- I'm just so happy to see that everyone is doing well! Not gonna lie, looking at this thread is making me nostalgic for all the missed connections from that time. My CB- originating friends I speak to on the daily are so fun, lovely, and interesting that I can't imagine how cool and interesting everyone that I didn't get the chance to connect with is! 

It's so intriguing to learn everyone's careers/career ambitions. Being a librarian seems so fulfilling and exciting! I used to volunteer at my local library quite a bit and I've listened to perhaps far too many fiction podcasts involving librarians and archivists. I hope it goes well and I wish you the best of luck!

Unrelated sidenote, I love how open everyone has become to discussing LGBTQ topics! I remember being 13 and shedding quite a few tears because I thought my community might never understand or accept me. Even in school, it was a very taboo topic and I know many people who remained closeted to avoid bullying. To see people freely introducing themselves with their pronouns and casually mentioning their identities is almost cathartic. 

submitted by mango (GreenMango), age 18, they/them
(February 15, 2022 - 9:50 pm)

It's incredible to see how open LGBTQ topics are on here now! The area I live in is pretty unnaccepting, unfortunately, and I know other CBers probably live in areas similar to my hometown--so its great that they'll have a place to be themselves. When I left the CB there was still some controversy around LGBTQ topics, but when I first joined they were never even talked about--its such a big change and one I'm very happy about. It's also really cool to see how many CBers are part of the community, too. 

submitted by Sybill, He/they/xe
(February 15, 2022 - 10:45 pm)

To me, the CB is the most accepting place I've ever been, and it's hard to imagine it not being like that. But I know it hasn't always been that way, and that's sad. Sorry you had to go through that! (By the way, I'm not an old CBer coming back, I'm still active.)

submitted by Blackfooted Bobcat
(February 18, 2022 - 6:19 pm)

Good to see you too Joan!! Handshake on procrastinating homework... I've got a meeting with my research advisor tomorrow and I definitely haven't finished the piece I was supposed to do for him yet. The night is not young. 

I'm really glad to hear you've got so much going on at the moment, and such plans!! You'll be so good in library sciences. Recently I've become good friends with one of the archivists at my library on campus— they specialize in zines, which is awesome! Zine archivism! I'm so glad to see you're still your funny, excitable self! Just— reunions. They're good. <3

submitted by Cockleburr
(February 15, 2022 - 11:14 pm)

It's so nice to see you too, Joan!! I'm sorry you couldn't snag an internship at your campus library - I'm sure it's a popular position. Thankfully you have plenty of chances to try again if you intend to! If you have a local library in your hometown they might be more wanting for volunteers, too. From what I've read, careers in that vein value practical experience quite highly! 

I'm planning on going into classics! That's a pretty decent degree for looking good in a lot of humanities-based fields, which means I can still keep my options open a bit. I've been thinking about museum curation, and that position, especially at big museums, tends to require or encourage PhDs either in museum science or in your area of interest; I'm not worrying about grad school yet, though. Since classics focus on a specific moment in time, and I do know I'm interested in pursuing a career embedded in history, I at least have the specialty part down, lol.

Don't worry, Dev wouldn't admit he still likes Puck, either ;)  I don't really use my AEs for anything anymore, but they're a nice little point of nostalgia to return to whenever I want.

submitted by Coulson, xe/they
(February 15, 2022 - 11:46 pm)

Hi Joan, it's great to hear from you! (I'm also procrastinating on homework at the moment, as it so happens.) I'm glad to hear that you're enjoying college thus far, and still find time to write. Man, ye olde AE shipping days were a WILD time. I don't use my AEs for anything at the moment, but I do still think of them fondly! 

submitted by Abigail S., age Old enough, Inside my head
(February 16, 2022 - 12:50 am)

Haha, it's totally a huge party here.

Maya and Glida are still lurking around, I don't draw them a whole lot anymore now that I think about it. I should. I can't even remember what text I used for them :') 

submitted by Alex
(February 16, 2022 - 2:53 pm)