Chatterbox: Down to Earth



It's baaacckkk! Some of you might have heard about World Domination threads, which has been going on for years. Here is one that went on during 2013:

So who wants to take over this world? BHR said in 2013 that by 2033 (20 years later) CBers would rule the world. Let's continue on that dream! I will have one side, and I need a volunteer for the other side. Whoever wants the role and says so will get it, so first come first serve.

First step after getting our second leader: Recruit team members.


Let's begin, and become the most powerful nation in the world! 

submitted by Ashlee G., age 15, The Future
(January 10, 2017 - 11:03 pm)
submitted by Topokenudge
(May 28, 2017 - 4:08 pm)
submitted by Lieutenant Topper, age TOPPOKETOP, Dominating the TOP
(July 1, 2017 - 5:27 pm)

That was efficient! I topped it from page 17 to page 5 with one top!

submitted by Lieutenant Topper, age TOPPOKETOP, Dominating the TOP
(July 1, 2017 - 5:32 pm)
submitted by Lieutenant Topper, age TOPPOKETOP, Dominating the TOP
(July 1, 2017 - 5:36 pm)

Top, my lovely thread, top, top!

submitted by POP! Goes the Weasel
(July 1, 2017 - 6:54 pm)

How long, Admin, do you think it'll take to get this topped? It's on page 5 at the moment...

I don't know.


submitted by Top top topity top
(July 1, 2017 - 11:44 pm)
submitted by lieutenant Topper, age TOPPOKETOP, dominating the TOP
(July 2, 2017 - 5:21 am)
submitted by Lieutenant Topper, age TOPPOKETOP, Dominating the TOP
(July 2, 2017 - 7:24 am)

Okay, I am sharing this and the rules here so we and newer members of World Domination can easily refer back to them!


Major General (Major/MG/General) - Leader and commander of the entire army. That is myself and whoever takes the second army.

Second in Command (SiC) - Like the Right Hand Man, but is more independent on planning battles away from the Major, often as diversions. St., do you still want this position?

Right Hand Man (RHM) - Same level as Second in Command, but tends to help the Major more often. Gared, as promised, gets this.

Lieutenant (Lt.) - Similar to the Right Hand Man, yet helps plan and gives advice. Elementgirl, you can keep this position if you wish! 

Ambassador (Amb.) - In charge of creating (temporary, but don't tell them this) allies. Currently, that is Mei if she still wants the position! 


- AE Division/Regiment: Wild, amusing, and powerful. Their main weapon is Pie Launchers, and they love flying jets and using missile launchers. The wildest get to be in charge. Dev and Zeon were captains of the division if they are still up to it.

- Main Division: This changes per mission. It is the division of usually 2-5 people that sticks with the Major. This may also include the SiC, RHM, and almost always the Lt.

- Secondary Division: This also changes per mission. Being something like a role play, anyone not active will be put here to go on a secondary mission or diversion from the Main Division. Consists of 5+ people on average. Can sometimes include the SiC or RHM. Originally, SiC is in charge of Secondary Division.

Current Status:

- The US is our ally thanks to Mei's wonderful work

- Sweden will soon be our ally due to Gared's ties to them

- Switzerland is our home base for now, in our possession

- Japan is in our possession

- Austria is in the process of domination 

submitted by INFO, General Ashlee G.
(July 2, 2017 - 9:39 am)

@Ashlee- My AE Anna is thinking about joining our army. She's a fairly good hacker. What do you think?

submitted by Lt. Elementgirl, age 10.80, Dominating the world
(July 2, 2017 - 9:57 am)

Here are the Rules/Guidelines. Although we tend to make stuff up and go with the flow, so get creative! This is just what we have used so far from what I can remember.


- It is most like a role play in a sense, although we don't create characters or what not. More like we are engaging in real life.

- There are two armies who wish to World Dominate. The battle isn't just against other countries, but against the other army. A race against time!
- Each army has the roles mentioned above, or any other ones they might want. Spies, warlocks, hackers, anything.

- We can also take over fantasy/sci fi worlds or places (including websites), such as the TARDIS (although why do that?! xD), Hogwarts, or even the whole wizarding world or the CB!

- We can use anything as a weapon, although we (both armies) tend to be more peaceful and not violent under most circumstances. More words and strategies to gain countries! And pi.

- Everyone writes their own parts about what is going on, again, like a role play. Although sometimes if people are inactive, one of the more active players will write more. For instance, I was the General last year, and I wrote story parts for even the secondary army since no one was on for a while. Just do what's needed!

- Fantasy and made up beasts/weapons are allowed! We have had griffins, giant bugs, pie launchers (in honor of Dev and Zeon of course), magical staffs, and more.

- AEs ARE allowed! So are Captchas. Just keep the pie throwing down a bit, okay, my friends?

- Major General is the main person in charge. He/she creates the main battle plans and HAS to do the most of the writing. Because how else would people know what to do?! Of course, everyone is deeply involved in this writing.

- Choose your fate! Say you are invading America *coughcoughit'sprotectedsodon'tcoughcough* then be fair about it! Don't just say everyone bowed down at your feet as you walked across the border and into the White House. In turn, it doesn't have to be super realistic either. Last time we were taking over by using Mei's pi repeating of 200 decimals. Insane, right? So get creative but be fair about it!

- If you notice the opposing army is lagging behind a bit, General, it is your duty to slow down your army just to make the game fairer.

- No reading the other army's posts! And if you do, pretend you didn't. The only exception is spies, which must be included as a member into the opposing army. This is quite tricky to do!

- Going on with the above part, put (FOR "ARMY NAME HERE") at the top of the post. I also recommend putting the name in your location box.

- General Killim shall receive Japan and Sweden as an ally since Gared was in possession of them prior, if Killim wants those countries

- Recruitment can get as wild as you want! A classic is "join our side, we have pie and pi!" but seriously, I've seen some weird things. And sometimes it gets serious because someone might be powerful in say, magic or hacking, and is about to join the other team. It can be a bit of a sacrifice to get them to join you!
- When going to join an army, give yourself some skills/talents! For instance, Icy was extremely talented in magic, and was quite hard to persuade in joining! Likewise, Jarvis and Ultron were amazing hackers. Brilliant work! 

- You may also choose to go Rogue! This means you are trying to dominate the world by yourself, or with a small band of others. Scylla was the leader of the Rogues last time, so bravo to her! 

- And finally, have fun! If you read through the original thread, you will get a better grasp at it. There aren't any set rules on playing, we just tend to go with the flow.  

submitted by INFO, General Ashlee G.
(July 2, 2017 - 9:42 am)

Could I be part of the main division? I also have 2 AEs to offer as soldiers.

submitted by Pepper Star
(July 2, 2017 - 10:50 am)

Can I have a commander position?  Possibly an ambassador?

submitted by Treble Clef
(July 2, 2017 - 10:53 am)

@Lt. Elementgirl, sure, Anna would be awesome to have! We can never go wrong with a hacker.

@Pepper, the main division is a rotating group that the General picks per mission, that way everyone gets a chance. (As I will tell Treble, I think most new people should join the Tesla Army since General Killim is lacking an army!)
@Treble, that is up to which ever army you join, although I would permit it! (Although I think we should be fair to the Tesla Army and actually build General Killim an army. So this once I am recommending you join Tesla)
@General Killim, I am directing people in your direction since you weren't here at the beginning last year to build an army. Once you feel you have a good sum of people, we can start! 
@Everyone else, if you wish to participate and I haven't given you a position on my army, then I recommend joining the Tesla Army so we can start! 
submitted by Ash@Everyone
(July 2, 2017 - 3:16 pm)

I thought this thread was about doing it for real...CryCryCryCry

me tooCryCryCryCry


it's not for real, we will never get bananas for tribute.


*is taking over the world a dog treat?*

Umm... no, Banjo.

*then I'm not sad!!!!!!!!!!*

I don't really care. 


I already secretly rule the world.

knew it.

submitted by Lightning!
(July 2, 2017 - 4:39 pm)