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Chatterbox: Down to Earth

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Pretty much what the title says. Introduce yourself - favorite fandoms, colors, animals, characters, weird stories, AEs, anything you want. Find things you have in common with other people. Have fun.

I'll go once it shows up. 

submitted by MoonKitten
(January 22, 2022 - 8:32 pm)

Nice to meet you too!

Also, you hust gave me the most impossible question in the history of the universe (: It's so hard to choose a favorite book... here are some of my favorite authors instead. Any books by these authors are generally awesome: Lisa McMann, Angie Sage, Kathryn Lasky, James Ponti, and J. K. Rowling.

*evil laugh* Now. Time to turn the tables... What are your favorite books?

submitted by Hex@MoonKitten
(February 2, 2022 - 2:19 pm)

Nice! I've only heard of three of those - who are Angie Sage and James Ponti?

Ha, joke's on you, I've had this question down since August XD - Lord of the Rings! I am obsessed. I love Alex Rider, Keeper of the Lost Cities, and the Wingfeather Saga too. A couple of my favorite authors are Robin McKinley and Gail Carson Levine.

submitted by MoonKitten@Hex, Diagon Alley
(February 3, 2022 - 6:24 pm)

Aw, my evilness has been wasted ):

James Ponti is a mystery/spy book writer, mostly about young teenager kids. Angie Sage wrote some really good magic books (also about kids my age—young teenagers).

I've... never read Lord of the Rings *gasp!* I'm sorry... I've read the hobbit, but the sheer size of the Lord of the Rings book discourages me. I also liked Alex Rider, Keeper of the Lost Cities, and I'll look into the Wingfeather Saga. Robin McKinley is a good author, but I've never heard of Gail Carson Levine.

submitted by Hex@MoonKitten
(February 4, 2022 - 12:10 pm)

Ooh, both of them sound really cool! I'll check them out.

Yeah, no that's very understandable. I love it to death but it is hard to read. 

wAIT *fangirl screeching* YOU'VE READ ALEX RIDER?!?

It's such a painfully tiny fandom

Who's your favorite character?

Gail Carson Levine does retellings of fairy tales, with genius twists and they're funny and spirited and anyway if you like Robin McKinley I definitely recommend her.

submitted by MoonKitten@Hex, Malagosto
(February 4, 2022 - 5:28 pm)

Okay, well I haven't read a lot of Alex Rider... 2 or 3 books I think. I don't know about a favorite character... in the one with the clones I think I liked Wolfy (wasn't that the mean guy's name, the one who called Alex Cub once he'd proven himself)? I don't know. What about you?

I'll definitely check out Gail Carson Levine. 

submitted by Hex
(February 6, 2022 - 1:25 pm)

Ah okay... It gets a lot better in the later books, you should totally keep going! Nice, I love Wolf too so much... My favorite is either him or Yassen, I'm not sure.

submitted by MoonKitten@Hex
(February 7, 2022 - 9:23 pm)

Time to ~infodump~!

I'm Silver Crystal, Silver for short, and I've been here for a year and a few months! My username is one of my middle names translated from Korean to English (also I couldn't think of a better name so :P). I have four AEs (Jewel, Topaz, Opal, and Onyx) and one CAPTCHA (Peridot aka Perry). I am an avid reader of both novels and fanfiction and I also love writing (in theory). I currently have a huge stack of unread books side-eyeing me from my dresser (and I actually read one yesterday, yay!), but unfortunately, I seem to waste all my time reading on the internet without actually getting invested in actual published work. Whoops. I also try write, with mixed results, probably because most of my ideas never leave my head, but I'm working on improving that! I also love procrastinating schoolwork, which is kind of an issue, but I'm also working on that (kind of). 

As for my fandoms, I have to start with Percy Jackson and Rick Riordan's works as a whole; I know some people think it's over-hyped but those books were my childhood and I will die on that hill. I had the world's biggest crush on Alex Feirro from the Magnus Chase series (I still kinda do lol). I also absolutely adore Tolkien, especially the Silmarillion, which is one of those topics that I can rant/debate aboout for hours and never get bored. I also really love the Shadowhunter Chronicles, and recently I also tripped and fell headfirst into Star Wars. The Grishaverse is also very special to me (anyone else FREAKING OUT over the Season 2 announcements of SaB? Just me?). My favorite movie franchise is the MCU (predicable? perhaps), and I've seen each film so many times it's kind of crazy. I like DC too, specifically the Batfam (Wayne Family Adventures, anyone?). So yeah, if anyone wants to talk to me about any of the above topics (or just anything in general!), just @ me!

Honestly though, I love this place and you guys so much <333 And thanks for listening to my rant :) 

submitted by Silver Crystal, age She/her, Milky Way
(February 1, 2022 - 10:12 pm)

Literally so relatable! TvT

Side note: Do you speak Korean? :0

submitted by Jaybells, age Obscure, Lost in the Universe
(February 2, 2022 - 8:52 am)

I do not, sadly, speak Korean. I made an attempt on Duolingo a while ago but it didn't really go anywhere. My whole dads side of the family does but my dad was the only one born in the US so he really never needed to speak it. He can understand it and kinda speak it but I can really only name a few things and phrases, the longest one being happy new years (also happy korean new year!!). Maybe I'll try to learn it again, who knows? 

submitted by Silver@Jay
(February 2, 2022 - 12:21 pm)

Aww, that's still pretty interesting and unique though!

submitted by Jaybells
(February 2, 2022 - 3:08 pm)

*screeches in Loki Laufeyson*

MCU??? What's your favorite movie?  Mine's definitely Ragnarok, it was SO funny and SO amazing and LOKIIIIIIII... Loki was my favorite show, too, WandaVision at a very close second, and Falcon was AMAZING as well!!!  Eternals was kind of disappointing, but it entertained me for a few hours, and I'm just SO excited for the new Spider-Man to come on Disney+

I LOVE Middle-Earth, too (I've only read the Hobbit and Fellowship of the Ring, no spoilers!) and I enjoyed the Hobbit movies, too (um, it MIGHT be mainly because Legolas was in them?) and I have a friend who has read every book like three times over and LOVEs the Silmarillion, plus is learning Quenya Elvish.  I'd love to talk about that stuff with you!!

submitted by Tsuki@Silver Crystal
(February 2, 2022 - 9:17 am)

*screeches incoherently* Ragnorok was definitely my favorite movie too!! Taika Waititi is HILARIOUS and I'm so glad that he's directing the next Thor movie too! My favorite show was probably Falcon and the Wibter Soldier, with Loki in a close second and WandaVision after that. I really loved Loki but the Loki/Sylvie stuff threw me off a little bit :/ I thought the Eternals was good, but I also had pretty low standards when I watched it so yknow. ALSO i just saw No Way Home and i'm still laughing at random points of the day just remembering it- it wa so funny (and sad) and just really good, so I think you'll really enjoy it!

Also, I just was talking to two of my friends and apparently neither of them have read LotR or even watched the movies??? How??? Disgraceful.

You're really lucky to have Tolkien Nerd Bff (I, sadly, do not know a irl Tolkienite T_T), and wow, they're learning Queyna? I tried that once but it was just so confusing lol. Who's your favorite character? I know it's really hard to choose but I'd say probably Legolas (basic, I know), if I was just choosing out of the Hobbit/LotR characters. Do you have a favorite book/movie? Opinions on books vs movies? I'd love to hear them :)))

submitted by Silver@Tsuki
(February 2, 2022 - 12:32 pm)

Yeah!! I'm frustrated we have to wait until JULY to see Thor: Love and Thunder...I agree with the Loki/Sylvie thing.  The show was AMAZING in general, and overall Sylki is cute, but it seems in most movies if you have 2 main characters that are the opposite gender, they're automatically together, which is annoying.  And Loki is Sylvie?  In another multiverse?  Seems a little weird...

My favorite character's also Legolas... but that's probably because I watched the Hobbit movies before I read the Fellowship of the Ring... so I had no chance to discover his personality before I was presented with his stunning looks.  He's so hottttttt

Aragorn's really awesome too though, and Bilbo was amazing, and dwarfs are always loveable...

The books were definitely better- Tolkein's writing style is unmatched- but I was actually surprised by the quality of the Hobbit movies.  They weren't bad; I actually really enjoyed it.

(Ummm, a large part of that was Legolas, but like-) 

submitted by Tsuki the Skywolf
(February 2, 2022 - 4:35 pm)

I totally agree with you! Plus, I was so happy when they confirmed Loki AND Sylvie as bi but then they had 0 other content like that besides that one line, which made me kind of sad (I'm still holding out hope that Sylki won't be endgame and Loki'll end up with a guy, but we're talking about Disney here, so who knows). 

Also, whoever decided to bring back Orlando Bloom as Legolas for the Hobbit movies is a certified genius lol. I also watched the Hobbit movies first, and although they're not as good as the LotR movies, I still really enjoyed them! 

submitted by Silver@Tsuki
(February 2, 2022 - 10:20 pm)

My favorite part of Ragnarok is when Thor tells the story about when Loki turned into a snake then stabbed him, and Loki just smiles, Bruce looks horrified, and Val looks surprised.


The Loki/Sylvie thing (since i haven't watched the show) was so confusing, since i kept coming across it in fanfiction, and I had thought Sylvie was the female version of Loki? But they're in a relationship? I thought i either misunderstood or people on the internet were just being weird which is nothing new. But then I found out Sylvie is Loki, but they are in a romantic relationship? I mean, I have nothing against it, but like, directors, how and why?????? 

submitted by Gallium, age untold, she/her
(February 3, 2022 - 4:32 pm)