Kendra and Meadow

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Kendra and Meadow

Kendra and Meadow are together for a fantasy story.

1. No fighting.
2. No taking over the story.  Work it out with your partner so you can both do the story equally.
3. Keep the story PG.
4. GloWorm says to always keep to your genre, but I disagree: if you really want to, change genres.
Thank you very much! :) 

submitted by BellaTrix♡♥♡
(April 17, 2009 - 5:56 pm)

The wide, faint red door was half open.  Only feet away, the lady had the worst fit yet.  She was drooling over her shawls as she coughed mucus and hands shook.  All i could see were the whites of her eyes.  I tried to help her in the door, but it seemed as though her feet were glued to the ground.  panic started draining into me.  "Help!" I cried, hoping someone would hear and come out.  "Please, she's sick!  Help!  Help!"  And there I continued my calls for help.  

In a few minutes time, the lady calmed down.  her shawls wrapped around her, she's taking in jagged breaths.  "i won't live, not for long.  just leave me," the lady said, sounding week.  

"No," I say.  "I have something that will make the pain go away." 

I explained to her about the spirit papers.  And she aggreed.  "Yes," she said.  "I will read a spirit paper.  The idea sounds nice, actually."

And then, I pull out the oldest-looking paper I can find, seems like it would fit her.  And I hand it to her, the white haired woman, I call her.  she ttok it from my hands and read...


To be continued by Kendra!  i bet she'll do a great job!!!!!!!!!!  VERY great! 

submitted by Meadow, age 11, IL
(July 25, 2009 - 3:37 pm)

Alright, before i continue this. Perhaps you should write the spirit paper, because you came up with the main idea so i'm not really sure what it should read. Also you are better and writing poems, and short things like that for this book so i think the story whould end up much better with you writing the spirit paper. Or if you really don't want to perhaps we could work one togeather? I'm kinda in another 'can't seem to write anything worth anything stage' so yeah. It is boiling where i live now, so i'm zoned out half the time. I'm used to rain and cool weather so the heat wave we are in right now is killing me........ and now i am rambling and getting off cream...watermelon...arcitic.

submitted by Kendra, age 14, The Woods betwe
(July 28, 2009 - 12:09 am)

I think that we should work on it together. Maybe we should make up a chant thing saying something like: I am coming, you are leaving, you are gone, and I am here, blah, blah, blah, blah BLAH... Or do you think that that's kind of cheesy-ish? do you think it should rhyme? 'Cause I have NO idea if it should rhyme or not. It took me about five minutes to come up with the chant earlier in the story.

submitted by Meadow, age 11, IL
(July 28, 2009 - 9:27 am)

Good idea.I liked the "I am coming you are leaving" thing. We should work more on that! What about
I am Coming 
You are leaving
You'll go swiftly
I'll come quickly

Next lines whatever and then for the last lines.

You are gone
I am here.

I think that is a good finishing line.
Great idea by the way! 

submitted by Kendra, age 14, The Woods betwe
(July 29, 2009 - 12:28 am)

Those lines are PERFECT!!!!!!!  I think that it should just be:

I am coming

you are leaving

You'll go swiftly

I'll come quickly

You are gone

I am here.


Those lines that you wrote, PERFECT!!!!!!!!!  I wouldn't have thought of that!!!!!!!!!!  We're GREAT writing partners!!!!!!!!!!!!

submitted by Meadow, age 11, IL
(July 29, 2009 - 9:55 am)

Perfect!!! I agree we make the best writing partners, i'm glad that we were paired. 

Perhaps we should swap the first 2 lines, so it'll be like this

You are leaving
i am coming
you'll go swiftly
i'll come quickly
you are gone
i am here.

 That way it'll be You, I, You, I, You, I. If you don't like the idea, i'm good with whatever.  


Ok, so i'm really busy right now, one of my pathfinder leaders has me planning an entire trip. So i can't write right now.

Also just to let you know, that i am going away from the 15 of aug. to the 24th of aug. so don't worry if you don't hear from me.

I'm really happy that we are working togeather, you're a great writer, i wouldn't have been able to think of the I am coming thing, i just kinda added on. So i'll write as soon as i can! 

submitted by Kendra, age 14, The Woods betwe
(July 31, 2009 - 6:29 pm)

Yeah, I think that the "you, I, you, I, you, I," is a great idea!!!  And I wouldn't have thought of "You'll go swiftly/I'll come quickly" part of the poem.  I'm really lucky that I have such a nice writing partner for my writing partner!!!!!!!!  And it's really great that you're  REALLY REALLY REALLY fantastic at writing poems and story's!!!!!!!!  I think that you're better than writing story's than me.  A LOT better.

submitted by Meadow, age 11, IL
(August 1, 2009 - 8:46 am) a crocky voice,choking on a few words.
                “You are leaving, I am coming, you’ll go swiftly, I’ll come quickly, you are gone, I am here”.
Saffron laid her down on the sidewalk as her entire body had gone limp. The pupils of her eyes went from a dark brown to white.  A sudden chill blasted the two of them. Then it was gone. For a moment or two Saffron stared at the white-haired woman, thinking horribly that something had gone wrong. Then her eyes rolled and the pure white eyes suddenly had a pupil. Two shocking violet eyes blinked at Saffron.  The old woman sat back up. Only now she somehow looked younger, less tired, happier, and very much alive.
                “Thank you dear” the white-haired woman cried, getting up off the dusty road. “You shall be a great help to the spirits”.
                Saffron smiled, “Thank you, much luck for your new life!”
The woman flashed a toothy grin at her.



Yeah, that wasn't very good... feel free to edit. Sorry it's took me so long to write this, i've been really busy with my upcoming trip, i'm leaving on Friday!!!! i'm so excited! i think i'll be back around the 24th or so. Keep up the great work, you're an amazing writer! 

submitted by Kendra, age 14, The Woods betwe
(August 10, 2009 - 10:26 pm)

Wow, Kendra, that was AMAZING!!!!!!!!!! Why, I ask you, would I want to edit that?


"Well, good byr," said Annaliz. And she ran off. Saffron realized that she knew the old ladies name.

"That was what Faolen was talking about," she whispered to herself. Saffron got up, and walked to the peeling red doors. She pushed them wide enouph so she could slip through.

"Hello," said a voice behind her, Saffron jumped, "can I help you?"

Saffron spun around on her heel and made a loud, squeeky sound. Behind her stood a tall, brown haired woman, her face was round, inviting, and her eyes were a soft grey. "Yes you can help me," she said, thinking fast. "My grandfather is here, sick. can you bring me to him?"

"Yes, deer, it would be a big help to know your grandfathers name," said Kayla.

This is getting fun, knowing peoples names, thought Saffron. "Um, his name is Nelson," she said, thinking that she should be the same person in one place. So that there wouldn't be people looking for identical non-twins. "nelson Issaccson."

"Sorry, deer, we released your grandfather a week ago. You've got some old news, that he was sick. he's fine and dandy now."

"Oh, thank you anyway. can you tell me where my grandfather lives, please?"

"he lives down the road," said kayla, smiling, "the odd house in the right."

Odd house on the right, thought Saffron. "Thank you, Kayla."

"your welcome, my deer. Wait, how did you know my name?"

Saffron stopped short, "Um..." she said. "I, uh."

"Oh, sorry, it must have been my name tag. Good bye, have a nice day visiting your grandfather!"


Okay, that was just random, i have NO idea if that was good or not. probably HORRIBLE. But, well, i wrote it, and I can't think of anything ese to wrute other than that. Be truthful with me, tell me that you hate it. edit it, please, you'll make it a lot better.

submitted by Meadow, age 11, IL
(August 11, 2009 - 8:35 am)

AAHHHHH i am so sorry meadow! i am the worst writing partner ever. I got back from my Horse-back riding trip and then i was home for like 4 days (i didn't have any time to write, i am in training for another rowing regatta) and then i left again to go to the cabin with my aunt. And i *gulp* forgot to let you know!!!! i'll try to come up with something now...

submitted by Kendra, age 14, The Woods betwe
(September 3, 2009 - 11:08 pm)

Kendra, you are NOT the worst wrighting partner ever!!!!!!!!!  How could you say such a thing?  I understand that your busy and that you don't have much time.  And your REALLY good at writing.  

submitted by Meadow
(September 4, 2009 - 12:11 pm)

  Hey look at that i found time to write!!! Hope this is OK. Once again, feel free to edit.

Saffron wandered down the deserted main road. The sunwas beginning to go down and the nights where cooler then they could be. She lookedaround for somewhere to stay. A small sign caught her eye. It read HummingbirdInn and Pub. The lights where on inside. And it did not look very busy, quietbut warm. Exactly what she was looking for.
                 A bell overhead rung asshe pushed open the ornate wooden door below the sign.  The bartender looked up. His eyes were hollowand sunken.  He had pale skin and mangledgrey hair gave him a grizzled look, that reminded Saffron of Faolen. But thewhiskey and beer smell on his breath made her recoil. “I would like to stay thenight if that is possible.” She told him. “Fine” the bartender snapped, “It’llbe 5 goldies for a room”. Saffron extracted the amount from her hip purse andhanded it to him. He counted it, bit 2 of them and pulled out a key from behindthe counter. The coins went into his pocket, instead of the inn cash pot was onthe counter. “Follow me” he told her and he shuffled out of the main bar and upa stairs the creaked and groaned every step they took. They came to a halt atthe door marked 265. The bartender, and now the innkeeper stuck the key intothe door and turned it. “Here ya go missy” he cackled as she wandered into theroom. He closed the door behind him and Saffron heard the stairs creaking as heheaded back to the bar.

submitted by Kendra, age 14, The Woods betwe
(September 10, 2009 - 3:41 pm)

She turned around, looking at the small rooms white walls and the beds gray, moth-eaten sheets.  Sitting her bags on the chair, she almost fell onto her bed.  It was softer than she thought it would be, and it smelled better too, like a early fall day.  It made her feel sleepy, and so, while laying in a awkward, eagle sprawled angle, fell asleep.

"Saffron," said her mother, "Saffron, I don't understand, why did you leave?  We love you, come back.  Faolen was just a dream, there are no spirits you need to help."

And then her father came into her dream, "Come back, Saffron, we miss you."  

But Saffron couldn't come back, she had to help the spirits.  She loved her parents, but if she went back, they wouldn't let her lweave and help the spirits find their way into a body of their own.  

But then she woke up, for the curtains were so thin that the bright sun light came through them and woke her up.  That dream shook her, she missed her parents, and they missed her.  She was sure taht they would understand why she left.  But after the dream she thought that they might think her mad.  


I have no idea why i wrote this, but i just write it.  So, wasn't that horrible?  My writing, I mean, not yours, of course, your a MUCH better writetr than i am.

submitted by Meadow, age 11, IL
(September 12, 2009 - 9:54 am)

That was not horrible, AT ALL!!! Really meadow, you are an amazing writer, don't tell yourself anything different. I'm am NOT a better writer then you! I'm not saying that i'm bad (so don't choke me like i do you), i'm saying that your better. I get really confused sometimes, so half the time i don't know what if what i write makes any sense! 

Anyway, once again i can't write right now. i'm off to bed. I just had another regatta today so i'm kinda dead. 6km race, i'm exhausted! i'll try writing..... maybe tomorrow.  

submitted by Kendra, age 13, The Woods betwe
(September 13, 2009 - 12:01 am)

Kendra, my writing doesn't make snse to me either!  I think taht your a better writer than me.  We can think differently, but I think your better than me.

submitted by Meadow
(September 14, 2009 - 3:15 pm)