Kendra and Meadow

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Kendra and Meadow

Kendra and Meadow are together for a fantasy story.

1. No fighting.
2. No taking over the story.  Work it out with your partner so you can both do the story equally.
3. Keep the story PG.
4. GloWorm says to always keep to your genre, but I disagree: if you really want to, change genres.
Thank you very much! :) 

submitted by BellaTrix♡♥♡
(April 17, 2009 - 5:56 pm)

hmmmm that's odd, some of the words are joined together... is it something with Chatterbox Admin.? or is it with my computer?


It's probably your computer, Kendra...(maybe it's haunted!) ;)


submitted by Kendra, age 14, The Woods betwe
(November 4, 2009 - 3:13 pm)

gosh i hope not Admin!! :)

submitted by Kendra, age 14, The Woods betwe
(November 4, 2009 - 11:13 pm)

 BRILLIANT! Meadow you are a writing guineas! Easton is actually Nelson? Incredible! Really, great job, i love it! Although now i don't know what to write, Easton or Nelson? :) hope this next part is OK, let me know if you wanted to add anything to his announcement...


Some of them were small, holding the older ones’hands. Most of them were covered in dust and dirt. Some only clothed in thin shirts and to small pants. They were all to thin and there eyes were glazed with shadows of their pasts. A couple of them had bandages around there arms and legs, almost looking like wounded, tired soldiers coming home from a war. It seemed to Saffron that most of them were armed with a small knife, in a canvas sheath. Awila and Saffron stood, and Easton jumped onto a stool. “Street Children of Galemark” he began, “I wish to make an announcement of a new person in our midst” He signalled for Saffron to stand on the stool next to us. She stepped up beside him. “I should like you to meet Saffron. She has come from acity far from the walls of this town. It is my wish that you make her welcome in our group, as she will be staying here as long as it is her wish. She is a very old friend of mine.” He paused and glanced at Saffron, then finished, “So let the word spread that Saffron is not an outsider, and can be trusted”. He stepped off the stool and Saffron followed. The group of Street kids departed back intothe shadows, except a boy who came up to Easton.
                 “Easton” he said to Saffron’s old friend, “There has been talk of your leadership among us, are you sure that it is wise to let an outsider like her into the Pack?”
                 “Peace Parlan, Saffron can be trusted to the end of the earth, and back. You can put your mind at rest”.  Easton to him.
                 Parlan made a sneer, “very well, Oh King of the Street Children, but i am sleeping with my hand on my knife tonight!” With that he turned and vanished into the shadows of the room.
                 Saffron turned to Easton,“i am very happy to see you old friend, and it is ever so kind of you to offer me a place to stay, but i do not want to make trouble for you. If my staying here makes them question you at all, i should leave”.
                 Easton smiled, “no, noSaffron. We were the greatest friends, when i left the city; i lost almost everyone i was close to. You are not leaving until we have caught up, and you tell me more about these spirits. They sound most interesting”. 

submitted by Kendra, age 14, The Woods betwe
(November 5, 2009 - 5:41 pm)

For some reason, I've been absent from Chatterbox for a while...  Spiral Scouts meeting (hay, an experiment idea!  Exploding things!), Birthday party, week late Halloween party blahblahblah.  And now, I shall continue this story. 


Wliome ran after the girl, Saffron.  He must catch her.  She tripped over a stone that was lying on the ground.  His face curved into a thin smile.  He ran faster.  But out of the shadows came a dirty, filthy street rat with a loose braid and ripped dress.  She helped Saffron up.  Thye seemed to be talking.  The larger girl started to look back, but then quickly jerked her head to face Saffron agian.  Wliome perked up his hearing.  One of the girls whispered the words Come and then they both ran into a dark alley.

By now Wliome was to the stone, having tripped on it like Saffron.  Swearing, he got up and ran into the alley after the girls.  he wouldn't get lost, he knew his way in the alleys.  The girls, as he called them in his twisted mind, would not get far.

As Wliome fallowed the two, he noticed that they were walking in a cirtain pattern.  To him this ws pointless, so he took a short cut that he knew would save him energy, and he knew the girls would go down.  But he had made a wrong turn, and he was in a maze of alleys that was not familiar to him. 

Wliome was lost.


Sorry that that was so short, my mom wants me to go outside.  

submitted by Meadow , age 11, IL
(November 8, 2009 - 1:57 pm)

 Hope this is Ok.


Wilome turned wildly around to face the alley he came from and ran along it. It seemed to go on forever. Surely he should have reached the beginning alley by now. But no, he was still lost. He ran blindly down many different alleyways, hoping to find an exit. He ran down one that had no doors or windows on both sides and then -- thud. Wilome ran straight into a huge man. He was all brawn, a big burly fellow, probably without many brains.


From behind the hefty man stepped a tall, graceful woman. She was clad in black and had sandy gold hair. She was slightly pale and had dark eyes. “My, who is this?” she said in a soft voice and wandered up to Wilome. They were the same height, and Wilome was fairly tall. “I am Corvina, and i am new to this town. I am looking for someone, a girl, with hair of gold and a sense of people’s names. Have you seen anyone like this in this town?” the polished lady asked.

Wiliome stared at her in awe, for she was very beautiful. “Yes, I have indeed. I saw her only 15 minutes ago, but I lost her,” Wiliome explained. 

submitted by Kendra, age 14, The Woods betwe
(November 10, 2009 - 9:57 pm)

Sorry I didn't write sooner, I started to write and then my mind went blank.  And now, when I wake up to Dawn, my kitten, I just have a ood idea for the story.  Hope you like it.  :D


Saffron woke from her rest.  She had slept on a cot near where Awila was sleeping.  A soft noise filled her ears.  A cat was siently slinking towards her.  More of a kitten then a cat, she thougt.  it's eyes were a golden yellow, the fur different shades of gray sprinkled with white.  The cats furret face rubbed against Saffrons, her soft fur felt like velvet.  Velvet.  That is her name.  "She has kittens, you know," A voice said, breaking the rhyme of Velvets purr.  "Six."

Saffron turned around, "Six, Really?"

"Yes," Parlan answered.  "Even if it looks like Velvets just a kitten.  Come, I'll show you," he walked toward the door.  Saffron followed him.

The kittens were mewing inside of a box lined with warm blankets.  They all seemed to ahve their eyes closed except one.  White with a black stripe down his back, the kitten had one blue eye and one green eye.  If there was stained glass the same colour as the kittens eyes, then it would look clear and cold.  

"They arn't named yet, if you are wondering why you can't find their names," Parlan muttered.

Saffron didn't know what to say, so she nodded her head thoughtfully, making her golden hair ripple like waves.  

Picking up a kitten with ears like a lynx and the same fur as it's mother, she noticed how light and fragile kittens are.  Her hand was slightly larger then the kittens body.  Kissing it's small fuzzy head, she gently lowered the kitten back into it's warm, cushioned bed.*

Parlan watched silently, how this strange girl carefully handled the kittens surprised him.  he thought that she would pick up the delicate little things by their scruff and try to get them to open their eyes for her.  he thought that if she did that, then he could tell Easton and have her kicked out.  He didn't think that she would handle them so gently.  


Wliome was showed out of the maze of alleys as he told the strange lady, Corvina, all what he knew about Saffron.  "So, how do you know about her?" Wliome asked, trying to keep his curiosity out of his voice.

"Oh, I just know," Corvina replied.  "I have to find her for a reason that you could never guess."

And, at the moment that she said guess, Wliome guessed, and guessed, and he never got it right.  He did not understand love.  He did not know how much Saffrons parents and sister loved her.     


*that rhymed!  I rhyme sometimes when I don't even try.  :D       

submitted by Meadow
(November 14, 2009 - 8:39 am)

I hope this is ok. Change anything you like!

Saffron stood afterpetting the mother cat once. “I was wondering if i could see Nelson, i need toask him something”, she told Parlan.
                Parlan looked at herqueerly, “You mean Easton? He is on a raid, and won’t be back until sunset, heand some of the other boys left before the sun rose”.

                Saffron looked at him shocked, “Araid?” she whispered.

                Parlan nodded, and seeing his opportunityto run Saffron out he launched into a story, “Yeah, a raid, every day we go andsteal something from the hospital. They have more than enough to keep themgoing, but we are here suffering, so it’s only fair that we take some”.

                Saffron stumbled back, “but thepeople who are ill, they need the medicine!”

                Parlan shrugged, “Easton alwayssays that if you can’t get something from talking, you take it by force.”
                Saffron shook her head, “Peoplecould die if the hospitals don’t have what they need! Surely this isn’t Nelsonwho is issuing this order”.
                “Their isn’t a Nelson amongus, how do you even know the your Nelsonis the same person as Easton? What’s the proof?” Parlan replied, his facetwisting into a sneer as he said the name Nelson.
                Numb, and lost for wordsat the news of this horrible deed that her friend was issuing, Saffron staged backinto the main room. Awilia had woken, and seeing Saffron’s troubled face ran toher.
                “Saffron!” she cried, “Whatis wrong? You look like you have seen a ghost”.
                Saffron shook her head, “Nel....i mean Easton, where is he?”

submitted by Kendra, age 14, The Woods betwe
(November 19, 2009 - 4:13 pm)

"At the hospital, asking for some medicine.  The children help the nurses and doctors there so they will give us medicine," Awila said.

Saffron felt better now that she knew what was really happening.  Her friend wouldn't just go and raid a hospital without talking to anyone.   

"But the hospital haven't been giving us the medicine we have earned so they are trying to talk.  And if the hospital doens't listen, then they are going to take what they earned by force," Awila continued.

"Why by force?" Saffron asked, trying to keep the sad anger our of her voice.  

"Because the hospital won't give us the medicine we earned.  Weren't you listening?"

"I was.  I just don't think that Ne- Easton would do such a thing.  By force."

"Well 'Nelson' has changed, he is Easton, now.  Different name, different person."  Saffron turned to face Parlan.  

"Well Nelson is still the same person, even if he has a different name," said Saffron forcefully.

"No, he's not.  He is different.  He acts different when you are around.  More soft and innocent.  You are a bad influence on him," Parlan said, his thin, hollow cheeked face sneering.

"No she's not," Awila said to Parlan.  "Saffron is an old friend that brings old memories to him.  He used to tell me story's about the days they played together."

"See.  A bad influence on you, to.  Thinking about the past, instead of the future."

Both Saffron and Awila had nothing to say to that.  

"You lied!" Saffron yelled at Parlan.  "YOu said he was on a raid.  But he's not.  He's going to talk first."

Parlan, now, didn't have anything to say to that.

submitted by Meadow, age 11, IL
(November 21, 2009 - 10:16 am)


submitted by Meadow
(November 28, 2009 - 9:17 am)

*has gone into hiding in case Meadow is angry at her...* *Meadow finds letter in her mailbox, on it is written:*


 “So what if i did!” Parlan shouted back to her, now finding his voice. “You haven’t been here for a day and already Easton is acting like someone else. All was fine until you showed up, now there is some man outside the trapdoor, and Easton is no longer acting like a leader. He’s acting like a friend!”

                Saffron was in a stunned silence, out of complete fury and of confusion. She had told Easton that if her being here brought him trouble she would leave. Saffron sighed/ Of course he wouldn’t have told her if Wilome, no doubt the man by the trapdoor, was watching them. Nelson was much too gracious for that. Saffron looked at Parlan, “I suppose you're right, I don’t know what Easton is like, and I don’t think I’ve met him. But Nelson, he never would have been a very good leader, for he was incredibly soft.” Saffron then turned to Awila> “If my being here is problems please tell me. I know Nelson very well, and although I’m not sure what Easton would do, but Nelson probably would not let me leave. If I am causing you any trouble, please let me know and I shall go now, before his return.”


P.S. I'm really really sorry... Embarassed 

submitted by Kendra, age 14, The Woods betwe
(December 4, 2009 - 8:15 pm)

Oh, it's just fine, Kendra.  I can wait.  You had to wait for me when I had that very annoying writer's block.  I can't write right now because I have to go and see why everyone is screaming upstairs. 

submitted by Meadow
(December 5, 2009 - 1:28 pm)

Sorry I didn't write sooner, I kind of forgot about this.  :D


"Saffron, you don't have to," Awlila said, wanting to get to know Saffron better.

"I do.  I will go get my bag and go with Wliome.  Where he takes me, you don't have to worry about.  I am the only person to worry what happens in my future.  YOu can just forget that I exist," Saffron said sadly.  

Parlans face was holding a happy sneer-smile.  He knew that he could make Saffron leave.  She didn't belong here.  "I'll go get your bag," he siad, walk turning into a run.  All he had to do was walk halfway accross the small room.  He could still keep an eye on them.  make sure Saffron didn't change her mind.  "Here," he said, throwing Saffrons bag at her with force.  A paper fell out.  

"What's that?" he shouted.  

"A paper, obviously," Awila said, knowing that it was a Spirit Paper.

"No, what does it say on it?" parlan picked it up and started to read.  He wan't very good, he sputtered on a few words.  

Saffron didn't know what to do.  Would she save Parlan, the boy that was making her leave, or would she let the spirit take his body over?  Finnally deciding, she


YOU decide, Kendra.  I leave it to you.

submitted by Meadow
(December 10, 2009 - 10:36 am)

For some reason, I can't find Xisey's post...

submitted by Meadow
(December 22, 2009 - 10:03 am)

yeah me to. I'm really sorry i haven't written yet. I've kinda had a lot on my mind, i'll try writing something now. 

submitted by Kendra, age 14, The Woods betwe
(December 23, 2009 - 4:59 pm)

It's fine, you don't have to write right away.  For some reason I didn't see your post until now...  Odd.

submitted by Meadow
(December 31, 2009 - 5:45 pm)