Superschool RPG!

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Superschool RPG!

Superschool RPG!

Dear Future  Students, 

You have been selected to attend the Griffinfeather School for Determined Children. Here you will learn about being extraordinary in an ordinary world, as well as other useful talents that are worth more than you think.

You may be wondering why we chose you out of all the people in this world. The answer is that you are extraordinary just by being yourself, full of talent because you believe in dreams, and brimming with determination simply because you believe in yourself. These qualities are what make a true superhero. 

Orientation will be held on October 3rd. The attached forms will need to be filled out and sent to us by October 1st. At orientation, please bring with you along with typical boarding school neccissities: 

1. A song heard by nobody's ear.

2. A word held by nobody's tongue.

3. A cloak of hiding that covers nobody's heart.

Warning: these items will not be the same for everyone. 

Nobody will be admitted into Griffinfeather's School for Determined Children without these items. If you can pass this simple test, it will show that you are exactly the person we are looking for. Further instructions will follow at orientation. 


Sasha Night (school prinipal and Head of Training) and Winston Lendrift (teacher, Head Talent-Searcher, and head of the Pinecone League one-on-one training center)


Please fill in all blanks on the following form. 


Age (11-13 year old will be working with Winston, 14-17 year olds will training with Miss Night): 




Talents (do not overlook even the smallest and most insignificant): 

Past experiance with unicorns*: 

Would you like a free fried gull?**: 


*Yes, we are aware of the popular belief that unicorns do not exsist. Miss Night requires your first and most honest response to this question so that she can best plan out your training schedule.

**Yes, we know that fried seagulls do not sound in the least appetizing, but Winston requires your first and most honest responce in order to correctly place you in the Pinecone League training center. 








submitted by Rose bud, age 14, Quietly thinking
(September 27, 2016 - 10:27 am)

Not only am I doing two solo writes, I also am in a RP where only 2 other then me post... And in lots more RPs. I shouldn't join this. 


Save me a spot!  

submitted by Daisy
(September 27, 2016 - 11:55 am) you want to hear the free fried gull story?

All of CB: Noooooooooo!

Yay! I'm glad you're interested. So Queen Elizabeth (the CB one, not the grown-up one) and I were singing "Just around the River Bend." This is what we accidentally ended up singing:

I go once more

just around the river bend

beyond the shore 

where the gulls fry free 

Immediately, we knew we had hit upon something BIG. So we asked our families if they wanted a free fried gull. They said no. Encouraged by our success, I asked 3/4 of the cast of The Music Man (even the adults) if they wanted a free fried gull. Ten people said yes! Including our (grown-up) Marian Paroo! 

So now you know the story and are so much the wiser. 

submitted by Rose bud
(September 27, 2016 - 12:45 pm)

I'm reserving a spot!

submitted by Zeus, Idaho
(September 27, 2016 - 1:44 pm)

Name: Kyr

Age (11-13 year old will be working with Winston, 14-17 year olds will training with Miss Night): 14

Personality: Smart, calm, astute. Loyal to friends. An introvert.

Appearance: Long blonde hair, green eyes, pale

Background: Middle-class family, parents divorced when she was 13.

Talents (do not overlook even the smallest and most insignificant): Writing, telekinesis, cryokinesis, reading, general intelligence, creepily flexible hands.

Past experiance with unicorns*: Takes riding lessons on normal horses...

Would you like a free fried gull?**: Yes please.

submitted by Brookeira
(September 27, 2016 - 4:41 pm)

I forgot to mention something. This takes place in our world. Why this is called a "superschool RP" and not superhero school is because the super powers are determination and maybe, just maybe...something special. So I'm sorry Brookeira. I should have already mentioned this. 

So you say: boooooooring! What's a superschool without super powers? Read the letter and the reasons listed in the second paragraph.

If you really think y'all should have super powers, just let me know. I just don't want this to turn in to a typical: "wow! You have extraordinary powers and need to go to a special school to determine them!" I was hoping for something different. 

submitted by Rose bud
(September 27, 2016 - 5:04 pm)


submitted by Starbringer
(September 27, 2016 - 5:23 pm)
submitted by nosupernaturalpowers, age please!, sorry!
(September 27, 2016 - 6:03 pm)

I can't not!!!

Name: Briar Aliso

Age: 15

Personality: Kind, shy, loving, caring, friendly, loyal, sometimes sarcastic.

Apperance: Light brown straight long thin hair and dark green eyes. Wears lots of pale to hot pink and has pale skin.

Background: Was the first daughter of the Aliso's, but is not liked by ANYONE for unknown reasons. Doesn't have many friends, and is fretting over the admission form. (Srsly tho, how...?)

Talents: Making rubber band chains, imperfect violin and dance, perfect rythmic timing.  

Pass Experience with Unicorns: None, but loves them.

Free Fried Gull?:  Er, no thanks. 

submitted by Inktail
(September 27, 2016 - 6:15 pm)

Name: Jessie Hawking

Age: 14

Gender: Female (if it wasn't clear from her name)

Personality: Bubbly, energetic, always happy

Appearance: Short, with long brown hair, dark eyes and freckles

Background: Nothing exciting. Her parents are happily married, she has two little brothers.

Talents: Great at tuba and yo-yo

Past experience with unicorns*: Lots. Visited a unicorn stable for quite some time.

Would you like a free fried gull**: No thank you.

Other: She needs a crush. Someone make a boy please!  

submitted by Zeus, Idaho
(September 27, 2016 - 6:35 pm)

I will alternate between RPing with my charries and writing notes and schedules and stuffs. So, here they are!


Name: Sasha Night

Age: 23

Personality: Strict, ramrod straight, neat, tidy, acute, and presentable. 

Appearance: Sasha is very tall, with long brown hair typically twisted into a knot at the very end and usually swung over one shoulder. She has cold and daring black eyes framed by long and curving lashes. During school days she wears a black bussiness suit with slim high heels. 

Background: As she chose to eliminate her past from before she helped found Griffinfeather School from every record imaginable, I think she might not want me to mention her background. 

Talents (do not overlook even the smallest and most insignificant): Sasha is a whiz at chemistry (though she might not admit it), and facts stick in her head. She is great at speaking, organizing, completing, and perfecting projects. Sasha's determination helped start Griffinfeather school. 

Past experiance with unicorns*: Unicorns are not studied at this school, and that is final.  

Would you like a free fried gull?**: Absolutely not. 

Other: Is principal of Griffinfeather School for Determined Children. 


I'll post Winston later. 

submitted by Rose bud, age 14, Realm of Illusion
(September 27, 2016 - 6:36 pm)

Reserving a spot! Let me go think deep, philosophical thoughts about the items. *goes off to be baffled*

submitted by Autumn Leaves, age 13, Floating on the breeze
(September 27, 2016 - 7:14 pm)

And here's Winston's charrie sheet!

Name: Winston Lendrift

Age: Going on 19. 

Personality: Fun, and random in that ridiculously funny way, creative, ready to improvise, and resourceful. Loves animals, explosions, and basketball. 

Appearance: Broad shoulders, bright, dancing blue eyes and sandy hair that is more red than blonde that sticks up all over the place whether he meant it to or not. Unlike Sasha, he doesn't bother with business suits, and prefers t-shirts and basketball shorts. 

Background: Winston grew up on a farm in North Carolina with his seven red-headed siblings. Never a dull moment! 

Talents (do not overlook even the smallest and most insignificant): Can shoot some hoops, kick some balls (not to mention accidentally getting balls stuck in the Griffinfeather Gym's ceiling rafters) multiply and divide in his head extremely fast (but not when integers are involved). He also is great with kids of all ages, and has an unusual talent for exploding things. Oh, and as for tall tales? Let's say he's strong enough to stretch the truth. 

Past experiance with unicorns*: Well, I've wrangled about 63 of them in my lifetime. One of them was at least as big as the Griffinfeather Gym, with wild red eyes and a gleaming silver horn which struck with a flashing ferocity. I wrangled him so good— (you get the idea) 

Would you like a free fried gull?**: Pass the ketchup please. Mmmm. Taste's like chicken. 

Other: I'm not going to bother with all the formalities. Read the letter. 

submitted by Rose bud, age 14, Realm of Illusion
(September 27, 2016 - 7:22 pm)

Too good to pass up!

Name: Klara Itsaso 

Age (11-13 year old will be working with Winston, 14-17 year olds will training with Miss Night): 14

Personality: Confident, resourceful, brave, trusting, rash, naive, extrovert! 

Appearance: Petite frame, long perfectly straight black hair, dyed purple at the tips, dark brown almond shaped eyes, avoids pink at all costs 

Background: Comes from an average Japanese family. . . umm. . . yeah, that's about it

Talents (do not overlook even the smallest and most insignificant): Expert water bottle flipper, speed reader, amazing at painting ceramic ice cream cones, can act out dramatic death scenes exceptionally well, loves debate, and is a verbal freight train. (She couldn't stop talking even if she wanted to.) 

Past experiance with unicorns*: None. . . not including her cousin's treasured pink unicorn stuffed animal. It works magic on crying 3-year olds! 

Would you like a free fried gull?**: Proud vegetarian! 

Other: Nothing at the moment


So, Rose Bud, will we need to fufill the above requirements and post? 

submitted by September
(September 27, 2016 - 7:23 pm)

You mean solve the riddle? That would be nice, although you can still RP if you don't understand it. I was just trying to exagerate in the letter to make it dramatic :P It's just another school RP—although hopefully more creative.

submitted by Rose bud
(September 28, 2016 - 2:37 pm)

I reserve a spot! But first, a question. Are we RPing as ourselvs, or a charrie we make up?

submitted by Booksy Owly
(September 27, 2016 - 8:53 pm)