Jasmine is a

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Jasmine is a

Jasmine is a student of GenkuSuh Boarding School in the desert kingdom of Kyriah. They have uniforms and lots of rules, that Jasmine breaks most of. Her and her friends have many adventures within, and without the walls of her school. This is an RP for it, enjoy!

Name: Jasmine H.
Age: 13, nearly 14, in 3rd and final year at GenkuSuh
Personality: Spunky, always trying to figure out a new way to break the dress code rules without being caught (even though she usualy is)
Appearence: Dark brown hair, hazel eyes, and tan skin. Very pretty.
Other: Her little sister, Mary-Lee (10) is in her 1st year at GenkuSuh too, and her older 'perfect' sister, Amari (17) graduated 3 years ago and is now studying abrod at a girls school in Elyni.

Blank Form:


submitted by Kat, age 13, Here, obviously
(March 7, 2011 - 5:41 pm)

Hah!  Mann kanst zu sein, wenn Mann homeschoolen ist (Elizabeth M., please correct that one if it's wrong; it's been three years at least since I was taking German)!





"Mind if I sit?" he says.


"Sure," I say, pushing aside Karanah's empty dishes and stacking them in mine.  I start playing with my earlobe, one of my nervous habits.


"Did you just get your ears pierced?" he says. "I remember when my sister got hers pierced, she was scratching them all the time."


"Probably had a small infection," I say.  "No, I pierced my ears a few years ago.  I don't wear earrings much though."


"Uh huh," he says, and starts looking out the window.


I decide to try a different tack, a more direct one.  "So... who was that last girlfriend of yours?"


He goes redder than I would have thought possible and just about chokes on his toast.  "Karanah?"


"Karanah?" I say. "She was your last girlfriend?  She's a nice girl."


Now he's pale.  "You... you know her?"


"Well sure, she's in at least one of my classes.  She's pretty smart, too.  Tell me, what made you dump her?"


"How do you know she didn't dump me?"


"Because she's been sitting here, talking to me, and going to a lot of trouble to keep for herself a fascinating pair of earrings I found."


He looks angry now.


"Just wondering."


"I'll tell you then," he says.  "I liked you better.  Karanah wears makeup.  She tries to look nicer.  You're happy with the way you look.  And you dress more sensibly.  You should be flattered."


"I like you," I say honestly, cleaning my glasses.  "But I'm not in love with you."


"Well, I am with you."  His voice cracks on the "you."


"Lief.  Can we just be friends?  Good friends?  Not boyfriend and girlfriend friends?"


"Sure.  Fine.  For now."


"For now."


He leaves.   I never told him Karanah was my roommate.  Oh, well; that can wait.  I take my dishes in and go upstairs to room 16.




That'll have to do...

submitted by Oregano, age 13, theloveseatgardenspi
(May 19, 2011 - 9:57 am)

This happens during Oregano's post, okay?


I wake up Sunday morning and glance at the clock as usual. 9:08. Yikes! Eli and I have to be on the bus by 9:15! I quickly grab my dress clothes and run next door. I knock on the door. Callen opens it. "Kataira! What are you doing here? It's Sunday, don't you remember? We're supposed to be sleeping in," she yawns. I push past her and look around. Eli is lying among her crumpled up bedsheets. I shake her and she rolls over.

"Eli! Wake up!" I frantically shake her. Eli just rolls over and mumbles something. I'm at a loss for what to do, so I tickle her. That wakes her up.

"Kataira, what are you doing," she starts, but I interrupt her.

"Eli! We have to get to church! You have five minutes!" I say. Eli is wide awake by now. Great Aunt Ethel said that we have to be at church on time every day or we have to do a twenty page report on the history of the Lutheran church, and Eli is in no mood to be writing a report in her free Sunday afternoon. We hurriedly dress and wash up, then we run down the halls to the cafeteria, slowing down to a fast walk when any teachers are in sight. I grab two bananas while Eli gets two granola bars. I choose a carton of milk for myself, and Eli takes a cup of orange juice. Then we run down to the bus stop, sit down on a bench, and eat our quick breakfast while we wait for the bus to come. When the bus pulls up, we throw out our trash in the nearby trash can and board the bus. When we arrive at the church on the other side of town, we walk into the sanctuary and choose our seats. The music began, and the congregation rose to sing hymns. Then we sat and the priest preached his sermon. Eli started scribbling notes immediately. Every Sunday, we were expected to send Great Aunt Ethel a letter. In the letter we were to include nothing but our notes that we took during the sermon. Tiring work, yes, but better than having no free time for a week. After the service, we hop back onto the bus and leave for GenkuSuh. 


TO BE CONTINUED (but feel free to still post in the meantime!)

submitted by Princess P.
(May 19, 2011 - 2:06 pm)

[[I most certainly do and will!!]]



Everyone else is asleep.  The alarm clocks didn't go off, so they didn't wake up.  I guess I'm a morning person, though; I woke up at six.


Man, am I bored.  BORED!  B-O-R-E-D!  I spell it out in my head, and trace the shapes of the letters, and spell it backward - D-E-R-O-B!!  Derob!  Sounds like a name.


Well, why do I have to lie here?  This is BORING.  B-O-R-I-N-G!  G-N-I-R-O-B!!  That's fun, F-U-N, N-U-F.  Kind of - O-F, F-O.  I've been lying here spelling words backward and forward for forty-five minutes, M-I-N-U-T-E-S, S-E-T-U-N-I-M.  Even that's boring.


Well, if no one else will wake up, I can have fun anyway!  I climb slowly out of bed and go to the bathroom to shower.  When I come back, STILL (S-T-I-L-L, L-L-I-T-S) no one is awake, A-W-A-K-E, E-K-A-W-A.  Ekawa, nice word. I dress myself in normal clothes.  Bored.  Derob.  Ekawa.  Setunim.  I like my new words!  Why don't other people spell their words backward?


I open my diary and turn to a fresh page.


Dear Amari,

Everyone else is asleep and it's seven-fifteen in the morning!  How can they do it?  The dance was last night, and LOADS of fun.  This kid in my dance class called Sam asked me, and he's a pretty good dancer.  Even my roommate Kristen who (or is it whom?) no one had asked got a date.  We're supposed to be getting the morning off, because the dance ran really late!  Yay!  It's fun here.

A new friend has recommended that I join a ballet group, since my teacher thinks I'm good at it.  What do you think?  Weren't you in a ballet group when you were here?  Which one was it?  I'd really like to join it,  I'm loving dance class.  The teacher keeps giving me pink beads to put on a string, which my friend says means I'm really good.  I have ten.  Yippee!  Ten beads, and I'm ten years old.

But the real news I have for you is about Jas!  She was the date of this guy called Jacob.  He had apparently had a girlfriend last year, though, called Elizabeth, and a few days before the dance he dumped Jas and went back to Elizabeth, and Jas saw them kissing, or something.  I suspect he wants to get back together with Jas, though.  We ran into each other in the hall... that is, I ran into him in the hall... he wanted me to bring Jas a message, but Elizabeth wouldn't let him.  But then, this other guy called Darius, who I think is Jacob's roommate, wound up asking Jas to the dance!  And Jas said yes! I'm not sure anymore if Jas wants to be back with Jacob, though I think Jacob might want to be back with Jas.  And then there are tons of other little dramas being acted out all across the school.  I'm really loving it here!

Well, since no one else is up yet, there's no point waiting for them.  I'm going for breakfast.  I'll mail you this letter on the way.




I tear the pages out of my spiral-bound diary and grab for an envelope.  My parents gave me twenty stamped envelopes before I left home, and that way I don't have to buy any.  I scribble Amari's name on it, with the address of the school at Elyni, and fold the pages... Oops, Kristen is stirring.  I guess I shouldn't have torn the pages out.  Too late.  I fold them up and put them in the envelope anyway.  She sits up, groggily, leaning on her elbows.




"Good morning!"


"How long have you been up?"


"About an hour and a half," I say.


She kind of sighs and gets up.  I'll wait for her; we can have breakfast together.  It's much nicer with two.

submitted by Mary-Lee, age 10, my room [[forgot #]]
(May 20, 2011 - 7:01 am)

@Oregano-- What did you mean to say in German?

@Princess P.-- Sorry, about Eli and Banier! What about making a more talent show whatever thingy that's small! I mean GenkuSuh is full of little adventures!

 And, sorry, my post got no where! ;)




I woke up the day after the dance, a Sunday, to be exact. I felt relieved at the idea of no school and I’d made sure to finish my homework quickly. I looked around; no one was there. Had I truly slept that long?

I rubbed my eyes and slowly balanced myself on the cold floor. I then went to the showers and washed myself, brushed my hair and braided it.

I pulled on a uniform and ran downstairs. The tables had emptied out and from the clock, I only had fifteen minutes to eat.

Lilly, Callen and Artemis were still at Table 14. I scooped a portion of fruit salad onto my plate and slipped in between Artemis and Lilly.

“I was wondering when you’d finally come!” Lilly exclaimed.

“I overslept. What are your plans today?”

“Resting, being bored, resting,” Artemis replied. I smiled atthe idea of such a calm day.

“I think--“ Lilly was cut off by a loud speaker.

Mrs. Hale’s voice announced: “Listen, boys and girls! This year’s (What was the name PP called it?) is before us and any groups that would like to perform must sign up by October 31st. Please practice well and the ones who do sign up will get more information later. Speaking of October 31st, all third years will be brought to the nearest city to enjoy a night of fun, tricks and games. Those are today’s announcements and good day!” The speaker made a screeching sound and went out.

“Hmm… Dance! We should do a dance group and I wanted to join the chorus and my piano piece…” I blabbered about.

“I didn’t even know this was coming!” Lily yelled.

“It’s already the 20th!” Artemis said.

“I have to talk with Eli and Kataira! They know all about the music stuff…” I swallowed my last bites of food and got up.

“Do you know where the twins are?”

“They should be coming back from church quite soon! The bus will be arriving in a few minutes.”

“Ok, thanks! See you!” I got up and rushed out to the courtyard.



submitted by Elizabeth M., age 11, Germany:12 in 4 Days
(May 20, 2011 - 11:31 am)

Hee hee... my German is incomprehensible...  I was trying to say, "One can do that, when one is homeschooled." That - i.e., post multiple times in a day.

submitted by Oregano, age 13, the middle of life.
(May 20, 2011 - 3:36 pm)

Hmmmmmmm... so... Mary-Lee is at this time finishing breakfast with Kristen.


"Hear that, Mary-Lee?" Kristen nudges me with her elbow.  "You really should enter it. There should be a section for dance, go and ask her, I don't remember."


I groan but walk up to the teacher.  "[[insert name here since I don't remember it :P]]?"


"Hmm?" She looks up.


"Did you say there was a dancing competition?"


"There is!  Would you like to enter it?"


"Oh... um... sure.  Sign me up!  Please!"


She flips some pages on her clipboard.  "What's your name, sweetie?"


I hate being called sweetie.  "Mary-Lee [[ARGHH!  SOMEONE GET ME A NEW MEMORY!!]]."


"Would you like to write that here?" She indicates a horizontal line on the paper.


I sign my name.


"Congratulations!  You're the first participant!  Now, the dance section isn't just ballet, you know, the dance section has a few categories.  Which ones would you like to compete in?"


"I think just the ballet section, thanks."  She checks off a little box next to my name.


"And will you be competing in anything other than dance?"


"No, thanks though."


"You're very welcome.  Good luck!"


I smile and go back to Kristen, a bit pink.  She grins at me.



[[Oh and by the way... I thought this was Sunday... so... why are they getting the morning off? What would they have been doing?  Classes on Sunday morning?]]

submitted by Oregano, age 13, theloveseatgardenspi
(May 21, 2011 - 4:19 pm)

I don't think that there should be any classes on Sun., unless we make up a religion or use an actual religion and have them have classes on that. But, I think that having classes 6 days a week, they should have a day off.

submitted by ZB ☮
(May 21, 2011 - 10:56 pm)

@Oregano- Oh! That's what you wanted to say. I'll do my best on correcting. Here's what I think you should've said: Das kann man machen, wenn man homegeschoolt (English noun made into a verb by moi) wird. :)

submitted by Elizabeth M., age 11, Germany:12 in 2 Days
(May 22, 2011 - 2:55 am)

My German tutor of old would be appalled... thanks.  Embarassed

submitted by Oregano, age 13, theloveseatgardenspi
(May 22, 2011 - 9:40 am)


Yesterday (or the day before) I saw on the Inkwell page that Sarah K. had posted. I was excited to see what she said because she hasn't posted for a while. I just remembered that and looked for her post, but it wasn't there. Do you think it could've been deleted?


I don't think I've deleted anything recently. Sometimes I do delete a post if there is absolutely nothing in the text box, but I don't remember seeing any like that this week. Sorry I can't be of more help. The comment may be posted somewhere on some page.  . . .


submitted by Princess P.
(May 22, 2011 - 7:05 pm)

Yeah, I did the same thing!!  But I found it on a different page... don't remember which... so.


Spammy says mcmx.  Bad Roman Numerals, Spammy!  Try mmcx.

submitted by Oregano, age 13, I'm on the inkwell!!
(May 23, 2011 - 7:40 am)

Princess P., she might have replied to another comment. I've had that happen before too!

submitted by Elizabeth M., age 11, Germany:12 in 1 Day
(May 23, 2011 - 10:25 am)

@PP: page 11, I think.


Spammy says dabi.  Thanks, Spammy!  The stem of do, plus the future augment!  How nice of you to tell me this bit of absolutely useless (since I already know it) information at this time!

submitted by Oregano, age 13, the Inkwell duh!!!!!
(May 23, 2011 - 1:56 pm)

Who should go on?

submitted by Elizabeth M., age 12!!!!!!!!, Germany: B-DAY YAY!!
(May 24, 2011 - 8:57 am)

Not me!  Else it'll be just me!  Where is everyone else?

submitted by Oregano, age 13, HAPPY BIRTHDAY EM!!!
(May 24, 2011 - 10:09 am)