*KYNGDOM Live Chat!

Chatterbox: KYNGDOM™

*KYNGDOM Live Chat!

*KYNGDOM Live Chat!

We'll be live chatting at 5 pm Central Standard Time on Friday January 6, 2017. This thread will be open at that time for you to post your comments and questions. We look forward to chatting with you then!


submitted by The Admins
(December 29, 2016 - 12:39 pm)

First. Post. Of. The. Day!!!

Darn it Kyngdom, why are you so hard to comb through??? 

submitted by Zealatom
(March 22, 2023 - 6:37 am)

To anybody who is interested in joining/rebooting Kyngdom:

Theres a thread in CaC on CB that is planning a reboot. Here's the link to it if you'd like to help out or see what we're planning:


submitted by Scuttles
(March 24, 2023 - 8:48 am)

I had an idea for a new Power. so, someone a while ago mentioned something about a Power of Fire which might or might not exist. I think that if we do a Power of Fire, it could perhaps be a phoenix with glowing red-gold-orange feathers and pupil-less shining blue eyes. her name would be Ignea (pronounced Ig-nay-ah), and she would rule over fire, as well as revenge, determination, and perhaps love. (strong, powerful, motivational emotions in general). Ignea's instrument would be a bagpipe, with bright red cloth, and gold tubes. it would be attached to a golden chain, too. the instrument guardian would be an albino bear.

what are y'alls opinions?

submitted by Darkvine, age idk, the land of Kyngdom
(March 24, 2023 - 7:30 pm)

oh, forgot to add this but if we agreed to make the Power of Fire a thing, we'd have seven powers, which I think would be cool because seven is generally agreed to be a number that represents magic (I think)

if I sound weird ignore the weird-soundingness, I'm tired :P 

submitted by Darkvine, here again
(March 24, 2023 - 7:34 pm)

That would be splendiferous, but I think we're not supposed to make any more powers. I don't know if we could bend that rule to include a fire power, but maybe!

submitted by Poinsettia
(March 27, 2023 - 4:24 pm)

starting from now, i'll go on as... hmm, cherie. that's a nice name, isn't it? 


i think it shouldn't just be a power of fire (take several things into account, eg: windblown butterfly, which was one of my aliases) 

perhaps we should have the current powers be npcs as an old one suggested. and then, perhaps, we should create 4-6 more: each one corresponding with an element. 

of course, we must have the 4 basics: fire, earth, wind, and water. (although we really must find more eloquent names for them- can't have them being named just the basics). 

i was thinking a while back, though: light and darkness/void. 

i volunteer to play either fire or darkness/void. it's been quite a while, my friends (: 

plus i have an entire character sheet based on darkness/void. it's quite entertaining, haha. 


but yes! i must have my redemption arc. i shall arise from the shadows once more! 


au revoir for now, 

cherie ~  

submitted by another old one, (cherie)
(March 28, 2023 - 8:01 pm)

Claaws was already the power of Darkness, and Lunee the Power of Light. Each of the other Powers also corresponded with the elements as well. Caelani, Power of Wing, is air. Ecio, Power of Claw, was the more fiery one (discovered in a desert, is a kind of dragon, etc.) Sylvia, Power of Hoof, is associated with nature/the earth. Then Aeyearth, Power of Fin, is water. My biggest concern is not only do these exist, but how complex they would make the story. Part of the reason Kyngdom initially became inactive was the complexity of it all. I'm not sure this is a good decision for the future of Kyngdom. But I'm also not a dictator-- if everyone truly is on agreement with making new Powers, I won't stop it. 

submitted by One of the Old Ones, yeah
(March 29, 2023 - 5:53 am)

I think we should wait, and start with just the Powers we already have, without making up any new ones. Later on, once we're all more confident, or if we need to introduce a new plotline, we can create new Powers. But let's just wait a tiny bit before we do that... it's sooo complex already >:)

submitted by Poinsettia
(March 30, 2023 - 4:08 pm)

hmm ur right 

ignore my brief stupidity i can't seem to remember things as of now 

however! let me say that darkness and void are two VERY different things. darkness is still something. void is... nothing. absolutely nothing. 

perhaps we should tie some plotlines up and have a central plotline that we all stick to, hmm? 


au revoir, 


submitted by cherie
(March 30, 2023 - 7:53 pm)

We moved the reboot planning thread to DtE:


Also, speaking of plotlines 'n' all that, we decided to do a ten-year timeskip from where Kyngdom left off and we're currently deciding on what happened during that time and what's going on now. If you'd like to be a part of the planning for the plotlines, I suggest you go there.

PS I love the name "cherie." It obviously isn't as good as "Scuttles" (just kidding hehe) but then again, nothing is as good as my name. ^^

submitted by Scuttles
(April 6, 2023 - 8:47 am)

Hello everyone! I am new to Kyngdom (I wanted to join a few years back but it wouldn't let me). I'm wondering when there'll be another live chat? Also, is the Story So Far thread down because whenever I click on the link it tells me that it can't find the page (this happened last time too) and so I have no idea what the story is besides that there's a group of animal spies and B.I.G.?? And something about a crow? And powers? Is there a war going on? Is that still happening? Thank you! 

P.S. after reading the link in the comment above (thank you for that recap!), I'm still a bit confused (though less). So what happened with BIG? And are the powers evil? They didn't rly seem it, so why didn't the animals release them? And I'm still not certain about who the characters are. Power over Kyngdom was given to CBers, right? So how does that work? How do you keep track of all the threads happening at once in order to not repeat something or know what's happening somewhere else in this world? There's not like a newspaper, is there? Could we make a newspaper? Is anyone even on here anymore? And throughout the years I haven't been able to find anything like a code in Cricket mags... how does that work? You can play w/o it, right? But thank you again!
Hi, Celine. I think most of the recent activity in Kyngdom has been in the Kyngdom RP Board section. Go to the bottom of the Kyngdom listing to find it. Maybe one of the recent posters there can answer your questions. We don't have another Kyngdom live chat scheduled.
submitted by Celine, age As needed, The Firemist Sea
(June 22, 2023 - 7:14 pm)

Hey, Celine! I'm so glad you've taken an interest in Kyngdom! 

I see you've already posted a charrie on the Who's Here? thread (she seems very cool!), but i'll post share links I've found helpful :)

Poinsettia's Quick Kyngdom Summary is a really helpful recap on the current conflict in Kyngdom: 


I also recommend checking out the Ultimate Guide to Kyngdom, which is dense but very in-depth and helpful: 


Right now, the only active RP is the Nobyl RP -- to access it, scroll to the bottom of the main face of Kyngdom and click KYNGDOM RP Board. The Nobyl RP should be at the top of the RP Board. Basically what's happening there is that some young Nobyls who aren't quite satisfied with the way Catastophe's ruling are beginning to meet up and join together and eventually they'll work together to try to stop him. We aren't too far in it, so it would be a great place to jump in :) I'll link it:


I hope I was able to answer at least some of your questions -- i'm not really a Kyngdom expert, but if you have any more questions, feel free to ask~ 

submitted by pangolin, age she/they, the edge of the world
(June 26, 2023 - 7:01 am)

Thank you! This was very helpful!

submitted by Celine, age As Needed , The FireMist Sea
(June 27, 2023 - 5:00 pm)

Hi! I'm new to Kyngdom, and I just want to say that from what I've read... IT SOUNDS AWESOME!!!! Anyways, just wanted to say that, and yeah, I think that I want to join! 

NAME: Genivieve

SPECIES: Blue-Banded Fox

JOB/TITLE: Rookie spy/scout

APPEARANCE: Blue stripe on forehead, amber fur with an occasional freckle of white.

PERSONALITY: Funny at the wrong times, (but getting better at that!), cracks a lot of bad jokes, enjoys reading informational type stuff and is very serious about learning new things. Also enjoys saying wierd facts at the most questionable times.

HOME: Mythical Forest, Morrows 

MOST OFTEN SEEN AT: Large bodies of water or woodland area

FRIEND OR MENTOR: Janney Kipler, human with eccentric abilities, like creating wierd but helpful equipment.

ENEMY OR RIVAL: Johnny Kipler, Janney's evil brother working with B.I.G.; he hates animals, especially me.  

FAVORITE POSSESSION OR OBJECT: Bracelet (created by Janney) that can tell exactly where I am, also called 'The Wrong Way'

MOTTO OR FAVORITE SAYING: "Just roll with it"

STRENGTHS: Rain, lost things, and woodland apples. (woodland apples only grow in splotchy sunlight, hence woodland)

WEAKNESSES: Horned frogs, unknown objects, and geese.

BACKGROUND: Orphaned as a kit, lost parents to a forest fire. Janney came and found me, brought me home, and helped me get strong. Got lost once and couldn't find my way back home and I didn't know where I was. Then Janney found me (again) and took me home. She then created 'The Wrong Way' so I wouldn't get lost anymore.

submitted by Genivieve, age Unknown, Out there
(July 9, 2023 - 9:03 am)

Hey Genivieve! I'm glad you've decided to join Kyngdom! :D Your character sounds cool. :)

I'll just post a few links you might find helpful :)

The Quick Kyngdom Summary is really helpful for understanding the current conflict in Kyngdom, so I'd definitely check it out: http://www.cricketmagkids.com/chatterbox/inkwell/node/543756

The Ultimate Guide to Kyngdom is very helpful as well, but it's very in-depth and rather dense. I do recommend at least skimming it, though: https://www.cricketmagkids.com/chatterbox/inkwell/node/404640

You can introduce your character on the Who's Here thread: http://www.cricketmagkids.com/chatterbox/kyngdom-new/node/196649

We only have one active RP right now, which is the Nobyl RP. I posted a more detailed description of this RP in my reply to Celine above. I recommend checking this RP out: http://www.cricketmagkids.com/chatterbox/kyngdom-rp/node/542334

And I'll just link the Kyngdom RP Board, where you can check out other role plays and possibly create your own: http://www.cricketmagkids.com/chatterbox/kyngdom-rp

If you have any questions, feel free to ask! 

submitted by pangolin, age she/they, Outskirts of the Galaxy
(July 9, 2023 - 11:35 am)