Chatterbox: Pudding's Place



Welcome to the Evil Æ War! It is Devil Owl and Evil Devin vs. Fúdìmó and MewFour. Everyone choose your sides! Root for your team! And as for the fighters, Each team needs to choose their names, as for MewFour and Fúdìmó, how about Purebloods? And each team needs to choose a motto! And maybe Pureblood Pride fir the Purebloods, eh? Well, I'll let the Æs decide on that. They will also need to choose a mascot! Just kidding. But maybe.... So I'm not sure how this will work. Will it be an actual war? An RP? I've got a few ideas.

A) we use this thread and the Æs make threats to each other and argue over evilness and stuff. They may spread to other threads, and word gets out about war.

B) We make an RP in which there is real war. The Æs fight and stuff, and other Æs can be in it, too. They can stand on the sidelines, cheering and such.

C) not an actual battle, but a battle of wits. Different CBers than the ones who's Æs are participating in the war will come up with questions, tests, and games for the Æs.

D) All of the above. All of the Æs stay in a hotel together, and there will be challenges made by other CBers, that the participating Æs will have to complete before moving on to the next. It will also work as an RP, where the Æs can write about their day. Ex.

~Evil Devin~ I go down to the arena, where Dev is waiting for me.  

So I need Clouded Leopard, Mei-Xui, and St Owl to give me their votes. My vote is D. Also, Fúdìmó and MewFour need to decide on a name and motto, as well as Dev and Devin. And as for everyone else, choose your sides! Let the Wars begin! And thanks for the great idea Mei! 


submitted by Leeli
(June 3, 2016 - 12:30 pm)

Leeli was being incredibly rude... other than maybe once on this thread, she hasn't been bossy on the CB. And . . ., I think that you are Leeli in disguise.

submitted by Anon
(June 27, 2016 - 12:14 pm)

if that's the case, I wouldn't be surprised if you were Mei in disguise.

submitted by ...
(June 28, 2016 - 9:42 am)

Also, don't forget the fact that I was the ONLY one who did Leeli Wingfeather in the Compliments thread…

submitted by Mei-xue (May-shreh) , Fairyland
(June 23, 2016 - 8:01 pm)

I completely forgot about this thread, but I just read the entire thread, and I think she might withdraw. . . 

submitted by September
(June 20, 2016 - 5:21 pm)

I forgot about this, too... and I kinda agree. Genghis Khan did take over China, so I think he is Chinese and Mongolian.

BUT that doesn't really Mei should throw around insults. I can see that it's all pretend, but I honestly think that if this didn't have this AE stuff going on, Mei probably wouldn't be much better . . .

I'm sorry. 


submitted by Novelist, The Secret Forest
(June 24, 2016 - 6:56 am)

If you read up there, it says that the Æs should insult each other. Besides, I think that you are biased. Maybe if you were on Fúdìmó and MewFour's side, you would be telling St.Owl to stop throwing around insults.

submitted by Mei-xue (May-shreh) , Fairyland
(June 24, 2016 - 10:54 am)

The Roman Empire took over a huge expanse- including parts of Egypt. That doesnt make Egyptians Roman, or them Egyptian. This means they took on some Egyptian ways of life and the Egyptians took on some Roman ways of life, but it doesn't mean they are now interchangible. Genghis Khan was Mongolian, and while he did have an interesting relationship with China which implies they might have taken on some of his costums and vice versa, he WAS NOT CHINESE. 


submitted by Indigo
(June 24, 2016 - 12:26 pm)

Hey! You guys came here to have fun, didn't you? Well guess what! You're not. Correct me if I'm wrong, you guys are all offended about each other's insults and that you haven't won your squabble because oh my gosh I must be THE best and THE smartest CBer ever mwahahahahaha. Is that what you wanted? No? Okay, you both lost. Start having fun and you'll win and prove me wrong. 

submitted by Tough Love, age 12, Fruit Loop Neighborhood
(June 24, 2016 - 9:39 am)

Oh gosh.

I didn't know how blunt and mean that sounded until I re-read it...

"Mei wouldn't be much better."

That was really bad...I'm sorry.

Okay, I need to be honest right now. Like really honest.

I don't think Mei is really a bully. 

But honestly, I know Mei's a really good person. She just stands up for what she believes in. And, I can tell, she has a soft spot, everyone does. 

With lots of courage. Which is great.

So in a moment of weakness and tiredness, I just kinda said half what I meant. That she might be doing it too much?

I've been having problems with being a show-off and prideful lately... 

One last note not directed to anyone in particular: you don't have to act strong all the time. Sometimes, it's okay to be timid, sometimes it's okay to just be afraid.

Uh. Idk where this is going now. I think I better stop now.





submitted by Novelist, The Secret Forest
(June 24, 2016 - 9:44 am)

The PROBLEM here is that something that was meant to be a roleplay- a witty and ever-so-slightly crazy one, turned into an agressive debate where each side was insulting the other and the other's points. This is exactly what happened on the politics thread. Do we really have to argue? I mean, there IS a difference between a polite and formal debate and an argument. 

@Mei~ Please stop insulting St. Owl and everyone else on her team. Also, St. Owl was be no means trying to be racist or implying anything that had to do with your American citizenship or the Japanese internment camps. I think you are making a huge deal out of very little. 

This was supposed to be funny, and it was, up until you decided to crash our party. I'd like you to name five ways I was a bully. The harshness and insults were not real, they were our AEs fighting. I thought you created this thread so we could have fun!

Every insult is very real, and it feels real too. And I don't think the definition of 'fun' would include arguing and being insulted again and again. 

Also, don't forget the fact that I was the ONLY one who did Leeli Wingfeather in the Compliments thread…

This pretty much drove me over the edge.

@Leeli~ I think you are smart and kind and understanding. You are empathetic, and always try to feel what others feel. Like at the start of this thread, for example: you gave everyone several choices of ideas so you could see what everyone else wanted to do. And you are very brave and full of courage- especially the courage to stand up to people, which is very hard to do. Nobody here hates you, Leeli. 

submitted by Jarvis, age ???
(June 24, 2016 - 11:58 am)

Thank you, Jarvis. This means a lot. Ever since I wrote that comment (bad decision) I've been frantically checking this thread to see who has replied and how mad they are. And ever since Mei's slighty hurtful comment (which she had every right to make) had me feeling really bad. This makes me feel a lot better and gives me a big confidence boost. Thanks a lot. 

submitted by Leeli
(June 24, 2016 - 6:11 pm)

Please stop hurting each other.

I'm not sure how to phrase this without making it worse, but please, PLEASE.

I love all of you too much for you guys to hurt each other. When you post, please, think: "How will people react? In A good way or bad way?"

Mei, Leeli is sorry. FORGIVE AND FORGET. Life is going to go ON. Please don't hold grudges. Do take into account the bravery that goes into that post.



(also, Admins, don't close this thread just yet: We must sort this out.) 

submitted by Danie
(June 24, 2016 - 5:43 pm)

One Hundred Comments! (101 now ;-))

submitted by Leeli
(June 26, 2016 - 3:18 pm)

Hey! How bout we make this thread awesome by not fighting and instead complementing everyone!

Mei: You are a great person, who stands up for what she believes in, who stands up for her race, who won't go with the crowd, who is very smart, and whohas a competitive, but kind spark. And also knows a hundred digits of Pi! We love you, Mei-Xui! 

submitted by Leeli, age @ Mei!!!!!, @ Mei! @ Mei! @ Mei!
(June 27, 2016 - 8:23 am)


Leeli: You are a truly unique person, who WON'T read Harry Potter no matter what, you don't give in to peer pressure. You are never self-conscious, always proud, and you're a WIngfeather Saga fan to the end.

submitted by Mei-xue (May-shreh), Fairyland
(June 27, 2016 - 2:14 pm)