Chatterbox: Pudding's Place



Welcome to the Evil Æ War! It is Devil Owl and Evil Devin vs. Fúdìmó and MewFour. Everyone choose your sides! Root for your team! And as for the fighters, Each team needs to choose their names, as for MewFour and Fúdìmó, how about Purebloods? And each team needs to choose a motto! And maybe Pureblood Pride fir the Purebloods, eh? Well, I'll let the Æs decide on that. They will also need to choose a mascot! Just kidding. But maybe.... So I'm not sure how this will work. Will it be an actual war? An RP? I've got a few ideas.

A) we use this thread and the Æs make threats to each other and argue over evilness and stuff. They may spread to other threads, and word gets out about war.

B) We make an RP in which there is real war. The Æs fight and stuff, and other Æs can be in it, too. They can stand on the sidelines, cheering and such.

C) not an actual battle, but a battle of wits. Different CBers than the ones who's Æs are participating in the war will come up with questions, tests, and games for the Æs.

D) All of the above. All of the Æs stay in a hotel together, and there will be challenges made by other CBers, that the participating Æs will have to complete before moving on to the next. It will also work as an RP, where the Æs can write about their day. Ex.

~Evil Devin~ I go down to the arena, where Dev is waiting for me.  

So I need Clouded Leopard, Mei-Xui, and St Owl to give me their votes. My vote is D. Also, Fúdìmó and MewFour need to decide on a name and motto, as well as Dev and Devin. And as for everyone else, choose your sides! Let the Wars begin! And thanks for the great idea Mei! 


submitted by Leeli
(June 3, 2016 - 12:30 pm)

I saw all the apology threads, and was like, okay, what's going on in the AE War Thread. That last page..and wow that was CRAZY and INTENSE. 

Maybe I have no authority in discussing this matter, since I was technically never part of it...but this is the CB, where I feel comfortable offering how I feel about something. 

I would advise in the future to not type so much when you've just read something that upsets you...take a bit to cool down, and take into perspective what you're debating, and if it's really worth it. I believe there's a difference between bravely saying what you believe in and going a bit over the top. Because usually if you wait and sit on it, then the right feelings will come out, and you probably won't end up regretting it later.

Let me make clear however that this input is NOT DIRECTED at any one person...I think it was all going further than it needed to be, and that is the fault of no one person.

I also want to express my personal opinion that you have to be careful with AEs, although they stand for Alter Egos, which according to Merriam-Webster literally mean a second self, I think sometimes we use them as a shield, or allow ourselves that as long as we voice our opinions through them, we're not being direct. But we are. Then things like the AE War occur where we blame the AE problems on the AEs themselves. But it's not the AEs. It's us. How we use our AEs. No matter how different their personalities may be from ourselves, they ARE us in a way. Well, maybe that's not true for an AE you only use for Ski Lodges, that pops into our posts only now and then. Aside from that, the more you use an AE, the more of YOU that speaks through it. Yes, I've been guilty of this, too.

This is not a bad thing. On the contrary, it's a fun, awesome, very true CB thing. It's just that we have to be careful.

Oh...how did I get carried away? I should have take my own advice and thought abut it for a while. But alas, I am typing late at night underneath my covers, so I can't stop now. I also don't have time to proof, so excuse me for any typos. (How much you wanna bet there's a "teh" somewhere in there? Ugh, my typing weakness, Teh.) 

Allow me to get on to what I made is post for.

Hat I really want to say is...despite all the controversy, things are cooling down. And I think it's really awesome that  you guys actually looked back in your words, and apologized for it. My point is,  no matter what struggles we may go through here, it will all be okay because we are the amazing CBers that we are. We care about each other's we take a moment to think about how we've voiced ourselves on this amazing sit, whether that's before or after we post. We are strong, stronger than you may think. Just think about it. Put the CB into perspective win all the other blogs out there. Do you think that on many blogs, after intense debating of blood and race and all sorts of strong word shared, do you think bloggers make apology threads? No! We are so lucky that weave this little corner of the Internet.


Promise me you'll always remember:

you are braver than you believe

stronger than you seem

smarter than you think 

and loved more than you'll ever know.



submitted by Owlgirl
(June 27, 2016 - 10:59 pm)

And this thread, kids, is an excellent example of how when you're mad/annoyed/stressed out, you should always go through your comment before you post it, to see if you really mean what you just said.

submitted by Leafpool, age Eternal, Hidden in the forest
(November 5, 2017 - 2:32 pm)