Thunderstruck right outsi

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

Thunderstruck right outsi

Thunderstruck right outside your window and you let out a gasp as you were dragged from your dreams. The rain was pounding on your window, and lighting lit up your room in quick, silver flashes. You reached over and grabbed your water from your bedside...only to find that it was empty. You licked your lips, debating, is it worth it to leave your warm bed for some water? Of course it was.
You padded through the house, your bare feet freezing on the tiled floor of the kitchen. The house was shaking from the force of the wind, picture frames shaking on the wall. Maybe you should seek some safety in the basement? No matter, the storm was already subsiding as you brought your glass to your lips. Cool, freshwater slid down your throat chilling you from the inside out.
And then something happened you’d never suspected. Your doorbell rang, in the middle of the night. During a crazy storm. Sleeping was no longer an option, so you walked to your front door and opened it. Sitting on the doorstep was a package. Curious, you took the package inside.
Sitting in your favorite reading chair, with a pair of scissors in your hand, you opened the package up. Inside, sitting on a pile of clothes, was a message. 
Dear Detective,
I am aware that you are retired, but I am hoping that your old outfit will bring you some interest in this case. My opal brooch has been stolen tonight and I hope that you can help figure out who did it. You will be pleased, or upset, to know that you will be having help in this case, as I have messaged the top seven detectives in the world. I know how much you detectives like your "Watsons", so you are able to bring with you ONE AE each. I will offer you a temporary home in my mansion, the Moonless Hunt. Please come soon.

   Sincerely yours, Madame Suspectum.
You held up your old outfit and grinned, a case was afoot. You had a feeling that this “Madame Suspectum” had more secrets hidden in her home than a stolen opal.
Yes, this is a ski lodge. I hope that you will agree to help Madame Suspectum with finding her brooch. Please bring only one of your AEs, the mansion only has room for 7 CBers and one companion for each of them. To ensure that your stay is as comfortable as it can be, please fill out this information sheet.
Gender (male/female): 
Packing List:
Your interests/ hobbies (at least 10 interesting things please!): 
High or low?
(Have your AEs fill out this sheet as well, but they should be asked if they prefer pie or cake to throw. Thank you, the Secretary)
Tomorrow you should look for a horse drawn carriage, this will take you to Moonless Hunt. 
Once again, thank you,
The Secretary
Any deaths, frights, scares, or loss of personal property is not Madame Suspectum's fault... or mine.
The Secretary  
submitted by The Secretary , age Infinite, Moonless Hunt Mansion
(April 17, 2020 - 1:24 pm)

Yo secretary!

Are you Luna-Starr or, I dunno, Fidelity? 

submitted by Majestic Mary, age 1 eternity, Majestopia
(September 23, 2020 - 2:42 pm)

Nope, nope nope! I'm not them~ 

We're getting down to the wire here! It's almost done!!!! XD


Day Twelve, Part Four

  The library had been completely transformed. The usual books and comfy chairs had disappeared, replaced with a giant chessboard. Sirfire and Mary looked at it closely, it was an exact replica of the giant chessboard from Harry Potter. 

The only pieces missing were the kings, which meant that Sirfire and Mary would be taking their place. 

“Good luck…” Mary said softly as they took their places.

During this game, they would be deciding who would live or die. But not playing wasn’t an option. Because if they didn’t play, then they would never fully be able to understand the mysteries of the Moonless Hunt Mansion. 

Mary was on red’s side and Sirfire was on white’s and as they stared across at each other they frowned. Why were they fighting one another like this? They didn’t know, but some strange force seemed to be pushing them into it. 

The game went slowly, as each person kept having to look through the rule book thoughtfully provided to make sure they were playing correctly. 

They looked at the giant clock sitting over the mantle, it was 10:00, they only had two hours to finish the scavenger hunt before the lunar eclipse was completed. 

As they went through the game the moonlight shining through the library windows slowly turned darker and darker and darker…

Five minutes go by, ten minutes, thirty minutes, and then an hour passes by.

It was 11:00 and Mary was winning. She had the advantage from the beginning, she’s played chess before and was able to keep a cool head during the entire process.

Sirfire lost one of her knights early and couldn’t come back from it. 

And as the grandfather clock let out its long dings to show it was eleven o’clock, Mary whispered softly.


Light flashed and thunder roared for the last time as Sirfire fell through a trapdoor and out of sight.

Mary pants, winning was harder than she thought it would be. Not because Sirfire was playing good, but because Mary had the power of Sirfire’s life in her hands.

Mary had the ax and she let it fall. Sirfire’s death was Mary’s fault, even if the murder had been the one to push the button. 

But as Mary was thinking this, the puzzle pieces began to click in her head.

The mansion, the mission, the opal brooch. It was never about finding the opal brooch, the suspects’ importance was a lie. No, this was about who could live and survive the longest. 

It was a game. And the puppet master was watching it all gleefully from a hidden attic in the mansion.

But how to get there? Where was the entrance to the attic. And from the ceiling dropped down a single piece of paper, with three pillars on it, with the middle one circled. 

Mary looked at it blankly, it seemed that this was the final clue. The most important clue of all. And as she looked out the windows, she saw far in the mansion’s backyard three, giant trees. In a row… like pillars.

Mary’s eyes opened in shock, they were looking at it the wrong way the whole time. What if it wasn’t pillars, but trees the whole time?!

She left the mansion quickly, closing the kitchen door with a kind of final formality. 

It was time to confront the murderer for the last time.

Cynthia had better look out, Mary was coming for her. 


RIP Sirfire, you almost made it.

Aren't I evil? Leaving you all on a cliff hanger just as we were getting to the good parts.  

submitted by The Secretary , age Infinite , Moonless Hunt Mansion
(September 24, 2020 - 12:09 pm)



I can't believe I made it! Aahhhh!

I'm coming to save you Cynthia! I'm gonna get that murderer! Unless Cynthia is the murderer using her missingness as a cover up...

Eh, not likely. I like the heroic "I'm coming to save you" idea better.

so, LOOK OUT, WORLD! Majestic Mary is coming to save the day! 

submitted by Majestic Mary, age 1 eternity, Majestopia
(September 24, 2020 - 4:35 pm)

Day Thirteen, Part One

As Mary ran outside into the misty, wet, dripping garden, the grandfather clock inside struck 12:00. The last of the moon’s whiteness was covered over by red, and the garden was lit with a strange red glow. 

Mary shivered, what would happen now that the lunar eclipse was complete? But nothing happened, at least, not that Mary could see. What she didn’t know was that the whole mansion was slowly shrinking, at least on the inside it was. 

She ran through the tall grass, water from the grass sliding over her legs and making her feel itchy and cold all over. By the time she climbed to the top of the hill where the giant trees were, she was out of breath. The distance from here to the mansion was quite a bit further than she’d thought. 

But she was here, finally, about to face the murderer.

All though, how would she find the secret passage way that would lead to the attic? It was easier than Mary thought, as she stared at the giant, twisting roots of the oak tree, a door opened. 

They were expecting her.

It didn’t take long for Mary to traverse the brightly lit, warm hallway. She was expecting a dirt tunnel, perhaps filled with spider webs and hanging tree roots, but she was pleasantly surprised by the reality. 

She soon found herself standing in front of a wooden door, intricately carved with cats, random Pokemon, flowers, art supplies, and, for some reason, a large carved doughnut was right in the middle of it all.

Mary went to open the door, but hesitated, remembering a recent conversation in a warm, fire-lit library.

The note said “Remember, five knocks.” 

Mary knocked on the door five times and it surged open, nearly popping her on the nose. A wind blew over her, reminding her of chilly, frosty, fall nights and the smell of a fresh, frosty, new morning. 

She walked in carefully and gasped, she was in a library. But not just any library, this one had many uncompleted books on the shelves and books whose titles she recognized as having read before. Art supplies, mostly colored pencils and paint, were spilling out of buckets and onto the floor, which was covered in a fluffy white carpet. 

A desk was in the corner, this one had a laptop on it, closed, and a small table lamp. And in the huge, arched windows, which looked out onto endless hills, was a window seat. Sitting in the seat was none other than Cynthia. She was reading a book, titled “Thunderstruck right outsi…” 

“Hello, Mary.” Cynthia said, quickly putting the book down.

“You!” Mary shouted. “It was you the whole time! You were the murderer.” 

Cynthia shrugged and said, “Guilty as charged.”

This is going to be a three-part ending. If I put them all down at the same time it would be waaay to long. But you won't have to wait long for the next parts to come out, I've already finished them.  
submitted by The Secretary , age Infinite , Moonless Hunt Mansion
(September 26, 2020 - 9:56 am)

AAAAHHH  I kNeW iT! As soon as Cynthia disappeared, I immediately started thinking "what if she's the murderer?" but brushed off the thought quickly.


submitted by Majestic Mary, age 1 eternity, Majestopia
(September 26, 2020 - 1:50 pm)

Day Thirteen, Part Two

Mary stood there, mouth gaping, when she won the chess game she knew it would be Cynthia waiting for her. However, Mary was not expecting Cynthia to be staring at her so calmly.

“But how? Why?” Mary asked.

“How?” Cynthia said, tilting her head. “Simple. I had a control panel in my room that I used to trip the traps around the mansion. And why did I do it? I can’t really say, it was like I was pushed into it…”

Mary slowly nodded, she understood the feeling Cynthia was talking about. She’d felt it as she and Sirfire duled to the death in a game of chess. 

“Puppets.” Mary sighed, with a small nod.

“What?” Cynthia asked, confused.

“I felt the same feeling when me and Sirfire were playing chess. It was like I was a puppet and someone was pulling my strings.” 

From the distance thunder rumbled and growled, Mary was standing at the edge of a cliff and was about to fall in after Cynthia. 

“Puppets… imagine that.” Cynthia murmured. 

Mary looked closer at the book Cynthia was reading and frowned, something about it was so familiar to her… as if she’s read it before. She walked over to it in a trance, coming ever closer to the cliff’s edge. And when she picked the book up and read the first page she finally fell into the deep chasm below the cliff. She remembered reading this, yes she did, and she remembered writing down this same entry that was staring her in the face. 

Yesssss! Count me in!

Mary sat down with a thump as the mansion shook and groaned from the impact of two people finally reaching the bottom of a chasm. 

“Did you know?” Mary asked, rubbing her head.

“... Yes.” Cynthia said. “I knew. I knew the moment I first found a letter written by one M.F.” 

“M.F?” Mary asked.

“I suspect that M.F is the puppet master.” Cynthia said, flipping the book closed and pointing to the author.

Written by M.F

“Greetings.” a voice said, from behind.

Mary and Cynthia whipped around to see… the Secretary.

submitted by The Secretary , age Infinite , Moonless Hunt Mansion
(September 27, 2020 - 4:29 pm)

Day Thirteen, Part Three--The Final Part

It was the Secretary, but how Mary and Cynthia knew is a mystery. For the person standing before them looked nothing like the old Secretary. She had long, black hair, hanging down to her mid-back, with a blue butterfly clip holding it away from her face. She had big, dark, blue eyes and was surprisingly tan. She smiled and scratched the chin of a small, orange cat in her arms. 

“Hey…” Mary said. “I recognize that cat.” 

The stranger smiled and said, “I think some introductions are in order.” 

She set the cat down and bowed. “You knew me as Secretary, and thought about me as Madame Suspectum, but my real name is Moonfrost.”

Mary and Cynthia blinked, they knew Moonfrost. Or rather, they’d seen her name on a few posts.

“This is Holly, my CAPTCHA and this is one of my AEs, Shadow. My other AE was here in name only, Rosemary.”

Mary and Cynthia watched with a kind of blurry wonder as Moonfrost’s shadow rose up and leaned against the wall. 

“Have you figured out who stole my brooch yet?” Moonfrost asked with a small smile. “I’ll admit it, I’m not very good at writing mysteries. They all had a hand in stealing the brooch, but it was Henry who actually took it.” 

“Uh…” Mary stammered. 

She’d just figured out that she was a participant in a Ski Lodge and was not ready to meet the author of it. She didn’t quite know what to say, or do. It was like she’s been climbing up hill for ages, and now she was suddenly at the bottom of the hill. Mary knew that this adventure was coming to an end, the ski lodge was over and the murderer had been found. 

Moonfrost bowed once again and said, “Well, I hope you enjoyed it. But this is, unfortunately, the end.” 

TiL nExT tImE… tHe EnD! 


Well, I hope you all enjoyed this! I had a lot of fun writing and I’m so happy that I finished it. This is my first ski lodge that I actually finished and I’m so happy it’s done! Tell me what you thought of it, what were your favorite parts? 

Well, thank you for reading once again. 


submitted by The Secretary , age Infinite , Moonless Hunt Mansion
(September 29, 2020 - 2:38 pm)

Wow, that was so cool! I can't believe how well you tied it all togther and finished it! And I would have never guessed that you were Moonfrost! Good job, I really enjoyed reading this.

submitted by Jade J.
(September 29, 2020 - 5:55 pm)

WoOoAaHh! I can't believe it's over! And Mooonfrost, I never would've guessed. Wow. This ski lodge was great. Congratulations on finishing. I can't believe I actually made it to the end. Everything was so well tied together. Way to go!

submitted by Majestic Mary, age 1 eternity, Majestopia
(September 29, 2020 - 4:21 pm)