Thunderstruck right outsi

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

Thunderstruck right outsi

Thunderstruck right outside your window and you let out a gasp as you were dragged from your dreams. The rain was pounding on your window, and lighting lit up your room in quick, silver flashes. You reached over and grabbed your water from your bedside...only to find that it was empty. You licked your lips, debating, is it worth it to leave your warm bed for some water? Of course it was.
You padded through the house, your bare feet freezing on the tiled floor of the kitchen. The house was shaking from the force of the wind, picture frames shaking on the wall. Maybe you should seek some safety in the basement? No matter, the storm was already subsiding as you brought your glass to your lips. Cool, freshwater slid down your throat chilling you from the inside out.
And then something happened you’d never suspected. Your doorbell rang, in the middle of the night. During a crazy storm. Sleeping was no longer an option, so you walked to your front door and opened it. Sitting on the doorstep was a package. Curious, you took the package inside.
Sitting in your favorite reading chair, with a pair of scissors in your hand, you opened the package up. Inside, sitting on a pile of clothes, was a message. 
Dear Detective,
I am aware that you are retired, but I am hoping that your old outfit will bring you some interest in this case. My opal brooch has been stolen tonight and I hope that you can help figure out who did it. You will be pleased, or upset, to know that you will be having help in this case, as I have messaged the top seven detectives in the world. I know how much you detectives like your "Watsons", so you are able to bring with you ONE AE each. I will offer you a temporary home in my mansion, the Moonless Hunt. Please come soon.

   Sincerely yours, Madame Suspectum.
You held up your old outfit and grinned, a case was afoot. You had a feeling that this “Madame Suspectum” had more secrets hidden in her home than a stolen opal.
Yes, this is a ski lodge. I hope that you will agree to help Madame Suspectum with finding her brooch. Please bring only one of your AEs, the mansion only has room for 7 CBers and one companion for each of them. To ensure that your stay is as comfortable as it can be, please fill out this information sheet.
Gender (male/female): 
Packing List:
Your interests/ hobbies (at least 10 interesting things please!): 
High or low?
(Have your AEs fill out this sheet as well, but they should be asked if they prefer pie or cake to throw. Thank you, the Secretary)
Tomorrow you should look for a horse drawn carriage, this will take you to Moonless Hunt. 
Once again, thank you,
The Secretary
Any deaths, frights, scares, or loss of personal property is not Madame Suspectum's fault... or mine.
The Secretary  
submitted by The Secretary , age Infinite, Moonless Hunt Mansion
(April 17, 2020 - 1:24 pm)

Day Nine, Part Two


What I am going to tell you is the truth, this is what really happened the night the opal was stolen. Henry was lying, it was around eight o’clock when he went down to the kitchen. Magnus was hiding in his little lab, he’d been down there for hours. And Lady Sparrow was wandering around the mansion, she’d never gone to the party.   

Fast forward an hour, it’s nine o’clock. Henry noticed Mr. Miscellus going upstairs, he was holding a really thick file. I noticed all of this as I was on my way upstairs to go to the library. I wasn’t looking where I was going and ended up knocking over a bookshelf. 

Lady Sparrow came walking in and helped me put the books up, by then it was around 9:15. Mr. Miscellus came in and set his folder on the little side table next to the door. He and Lady Sparrow started chatting so I left. 

I was standing at the top of the stairs when I heard Magnus and Henry talking. Magnus had just entered the house through the kitchen door. He passed me on his way upstairs, on his way to the library. 

Then the lights went out, for a good five minutes. When they came on it was 9:30, and I saw Magnus hurrying back to the kitchen, a folder tucked under his arm. It was Mr. Miscellus’s folder that he was holding, I wish I knew what was inside. 

Anyways, at 10:00 Magnus met Lady Sparrow and Mr. Miscellus on their way downstairs. They exchanged a few words and Lady Sparrow and Mr. Misceullus went downstairs, while Magnus went to bed. 

I went down to the kitchen, looking for Henry. I don’t know where he went, but the floor in front of the door leading outside was wet… I suspect Henry went out into the rain for some reason. 

That was at 10:10 and I went up to my room. I remember it quite clearly… fifty minutes later I heard talking outside my door. I peeked out and everyone was out in the hallway in front of my door, talking. They shook hands and left, each to their own room.

The next day I found out the opal was stolen.

Thunder punctuated the end of Jade’s translation, startling the CBers. It was quite a tale Dolores was weaving through Jade and it only left the CBers more confused. Who stole the brooch?

Then a huge burst of lightning flashed, several flashes, leaving the CBers blind for a few seconds.

When the black spots cleared from their eyes they frowned.

Someone was missing.

Someone important.

The murderer had struck again, right under their noses!

Jade was gone.


RIP Jade, gone so soon.  

Finally! The next post is out. Don't forget to try and guess my true name! Their are a few hints in the story, but if you're stuck you can ask me for a hint. I'll happily give you one.  

submitted by The Secretary , age Infinite, Moonless Hunt Mansion
(July 26, 2020 - 10:14 am)

Secretary, are you WordSong or Jwyn???

Also, we should try and find that file. There may be something important in it. 

submitted by Majestic Mary, age 1 eternity, Somewhere Special
(July 26, 2020 - 3:43 pm)

No! I died! Well, at least a lasted a pretty long time, and I was important! Yay!

submitted by Jade J.
(July 26, 2020 - 8:34 pm)

I am neither WordSong or Jwyn, but both are good gueses. 

submitted by The Secretary , age Infinite, Moonless Hunt Mansion
(July 27, 2020 - 9:03 am)

Umm, are you moonshine?

submitted by Sirfire, age unknown, the stratsophere
(July 27, 2020 - 3:06 pm)

Or perhaps Luminescence?

submitted by Majestic Mary, age Ummm, Idk?
(July 27, 2020 - 5:00 pm)

I am not moonshine (either of them) or Luninescence. I’ll offer you a small hint, one you found by reading the ski lodge. Along with some additional info! I first joined the CB in 2015, I’ve been slightly active on and off for the past five years. I’m most active during the summer time, when I have no school to do. But I have joined some RPs during the summer time as well. If I had a CB house it would be in the Inkwell, because that’s where I’m most active. 


Day Nine, Part Three


It was a very subdued group of Cbers that shuffled into the kitchen, where they grabbed some dish towels and set to work trying to dry off. 

“Hey… what if there's something important in that file? The one that Mr. Miscellus was carrying?” Mary asked. “I think we should try and find it.” 

“That’s a good point…” Cerinthe admitted. “But where would we even start?” 

“Well…” Olympia said. “I do believe that Dolores said that Magnus had the folder and took it to the kitchen. Maybe he still has it?” 

“Perhaps… but she never mentioned him walking out with the folder from the kitchen. What if he gave it to Henry?” Sirfire offered.

“Or maybe… it never left the kitchen at all!” Moonshine shouted. “Maybe it’s still in here, just hidden.” 

“Really, you think so?” Cynthia asked. “I guess that makes since, we haven’t really searched the kitchen after all.” 

And so the CBers proceeded to tear the kitchen apart and although they found many treassues, such as a one dollar coin, various sewing needles, and a stash of peppermint candies (which the CBers proceeded to suck on as they searched) there was no sign of the file. 

“Goodness!” Cerinthe exclaimed. “Where is that stinking file!?” 

“Maybe someone found it already…” Cynthia said. “What if the murderer came in earlier and found it? Or maybe the guests already grabbed it again… we might never find that file!” 

“Hey… wait!” Mary shouted. “I found something!”

And, indeed, she had found something. It was under the fridge, along with an army of dust bunnies.

It was a simple note, covered with some weird dots and dashes…

[-*- -] [- - -] [* * -]

[-*-*] [*-] [-*] [-*] [- - -] [-]

[* * -] [* * *] [*]

[-] [* * *] [*]

[* *-*] [* *] [*-* *] [*]

{- - * * - -}

[- * - -] [- - -] [* * -] [* - *]

[- *-] [- *] [- - -] [* - - ] [* - * *] [*] [- * *] [- - *] [*]

[* - * *] [*] [* * * -] [*] [* - * *]

[* *] [* * *]

[- *] [- - -] [-]

[* * * *] [* *] [- - *] [* * * *]

[*] [- *] [- - -] [* * -] [- - *] [* * * *]

[- *- -] [*] [-]

Well, it seems like the CBers will be busy, trying to figure out what in the world these dots and dashes mean…


The stars represent the dots, by the way. Good luck! 

submitted by The Secretary , age Infinite, Moonless Hunt Mansion
(July 28, 2020 - 9:48 am)

Ah-ha! Morse code! Let me just look up a morse code translator real quick...


"You cannot use, your knowledge level is not high enough yet."

Well that was a waste of time. What does it mean? 

submitted by Majestic Mary, age 1 eternity, Somewhere Special
(July 28, 2020 - 12:06 pm)

Ah, shoot! I must have forgotten some words there... ooops! SoRrY

It should be "You cannot use the file, your knowledge level is not high enough yet."  

I knew I was going to forget some words! I knew it! But I still couldn't stop myself. XD 

submitted by The Secretary , age Infinite, Moonless Hunt Mansion
(July 28, 2020 - 1:39 pm)

Day Ten, Part One

The sun was rising slowly behind the rain clouds on the CBer’s tenth day at the mansion. It seemed like the tenth day came so suddenly, so quickly… weren’t they just in the kitchen searching for clues? 

It seemed like the longer they stayed at the mansion, the worst their memory came. Because the CBers couldn’t even remember going to bed, they just woke up in their bedrooms. Even the reason they were there was starting to grow fuzzy. Was it really about finding an opal brooch… or discovering the secrets surrounding Madame Suspectum’s mysterious mansion?

And so, with the confuzzled air of people who’ve just woken up, the CBers stumbled into the kitchen to find a breakfast already laid out for them. Laid out on the table was a note from the Secretary:

“Thank you for all your hard work!” 

“Well… what are we going to do today?” Cynthia asked.

“We should figure out the meaning of these dots and dashes…” Mary said. “I think it’s morse code… but I don’t have any of it memorized. Do any of you know morse code?” 

“I don’t,” Cerinthe admitted. “But I bet we can find a book about it in the library.” 

So, after a hasty breakfast, the CBers trucked up to the library to search for a book about morse code. It was surprisingly quick to find. All they had to do was look at the library map, which showed you the book categories and where the sections were found in the library.

Some of the categories were quite strange:

Character Notes

Dangerous Plants

A Collection of Ski Lodges

Olympia, Moonshine, and Sirfie went to check out the most strange categories, while Mary, Cerinthe, and Cynthia translated the note. 

After a few minutes of browsing, they met up next to the big fireplace. They sank down in the fluffy reading chairs and compared notes. 

“So, what did the note say?” Moonshine asked.

“It just said: “You cannot use the file, your knowledge level is not high enough yet.”” Mary sighed. 

“Sounds more like a hint than an actual clue.” Sirfire sighed.

“So, what did you find?” Cerinthe asked.

“The character notes section was completely empty.” Olympia sighed. “It seems like someone hasn’t returned them, yet.”

“The dangerous plants had a single book in it, entitled: Dangerous Plants for Dummies. It just went over how to properly care for poison ivy… pretty much all the plants in the garden actually. Even the carnivorous ones…” Moonshine said, thoughtfully. 

“And the collection of ski lodges was empty as well!” Sirfire practically growled.

“Well… what are we going to do now?” Mary asked.

“I guess… we’ll have to search for more clues.” Cerinthe said. “Surely there's something we’ve missed.”  


There we go! Only 6 people remain… who do you think the murderer is?  

submitted by The Secretary, age Infinite, Moonless Mansion
(July 30, 2020 - 9:01 am)

oops you accidentally revealed yourself!

um, Admin, on the comment im replying to, can you change the persons name to The Secretary, age Infinite, Moonless Hunt Mansion?

thankyousomuch! @the secretary i wont tell anyone who you are <3 

submitted by Um
(July 30, 2020 - 12:37 pm)

Thank you for making me say the word Dummies. It's one of my favorite words. Also thanks for letting me live this long. I wonder if the person who stole the files the same as the one who left the message.

submitted by Hunter (Used to be , age Moonshine), The Forest
(July 31, 2020 - 10:26 am)

Well, I got "YOU CANNOT USE TSE FILE ? YOUR KNOWLEDGE LEVEL IS NOT HIGH ENOUGH YET" which I assume means YOU CANNOT USE THE FILE ? YOUR KNOWLEDGE LEVEL IS NOT HIGH ENOUGH YET, so... does this mean that someone is waiting to see how far we will get before giving us any information? Also, who wrote the message? Mescellius (sorry about my horrible spelling, I think I got that wrong), or Henry, or Magnus, or who? And why? I'm so confused! Does this mean that some of our info in wrong?

submitted by Hunter, age All time, The Forest
(July 30, 2020 - 9:59 am)

@Hunter, all will be reavealed in time...

Also, @Um

Thank you for hiding my identity, I really appreciate it! I knew I was going to make a mess up like that... thank you for saving me from it! 

submitted by The Secretary , age Infinite, Moonless Hunt Mansion
(July 30, 2020 - 5:02 pm)
submitted by No problem!, age IHateWhen, ThingsAreSpoiled TOT
(July 31, 2020 - 11:02 am)