Your ranting station!

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

Your ranting station!

Your ranting station!

Here, you can say whatever's on your chest. There WILL BE NO JUDGMENT HERE, just a few rules and one suggestion.

1. No cussing. The Admins are good at trimming, but please give them a break and replace any bad words with various words that have no negative meaning except when used emphatically.

2. Don't tell anybody off. I don't want to see any 'Nobody cares' or stuff like that.

Suggestion: You don't have to use any anonymous name. If you feel like it, I'm not going to hold you back, but the main point of this thread is so that we can come around you and uplift you, and it's kinda hard to do if we don't know who we're doing this for.

Nihil says 'uwin'. I win what? 

submitted by Rogue Wildling
(November 24, 2018 - 7:41 pm)
submitted by God Loves You, age *hug*, That's it
(March 25, 2019 - 10:00 am)

Ok, I just really need to get this all off my chest. 

I sorta kinda hate my life. I'm really quiet all the time in school because honestly I don't know what to say. Everybody knows what to say all the time except me. So all I do is sit there and smile instead of talking.

And I guess it kinda works. I'm not cool or anything but people are nice to me and like me. But I keep thinking about how I'm more than just the super quiet kid. But I'm afraid that if I change and express the real me more people won't like me. And also I can never get the courage to say anything. Does anyone have any advice for shy people? 

And then there's my life. Everyone at my school wants to grow up as fast as they can. And everyone's already dating and everything. But I don't want to grow up, I don't want things to change. I've been starting wondering what life is all about anyway and honestly I'm scared. I'm scared of my future. I don't want things to be different, I don't want to even live this life sometimes.

So yeah I'm depressed. But no one at school would ever understand that, not even my best friends. I've got good grades, friends, and people like me. But still I'm depressed and I don't even know why.

And there's this girl at school, my former friend, who's basically blaming me for every problem in her life. And it's because when we were friends there was a lot of drama. Well if you can call it drama. Really she and her friend were leaving me out and making me feel miserable and I tried to stop it and boom I've caused drama and ruined her life apparently. And she's making other people believe it too. And she won't even talk to me about it. I know she's talking about me and mocking me behind my back too. Even though I didn't do anything.

Ok, that's all. Wow that was really long. Kudos to you if you read all that. I'm gonna go mope in bed.  

submitted by Leo
(February 6, 2019 - 9:55 pm)

I think you should be you. That would probably solve two problems: One, if you have confidence in yourself, you won't care what other people think. Maybe I'm callous for saying that, BUT I DON'T CARE. I've found that when I stopped trying to impress everybody and started being me, I got a lot more good, laughing-with 'sacred bovines' and compliments (at least in my mind) than ever before. If you're trying to impress someone you like, I've heard that nothing could impress them more than being good to them and the people around you AND YET STILL BELIEVING IN YOUR OWN CAPABILITIES. Two, as for your friend, if you, again, stand up for yourself and what you believe in, then there's a smaller chance of being put down by other people. Honestly, a hard shell isn't always the best way to go. Sometimes, it's knowing that the insults they're throwing at you aren't true and refusing to take them to heart. Find a better friend, someone you can trust. Someone who will accept and play off of the true you.

I'll be praying for you, Leo. And you too, Claaws. I just forgot to mention it in my reply to your comment. :P 

submitted by Rogue Wildling
(February 7, 2019 - 2:00 am)

Thank you, Rogue! *hugs*

It really helps to know that people here care about me. I'm really glad I discovered the CB!


submitted by Leo
(February 7, 2019 - 6:35 pm)

Heh, I'm glad you found the CB, too! Otherwise, I wouldn't have had the privilege of knowing you!

Nihil says abit. Where are you going for 'a bit,' MISSY COME BACK HERE- I'll make a great parent. XD 

submitted by Rogue Wildling
(February 8, 2019 - 1:33 am)

Hey Leo! I can relate to what you’re going through right now, and I’m sorry. If you ever need advice or just want to talk I’m here on ywp at nanowrimo! Here’s the cricket classroom code. AFGKIFDB

That goes for anyone else too. If anyone ever needs to talk I got you. <3

submitted by Claaws, Going crazy, whats new
(February 7, 2019 - 9:59 pm)

Thank you so much, Claaws! 

And know that I got you too. *hugs* 

submitted by Leo
(February 11, 2019 - 8:31 pm)

This isn't a rant more than a help me please I need advice.

so there's this guys in my grade whom I don't "like" but I would like to get to know more. He isn't in any of my classes and he always hangs out with a massive group of guys, and it would be weird to walk up to them and start talking. Sometimes he plays football at lunch break but he's kind of stopped doing that and I sort of used to play too. What should I do? We hardly even know each other I don't even know why I want to know them so much. 

submitted by Someone, age ??????, ?????
(February 7, 2019 - 3:28 am)

This isn't like... a big or important thing, I guess, but we have this class at school called Life Skills where we basically have "counsel" and talk about our feelings and debate about social issues and play improv games and stuff. It can either be really fun or really suck depending on your teacher and class, and this year I luckily really like both.

Anyway, today during class we were talking about mental health and supporting others and it had gotten pretty real. And this girl J had a turn and she said,

"You know when you don't want to tell your parents things, sometimes? And not because they're bad parents, but because they're good parents." 

And oh, gosh, I felt like I'd been punched in the gut. I just... I don't... Ah. That hit me hard. I guess I didn't think about it like that until she said it. It's like, you don't want them to think that any of it is their fault. And... wow. Man. I'm still kind of shaken from that.

submitted by Abigail, age Old enough, Inside my head
(February 7, 2019 - 7:07 pm)

Your comment just hit me kinda hard. Thank you and J for bringing that thought to my attention. 

submitted by coyotedomino, age 15, Lost
(February 8, 2019 - 2:19 am)

Leo, Claaws, and Twirlgirl, I just wanted to say that I read all three of your rants and I totally feel for you. All of you.

Someone, I'm sorry, but I don't have any advice for you...

And the person whose name I can't remember who posted about not wanting to tell your parents things... yes that happens to me all the time! I thought I was the only one... 

submitted by Kitten
(February 8, 2019 - 4:09 pm)

I have something about the CB, which isn't really a rant, just an opinion I have. Feel free to disagree, and post about why.

I don't really like the threads that are just "@ one person" where it's two people "chatting" their AEs, or about an idea they had. I get that people might not have access to other ways of one-on-one online chatting, but I think it goes against the nature of the Chatterbox as a community chat thing, because it's just two people talking semi-privately. I imagine that they're pretty fun for the people who are part of them, but for everyone else, it's just a thread we can't go on. I think the CB is maybe less about those individual relationships and more a place where everyone can chat at once. 

You make a very good point, AppleJ. I do think, however, that some of the use of @ may just to get the attention of a specific person with either a question for the person or a comment on something the person said. I don't think they're all meant to excule others. As you say, that would be against the policy of Chatterbox.


submitted by Applejaguar, Wisteria
(February 10, 2019 - 2:33 pm)

Thank you, Kitten.

submitted by Twirlgirl, age 13, My Imaginary Dance Studio
(February 11, 2019 - 4:51 pm)

Ok... erm... hello. I’ve never actually used this thread, and this isn’t really that important, but today was not that good so here goes.

My first class of the day was chemistry and three bad things happened: My teacher told the class that we had all done badly on our labs and that she would be grading them very harshly. We haven’t gotten the grades for them back yet but I’ve seen just how harshly she can grade things, and it isn’t going to be good. The second thing is that we got out tests back. I good a good score but while I was pointing something out to her trying to get a point back she decided to take off a point instead, which I guess just really surprised me because no other teacher would take off points after they had given their test back, especially when it was their grading mistake. That totally backfired. And the third thing was that I had read the homework assignment wrong and it turned out there was a whole other section that I had to do, so now my homework grade will be going down as well. Fun times.

All of the language classes at my school offer the chance to go to a poetry recitation contest each year where you memorize and recite a poem in the language that you are learning in class. In order to go you have to get chosen by your teacher and recite it the best out of your class, and then do it the best of the other representatives of the classes of the same level. Last year I went to the contest for Spanish 2 and placed 4th, and it was really fun. Most people in my class are not that good at Spanish so I was fully expecting to go again this year and try to place higher than I did last year. We did the poems in class and got our grades back, but it turned out that my friend had gotten a few points higher than I did and that she is the one who will be going. I’m happy for her and I’m glad that she’ll be going, but that doesn’t stop be from being angry about it and disappointed. And I also hate that I’m thinking about that because it seems so petty and unfair to her. I haven’t told her this because it’s not her problem and I just want her to go and have fun and do a good job, but I hate that I can’t stand to have anyone do better than me. I know full well that that’s a stupid complex to have, but it’s the truth.

Anyways, that turned out to be longer than I thought and there are still several other things on my mind - like taking full IB classes next year as a junior, which is like AP but even worse and I’m already stressed -  but I have too much homework to do and have kind of lost focus. Adios.

submitted by The Riddler, age 16, Here
(February 11, 2019 - 8:04 pm)

Oh, gosh. Your teacher sounds horrible. I have a story to tell similar to that, which isn't necessarily relevant but I'll tell it anyway.

A few years ago, I had this math test, right? And a bit after the math test, when she's graded the tests, the teacher calls over like five of us and explains that we all got a particular question wrong and here's the right answer and how we should have gotten it. Now, this all would be fine, except that the answer key was wrong. So WE got the right answer, and everyone else in the class got the wrong answer. And then I try to explain this to her, but instead, I get in trouble for arguing with her, which (I thought at the time) is incredibly unfair. Then, later in the year, everyone took the test again (I don't remember why), and we all got the answer right because they had changed the question so it actually lined up with the answer key, and she was like "so now you know how to do it correctly!" and we were like "but we got it right last time too" and the whole thing was just so infuriating.

I'm sorry. Your teacher sounds horrible (in some aspects, she might be great in others) and I really just meant to commiserate with you. 

submitted by Kitten, Pondering
(February 13, 2019 - 1:32 pm)