On the "Global

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

On the "Global

On the "Global Warming is..." thread, I noticed people talking about God. That thread took a long time to load for me, so I am posting here.

People were saying that there is no evidence that God exists. Here are some questions:

1. Where did humans come from? Some of these ideas circulating *coughbigbangtheorycough* are just outlandish- something exploded and a whole race of humans was born? *skeptical snort*

2. Where did that ideas about religion come from? If God doesn't exist (which He does!) then where did these ideas come from? I believe that Jesus came down from Heaven to save the World from sin. And that is why He would save us from anything (@ people on GW thread). He loves us.

3. If we don't believe that there's something bigger than us, we really are in trouble. We start thinking that we are above everything else and all-powerful, and this isn't true. SOMEONE had to create everything in the universe, and if we don't at least acknowledge that then we have no hope.

I believe very firmly in God. I'm a Catholic and proud of it. People were saying that there's no proof that God exists. I disagree, with flying colors. There is so much proof from people everywhere that it's undeniable, in fact. I've prayed to God and He's pulled through in the most amazing ways. My friends agree with me; it's happened for them too, and many other people I know. We've all experienced miracles. I know I have.

Please post your opinions on God here. Summarizing my post: I very firmly believe.

submitted by Mary W., age 11, Bordentown, NJ
(March 21, 2009 - 1:27 pm)


submitted by Mary W., age 11 and one, I'm serious, wh
(April 25, 2009 - 10:56 am)

Now this thread is all weird because with 83 posts, it's all on different pages.Undecided

submitted by Mary W., age 11 and one, NJ
(April 27, 2009 - 4:17 pm)

Also, I was just rereading Pirock's post of March 22, and noticed that he sort of called me stuck-up because I'm Catholic. ???!!! Catholicism is a religion of LOVE, Pirocks, and I'm stuck up to believe in an epitome of that love? If you say that there's "no right religion for everyone, only the right religion for people" (which I enh, sort of, disagree with), then why is it not okay for me to be Catholic?

I don't mean to sound rude, and these questions aren't sarcastic, they're real questions. Please don't anybody take offense.

submitted by Mary W., age 11 and one, NJ
(April 27, 2009 - 4:22 pm)

I saw that post, too. No offense, Pirocks, but I agree with Mary W. Believing in God DOES NOT make you stuck up. Not believing in God DOES NOT make you stuck up, either. Except - no offense to you, Mary - but I totally disagree with what you disagree with. If that makes any sense. :) But, anyway. I said I was going to stop.

submitted by Lena G, age 11
(April 27, 2009 - 5:42 pm)

Hang on a sec... you disagree with what I disagree with? WHUT does that entail?

When I say that "not believing in God makes you stuck up" (which I didn't say- so where did that come from??), what I MEANT was that atheism makes you seem a little top-o'-the-world. You have to believe that there's something that at least deserves reverence, that has more power than you do, that human beings are not the top of the line. See what I mean, or am I not being clear? :(

submitted by Mary W., age 11 and one, NJ
(April 28, 2009 - 4:55 pm)

Never mind about the disagreeing.

Atheism makes you seem top-o'-the-world? Just because atheists don't believe in God doesn't mean they think THEY are God. And so what if they don't think there's a supreme being? Is that so terrible? Sorry if this seems too harsh, but I felt like I needed to say it.

submitted by Lena G, age 11
(April 28, 2009 - 5:33 pm)

Yeah, basically, I think so. I feel sorry for atheists, because their lives must be so hard without any faith. That is why we have prayers of petition and intercession (in our Catholic religion of LOVE, Pirocks- sorry, had to say that).

This is usually the point where Lena starts calling me a stalker/villain. :) *joke* This is a friendly disagreement/discussion!

submitted by Mary W., age 11.25, NJ
(April 29, 2009 - 3:46 pm)

LOL. :) :) :) For those of you who don't know, I once got paranoid that Mary was a stalker and I also called her a great villian. Yes, a friendly discussion and argument. :)

submitted by Lena G, age 11
(April 30, 2009 - 6:44 am)

In this next bit, I;m speaking for me, personally, not most athiests:

I don't believe that humans are top-of-the-world. In fact, I think humans aren't the most intelligent or important beings. I believe dolphins are smarter than humans. They spend their time playing, and their brain is nearly as complex as ours, thus suggesting they are as smart or smarter than us. They don't fight pointless wars, that do no help to their own species. They don't create things that when used as intended kill (guns, swords, weapons, ciggarettes). They do not get fat watchin TV. They do not enslave each other. In fact, if a dolphin sees another animal, not just a dolphin, it will swim over to help. This has been recorded many times by divers in trouble, and has been tested. Humans are probably 2nd or 3rd on the intelligence scale, with octopi or cuddlefish taking 2nd. They can control their skin, and do most things a human can. Yes, they may not have invented techonlogy, but they would rather play. And playing is one of the greatest joys in life. (No one, exept an insane workaholic can argue with the fact that playing is fun.)

submitted by Pirocks
(April 29, 2009 - 5:01 pm)

@ Pirocks - Ummm...no. I don't think so. No offense meant, but dolphins and fishes don't have a higher intelligence quotient that humans. I mean, yeah, playing is fun and all, but it's really not the meaning of life (which for me is to be in Heaven with God).  

@ Aliza - We're not monkeys. We're humans. Sure, if you want to go by the multicellular, eukaryotic, heterotrophs-whose-cells-do-not-have-cell-walls definition, then we're animals. But we have souls, and that's what really separates humans from other living things.

submitted by Maddy, age 15
(April 29, 2009 - 10:03 pm)

I most certainly do NOT think that humans are "top-o'-the-world." Other people might, atheists and believers both, but I don't. In fact, I get a little mad at people if, say, in a biology book they say "animals and humans"--we're ALL animals down here, if you get my point? We are monkeys. I think religion in general (if not believers themselves) makes people forget that: being modeled after God, rather than "just" being a primate. I'm not saying any of you guys think like that! Don't get me wrong. I'm just stating what I think. Pirocks, I completely agree with you on dolphins. And isn't it neat how cuttlefish and octopi change color? :):):) (Not to get off topic ;) ) 

submitted by Aliza, age 13, Vermont
(April 29, 2009 - 5:36 pm)

I am certainly NOT a monkey. We may have evolved from monkeys, but we're definetly not monkeys now. I do not see myself hanging from tall branches by my tail, climbing up trees with ease, and eating bananas with my feet....

submitted by hi, age hi, hi
(April 30, 2009 - 12:08 pm)

I meant that I disagree with you about the one right religion for everyone.

submitted by Lena G, age 11
(April 30, 2009 - 5:44 pm)

I wasn't saying it makes you stuck up, I meant that it makes you think you are better than every other living thing. I do not believe that. I think dolphins are smarter than humans, as they spend their time playing, not fighting.

submitted by Pirocks
(April 29, 2009 - 4:48 pm)

Dolphins do not have souls.

Dolphins do not have consciences.

Dolphins do not know what 2+2 is.

Dolphins are not God's chief creatures.

And the war is not pointless. We are protecting ourselves from being slaughtered by terroist invasions. If we don't fight, many will die. If we do fight, more lives will be saved than lost.

submitted by hi, age hi, hi
(April 30, 2009 - 9:04 am)