
Chatterbox: Down to Earth



Confess your deepest secrets here, anonymously, if you'd prefer

I won't judge

submitted by Anonymous, age x, x
(October 15, 2020 - 1:43 pm)

thank you alias

submitted by iris
(July 30, 2022 - 3:06 pm)

I ate out once every day this week.

I am vegetarian, so I didn't eat anything too bad, but my family eats out a lot. I feel gross and sad because I want to eat HEALTHY. And I tell my mom to not offer me fast food and then she does and says that "quesadillas are healthy!" I work out, but I haven't been able to lately. What do I do? Will this kind of diet kill me? I don't want to be hurt from this!!! I don't know what to do.

submitted by Scared
(July 29, 2022 - 4:30 pm)

this response might be way too late, but as a fellow vegetarian, you'll be perfectly fine as long as you get the protein you need. also, wanting to eat healthier is great! however, please don't feel the need to constantly work out or eat only "healthy" foods. there's a balance to being healthy, and focusing too much on it can be really harmful. you're still a kid! enjoy food that might not be considered "healthy" because, in the end, there's no "good" or "bad" foods. you not only want to eat things that will fuel you and keep you healthy, but also food that will make you happy! if you're concerned with your diet, talk to your parents or another trusted adult about your worries. stay safe <3

submitted by peppermint, thinking
(August 19, 2022 - 8:46 pm)

I may have a crush on a CBer.....//O//O//

submitted by Anon
(August 2, 2022 - 5:17 pm)

Aw hey you should tell them!

I kinda might like a CBer but idk... 

submitted by Another Anon, age 0, Laying down somewhere
(August 2, 2022 - 6:55 pm)

It would be weird...Besides. I'll never meet them Irl...It's kinda like "Whats the point". But I can't really stop my self from having a crush.

submitted by Anon
(August 3, 2022 - 2:02 pm)

me too O.O

submitted by yet another Anon
(August 3, 2022 - 12:41 pm)

Emotions suck. Teenage smoothie emotions suck. Trying to figure out exactly what you're feeling sucks, and trying to convince yourself you're not feeling it doesn't work. One day you're indifferent to someone, the next you have a crush on them, the next you hate them. Sometimes you want to cry, for no reason, and there's no way of stopping it. But yesterday you were having the time of your life. No matter what you say, it always seems to be the wrong thing. Your brain seems to enjoy slapping you around, making you worry over the stupidest stuff. You know that everyone else is probably just as confused and unsure and stressed and blended-up as you are. 

But they sure seem to hide it better.

If you relate to any of this, well then, at least you're not alone. Whether that makes it any better is hard to say. Bottom line? Being a teen is NOT as cool as 8-year-old me thought it was going to be.

submitted by anonsense
(August 2, 2022 - 10:37 pm)

I relate so much... :/

submitted by Artemis
(August 3, 2022 - 10:21 am)

I have homesickness for camp :( 

submitted by LunaWolf , age 12 winters, Narnia
(August 3, 2022 - 12:40 pm)

I am... a religious person. Or at least, that's how I was brought up. Anyway, I recently came to the realization that--I think--I have a hard time believing that anyone can love me if I don't do something--like have good grades or talents or be able to fit in with others. If I don't pretend I'm normal, keep a consistent and predictable character, or provide something of worth to someone, I'm not worth their time and energy or I'm falling short of what I should be. All that to say I think it makes it difficult for me to believe what I say I believe when I can't comprehend the idea that without lifting a finger my flawed, insufferable person could be tolerated, much less adored. I don't feel like there are a lot of people like me on here who can relate, but I thought I'd burden you with my thoughts anyhow. Goodnight.

submitted by Faceless
(August 3, 2022 - 10:42 pm)

I'm also religious -- I don't know how well this translates to the religion you were brought up in, if it's not Christianity, but the idea that God loves everyone indiscriminately has a lot to do with the idea that he's perfect, & therefore forgiving. Loving someone necessarily includes forgiving whatever imperfections they have. humans, being imperfect, don't love everyone because a) they won't forgive whatever imperfections the person has, or b) they don't know the person. God knows everyone fully, and he also forgives them fully. you don't even have to be kind, much less talented, to be capable of being loved. The other person just has to be willing to forgive you.

Anyway, sorry if this is preachy/pretentious/unhelpful. I've never personally felt the way you do, but I've had my share of crises with my beliefs. <3

submitted by secretly
(August 4, 2022 - 3:12 pm)

I totally understand, but at the same time, perhaps it would be more understandable put like this:

Nothing you -- nor anyone -- will do can ever be perfect. It is simply the symptom of being human, and it can be kinda of disgusting in a way. But all humans are this way. I'd argue that it is not necessarily something to be deadly ashamed of -- it should only serve as a reminder of how incomplete and vulnerable we are, thus necessitating our subservience to a higher power to fulfil out needs. The thing that redeems us is not any action we may take (since we are innately flawed), but instead our trust, faith and obedience to/belief in God. The fact that we were created by such a perfect being -- specifically lifted up as his prize creation -- gives every single human a baseline of respect they 'earned' simply by existing as God's creation. Respect and love go hand-in-hand in this situation; thus, though it may seem out of your control and that you don't deserve such unconditional love, it was gifted to you by God, and you may as well accept it without doubting yourself or its legitimacy. Correct, you will never be perfect on your own,  but through God you 'deserve' the blessings he showers you with.

Or at least that's my interpretation of the general Christian belief.

No need to adopt my beliefs wholesale if they don't sit right with you, though. I think it's important to use others' beliefs to both challenge and strengthen our own worldviews. If there's some cognitive dissonance left resonating after such a discussion, investigate why! Maybe you'll be able to find fatal flaws in the opposition's case to confirm your beliefs, or maybe you'll switch camps in the end due to the evidence, or perhaps you’ll even come up with an entirely new explanation/solution that accommodates all of you and your trusted sources' observations!

Feel free to pop in and discuss more, if it'll make you feel better. We're always here to listen and engage, if only you're willing! :)

submitted by Jaybells, age 16 + ¼, Lost in the Universe
(August 5, 2022 - 12:32 am)

I feel really strange being addressed as "she." Like, that pronoun used for me sounds weird?

I also feel very "female" and I do find that she/her fits me/I prefer she/her pronouns; it just sounds weird when people refer to me as she? (He/him, they/them, and neopronouns feel incorrect in relation to me, whereas she/her does feel correct, just odd.)

(Entirely possilbe I just don't like people talking about me, lol) 

submitted by ??, she/her
(August 5, 2022 - 6:58 pm)

I was looking back at This month's back pages's MCU's, and they were so funny. I don't think there's been a May, June, July, or August MCU, and I kinda wish there was...

I understand it takes a lot of work to make an MCU happen. 

submitted by Nut Le Squirrel
(August 9, 2022 - 11:47 am)