
Chatterbox: Down to Earth



Confess your deepest secrets here, anonymously, if you'd prefer

I won't judge

submitted by Anonymous, age x, x
(October 15, 2020 - 1:43 pm)

Ugh, that's so frustrating. I hope things get better soon, it's really no fun when you get teachers/higher-ups like that. Chemistry can also be pretty tricky, so it sucks that you can’t get proper help from your teacher. :(

For you own sake, it might be a good idea to focus on the positives of your life right now -- the little things that make you smile, the things you are able to do well, things that you're grateful for, etc. It might not change anything in the overall situation (some things will just be out of our control no matter how hard we try), but at least you can help yourself feel a little better. :/

If you're comfortable with it, I wouldn't mind trying to help you through anything you don't understand, or help you find resources that would do the same. I took chemistry a while ago, so perhaps we can put that to good use!

submitted by Jaybells, Lost, somewhere
(March 3, 2023 - 9:56 pm)

thanks so much to all of you!! you guys are the best and you helped me feel much better. after a while the teacher and i kind of calmed down and worked it out, so it turned out okay :D love you all (platonically, ofc) <3

@Jaybells, thanks so much, i'd love it if you could help me out! chemistry experiments are... really not my thing?? I understnad the theoretical concept behind them, and i can do the experiments okay, but after I've done them i have to write them up (e.g. state what apparatus was used, what steps were followed to carry out the experiment, etc) and writing it all up scientifically and factually is so tricky!! i'd be really grateful if you have any tips! 


submitted by Anonymous for now
(March 4, 2023 - 3:23 pm)


Does anyone have advice?

Here's the story...

So I was friends with someone, let's call her K. I never asked her to be friends with me. She came out of the blue. K happens to be really shy and has anxiety attacks. (Btw, she asked me on an  online   chat because I'm in a virtual school)

So anyways, she asked to be friends and I acted really friendly and all and I said sure. We were pretty good friends until yesterday morning. I was annoyed that she wouldn't work on our group project and I was doing all the work, so I was communicating assertively about the project...

...and then she just blew up at me. On the chat. The night before my computer time ran out and in the morning I saw messages where she asked for help on the project. She was being impatient and sending eyeroll gifs. So I replied and said: "Sorry! My computer time ran out and I'm not allowed to be online that late." Then she said: "whatever" and sent the rolling eye emoji. I was already hurt by then because she's never acted this rude. So I communicated very clearly and simply that she was hurting my feelings and she acted like she didn't care. (And yeah, I actually started crying in the middle of class because I've never been treated this way, nor did I think she was going to treat me this way.)

Also, she's lied to me a lot in the past. She said she would work on the history project but the next day I saw she had done no work on it. The teacher kicked her out of our group because my other friend, H (my best friend), was getting annoyed as well. So then K said it wasn't her fault although it totally was, and AGAIN used the rolling eyes emoji!

So I told her that I didn't like the way she was acting towards me.

Here's the shocker: I asked one of my other friends, G, to show me what K has talked about with her. G sent a screenshot of K talking about kissing and saying a bad word. She acted totally different around G.

Then she said: "guess what"

And I said "what?" She said she had another friend she met that is "JUST LIKE HER". K basically acted like I wasn't a good friend.

And here's the thing: I've been a really good friend to her, and she's never said sorry for saying things that weren't very nice, or even said thank you for being her friend. So I calmly deleted the google chat. 

Except. I forgot she can still chat me and it can come back. This is what she said:

SO do you want to be friends yes or no (rolling eye emoji + expressionless emoji)

I told her to give me a minute please.

She said "YES OR NO"

So I repeated what I'd said.


And then she said she was kidding and I was so upset that she would do something like that to me. But she wasn't kidding about it really. (Btw, she has asked for help in the past that I'm not even allowed to give so I've told her that I can't help her and then she says I'm mean.)

After talking with some people from my school that are really nice and supportive, I finally told her: "I'm sorry to say to this but you're not acting like a real friend. You're being really rude to me. The answer to your question is no. I'm done being friends with you."

Did I saw the right thing? And guess what she responded with?


Like she hated me. Every time I've been so supportive and communicated clearly she's responded with aggresiveness...So, I'm not friends with her anymore. Did I make the right choice?

Anyways, that's my story. Does anyone have advice for me? Also sorry Admins it's really long. 

submitted by Rora
(March 3, 2023 - 8:23 pm)

As someone who always tries to be a supportive friend, I've learned that it's really easy for people to take advantage of you. It's great to want to be a good friend, and you should want to be a good friend, but you also have to make sure your friends have respect for you and aren't just using you. It's never okay - meaning there's never an excuse - for someone to take advantage of the fact that you're a good, kind, supportive, sweet person (and you are all of those things! Never forget that <3) 

K sounds like a very manipulative person. I think she was using your kindness to get projects done and lying to you. That's not okay, but again, I'm someone who's had manipulative friends before. Actually, has. I believe it could be argued that some of my current friends are manipulative. I've yet to grow the courage to stand up to them, because it can be really scary. The fact that you stood up to K makes you brave. My answer is yes. You did make the right choice.

And I know that kind of sucks. You trusted K and she used you. But there's a whole world of good people out there who deserve your friendship. Who cares what K thinks? Try to forget her and have fun without her. You're going to thrive without her, trust me. She was holding you back. You don't need her. 

I hope it gets better for you, Rora! I've missed you a lot while you were on hiatus <333

submitted by Peri@Rora, age Pi, Somewhere in the stars
(March 4, 2023 - 7:26 am)

I think you did make the right choice, she sounds like a pretty toxic person to be honest.  A real friend shouldn't treat you that way and I'm really sorry you had to deal with that.

submitted by Sterling, age they/them, lost in a fantasy world
(March 4, 2023 - 9:07 am)

Im sorry that happened to you! It seems to me that K was being a bad friend. It's very important to remember in situations like this that it is not your fault. K might have their own problems going on, but that is no excuse to treat you like that! Also, if they had wanted to cut of your 'friendship', they could have just quietly slipped away instead of being pushy and insulting and hurting your feelings. It hurts when somebody treats you like that, but remember that the problem is them, not you. You are a lovely person who is not at fault in this situation!


~Jay <3

submitted by Chaser & Jay, Homeroom
(March 7, 2023 - 7:50 am)

Guys I need some help... I may or may not have a huge crush on my classmate - they're so pretty and I love everything they do and I kind of want to kiss them ajcwipefjdrevkbjew

Anyway.  I've been trying to get to know them better, but everytime I talk to them I feel like I come off weird because I'm nervous about making a good impression because I want them to like me... What do I do????

submitted by Sterling, age they/them, lost in a fantasy world
(March 4, 2023 - 9:11 am)

So relatable... *cries*

Um, I guess I'd suggest just trying to keep yourself a little bit calm; like control your expression, breathes and tone. I know this can horribly backfire but, idk it's worth a try right?

Anyway, also viewing them as a regular person a little and taking them off their pedestal might help, too. Like, if you're really nervous, try to focus less on "omg they're so pretty and nice and what if i make a bad impression and i want to kiss them ahhhhh" that will only make you more nervous, and make it harder to interact, since you're hyperaware of them. Instead, just act like they're a normal person, and focus on the things they do say; what they're interested in, the kind of humour they seem to respond to, what's going on in their life, etc. Take a deep breath and just exist, don't worry about the bigger picture, right now. Again, this might not work for anyone but it's the closest I can get to regular interaction when I'm crushing hard on someone, so... Idk take and do with it what you will.

submitted by Jaybells, Lost, somewhere
(March 4, 2023 - 12:19 pm)

Thank you so much everyone!!!! you're so nice. And yeah Peri thanks for being so supportive. :)

@Sterling, Oof. I have a crush on someone and I literally ToLd them...

And then I said something really dumb like FORGET I SAID THAT BYEEEEE

Anyways, we're pretty much just really good friends. I still love him tho...I love the way they talk and it's so fun talking to them too. Btw, it turns out they had a crush on me too...

My answer to your question: Don't think you come off weird. I'm probably the weirdest person I know but I'm kinda proud of it and I don't always let it show lol.

So Sterling, my advice is to act normal around them. The other day I literally got told "I think you're pretty" from one of my classmates. My reaction: "Um...thanks?"

That might sound really dumb but I'm honestly just being myself. So just be yourself around them. I usually end up saying something really wrapped in giggles cause that's just the way I am. I wanted my crush to like me, but I didn't try to force it. So I would just keep waiting on it and keep moving on with your life and who knows? Maybe they like you too.

Hope this helps! <3


submitted by Rora@All
(March 4, 2023 - 12:55 pm)

I'm a CBer who's been on here for a few years now, and I feel like I've faded into the background, become wallpaper beside all the newer and popular CBers. I know it's incredibly selfish of me to be jealous of the attention that the newer CBers are getting, because in my first year on the CB, I got a lot of attention from other CBers, and I'm really grateful for that, and I want all CBers, regardless of how long they've been on here, to have the same positive experiences I've had with the CB. But I can't help feeling disappointed when my threads don't get much attention, when the latest installment of my ski lodge sits for days without comments, when my posts don't get a reply. And I'm not on here as much as I used to be, because of school and life and whatnot, so maybe that's why, or maybe it's because I've been on here for a while and don't bring any new ideas to the community. Or maybe what I'm going through is completely normal, and I'm just overreacting, I'm just incredibly attention-seeking. I know I only get so much as I give, but I can't help thinking that maybe I'd give more if I felt with surety that there'd be people backing be up when I did. 

submitted by Anonymous
(March 5, 2023 - 1:25 pm)

Yep, I posted a comment on here very similar to this over the summer. I think that when CBers are older, we just get more used to them and might take them for granted a bit? The CBers from my generation hold a very special place in my heart, but you have to remember that newer CBers are getting more attention from other newer CBers because as our generation is getting older and busier, becoming less and less available for the CB, their generation is discovering the CB and taking it as their own. We were that generation once, and we're still here, but since we're not here as often, someone's gotta keep this place going. It's not bad, it's just different.

But the ski-lodge thing and the posts thing I feel, really! You work hard to come up with an idea, and it can be really hurtful when people don't seem to care. I myself should be doing more reading and commenting on ski-lodges… Anyways, no, you're not selfish or attention-seeking, yes, I've seen that and felt that too. I doubt I can emphasize quite as much (I literally invented Make-a-Friend, which has grown into something people do now, and my ski-lodge gets plenty of attention, so I can't claim to feel as though I've faded into the background), but I have felt like as an older CBer I am beginning to be less appreciated and fade away. 

My point is: don't give up. Keep writing your ski-lodge and making posts. You're really not fading as much as you think you are, it's just that more people are shining, and you're not used to it. And when you're feeling forgotten, speak up! It's not selfish to want to be acknowledged and appreciated. 

submitted by Periwinkle, age Pi, Somewhere in the stars
(March 5, 2023 - 3:24 pm)

How do you tell someone you like them when you see them almost every week?

submitted by help
(March 5, 2023 - 4:13 pm)

i think i get way too attached to people. like people from summer camp and other friends i don't see in school i get super sad when i leave and i'm always afraid they'll forget me and it gets really bad. like every time i enter a room that doesn't have anyone in it i'd just start crying. or when i started thinking about them i'd start to sort of tear up and i know none of them are the same way. im not like that rn but it's happened at least twice fairly recently

submitted by anon, age anon, anon
(March 5, 2023 - 5:30 pm)

Yeah, I'm like this too. :/

One problem I've always had is that I never forget people who have interacted with or existed around me... Like, I remember the faces of everyone I've ever seen before, and all the conversations I've had with people, and the little things they say about themselves, etc, even if they're not speaking directly to me.

Now imagine meeting me a couple years later and not recognising me and yeah... It's weird for them that I know stuff about them, and sad and kinda awkward for me 'cause they're clearly a normal person who doesn't remember every random interaction they've ever had... So, yeah. Idk. No advice, just hang in there.

submitted by Jaybells, Lost, somewhere
(March 7, 2023 - 6:06 pm)

he doesn't know i exist because i've never even met him irl but he is literally so perfect

i wish he did know i existed

submitted by the most anon of all
(March 5, 2023 - 9:12 pm)