
Chatterbox: Down to Earth



Confess your deepest secrets here, anonymously, if you'd prefer

I won't judge

submitted by Anonymous, age x, x
(October 15, 2020 - 1:43 pm)

I like someone my friend likes. And is dating.

Here's the problem...she doesn't know I like him, and I don't want her to, obviously. But before I knew they were dating, I told my other friend, A, that I liked him, and this friend is kind of a chatterbox (no pun intended, since this IS the chatterbox), and she's already told some other people who I'd rather she hadn't told. I texted A to ask if the friend who is dating my crush, B, knew I liked him, and she said yes. I completely freaked out, unable to believe that my friend had told her!!! Just to make sure she wasn't lying, I texted B to ask if she knew who I liked. She said she didn't and was completely confused about it, so I guess A wasn't telling the truth after all. But now B wants to know who I like, and I REALLY don't want to tell her! I'm a good friend and obviously I'd never try to date this person or anything, but I'm still scared B could get mad if she finds out, or just feel less close to me. 

Help plz!!! 

submitted by you dont know me
(March 6, 2023 - 4:34 pm)

Hmm. First things first, have a little talk with A. A telling people secrets that you don't want them to know isn't being a very good friend. Second of all, you don't have to tell B anything about your crush if you don't want to! You could just not tell them, or lie and point to some totally random person. No matter how good your friends are, they aren't entitled to knowing everything about you!

submitted by youll never know me
(March 7, 2023 - 8:57 am)

......My parents are getting a divorce.....and I don't know what do dooooo.

submitted by Midnight Phantom
(March 7, 2023 - 7:43 pm)

Ah, I feel ya Midnight. There's not much you can do, unfortunately. Just do your best to stay positive and not blame yourself. This isn't your fault, and it doesn't have to tear you apart.

submitted by Jaybells, Lost, somewhere
(March 8, 2023 - 10:41 am)

I'm so sorry, Midnight! I wish there was some advice I could give, but there isn't... All I can give are y wishes for you to be happy. <3

submitted by Scuttles, age Scuttlish, The Scuttling Place
(March 8, 2023 - 4:36 pm)


I used to have two amazing best friends, but they both moved away last year. I used to text and call them all the time, but one of them said I was being too clingy and the other said it was just making it harder for her to move on and live a new life. I technically still have friends, but they all feel superficial and I know they talk about me behind my back. They're all in group chats without me and don't invite me to their parties and when I bring it up, they make some sort of lame excuse. They all think that I think they like me, which I don't. I just have no one else to hang out with. They're technically the "popular group" so everyone thinks I'm popular too, but really I feel the opposite. I don't have any real friends. There are a bunch of kids at my school who are technically "unpopular" but still seem to have real friendships, which I'd much rather have than the situation I've got now. I've thought of leaving the group a million times but can't really imagine doing it--the few times I've tried to hang out with other people, my so-called "friends" have gotten mad at me for ditching them, even though they've done the same thing to me too many times to count.

Anyway, sorry, this turned into a real rant. Everything just really sucks right now. At least I have you guys on the CB, I honestly don't know what I'd do without you. <3

submitted by anonymous gal, age ugh, why?, everywhere & nowhere
(March 10, 2023 - 4:33 pm)

Ugh, that sucks. Personally, I'd rather be alone then in bad company, but I can see why it's hard sometimes.

If they complain about you for hanging out without them, when they do the same, feel free to point out how hypocritical that is, and how you won't take that kind of nonsense. Also, can they really be considered friends if they're treating you with so little respect? Like, talking about you behind your back, ditching you, gaslighting you when you try to strike out on your own -- it just doesn't sound very healthy at all. Same with the 'friends' that moved away -- absolutely friggin ice-cold if you ask me. 

submitted by someone, jAyBeLLs
(March 10, 2023 - 11:01 pm)

Yeah, I agree. Even if these people are technically "popular," you may be happier if you're in another group that doesn't mistreat you. Maybe try joining extracurricular clubs where you can meet new people, hanging out with others at recess, or even telling these "friends" how you feel. Even if they get mad at you, they weren't very good friends to begin with, and know that you should NOT feel obligated to stay in a toxic friendship. So sorry you have to deal with that. Know that the CB is here for you no matter what... <33

submitted by also anonymous, somewhere
(March 11, 2023 - 9:38 am)

One of the first things I was taught in Friendship 101 was this:

- If your friends won't let you hang out with anybody else, they aren't good friends.

Especially because even if you take away that fact and they still aren't good friends.

Alrighty, looky here. People always say "YoU sHoUlD tAlK tO tHeM," but trying to tell people who are being rude how you feel is a), awkward, b) usually ends up in them denying blame and blaming you and then you just feel worse (trust me, I should know. I've been through this so many times more than I'd like to), and c) doesn't usually work.

So just go and hang out with other people. Stop eating lunch with them. They might get mad at you, but why should you care what they think of you when they are being so rude? Just keep your cool and move away from them. Don't get emotional, because mean people like that don't deserve your emotion, and if you get too worked up you might end up losing sight of your whole goal to leave them and just end up stuck with them again.

Good luck!

submitted by Scuttles
(March 14, 2023 - 9:17 am)

Hi, Ik I wrote this a long time ago and idk if any of you will care anymore but...recently, I texted my toxic friend group and bascially told them that they'd been mistreating me and if they kept it up, we couldn't be friends anymore. Some of them denied it but honestly none of them seemed to really care, which proved that my friendship just didn't really matter to them. After that I really wasn't part of that group anymore, because bringing myself to still hang out with them would just feel like defeat. For a while I didn't have anyone to spend time with at school and I still sorta don't...although there's a girl in my photography class who I'm becoming better friends with, and she lets me eat lunch with her friends so at least I don't have to sit alone. I wish I'd broken off my toxic friends earlier because school ends next week and I have hardly any time to become closer friends with anyone before next year. I did decide with my parents last-minute to go to a sleepaway camp in July because I've been working on building my confidence and I think that will help. I'm still not exactly in a stable friend situation, but things have definitely gotten better and I'm really hopeful about next year.

Thank you for reading!! <33 

submitted by anonymous gal, age ugh, why?, everywhere & nowhere
(June 18, 2023 - 10:01 am)

sometimes i just feel like my life’s a mess. i only have 2 close/reliable friends and the only place i consistently feel comfortable/happy is a camp i get to go to like 3 or 4 times a year. sometimes im really happy but other times it feels like everything's falling apart

submitted by n/a
(March 11, 2023 - 4:32 pm)

I'm sorry it feels like that :/ I

I feel like my own moods have been reduced to stressed/frustrated, exhausted, hungry, and yearning for the creativity I've partially buried for the sake of 'maturing.'

Just as a side note, having two close/reliable friends is already a feat, even if it doesn't sound like it. Sometimes a sweet few of something amazing is better than a million so-so instances of the same. It's also okay to not feel alright all the time. I'd recommend looking into anxiety resources if it really feels like everything is falling apart a lot of the time. Keep in mind, the big picture is a lot more stable than each day might have you feel, and as hard as it might be to accept, our emotions can make things feel so much worse than they actually are sometimes. Deep breathes. You'll be alright, right?

submitted by Jaybells, Lost, somewhere
(March 11, 2023 - 9:46 pm)

two close/reliable friends IS a feat! i'm not sure if i've ever had one of those lol

submitted by Tsuki the Skywolf
(March 14, 2023 - 3:08 pm)

I kind of feel the exact same way sometimes, because I'll be feeling absolutely miserable and ignored, but then someone does something nice for me and I'll be like, you know, maybe everything's going to be okay. but then things dont turn out okay, and I just shrug off the misery or turn it into boiling fury.

my advice (or at least what I do) is to 1. listen to music that matches your mood, and try to turn it into something poetic and bearable. 2. listen to angry music, or do other things that will turn you into a boiling pot of fury (don't reccomend this one) 3. this has been suggested on the CB before, but imagine that there's a miserable, sad, bitter AE or OC or something that's making you miserable, and imagine that you're whacking them with a broom.

ignore this if it doesen't help :/

may this time of sadness pass and not return! 

submitted by Darkvine
(March 12, 2023 - 8:28 am)

I get the feeling...

You just have to do your best. Sometimes you'll feel a little depressed. Sometimes you're just grinding through life until something better happens. But just keep pushing through, and remember nothing lasts forever, especially not bad times. 

submitted by Scuttles
(March 14, 2023 - 9:20 am)