Robots vs. Humans

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Robots vs. Humans

Robots vs. Humans Sci-Fi RP

*Note* I tried to post this before and I am not sure if it went through. So if this is a duplicate (or almost), sorry... and post on this one instead.

Here's a new RP idea from me! Hopefully this one is going to survive... with more than 2 posts... Frown all my RPs die...

Anyhow, my idea is that both robots and humans are considered citizens (on earth). Robots want to be more human, and humans want to be more robot. Like, robots like how humans have more in-depth emotions and are in general are more accepted, and humans admire robots' strength and ability to live forever (mostly). However, is each side okay with kind of merging with the other? Will a cyborg class emerge, different from both robots and humans? Or will robots'/humans' unwillingness to cede their powers to the other side lead to war? *dramatic voice* You will decide!

And... yeah! Make your characters! Um, but one request--no cyborg characters yet please, because we don't know if cyborgs will become part of the story. Please just make either robot or human characters, and then you can make them cyborg later. And you can have both a robot and a human character, or two of one side, or... basically any combo you want.


Name: Kija Arken

Age: 13

Robot/Human?: Human

Appearance: Brown hair, tan skin, dark brown Asian-looking eyes. Wears jeans and a hoodie. Usually holding her tabcomputer or it's in her pocket. Has a habit of twirling her tabcomputer stylus in her fingers, tucking it behind her ear, tapping it on the table when she's thinking.

Personality: LOVES RESEARCH. Loves to learn. Is keeping close track of the robot vs. human debate, realizes the advantages of both sides, not partisan (in the debate)


Name: I-51 (Ishi)

Age: Has been in service 15 years, teenage-looking, but she's not a companion robot, she's a librarian, so she knows more than a 15-year-old human or companion robot *Note* Companion robots "grow" in maturity and knowledge along with a certain person. 

Robot/Human?: Robot

Appearance: Silver plating, feminine appearance (doesn't look like one of those faceless robots who are referred to as it, not he or she), has hologram projector in palm so can display information, wheels in feet so moves very fast.

Personality: Works in the library. Often meets Kija, often talks to her about the robot vs. human debate. Personally believes that becoming cyborg should be a choice everyone is free to make (not partisan)



Kija walked down the street, twirling her stylus in her hand as she headed for the library. It was a pleasant, balmy summer day. Clouds scudded in the sky, and a breeze whipped Kija's brown hair around. She pulled up her hood as she kept walking. 

On the street corner, a rusty robot held out a hat. "Please donate money to help old robots get new parts so they can continue to live their lives! Every stel helps!" Kija walked over and dropped a few steel coins -- stels -- into his hat. "Thank you very much," the robot nodded to her. "Have a wonderful day." Kija nodded back and continued on her way. 

As she walked, she watched the people and robots making their way around the town. In this area, most people were walking, enjoying the day. Both robots and humans patronized shops selling everything from specialty metal-polishing cloths to spare hologram projector parts. 

Kija arrived at the library and pushed open the doors. A blast of air-conditioning greeted her as she walked to her usual seat, a stool at a counter near the shelf of tablets written in binary. Since most robots and most people knew binary, that shelf had a steady stream of people going by. Kija enjoyed people (and robot) watching, but for now she took her tabcomputer from her pocket and began clicking around with her stylus, looking to see if she could read a copy of that morning's news. She wondered if Ishi would come by that day to chat. Yesterday they had had a very interesting conversation about whether material prejudice (metal vs. flesh) could be avoided. Kija would like to talk  to Ishi about it more. 

submitted by Air, CA
(January 1, 2015 - 2:33 pm)

Name: Jorba Fyshe 

Age: Not sure exactly, but anywhere from 11 to 15.

Robot/Human?: Human, but would love to be a cyborg

Appearance: Chestnut hair pulled back in messy side braid, dirty mud-brown engineer's coat. Red sash pulls coat tight over her grungy blue-gray jumpsuit. Has tan skin and hazel eyes, a spattering of freckles over her cheekbones. Has a scar which starts on the back side of her hand at the base of her two middle fingers to her elbow, which it wraps around twice before fading away. 

Personality: Tomboyish, cheeky, annoying, but brave, if rash. 

submitted by Indigo
(January 1, 2015 - 3:02 pm)

And go ahead and start writing whenever you want! Since it's not a concrete plot yet but just exploring the debate. 



Ishi snapped on at 6:30 A.M. She disconnected herself from the induction power station where she had docked and got ready for another day of work. After giving herself a quick polish with her microfleece, Ishi walked out of her personal room, through the main librarian area and out into the main library.

Her room was a small one, enough to fit her, her power station, which was about her size, and a small table upon which her personal tabcomputer lay. Her room was with the other librarians' rooms -- the ones who chose to live in the library, that is. The room to Ishi's right was occupied by a human lady librarian, but on the left was a closet housing a lower-class robot, without a postitronic brain. It was just a motorized cart that carried books. All the librarian housing rooms -- 10 of them  -- were in one area, opening into a larger room with a couch and a table for breaks. Through another door, finally Ishi emerged into the main library rooms. 

Glass windows showed the rising sun over the town. Steel columns supported a three-story high roof. Shelves of books in binary, English, and a smattering of other foreign languages took up most of the room, and holograms displaying current events information as well as weather, time, and town events rotated slowly as they were projected from the tops of counters and tables. Ishi headed from the top, third floor, which was a mezzanie, not a complete floor, and down to the first floor, via elevator. On the first floor, she registered her arrival at the librarian's desk in the current events section, her specialty. Since the library would not open until 7:30, Ishi meandered around her section, reshelving a few books left out on tables, neatening up shelves, and checking all the hologram projectors. 

submitted by Air
(January 1, 2015 - 3:58 pm)

This is what Quicksilver posted on the duplicate of this thread which went to the bottom of the Chatterbox. For consistency's sake please post on this thread now and I am sorry that I duplicated it accidentally. 

name: Cory

age: 16

robot or human: human

appearance: blonde hair, blue eyes, tall 

personality: very reasonable, can get a little worked up, always fun to have around 


And, um, Quicksilver, is Cory a boy or a girl...? 

submitted by Air (for Quicksilver
(January 1, 2015 - 4:15 pm)

Sorry, it's a boy.

submitted by Quicksilver
(January 2, 2015 - 6:47 pm)
submitted by top
(January 1, 2015 - 4:16 pm)


Kija looked up from her tabcomputer. She'd just finished reading a very interesting article about robot rights and an argument about whether the term "robot" was dehumanizing (or derobotizing...?) Getting up, she wandered over from her counter to the current events section where Ishi usually was. The desk was empty, however, and a small status message scrolled across the screen display: Librarian Ishi will be back in 15 minutes. Please enter your name if you would like a consultation. Kija scribbled her name and a quick note on the screen with her stylus, then took a table in clear view of the desk.  

submitted by Air
(January 1, 2015 - 5:28 pm)

I'm not joining, but I had an idea. Some scientists created cyborgs, but didn't let anyone know. That way, the humans and robots can go to war, and then there can be cyborgs that try to make peace.

Just a suggestion Wink 

submitted by S.E.
(January 1, 2015 - 5:51 pm)

Indigo and Quicksilver, what do you think? 

submitted by Air
(January 1, 2015 - 10:11 pm)

It makes sense to me. 

submitted by Indigo
(January 1, 2015 - 10:39 pm)

Okay, I reeally want to be a human who was injured as an infant and had to become a cyborg. I will start posting on the eighth or ninth, depending.

Name: Nenya Koman

Appearance: Dark blonde hair, one green eye, one violet eye. Has mechanical arm and leg, plus telekinesis.

Personality: Mysterious, quiet, and superhumanly smart.

Age: 13

Gender: F 

submitted by Cyborgs rock
(January 2, 2015 - 12:43 pm)

Tht sounds reasonable.

submitted by Quicksilver
(January 4, 2015 - 11:38 am)

OK, this sounds a lot like the series starting with the book Cinder. She is a "girl who went into a hovercraft accident and became a cyborg," but there's a lot more and I'm not  gonna ruin the book for u. But it's a lot like that. I suggest u read the series, and it might have good suggestions for this story.

submitted by Ellen L.
(January 4, 2015 - 3:16 pm)

I LOVE THAT SERIES! And it wasn't really a hovercraft accident, but I won't ruin the plot twist.

submitted by Brookeira
(January 4, 2015 - 5:17 pm)


Jorba removed the frayed wires, tucking them into the pocket of her jumpsuit, then pulled a few wires out of the other pocket, measuring them up to see if they were the right size. Selecting three of them, she twisted them tightly together and threaded them through the labyrinth of wires, reaching back deep into the companion robot's chest to the motherboard. She hooked the wires up and twisted the arm back on, then flicked the hidden switch imbetween the robot's fingers. The robot's companion, a common client, thanked her profusivly and handed her a half-dozen stels. 

Jorba turned the companion back on and left. She hurried to a trash tube and tossed the frayed wires, which were whisked downwards into the under city dumps. 

submitted by Indigo
(January 2, 2015 - 11:41 am)

Okay, so here's what's going on so far (sorry, I'm pretty OCD and like to have everything organized...):

Jorba is a mechanic

Nenya is super smart

Kija is researching the robots vs. humans thing

Ishi is helping Kija

Cory is...?

And the plot is that humans think robots are super strong and robots thing humans have better lives/rights and so eventually they'll go to war and then the secret cyborgs will make a compromise. Right now basically the humans vs. robots thing is not war yet but there's some prejudice and it's escalating.

So I was thinking that Jorba (mechanic, in case some ppl have forgotten) could discover the existence of the cyborgs through Nenya (super-smart cyborg, in case some ppl have forgotten) and then together with everyone else they could end the conflict... after the conflict escalates, of course. Kapesh?  

submitted by Air
(January 2, 2015 - 6:10 pm)