The Zoo (RP!)

Chatterbox: Inkwell

The Zoo (RP!)

The Zoo (RP!)


Alright, so it's been awhile since I joined an RP and I sorta need a little boost in creativity, so here a new RP! You're an animal in a zoo. But there's a twist. 

You've been trapped in this zoo for as long as you can remember. Hidden from the people, the only ones allowed to see you are the great powers that rule the world. You don't know who exactly they are, you take no notice of human nonsense, but you can sense the authority around their voices, their poster, the way they look at you as if you were nothing. Only they, with guns and large, deadly objects, walk up to your small cage. Sometimes they knock you unconscious, and when you wake, you notice scars and cuts that weren't there before. So many of The Zoo has been knocked and taken away, never to be heard of again, that it has become normal to wake up one day to another lonely cage. But you want to do something about this. You want to change this. You want to live in the world, you want to be free. 

But it's nearly impossible, the humans would never allow you to be seen. 


Because you don't exist.  

And as far as they're concerned, you never will. 


Dun dun dun!!!!!


1. You may choose or create a mythical creature for The Zoo. Please no mary sues, I will not accept dragons, griffins, unicorns, or Pegasus without unique characteristics. Also, try to be unique. I would rather not have a million flying dragons and magical unicorns.

2. You may have as many characters as you like. Password is crow. These creatures don't tend to have parents, because after they are bred their parents are usually 'knocked'. You may have siblings. 

3. No OP magical characters. Actually, no magic at all. You're a mythical creature, you can have gills, wings, cool-looking claws, and fangs, but no magic. 

4.  None of your characters remember their past lives if they were caught from the wild and not bred in captivity. 

5. The global powers can be really anyone, from Russia's military force to Japan's military force, though I do prefer if the 'global powers' were top generals. The password is actually raven. This can develop as the plot moves forward.

6. The plot can move anywhere, though the main idea is that the creatures escape, and find a way to overthrow the humans or try to anyway.  

7. I'd rather not have any human-based mythical creatures, but if it's relevant to the plot, maybe I'll accept one or two. The password is both of the ones listed before.  


Alrighty, here's the charrie sheet! Sorry if I was a little bland and all over the place, just ask if you're confused with my randomness ideas. 

Name (If you have one):

Age (about):

Gender (they don't have to have one):

Mythical creature name/assumption by humans (what you most look like): 

Appearance (detailed plz!):

Personality (it will advance during the plot):

Hopes and dreams (what they hope to accomplish by escaping):

Fears and weaknesses (self-explanatory):

Strengths (they don't have to know them):  

Any known living family members:

Password (ya go look for it):

Other/ships and stuff: 


My charrie sheet!!!!!

Name (If you have one): Some call her 'Tigress' others call her 'Amaranth' she goes by either

Age (about): Fairly young, but not too young. About late teenage years. 

Gender (they don't have to have one): Female

Mythical creature name/assumption by humans (what you most look like): Suea Peek

Appearance (detailed plz!): A giant tiger towers over the humans. The size of one and a half full grown men. She is the color of ivory, with a golden hinge around the oddly patterned black tiger stripes. One of her eyes is a piercing red, the color of Amaranth, while the other is a sparkling teal-blue. She has large fangs for her size, much like a saber-toothed cat. From her back springs bat-like wings, the bones feathered with iridescent colors not much different then a peacock's. The skin inbetween is a midnight blue, and down her spine the feathers came together to form a long feathered tail. Her claws are also very large, the same midnight blue as her wings. Her roar can kill a man, so her mouth is often bound. 

Personality (it will advance during the plot): Timid, kind, has been abused too many times. She can't pay attention, she's very bad at it. Paces a lot. Restless. Have always wanted to fly. She's a fighter. Is the 'stronge personality' type. Makes dumb desitions in the heat of a moment. Lonley. Depressed. Fights her own battles, you could say. Has seen too many 'knocked'.

Hopes and dreams (what they hope to accomplish by escaping): She's always wanted to fly. She also wants everyone else to be safe, even at the cost of her own life. She wants her desendents to walk on the grass, and to fly in the sky. She wants everyone to be free. 

Fears and weaknesses (self-explanatory): Afraid she'll be knocked, and can't fight back. Afraid she'll hurt someone, by accident. Afraid of the world, doesn't know if it's cruler than The Zoo. Afraid she'll fail everyone, and the humans will kill them all. Afraid of fear. Afraid of the demonds in her head. 

Strengths (they don't have to know them):  She can fly, her roaring is so loud it can kill a human at close range, her teeth and claws are deadly of course. 

Any known living family members: If anyone wants to make a brother I'm down!

Password (ya go look for it): Ya you thought I'd write it here. *snorts* Go find it yourself.

Other/ships and stuff: Open to shipping, no preferance, though love isn't the main thing on her mind. Oh, and there's a scar in the shape of a heart on her shoulder that she swore she was born with. Also, she's kept in an enclosure with chains around her paws, tightly dissabling the release of her claws, and a band around her snout. It unlocks at a certain hour every day so she can eat. 


Welp that's it! Have fun with this y'all! 

submitted by Claaws, Class 2020
(April 10, 2018 - 10:31 pm)

Okay Lotus can be GMO. Also, let’s make here 30 years old. Also does slightly glow-y fur count as magic?

submitted by Elle
(April 20, 2018 - 10:31 am)
submitted by Nope ur good
(April 20, 2018 - 10:59 am)

This sounds cool

Name (If you have one): Eagna Gormfiacail

Age (about): 15. pretty young

Gender (they don't have to have one): male

Mythical creature name/assumption by humans (what you most look like): Wyvern

Appearance (detailed plz!): Blue scales with light blue underscales, two birdlike legs (like an eagle), no arms. Short. about the size of a 4 year old child. Wings have light blue skin and hooked talon.

Personality (it will advance during the plot):  He cares for others, which explains how he got captured in the first place (more on that later) doesn't seem to give up. So the word "Impossible" means nothing to him.even in the face of danger, he will try to put on a brave face. In reality, however, get's really terified. In "fight or flight." he would fight. loves knowledge and classical music. his horde back at home has a few books and CDs among with several other things he finds nice

Hopes and dreams (what they hope to accomplish by escaping): going back to those rolling hills and find his family. If he has any.

Fears and weaknesses (self-explanatory): The fear that he might cause the death of another. 

Strengths (they don't have to know them):  though his talons are very sharp, his breath is the most deady. a venom sack in his mouth releases gases that can kill if treatment is not seeked and successful, equal to the Black Plague. however. When he cries. the chemical reaction that happens between the brain and the venom sack turns it into a healing chemical that cures almost any illness and quickens healling. legend got around that at night, this one Wyvern appears at the homes of the injured and unwell. the next day. they were healed. though they might be missing a few coins or a silverware spoon, very rarely a CD or a book. cheeper than a visit to the doctor indeed

Any known living family members: Unknowned

Password (ya go look for it): Raven or Crow

Other/ships and stuff: I can't avoid the inevitable, can I? *sighs * I guess....

He has a strap that closes his mouth when need be. No one want's to die from a disease equal to the black plague. Likes to call other reptailen creatures "Cousin" 

Password: Raven or crow 


Is this ok? 

submitted by The Writer, age Eons
(April 20, 2018 - 1:57 pm)

Well, I think the posion thing is a little too much, can you change it to where the poison isn't as deadly (but still deadly if say in wounds or somthing) and maybe he can only heal the poison that he causes. Like an antibody? 

submitted by Claaws, Class 2020
(April 21, 2018 - 3:16 pm)

I agree with Not-as-deady-poison. (maybe only fully grown Wyverns but just an antidote?

I mean. If you think about it. A spoon or some nickels. not exactly gonna rise some susption that such a creature even exist. if someone says they saw a winged reptile stole his spoon, I don't the global powers would care. More likely. that guy would be sent to the loney bin. and missing a book or a CD could be seen as simply losing it. This part happens very rarely by the way. not to mention this guy doesn't seek people tto kill, so there wouldn't be any murder

Now a cheap, affective medicine that cures almost anything. Now that might be something the government would want. I mean. The Zoo is a holding factility where these creatures and used for their DNA, (they are strong or could do this or that.) Or a protental danger to society. Eagna isn't really strong (Wyverns are smaller than their dragon cousins) and this one isn't really a danger to anyone. He never really needed to fight till he got to The Zoo. ("STOP RIGHT THERE AND GIVE ME YOUR SPOONS BEFORE I POISON YOU!" Said no one ever) So... I think he would be pretty useless if he could only prove an antidote to his own poison

submitted by The Writer, age Eons
(April 21, 2018 - 5:16 pm)

Well maybe then they want his poison? And the antidote is just something to cure it? Because in the wild, theres nothing like a creature who magically heals things, I mean they make antidotes to their own poison, but thats it. And im not really allowing magic, so you can make his poison a little more deadly, maybe like a snakes or a frogs but in air form? Is that alright with you?

submitted by Claaws, Class 2020
(April 21, 2018 - 8:10 pm)

But it's not unique. All Wyverns can do that, and how many here can make poison already. I think I counted 3 but I could be wrong. And no, it's not magic. It's science.

The first variant (I'll call it Morbusocius) is weaker at the childhood of the Wyvern. Not really deadly and can be cured easily because the sack that contains it is small so not a lot can be produced till near adulthood, which is like a hundred twenty years. All Wyverns can make this.

The second Variant, Morbusproditor, is the anti-Morbusocius if you will. The ability to make it is very rare. Eagna is among the few if not only Wyvern that can do this because the Sac is able to absorb the leucine-enkphalins being released from the brain. two Morbusocius plus three leucine-enkphalin equals six Morbusproditor and energy. So it's breath is warmer when Morbusproditor is released. Plus it's cheaper to produce since it's harmless. Just make a Wyvern with the ability to produce it cry. A young Wyvern can still make a lot because it can make more Morbusproditor than Morbusocius.

It also can make capturing Eagna make more sense. A trap that lures his want of helping others will make him weaker because he has the Morbusproditor produced, his breath can't do anything to help him fight. And if so many people talk about this creature. It won't be hard to find it.

submitted by The Writer, age Eons
(April 22, 2018 - 6:47 am)

Basically both variants mutate Bacterial DNA. Morbusocius strengthens bacteria to harm the body, while Morbusproditor makes them work with white blood cells to help the body.

and yes, though I made up these two, there are chemicals that mutate DNA. They are called carcinogens. Like Aflatoxin B1.

On another note, I think Eagna will be the newest so ID would be like 116 or something. 

submitted by The Writer, age Eon
(April 22, 2018 - 9:44 am)

I also think maybe the end Eagna's tail was cut off when he was like 4, so he doesn't have a stinger (I forgot Wyverns have that)

submitted by The Writer, age Eons
(April 22, 2018 - 9:47 am)

I also forgot that Wyvern mouths are a beak with teeth in the back. DId I miss anything else that might be important

*looks up Wyvern*

No, nothing else missing. 

submitted by The Writer, age Eons
(April 22, 2018 - 10:25 am)

Nice! Yes we should totally nickname Lotus 'Mama bear', its perfect!

Iris's POV~

Iris wrapped her tail around her paws nervously, cage swinging back and forth. It did that sometimes, whenever there was a lot of motion, or strong winds, Shakily, the cat crept forward to try and see what was happening. The horse creature, 99, was being tranquilized, and taken away, to a place none of the animals in The Zoo know or remember. The drainage of water from the tank rumbles throughout the zoo, shaking Iris's cage even more. Peering down at the humans, who stand there confidently, Iris knew that they are terrified. One of them must have felt her glare, because they turned their head to look at her. Ducking out of the way, she cautiously tried to avoid their gaze. She can't risked getting knocked!

Paws trembling nervously, the tiny creature curled up in the corner of the cage, covering her ears as the horse creature falls unconcious, toppling to the floor. Iris's cage suddenly lurches to one side, throwing her into the bars. She flails weakly, trying to unfurl the colorful wings at her sides, as the cage bounces around endlessly. She's tossed to the other end of the cage, trying her best to block out the sound- and then suddenly the cage comes to a slow stop. Turning her head to see the empty tank that 99 had been taken out of, Iris realized her side was badly bruised from being tossed around. Her neck was in a lot of pain, so she lay back down, closing her eyes to the nightmare of the zoo. Sleep will come surely.

It did. And with it came dreams. Well, more like feelings. Iris felt warmth on her back, and air rushing through her fur. Faint glimpses of brightness caught her eye, not like the harsh lights of the zoo. For a moment, she was peaceful. And then a cold, sick feeling washed over her. This was becoming a vivid nightmare. She looked around her. Shadows of other animals surrounded her, as well as humans. She felt a gasp rise in her throat, but she couldn't breathe. She was being sucked into a vast pit of sticky brown mud, her paws glued to the ground- and then a net was thrown over her.

Iris woke with a cold feeling. She'd never had nightmares before. Dragging herself up, the creature saw that it was night time. Almost every animal around her was asleep. She could barely see, it was so dark. Her head hurt, so much. And she was starving. She'd slept through mealtime, apparently.  The chains around her ankles seemed heavier than ever. She stared up at the top of the ceiling, trying to fall back asleep. She wished she could be up there soaring through the stars.   

submitted by Elle
(April 21, 2018 - 2:17 pm)

Nice! Yes we should totally nickname Lotus 'Mama bear', its perfect!

Iris's POV~

Iris wrapped her tail around her paws nervously, cage swinging back and forth. It did that sometimes, whenever there was a lot of motion, or strong winds, Shakily, the cat crept forward to try and see what was happening. The horse creature, 99, was being tranquilized, and taken away, to a place none of the animals in The Zoo know or remember. The drainage of water from the tank rumbles throughout the zoo, shaking Iris's cage even more. Peering down at the humans, who stand there confidently, Iris knew that they are terrified. One of them must have felt her glare, because they turned their head to look at her. Ducking out of the way, she cautiously tried to avoid their gaze. She can't risked getting knocked!

Paws trembling nervously, the tiny creature curled up in the corner of the cage, covering her ears as the horse creature falls unconcious, toppling to the floor. Iris's cage suddenly lurches to one side, throwing her into the bars. She flails weakly, trying to unfurl the colorful wings at her sides, as the cage bounces around endlessly. She's tossed to the other end of the cage, trying her best to block out the sound- and then suddenly the cage comes to a slow stop. Turning her head to see the empty tank that 99 had been taken out of, Iris realized her side was badly bruised from being tossed around. Her neck was in a lot of pain, so she lay back down, closing her eyes to the nightmare of the zoo. Sleep will come surely.

It did. And with it came dreams. Well, more like feelings. Iris felt warmth on her back, and air rushing through her fur. Faint glimpses of brightness caught her eye, not like the harsh lights of the zoo. For a moment, she was peaceful. And then a cold, sick feeling washed over her. This was becoming a vivid nightmare. She looked around her. Shadows of other animals surrounded her, as well as humans. She felt a gasp rise in her throat, but she couldn't breathe. She was being sucked into a vast pit of sticky brown mud, her paws glued to the ground- and then a net was thrown over her.

Iris woke with a cold feeling. She'd never had nightmares before. Dragging herself up, the creature saw that it was night time. Almost every animal around her was asleep. She could barely see, it was so dark. Her head hurt, so much. And she was starving. She'd slept through mealtime, apparently.  The chains around her ankles seemed heavier than ever. She stared up at the top of the ceiling, trying to fall back asleep. She wished she could be up there soaring through the stars.   

submitted by Elle
(April 21, 2018 - 2:17 pm)

Echosea winced as 99 was stabbed forcefully with a needle. He nervously preened his feathers, cleaning out the dust and returning the waters to normal. Echosea paused in their grooming when he felt his beak’s pressure on his new scar. Small and thin, it zigzagged across his shoulder. The other animals had hundreds. This was Echosea’s first. Will I be here as long as the other animals have been? 

He knew most of their names by now. He didn’t talk, but he listened. The tiger, who was unlike any tiger Echosea had seen before, was called Amarath. The glowing bear was called Mama Bear, or Lotus, and the multicolored, nine tailed fox was Petal. There was more. Zarfath, the wildcat. Razorclaw, the dragon bird. And 99. The Leviathan. 99 wasn’t really their name. It was their number. Echosea’s number was 107. He hoped he would never have to use it. Never forget his real name. Divani Samud. Echosea.

But he’d forgotten so much already. His family. He knew he had a sister, and a mother. But he couldn’t remember them. Just wisps in his mind, images dancing out of sight. Echosea curled up and tried to go to sleep. When he fell asleep, he dreamed of looping in circles with his family. Calling out to his mother, laughing. He remembered her name then. Nadeesanget, Riversong. But when he woke, he didn’t remember his dream, and was it really his sister? Or did he have a brother, instead?  

Echosea knew one thing. He had to get out, before he forgot any more. Before he was no longer Echosea, just a number.


submitted by Blue Moon/Echosea, age 11, Here
(April 21, 2018 - 5:04 pm)


There's nothing to do in the cages except pace and sleep. And you'll never know when the humans will come and tranquilize you. A roar erupted from a cage near me. That could mean one thing, someone was going to be tranquilized.

I peered out of the bars of my cage just as the humans entered. Ducking to the back of my small cage, I curled up into a ball. As I drifted off into sleep, I heard a commotion outside my cage.


Sorry this is so short. I can confirm I'll post longer stuff in the future.

submitted by Quirker, age 14
(April 21, 2018 - 9:38 pm)

I'll change my age to 24, and I didn't include many details about family. I'll be a GMO that is the combined DNA of a snowy owl and a komodo dragon - nile crocodile hybrid that they have created in earlier projects. 

@Everyone we should have a visitor soon in the zoo to spice things up a bit! 


I technitichally don't have a family for being gentically engineered by the scientists here at the zoo. I was called Razorclaw my entire life. All I remember is that I woke up in a glass tube filled with water, blinding blue lights gleamed from the bottom of it. I had a tube connected to me that went down my throat and fed me every day. A few weeks later, they took me out of the water, where I quickly learned to walk in a small white room and how to feed myself. Then they stuck a hard leather mask on me, attached chains, and placed me in the cell I am now. The chains connected to the wall, and only let me walked within the cell. I could still eat with it on, but it was uncomfortable. I didn't like the cramped space I am in. I couldn't stretch my wings to their full wingspan without jamming the wing tips a good foot into the cages beside me. I had a small yellow band on my front claw that was large enough not to hurt me, but small enough that I couldn't remove it. It had the number 87 on it, which I learned had several meanings from the guards. I was the 87th creature placed in the zoo, with more coming. I wasn't expected to last long in here, like Francium(I had no idea how this was connected). It also was the number between the "signing of the declaration of independence" and "the battle of gettysburger"(which i also didn't know were, a battle over a burger sounds interesting). 

Anyways, there were roughly 115 animals in the zoo I estimated, though I wasn't entirely sure. Most of the earliest numbers between 0 and 50 were gone. Today was a normal boring day, so I spent time glaring at the mispelling of the label across from me for a tapir-like creature with stripes that change color that was number 77. The label read: "Feed alfafa and oaks only". I was seething with rage when I first found out, alfalfa missing an l and it was really oats, not oaks being fed. The only thing that prevented me from going on rampage was the chains. I was foamy mouthed and red-eyed for a week. 

Today, Tigress was snarling as usual, and 99 had his tank cleaned, having him tranquilized for a check-up, while human workers cleaned the tank of algea. Life was normal. I wanted to get out of this zoo as soon as possible.

submitted by Storm Windwhisperer
(April 21, 2018 - 9:46 pm)