Kyngdom Survival Guide

The Resistance

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The Resistance

The Resistance

submitted by Admin
(April 11, 2017 - 11:01 am)

Audacissimus stared off into space as the clock ticked. She had been waiting a day for the Resistance to reply. Suddenly, red alarms flashed and the sound of gunshots rang the air. She got up, her cloak swirling, and drew a dagger of fine titanium. It had diamond as the hilt. It flashed into the air with a quick swipe, dismantaling some plaster. 

submitted by Audacissimus Sol, age Ageless, Kyngdom
(April 20, 2017 - 7:12 pm)

The alarms went off and  I swear we're all going to die.

The blinking scarlet light on the digital hall map indicates the Map Room. Luckily for me, the armory is on the way.

Guns are too flashy for me, but I spot a simple blowgun in the corner with a bag of darts, and my unicorn horn dagger is in my shoe...

Now to make it there. 

submitted by Icy
(April 20, 2017 - 7:41 pm)

Hello, all! I've been busy, and I haven't posted in a long time. Could someone please tell me what's going on? I'd really appreciate it!


submitted by Ronan
(April 21, 2017 - 11:40 am)

Hello and welcome back! I'm not sure what to explain--what were you last here for?

submitted by Icy
(April 23, 2017 - 2:01 pm)

Breath. Concentrate. This was the most important piece on the automaton. The "brain". The control center, main cavity. I had tried this particular part on this automaton five times, but everytime I activated it something was wrong. I had eliminated some issues, but I had to find some more.

Just as I was putting in the penultimate screw, alarms blared and lights started flashing all throughout the room. The noise was deafening, and bits of metal flew everywhere as I fell of my stool.

I jumped back up quickly, looking around.

"WHAT IN HADES IS-" I was cut off by the sound of a voice over the loudspeaker.

"Emergency, Map Room. Emercency, Map Room."

Everyone in the room had frozen when the alarms had started, and now they all glanced at me.

Turning to face them I tried to look calm, but probably ended up looking like I was in extreme pain.

"Just stay here. I am gonna go see what this is all about. If needed, begin lockdown."

I  walked out of the room, whistling for Cobalt to come. When he reached me I was just to the door. I rounded the corner of the door jamb and started to sprint towards the map room. The red lights flashed on the walls, making my vision pulse.

Something was wrong. Big time. 

submitted by Sprocket
(April 21, 2017 - 7:30 pm)

I run silently through the halls. Alarms are blaring and people pass me sometimes, yelling about an assassin? I keep going, trying to see where everyone is running to. There were now people everywhere, running and yelling, pulling out weapons. I nearly hit a girl about my age with a metal dog at her side. Muttering an apology, I keep going but stop a few seconds later and whirl around. "Sprocket?!?!" 

submitted by Nebula , Trillian
(April 22, 2017 - 1:55 pm)

Audacissimus had enough. She'd been waiting for three days now. She stormed in the room and came face to face with a girl making frost. "Can I join?" she yelled.

submitted by Audacissimus Sol, age ? million, Kyngdom
(April 23, 2017 - 2:58 pm)

Connie shook the snow from her hair; she had been outside.

"Can you wait just a moment? I know you've been waiting all day, but we've been busy, not to mention we're in the middle of a crisis here. I mean, we'd love to have you on our team, but can we please talk diagnostics later? If there's anything you can do to help, it would be much appreciated." The girl rolled her eyes and held up the dagger.

"Good. Go over there-" Connie pointed to the open door of the Map Room. "-but don't go inside. Just wait outside for reinforcements. With that, she quickly and quietly made her way to the door, and saw the girl - Audacissimus?- do the same. Inside she saw the two faceless figures holding Ronan against the wall.

"I'm sorry," one said. "But when we don't get our way by asking nicely..." 

"We have to take it by force," the other finished. "Too bad; we liked you, Ronan." They turned their head to the side, as well as the hand holding Ronan's neck. Suddenly Ronan caught sight of Connie. His eyes bulged as she took two daggers from her belt.

Swith! Swith! She hurled the daggers and landed them perfectly, one in the back of both figures. Slowly they each turned around and yanked them out, dropping Ronan, who slid to the floor with a thump. She knew they were wearing armour, but it was clear they had at least penetrated a few inches, due to the amount of blood leaking out.

"I'm sorry, little girl," Omnipononi whispered. "Did you forget we're unstoppable?" Archa reached for Connie but she dodged, only to get stabbed in the leg by one of her own daggers. Well, at least she hadn't poisoned them. Staggering just out of reach, she tripped and saw hands coming close to her face, closer- 

Suddenly she whipped her hand out from behind her back and hurled a handful of dark green powder into the face of Omnipononi, who spluttered and fell back. Connie grabbed Ronan and dragged him out the door, then threw handfuls of the powder at the two figures. A burning pain erupted in her leg as some whispered into her wound but she bit her lip and kept on. Not wanting the chance of any more dormiamortem to enter her body, she grabbed the sack from her pocket and threw the rest on top of the stilling figures. She shut the door, wiping her hands on a map near it, and stumbled out with Ronan. She drew a deep breath as the pain in her leg suddenly surfaced, and she could only hope they were dead as she slipped out into blackness.


Just so everyone knows, Connie is not dead, just passed out, and byt his time Omnipononi and Archa would have had enough dormiamortem powder enter their bodies to kill them. If this is way too controlling and the author doesn't want them to die like this, feel free to change it without changing what just happened, if you don't mind (as in, they somehow survive but this still happened). 

submitted by Connie A., age 14, Resistance Base
(April 23, 2017 - 4:32 pm)

The living doll we sent in of ourselves we sent in stumble and collapse, and everyone leaves. As Poe walks out we grab him, and run off. We throw him into our airship, and fly off.

submitted by Omnipononi and Archa
(April 23, 2017 - 6:34 pm)

Author's note: Connie, you forgot Poe Allen. Maybe work something out with Gared (his author)?



I arrive in the  Map Room to find Connie knocked out, Ronan sort of trying to pull her, and no sight of the Traitorous Two.

Did I mention the blood on the floor? The-totally-not-scary-please-let-it-not-be-Ronan's-I-think-it's-Connie's blood?  

"....I think I missed something."  I said slowly, staring around.

submitted by Icy
(April 23, 2017 - 6:29 pm)

Oops! I may have meant him instead of Ronan, whoever was in the Map Room with them. But Ronan could be there too.

submitted by Connie A., age 14, Resistance Base
(April 23, 2017 - 8:20 pm)

"You could say that." Icy looks directly at me.

"RONAN! Are you alright?"

"I'm fine! It's Connie you should be worried about, she's just fainted dead away!"

I try to balance on the leg I haven't broken, but it's too difficult.

"Ronan, where've you been?"

"Later, Icy! We need to secure the base! NOW!" 

submitted by Ronan
(April 24, 2017 - 11:38 am)

Suddenly, Connie opened her eyes. 

"Oh, no!" She screamed and tried to crawl to the door. "Poe Allen! I think... he was knocked out, and... I forgot about him," she gasped. "He'll die if he inhales much more of the powder!" She fumbled at the knob, unable to get up, her head full of stars and feeling like she was going to faint again.

"Oh, no!" Icy grabbed the handle and swung the door open, whereupon she was blasted in the face by a puff of green powder. She coughed but stuck her head in. "I don't see him!" Putting her hand over her mouth and nose, she ran into the room and, seeing no Poe Allen, slammed the door on the way out. 

"I think he was in there with them, they hit him over the head, and Ronan came in when he heard the alarms," Connie choked out. "Then they had Ronan when I came in, and... you know the rest." SHe moved her leg and felt the pain go to her head. 

"I think those two stupid traitors took him. Claaws knows..." She could barely talk now; she felt herself slipping away again. "Claaws knows where he is now."

With that her eyes closed again and she fell back against the wall, not to wake up again for hours, days even. 

submitted by Connie A., age 14, R.B., Outside Map Room
(April 24, 2017 - 11:53 pm)

Hello! In case some of you don't know, I am "Author of Alexandria," and this is my second charrie. Her description is on the "Who's Here," thread. 

I ride up on Brego and steady him before hopping off and heading towards the Resistance base.

"How long will you be gone?" Brego impatiently chitters in Elvish.

"Be patient," I sigh, walking into the base. 

But as soon as I open the door, I'm welcomed with chaos as a girl with wings is being cared for by a girl with blonde hair and a boy with brown hair and glasses.

I start to back away, my eyes wide, when one of them spots me and yells.

"Are you a doctor? Can you get help at least? Please? I'm sorry, but we need it right now!"

I shake my head startled. "Well-um, of course. Is this...Shadow?"

The girl with the blonde hair shakes her head. "No, this is Connie. And she's been poisoned."

I nod my head, and force myself to run out the door. I guess my timing is always pretty bad.

Climbing back on Brego, he snorts and remarks, "Well that was fast."

I shush him and snap his reigns as we bound back onto the forest path. As I do, I pass many people, including some people with the Resistance pin. One of them waves her arms and stops me, and I pull Brego to a halt.

Brego rears up, surprised, but he seems more scared of the person in front of us. In fact, really scared. Like the person is a snake, or a wolf or something.

"I'm Autumn, and if you've been to the Resistance, can you tell me what's going on? We got the code for red alert." Her brown hair sways in the wind, her concerned expression filling her face.

"Uh, y-yeah," I sputter. "I was there for three seconds, but was told to go get a doctor. Appearantly...Connie? Yeah, Connie. Appearantly, she was poisoned."

Autumn's eyes open wide, and she looks around, before finally spotting another figure running up. 

"Quill!" she shouts. "Connie's been poisoned!"

Quill, the other girl, finally catches up, huffing.

"Got it," she curtly replies. She looks up at me. "Thanks for letting me know."

They both run off with thank you's, and I sit on Brego stunned. I've already gotten my first taste of "action," and I haven't even joined the Resistance yet.

But Karune suggested me and I'm here to take Alexandria's place as a general, whoever she was. 

submitted by Etoile
(April 24, 2017 - 6:57 pm)

Sprocket glared at me. "We, will talk later. But right now there has been a break in." I nod, and we race down the hall. Slamming the door open Sprocket ran into the map room. I was about to follow her inside when she stumbled back, gasping. I peered around her into the room, and immediately saw the blood. A young girl lay unconcious on the floor, and Icy and a bit I didn't know stood around her.

"Move out of the  way!" I yelled. Taking a few steps into the room, I kneel by the girls side. My gauntlets start to glow slightly, and I send a beam of energy into the wound. The blood flow slowed and the skin started to scabb over. Signing in relief, I sit back. "She should be okay for now, but she still needs a few stitches. I couldn't heal it completely."

submitted by Nebula, Trillian
(April 24, 2017 - 8:20 pm)