Kyngdom Survival Guide

*A Travel Guide

Chatterbox: KYNGDOM™ Power of Hoof

*A Travel Guide

*A Travel Guide to Northwest Kyngdom That is Totally Not Top Secret and Has Nothing to Do with Anything Important

So you want to take a trip to Northwest Kyngdom? Wonderful! Pack your bags, grow an extra layer of fur, and hop onto the Badger Express, the high-speed badger-drawn train that will carry you northward.

Travel tip: The Badger Express has a wonderful dining car that serves a creamy, piping-hot soup called Pinesüppe: root vegetables simmered for hours with pine needles and topped off with a rich drizzle of sap.

Once you disembark, take a moment to notice how your breath turns into an intricately-patterned fog in the air. There is a magic to northwest Kyngdom that no one can explain--almost everything here, no matter how dangerous, is aesthetically pleasing. Gaze at the fields of soft, untouched snow, the evergreens glimmering with icicles so elaborate that you would have sworn they were carved by artists, and the aurora borealis that dance through the sky like omens of a better life. This is the home of Regina, the Silver Reindeer, who is…just your average reindeer!

Travel tip: Pack light but warm! Bring lots of high-protein snacks--we recommend grubs! Regina is the guardian of Hoof!

Though Regina looks so noble so as to be unapproachable, she is actually very friendly, and loves showing newcomers around her land. She lives in a mansion (nobody said reindeer weren’t materialistic!) that she named Jökull, the Old Norse word for ice. It is a place of good cheer, where the super-sweet juice of the local Winter Black Cherry flows year-round (delicious over ice or warmed up!). Zephyra loves to spend her holidays here.

Travel tip: Examine Regina closely when she walks. Three of her feet are shod in beautiful mother-of-pearl horseshoes that glimmer when she walks, but the fourth bears only a rusty horseshoe. Look closely at that horseshoe. I think you know what it is. Don’t you?

Regina will warn you about the forest of blue juniper trees that look so appealing and smell like Christmas on a platter. This is the Decoy Forest, and its pull is strong. When you walk through it--which you should never do--you will see what you want to see. Lost loves will cry out to you from the trees. Your mother, as a teenager, may appear, begging you to be her friend. Ignore them all. Have another mug of Winter Black Cherry cider. Enjoy your stay.

Travel tip: The pull of the Decoy Forest? B.I.G. feels it, too. When Cornelia Hornshaw stares into the Forest, she sees an image of the Fourth Power. But she still doesn’t know where it’s located. She’s heading there now, though. Will anybody stop her?

submitted by FAFA Intelligence, Bog & Burrow Inn
(January 4, 2017 - 12:58 pm)

Actually, if Alexandria has a bomb in her arm, I could go with those who will rescue her, and I could remove it. But it won't be pretty. At all.

Sprocket, I need you to do something for me. Please. I need you to make a small metal hand, maybe up to just a little bit past the wrist, that will fit that of an 11 year old child.

Shadow, I need the that you can get that will put people clean under.

Mina, can you get that weird cat scar-healing stuff?

And Trillian, can you please help Sprocket get the pieces for the hand? Preferably working gears for fake joints, as she will be in battles and she needs to be able to move her hand.

I have a syringe that I can put the medicine in if you hold her down- that'll knock her out and I can get working right away. If any of you are familiar with medical supplies, I'll need a nurse of some sort to hand me scapels and such as I go along.

If you haven't caught on by now, there were only two options to begin with- the first one wouldn't have worked, because if I had tried to surgically remove the bomb, someone would probably set it off, and we would all be dead. I'm guessing that the bomb is actually wired into her hand/wrist, and if the nerves sense it being removed, it'll set off a reaction that will set the bomb off. So if I keep the bomb in there and remove the actual hand itself...we might be able to save her. Rigga is just putting us to the test, and in order to win....

We have to play her game. 

submitted by Quill
(January 23, 2017 - 9:27 pm)

We should also try to see if we can steal ID cards, uniforms, that stuff for future uses.

submitted by Elliot
(January 23, 2017 - 11:09 pm)

Okay Quill, I went into the forest and gathered as many ingredients for natural remedies as there were available. Elliot, I think we'll need to find someone to hack into the SOCS database and turn off the cameras and lasers (I'm assuming there are lasers), and then we can send someone in to knock out the guards. Sprocket, do you think you would be able to defuse the bomb? Once we have the bomb taken care of, we'll need to get Alexandria out, which may be a more rigorous project than disabling the bomb. The SOCS will be keeping her under maximum security, so we'll need maps of the building, screwdrivers, armor (lightweight), medicine, and an apple.

Now all we need to do is find her....

What did Rigga say she said? Follow the crow?

Follow Zephyra?

submitted by shadow, age 13
(January 24, 2017 - 6:16 am)

I can hack computers, so I can do that.

submitted by Elliot
(January 24, 2017 - 5:43 pm)

I hope you don't mind if I come along to save Alexandria? And again, why does Icy need saving!? I never read anything of the sort in the RP, but I could have just skipped over it. Someone please update me.  

submitted by Anwen
(January 24, 2017 - 8:56 am)

She was captured by Catastrophe.

submitted by Elliot
(January 24, 2017 - 6:13 pm)

Should chopping of someone's hand perhaps not be the first option? I'm not a member of the Resistance, but I am part of the Elites. I volunteer to come with you guys and try to disable the bomb. It doesn't really matter if the bomb is taken out or not as long as it can't blow up, right?

submitted by Trixie W.
(January 24, 2017 - 10:00 am)

I'm on it. Turns out this is my specialty...

submitted by Sprocket
(January 24, 2017 - 8:08 am)

After waiting for like 2 hours at Candy's cafe (Winter Burrow) I got up.

Nieke looks at me "Um Alex shouldn't we.."

"They are taking too long I'm going to find them"

"I was gonna address your 'Fur problem'"

I look at my self. My fur is now completly white

"I'm half Artitic Fox, Deal with it"

Nieke rolls her eyes "whatever you say"

I grab a feather from my pack

"Grab on!"

We teleport later at the Winterwood Base

"You guys forgoten us"

"We were busy!" Mina intergets "And what happen to your fur?"

"He's Half Artitic Fox" Nieke intergets

"ok what were you guys so busy about then"

They told me about spliting up to save Icy and Alexandriea

"I'll go with the team that's saving Alexandria."

"And why is that?"

I hold up a revive crystal

"easy since the bomb is not a part of her body, We remove bomb then revive her!"

shadow is angery

"Look that's as far as I know the only way, plus she'll still be alive at the end of it"

 she calms down "Let me think about it."

submitted by Alex R, age 14
(January 24, 2017 - 8:30 am)

Unfortunately, there is no other way to get the bomb out. I've already tried to take it out myself. It's super small and wired into my arm. 

submitted by Alexandria
(January 24, 2017 - 4:18 pm)

Thank you, Sprocket. 

submitted by Quill
(January 24, 2017 - 5:02 pm)

Tick tock, 20 hours left, Shadow dear. 

submitted by Rigga
(January 24, 2017 - 6:30 pm)

We all get to work making what Quill told us to make. While I make medicine that heals scars and other wounds, I look over at Shadow who is making remedies, Quill who is everywhere, and Sprocket and Trillian that are in the proccess making a small arm. 

Time is running out, but Rigga underestimated us. We are going to save Shadow's sister. 

submitted by Mina
(January 24, 2017 - 7:50 pm)

Is there any way for me to help with the current situation?

submitted by Blazing Star, (Scylla)
(January 24, 2017 - 8:02 pm)

I look down from a tree at the arguing people.They seem to have a note.What my dad taught me was kicking in.Spying was my thing."Exuse me"I yell from the tree.I freeze they all look at me....

submitted by Emmie, age 10
(January 24, 2017 - 8:33 pm)