Kyngdom Survival Guide

*A Travel Guide

Chatterbox: KYNGDOM™ Power of Hoof

*A Travel Guide

*A Travel Guide to Northwest Kyngdom That is Totally Not Top Secret and Has Nothing to Do with Anything Important

So you want to take a trip to Northwest Kyngdom? Wonderful! Pack your bags, grow an extra layer of fur, and hop onto the Badger Express, the high-speed badger-drawn train that will carry you northward.

Travel tip: The Badger Express has a wonderful dining car that serves a creamy, piping-hot soup called Pinesüppe: root vegetables simmered for hours with pine needles and topped off with a rich drizzle of sap.

Once you disembark, take a moment to notice how your breath turns into an intricately-patterned fog in the air. There is a magic to northwest Kyngdom that no one can explain--almost everything here, no matter how dangerous, is aesthetically pleasing. Gaze at the fields of soft, untouched snow, the evergreens glimmering with icicles so elaborate that you would have sworn they were carved by artists, and the aurora borealis that dance through the sky like omens of a better life. This is the home of Regina, the Silver Reindeer, who is…just your average reindeer!

Travel tip: Pack light but warm! Bring lots of high-protein snacks--we recommend grubs! Regina is the guardian of Hoof!

Though Regina looks so noble so as to be unapproachable, she is actually very friendly, and loves showing newcomers around her land. She lives in a mansion (nobody said reindeer weren’t materialistic!) that she named Jökull, the Old Norse word for ice. It is a place of good cheer, where the super-sweet juice of the local Winter Black Cherry flows year-round (delicious over ice or warmed up!). Zephyra loves to spend her holidays here.

Travel tip: Examine Regina closely when she walks. Three of her feet are shod in beautiful mother-of-pearl horseshoes that glimmer when she walks, but the fourth bears only a rusty horseshoe. Look closely at that horseshoe. I think you know what it is. Don’t you?

Regina will warn you about the forest of blue juniper trees that look so appealing and smell like Christmas on a platter. This is the Decoy Forest, and its pull is strong. When you walk through it--which you should never do--you will see what you want to see. Lost loves will cry out to you from the trees. Your mother, as a teenager, may appear, begging you to be her friend. Ignore them all. Have another mug of Winter Black Cherry cider. Enjoy your stay.

Travel tip: The pull of the Decoy Forest? B.I.G. feels it, too. When Cornelia Hornshaw stares into the Forest, she sees an image of the Fourth Power. But she still doesn’t know where it’s located. She’s heading there now, though. Will anybody stop her?

submitted by FAFA Intelligence, Bog & Burrow Inn
(January 4, 2017 - 12:58 pm)

Let me remind you Elliot, that for the longest time, I was scum too. I would steal and kill and do anyones dirty work as long as it let me eat for another day and kept a roof over my head. Mina was an assassin for the longest time, even before she was ravage. Before either of us were in the Resistance or the Mutant Army, we were pickpockets, cutthroats, assassins and scum. And we chose to do that. Alexandria did not have a choice.

My little sister was stolen from her cradle at birth and there was nothing I could do about it. It isn't her fault she is a pawn in Catastrophe's horrid, horrid game. She had no choice.

So everyone else can go and save Icy. WHo knows, maybe I'll tag along for a bit. But I'm a going to save my sister, because when the rest of your family has been murdered before your eyes, you do everything in your power to try to glue together whatever broken fragments you have left. 

Of course, few of you have felt that. Or have you?

submitted by shadow, age 13
(January 23, 2017 - 6:10 am)

Icy just cut all ties with the Resistance, didn't she? That indicates she doesn't want our help.

submitted by Viola?@Elliot, age Secret, Secret
(January 23, 2017 - 8:38 am)

Because everyone deserves a second chance. :-)

submitted by Anwen@Elliot
(January 23, 2017 - 9:01 am)

We can save BOTH Elliot!

Everyone deserves to be forgiven and a chance!

*Alex R is remembering Heather.* 

submitted by Alex R@Elliot, age 14
(January 23, 2017 - 9:10 am)

Wait, why do we need to save Icy? I had no idea she was in danger....

submitted by Anwen
(January 23, 2017 - 2:48 pm)

She went to save the Powers, who were captured and bound with glass chains filled with Brazen Goo, but Catastrophe showed up.

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(January 24, 2017 - 11:30 am)

It's on the Tale: Two Kyngdoms thread.

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(January 24, 2017 - 11:35 am)

I dont now what is going on. But I do now that letting somone die is not the right thing. She deserves a secand chance I am not saying we should trust her but a live is a powerfull thing, and I belive that anyone can change if you give them a chance.

submitted by Lia M @Elliot
(January 23, 2017 - 9:37 am)

It'll hurt shadow and Poe if she dies, and I think she might switch over to the Resistance if she lives.

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(January 23, 2017 - 4:50 pm)

I'm creating a new character named Quill Aspen. She's a Resistance medic. Shadow's healing powers are amazing and helpful, but I think we need an extra set of hands with medical knowledge and surgical skills with more fighting going on lately. I'll create a charrie sheet soon.


I clutch my satchel tightly to my coat as I trudge through the snow, heading for the base. Mina said that they would be in that area, and she gave me a small device where they were. Pretty soon, the signals get closer, and I can see the faint outline of people standing around.

"Who's there?" a voice suddenly calls out.

"That you, Quill?" I hear Mina ask.

I clear my threat. "It is."

I step to where they are and Mina smiles.

"Everyone, this is Quill Aspen. She's the Resistance's medic." 

"Right," a girl with wings says. She turns to Mina. "Why...?"

"If Alexandria or Gabria are damaged in any way, and fighting will be following us..."

The girl with wings nods. "Oh okay. I'm Shadow, that's Trillian, and that's Sprocket."

I nod. "I brought food."

Then suddenly, they all surround me like vultures.  

submitted by Mina
(January 23, 2017 - 4:25 pm)

Might I remind you that you were "possesed," by Jaaws, and you created much destruction and death, but we still accepted you back in. Alexandria is no exception, as she has never known another path.

submitted by Mina@Elliot
(January 23, 2017 - 6:08 pm)


I completely agree. Elliot, I think you need to be more accepting. Remember what I used to be like? I think I was a close second to Alexandria, and you accepted me into your army. Maybe we could split into two groups? One for Alexandria and one for Icy? 

submitted by Sprocket
(January 23, 2017 - 7:03 pm)

I am truly sorry, I had no idea that Alexandria was stolen like that. I think we should save her.

submitted by Elliot
(January 23, 2017 - 7:25 pm)

Aw, isn't that beautiful? The Resistance setting out to rescue a girl that has killed many of them, and probably doesn't appreciate them. What next, you'll try to turn Poe Allen to your side? Ha!

Do remember that Alexandria has a bomb in her arm. One wrong move from any of you, BOOM! Perfect, don't you think? I am having too much fun. 

Call me a sick monster if you want, but I have no problem killing a little girl if it means getting to the rest of you.

But this is all a game to me, so I will give you a little riddle to make this more fun:

Shadow's sister that you seek

Has suddenly turned fragile and meek

If you want to truly save her  

Find a way to wager

On whether or not you can get the bomb out

Just in time so you won't all shout

When it goes off and you stand helpless

As your little sister, Shadow, is blown to pieces

At this point, Resistance, you will face many obstacles. One more word of advice: Be careful who you trust. 

Oh, and Shadow: Alexandria told me to tell you to remember and think back to when your parents taught you the "crow song." I don't know, she's a little out of whack right now. I'm sorry! It's not my fault that we had to give her some stuff to keep her down. 

submitted by Alissa/Rigg
(January 23, 2017 - 8:58 pm)
submitted by Alissa/Rigga
(January 23, 2017 - 8:59 pm)