Kyngdom Survival Guide

*A Travel Guide

Chatterbox: KYNGDOM™ Power of Hoof

*A Travel Guide

*A Travel Guide to Northwest Kyngdom That is Totally Not Top Secret and Has Nothing to Do with Anything Important

So you want to take a trip to Northwest Kyngdom? Wonderful! Pack your bags, grow an extra layer of fur, and hop onto the Badger Express, the high-speed badger-drawn train that will carry you northward.

Travel tip: The Badger Express has a wonderful dining car that serves a creamy, piping-hot soup called Pinesüppe: root vegetables simmered for hours with pine needles and topped off with a rich drizzle of sap.

Once you disembark, take a moment to notice how your breath turns into an intricately-patterned fog in the air. There is a magic to northwest Kyngdom that no one can explain--almost everything here, no matter how dangerous, is aesthetically pleasing. Gaze at the fields of soft, untouched snow, the evergreens glimmering with icicles so elaborate that you would have sworn they were carved by artists, and the aurora borealis that dance through the sky like omens of a better life. This is the home of Regina, the Silver Reindeer, who is…just your average reindeer!

Travel tip: Pack light but warm! Bring lots of high-protein snacks--we recommend grubs! Regina is the guardian of Hoof!

Though Regina looks so noble so as to be unapproachable, she is actually very friendly, and loves showing newcomers around her land. She lives in a mansion (nobody said reindeer weren’t materialistic!) that she named Jökull, the Old Norse word for ice. It is a place of good cheer, where the super-sweet juice of the local Winter Black Cherry flows year-round (delicious over ice or warmed up!). Zephyra loves to spend her holidays here.

Travel tip: Examine Regina closely when she walks. Three of her feet are shod in beautiful mother-of-pearl horseshoes that glimmer when she walks, but the fourth bears only a rusty horseshoe. Look closely at that horseshoe. I think you know what it is. Don’t you?

Regina will warn you about the forest of blue juniper trees that look so appealing and smell like Christmas on a platter. This is the Decoy Forest, and its pull is strong. When you walk through it--which you should never do--you will see what you want to see. Lost loves will cry out to you from the trees. Your mother, as a teenager, may appear, begging you to be her friend. Ignore them all. Have another mug of Winter Black Cherry cider. Enjoy your stay.

Travel tip: The pull of the Decoy Forest? B.I.G. feels it, too. When Cornelia Hornshaw stares into the Forest, she sees an image of the Fourth Power. But she still doesn’t know where it’s located. She’s heading there now, though. Will anybody stop her?

submitted by FAFA Intelligence, Bog & Burrow Inn
(January 4, 2017 - 12:58 pm)

Shadow and I sneak through the alley ways of Sky City. 

Quick recap: We practically jumped into a ship and flew here, landing somewhere. Luckily, a Resistance member had stuck a tracker on Alexandria's New Republic pin, and so we knew exactly where she was.

Anyway, we sneak through until we see a blonde head in the middle of a crowd. Slowly, we walk up behind her, and careful not to touch her arm, Shadow taps her shoulder.

She whips around, and her eyes gradually widen.


While they embrace, I look around for a route back to the ship.

"Hate to break this up," I interrupt. "But we need to get you out of here and the bomb out of here fast."

Shadow looks at me and nods. "Quill's in SailHaven, along with the rest of the Resistance. We can get back to there and get you some help, Alexandria. You okay with that?"

She shrugs. "I'll check out the Resistance for a change."

I nod, and we begin to walk back to the ship.

"Oh, and we got the word that you'll be meeting someone else there too," I say to Alexandria, then smiling evily at Shadow.

Shadow realises and nods.

"What?" Alexandria asks.

"Your boyfriend," Shadow says in a sing-songy voice.

Alexandria punches Shadow and we all walk back to the ship, laughing. 

submitted by Mina
(January 26, 2017 - 9:50 pm)

"You know," I say to Alexandria, "Word's going round that you and Poe-Allen are actually dating. You've even been given a couple name; Allenxandra."

She blushes a deep shade of crimson, but soon regains control.

"What about your boyfriend, huh?' she teases, "That boy who worked for BIG when the SOCS gained control, the one who rescued you from your cell? Very romantic. Then apparently he proffessed his love at the Cave Inn."

"I knew from the start he liked her," Mina continues, joining in on the fun, "It was obvious, the way he acted. And she liked him to, at least subconsciously. She asked me to spare his life."

"No! No way!" Giggles Alexandria, "I thought those were just rumours, 'cause how could my guarded older sister ever fall for anyone, especially a boy who worked for BI-"

"His name's Jake," I say, "And nothing serious is going on between us."

"But something is! I see how you two look at each other-"

"Oh look, the ship!" I shout, maybe a little louder than I should have

"Okay, we'll drop the subject-"

"For now."

We board the large aircraft, a blimb that seems like it could be as big as Sailhaven itself. 

"Where did we get the money for this?" Asks Mina

"Agirl, Lilly of Lamour Esatate. Rich family, enjoys funding rebels."

submitted by shadow, age 13
(January 27, 2017 - 6:29 am)

Like I posted before, I missed the train, so I'm walking.

submitted by Star, age 10, Portland OR
(January 27, 2017 - 1:26 pm)

I am on the train, finally. Hang on- what is a HUMAN doing here?

submitted by Star, age 10, Train-Finally!
(January 27, 2017 - 1:28 pm)

Hey Hazel, what are the Elites doing right now?

submitted by Trixie W.
(January 27, 2017 - 5:57 pm)


Where am I? What is this place?

I was home, asleep..... woken up, running..... From what? I silently ask myself. And who am I? I get up off the ground and look around. I seem to be in a strange building. That's strange. I wonder if there's anyone else here. 

"H-hello?" I say, tentatively, into the darkness. "Is anyone there?"

There's only one way to find out. I walk towards the door, and put my hand on the doorknob, when it flies open, sending me backwards.Three girls who appear to be about my own age come in. I try to hide, but my bright red hair is a dead giveaway.

"Who are you?" one girl asks.

I rack my brain, trying to remember.......I don't know my real name..... Aha! one memory..... My father, calling me 'my little microchip'

"Microchip" I say "Who are you?"

"There will be time for that later. We have to get out of here!"

"But-" I start to say.

"No buts" says she "Come on!"  

And so, I am being dragged through a floating steampunk city by three strange girls. What a way to spend a Saturday!


Sorry if I controlled anyone's charrie too much. Top! 

submitted by Microchip
(January 28, 2017 - 8:12 am)

@Trixie--I think we're preparing to go into the forest and look for Jaaws.

submitted by Hazel C.
(January 28, 2017 - 5:19 pm)

Jaaws is the SAME OLD evil dragon she always was; no confusing plots about her anymore! Right now she's wreaking havoc on the decoy forest...


I decide to try a little experiment.

Mustering a small bit of power, I approach a nearby tree. It towers over the forest floor, its bark rotting off its trunk. I walk around it a few times, pushing it with my tail. Then I blow a bit of fire onto it and watch the mold spread.

Suddenly, a whisp peels itself off of the tree. It takes the form of Claaws and dances away, taunting me.

Another whisp slides off the bark like dripping water. It's the Crown. Even as I watch, it rolls to the ground and wobbles farther and farther away, disappearing down a hill.

More decoys emerge from the dead tree until I shred it to pieces in frustration. So these decoys are not impressionable. I cannot control them nor their source. It's interesting, the many different types of magic here in Kyngdom.

I hear a twig snap behind me. I whip my head around and see a small, black and white mouse stumbling across the pine straw. It looks like its barely alive anymore, its eyes dull and grey and its fur falling off in patches.

I probe into her mind and glean enough information to learn that she passed through a hotel where there was a gathering of the Resistance. Then, of course, the forest lured her away, and she was left to ponder what the gathering was about.

I shrug and send a wave of evil into her mind, almost without thinking. I flick her away, then rise into the air.

submitted by Jaaws
(January 28, 2017 - 5:40 pm)


There is one way to control the Decoy forest...One and only one way.

The Winter Key.

And the only person/animal that controls this key...

Well, if you really want to know, go check out what I've been posting. If you don't want to, here's a quick summary of the Key...

The Key looks like a small flute charm that when spun, changes into a full length silver flute.  It varies in power (like how far you are from the Decoy forest,) and can control what visions people see in the forest.

Just wanted to point that out.

I wonder who has the key..*cough cough*


submitted by MoonRacer, age 12.99
(January 28, 2017 - 7:17 pm)

@MoonRacer: Um, not to be rude, but that's bordering OP. I think your charrie is great, but there are some things in Kyngdom that just stay the way they are without being controlled. I don't nessacarily think that there can be a key for everything. I'm sorry if this sounded offensive, I just wanted to tell you. Again, your charrie is great. 

submitted by Someone@MoonR.
(January 28, 2017 - 10:33 pm)

I think it's fine as long as it controls the forest only, and when not used the forest stays evil. 

submitted by Icy
(January 29, 2017 - 10:46 am)

Yup. Thats what the Key does.

Just only control the forest.

And nothing else.


*Winks again*


submitted by MoonRacer, age 12.99
(January 29, 2017 - 9:52 pm)

I think the forest shouldnt be able to be controlled. For one thing, we'd be changing a Admin-created thing, for another I feel like it destroys the entire point of the forest. The forest shows you what you most want, and ther's nothing you can do about it. The reason it drives you crazy is that it shows you what you eant but caan't have, and it never stops showing you until you leave. I hope this is clear, I'm having trouble putting my thoughts into words.

submitted by Someone Else @MoonR
(January 30, 2017 - 10:55 am)

Hmm, I kinda agree there.

What if you were granted immunity by holding the key or something?  Like,  it clears your mind of the decoys.  

submitted by Icy
(January 30, 2017 - 5:19 pm)

I'd like to address all of your points (politely).

For one, the Admins seemed pretty fine with the Winter Key. In truth, it is their decision wether or not the Key is okay, and im not going to take that choice away. On another hand, it's not destroying the entire point of the forest. I get the whole  "it's a sentiment being that cannot be controlled" idea, but I just thought it might advance the plot if you can control the forest. I get the point well, and I just wanted the Decoy forest not just to be there for no reason other than a devious bunch of trees. If you're really upset about this issue, then that's fine, I'll just say the key is a figment of moon's imagination. Another solution Could be to just say the key hasn't been used in a long time and that the forest awoke just now when I found it. I mean, all I tried to do was advance the plot and now people are just annoyed. So in truth, I think that while I did respect all of your points I still think otherwise. The key also has its limits too! I still think it's cool and really want it to be a part of the story, but thanks for your concerns. 

What a great debate! 


submitted by MoonRacer, age 12.99
(January 30, 2017 - 5:26 pm)