(Shall we start?)

Chatterbox: KYNGDOM™ Archive

(Shall we start?)

(Shall we start?)


Trill sighed. She was standing near her bed in her dormitory room. She had three pictures of the Cypher wheel spread out in front of her. "Which one should I bring to the meeting place tonight?" she muttered. Shrugging, she picked them all up and tossed them into a bark and felt shoulder bag, along with some notes and papers. She was now ready for the night.

Trill sighed again and picked up a WWI codes book to wait until nightfall. 

submitted by Trill W., age 12, B.I.G. Dorm
(February 2, 2016 - 6:33 pm)


As soon as Giniva walked away, I ran in the opposite direction, towards the boy's dormitories. My shoes squeaked against the floor as I ran down the hallway, through the door at its end, up the stairway, and into the dorms. Now, lying on the white sheets of my twin bed, I catch my breath. Laria Jakle can not find me here. She isn't violent, but she would want revenge.

Old memories swim inside my head of the few short weeks I'd spent working on the Cypher. I had been spying the whole time. One lonely winter night, Laria caught me communicating with B.I.G.

"How could you!" Laria yells. Panicked, I run my hands through my hair, dropping the communications device. Both of us drop to our knees. Both of our hands close over the tiny screen. Her palms are hot with rage; my fingers are cold and pallid.

"You've got the wrong idea... I'm spying-" I start.

"On us!" Laria rips the device from my grip, trying to access it. 

"No! For-er-us!" I lie. Laria looks up at me with her big violet eyes. She trusts me. I feel sick to my stomach. Laria nods, apologizes, and walks away. 3 weeks later, I betray her, Dr. Sheepshank, and the entire Cypher orginazation. Who wouldn't want revenge?  

submitted by Seth S.
(February 12, 2016 - 7:33 pm)

No problem! ;-)


Atter Trill welcomed Tani, she shut the door softly. A few minutes later, she got up and unlocked the door again for Laria. Then we all sat on the bed. "Quickly," Trill whispered. "We haven't much time. I believe we are the only spies inside B.I.G There are a LOT of non spies here, so be careful what you say. FaFA meets Monday's and Thursday's at the clearing in the woods. Any questions?" Trill looked from one pale face to the other. They both looked slightly confused. "Right." Trill sighed, and proceeded to go through it again.

submitted by Trill W., age 12, B.I.G. Dorms
(February 13, 2016 - 9:13 am)


I fly until I touch down safely in my hollow. Tucking my head under my wing, I try to sleep, but I keep on thinking of my failed mission; the reason why Capense refuses to raise me to the First Order of Stealth. I pull my thoughts away, but not before the memory of the shrill, terror-filled which split the starless night replays over and over inside my head. 

submitted by Rose bud
(February 12, 2016 - 7:44 pm)

*cry. I forgot the word cry. Tongue out

submitted by Rose bud
(February 13, 2016 - 9:06 am)


After I'd come the night before, another spy, Laria, had joined us, and Trill had gone over all the procedures. FAFA meeting dates and B.I.G. procedures were drilled into our heads, and by the end of the night, I was relatively confident about spying. But that all dropped away when I was stirred from sleep by the bright lights coming on in the dorm. I had twisted and turned in the bed, and when I woke, I was tired and bleary. Students started to walk out of the dorm in droves. I sat up, brushed back my tangled hair, and slowly started to redo the braided side.

Trill walked past me, and whispered, "Breakfast in the main hall in ten. Then pick a branch of science to study and stick with that group." She was gone before I could blink.

When I walked into the main hall, rows of tables had been set up, swarming with people. I quickly grabbed a tray, went through the tables of food and grabbed a couple pieces of toast. I sat down at the nearest table across from two girls. Remember, be careful what you say.

"Hi!" one girl chirped as soon as I took a bite of toast.

"Mmph..hi." I said awkwardly.

"So whatcha here for?" the other girl said.

"Biochemistry," I said automatically. I'd decided that was the science I wanted to go after, since there'd been a couple books I'd read about it.

"Sweet. Me too," said the first girl. She kept up conversation with the second girl until a voice broke out over the loudspeaker. "Scientists, please report to your studying stations. Scientists, please report to your studying stations."

I followed the first girl down the hall labeled "biochemistry." It led into a large classroom covered by a glass dome. The girl and I sat down at one of the tables. When a student had filled every table, a stern-looking teacher walked into the room.

"Greetings," he said. "I am Professor Vernon Mileva. I'll be leading you through your lessons. First, you'll have to give me your full names and ages so I can check with your attendance in the B.I.G. records."

I'd been told to use all my real information, since that's what had been faked and put into the B.I.G. database. The professor went along students until he got to me.

"Name?" he droned.

"Uh, Serenity Vale."


I panicked. Truth is, I don't know my age. I was six when my father left me, but since then, I haven't kept track of the years, birthdays either. I could be anywhere from twelve to fourteen, but I've noticed older kids usually get more respect, so I gave the age I usually do.


The professor frowned and looked down at his tablet. I crossed my fingers.

"Ah, yes. Next?"

Phew. I wiped my forehead with the back of my hand.

"Serenity?" the girl next to me said, smiling. "What a pretty name!"

"Yeah, well, usually Serenity is everything I'm not, so I go by Tani instead." I laughed slightly, and extended my hand.

"Freya Lamarr," the girl said, and shook my hand.

Am I supposed to make friends? I think so. Friends lead to information, right? How can all these people not know they're being used? The lesson starts, and the professor starts to talk, but I can't focus. 

Let's just hope I can get this spying deal down.

submitted by Tani V., age 14ish, Tatooine
(February 13, 2016 - 12:15 pm)

Sorry that was pretty long :p

Also, Prof. Mileva and Freya are pretty much backgroud charries I created for the sake of plot, so anybody can use them if they need random extras. 

submitted by Tani V., age 14ish, Tatooine
(February 13, 2016 - 1:44 pm)

Lol let's hope Trill wasn't too hard on you guys! ;-)


Trill stared straight ahead in her seat in Mechanics class. She tried hard to hear every word the professor said, but her mind kept frolicking away. After class she sighed with relief and headed to lunch. Near the end of the day, when classes were over, she was on her bed sketching out a map of B.I.G.(See FOR FAFA:SKETCHING) when she heard a tentative knock on the door. Frenzied, Trill threw the map and pencils into her bark bag and shoved the bag under the bag. "Come in!" She called softly, picking up a textbook and trying to calm her pounding heart. She looked up.  "Oh. Hi Freya." Trill sighed inwardly, glad she had picked up the mat. She didn't think Freya was a spy, but you never could tell. "What's up?" Trill asked, trying to appear nonchalant. She moved the textbook over for Freya to sit. Freya entered the room, closing the door behind her. "Not much. I just wanted to know if you had met Serenity. She goes by Tani though." Trill's heart sped up again. "Well, I've seen her around. We talked a little, though I wouldn't say we've been 'formally introduced.'" Freya's eyes narrowed ever so slightly with suspicion, but Trill saw it. "Earlier this morning? You saw me whisper to her? All I said was pick a class and stick with it. Just friendly newcomer advice." Trill forced herself to smile calmly. "Really?" Freya said. She picked at the black bedspread, a standard for all dorms. "Oh that's right." Trill's heart slowed down with relief. Then Freya looked at her. "I just imagined I heard voices behind your door last night. Somethings cpgoing on around here. Spill it." Trill widened her eyes.


She was caught. 



I hope you didn't mind me using Freya that much. Also, could someone kinda help me out here?! 

submitted by Trill W., age 12, B.I.G. Mechanics Class"
(February 13, 2016 - 10:03 pm)

Oh no! I've created a monster lol. (And no problem, using Freya)


I was walking back to my dorm at the end of the day. I was tired and stressed, and honestly all I wanted to do was get a little sleep. But my energy spiked up once I heard the conversation going on. Those wereen't just any voices; one was Freya, the bubbly girl I'd met in Biochem, but her voice was sharp. And the other was...Trill?

Very softly, I opened the door. Out of the frying pan and into the fire.

"Tani!" Freya said accusingly once my head was visible. I said, "Uh, hi, Freya!" I said back, trying to make myself seem unknowing. "Wh-whatcha doing talking to Trill for?"

"Haha! You do know her!" Freya grinned like the Cheshire cat. Something's not right. She's on to us.

Trill shot me a look that said, talk.

"Of course I know Trill!" I said, using my best "Captain Obvious" tone of voice. "You saw her whispering to me this morning, right? She was the only one in this dorm to tell me where to go! If she hadn't I would have probably gotten lost. But sheesh, Freya, why is that so important?"

"There's something going on," Freya said, her eyes narrowing, looking back and forth at us.

"Yeah, well, you can say hasta la vista to any friendship we had going if you think this imaginary 'something' is enough to come in and mess with the only other closest-thing-to-a-friend I have here!" I opened the door and motioned out. "Bye."

Freya, looking bewildered, but still with the accusing look in her eye, walked slowly out.

"I'm watching you two." she said, then pushed the door shut.

"Whew." Trill said, flopping onto her back on the bed. "Thanks."

"No problem. I'm good at talking out of things. But is Freya somebody we should really worry about now? Does she know too much or should I try and patch up whatever friendship she thought we had?" I sat on the bed, out of breath.

Trill sat pensively. "We'll see." 

submitted by Tani V., age 14ish, Tatooine
(February 14, 2016 - 11:03 am)

Phew! Thanks for the rescue! Lol-you didn't make a monster. I did! >_< This story section is literally giving me chills! Boy, that was close.

Also, I just realized-I think its funny that it seems like Trill is taking charge, because she's younger(I think;-)) then Tani! 


Trill sighed. After that close encounter, she knew she had to be a bit more careful about what she did and said. "We'll see." Trill answered in response to Tani's question. "Tonight is a meeting. Be prepared. Be careful. Don't give Freya any more ideas then she needs." Trill shivered. Now, there was nothing to do but wait. 


That night, Trill waited until midnight, then slipped out of her room.  As she tiptoed past Freya's room, she heard the sounds of heavy breathing. Holding her breath with relief, Trill continued down the corridor. Finally, she was able to slip out the back door. Trill then fled to the clearing, only to realize she had forgotten her bag!! Trill kicked at the loose gravel in the clearing, scolding herself for not checking. Just then, Tani arrived. She had her bag! Trill grabbed it. "Thank you! You just saved me!" She smiled. Then, as the animals and other humans arrived, she pulled out the map she had been drawing. Trill waited, but Laria didn't come. Becoming anxious, she suggested they start. She would tell Laria all about it tomorrow. Then, while some animal was talking, Trill thought she heard breathing behind a tree. She motioned for quiet. Then slowly, without making any noise, crept to the tree that she heard it from. Please don't let it be Freya, she pleaded silently. When she crept behind the tree, she saw-


Yall decide! What does Trill see behind the tree? 

submitted by Trill W., age 12 , B.I.G. Dorms
(February 14, 2016 - 1:53 pm)

I'll make a post at the bottom. I don't think we need the post to be thinner. 

submitted by Storm Windwhisperer
(February 14, 2016 - 3:04 pm)

Tani's age is up for debate, so let's say they're around the same (only now she's officially 14 according to B.I.G.), and Tani is a pretty clueless spy haha! She's getting there - I'm glad she remembered the bag. And that was close! wasn't sure how we were going to get out of it! :D Also, ooh, Freya's becoming a good villain.

If nobody minds, I'm gonna take that behind-the-tree prompt and say--


I was immersed in the meeting with the slew of agents and animals that surrounded me, studying Trill's sketched map. 

Suddenly, Trill motioned for everyone to go quiet. She stepped silently towards a tree. I did the same, approaching it from the opposite side so whoever or whatever was behind it couldn't escape.

I only saw a thin shadow of a person before they started running.

Immediately, my instincts kicked in, and I bolted after the shadow. They were fast - almost superhuman - and even though I'd been running around forests for years, I was starting to lose them. With a last kick of adrenaline, I sped up and threw myself on the shadow.

Thump! We both went down with the force of the tackle. I hooked my arms around the shadow's torso, trying to keep them still, but they slipped out of my reach. Still on the ground, I swung my leg, tripping the shadow. They stumbled, and pulled out a cylindrical device. They pointed it at my legs and I felt them go numb.

I almost yelled out, but I clamped my mouth shut when I remembered this meeting was supposed to stay secret. I heard soft footsteps come through the undergrowth, and Trill emerged. "Tani! What happened?"

"It was a person for sure, couldn't see their face, but - ah!" I tried to push myself up and felt pain shooting through my leg. "They pointed something at my legs, and now I can't move 'em."

Trill helped me up. I tried to straighten my legs, but in vain - they wouldn't do anything. "Wait a minute." Trill said, setting me back down. She dashed through the trees back in the direction of the camp.

I lay in the scratchy dirt and stared up at the dark trees.


So what's Trill getting? Who's "the shadow" and what was the device they had? I'll take Trill's lead and leave this for someone else to answer!



submitted by Tani V., age 14ish, Tatooine
(February 14, 2016 - 3:21 pm)

Can I come in here, cause no one's outside now. 


my CAPTCHA says dppp. I never noticed it could triple letters! 

submitted by Storm Windwhisperer
(February 14, 2016 - 11:49 am)

Sure! ;-)


lol me neither! 

submitted by Trill W., age 12, B.I.G. Dorms
(February 14, 2016 - 1:34 pm)

Storm looks at his notebook again, examining the new letter (see my second post) that he got some days ago. He goes into his forge room and using tongs, he moved the rock over the hot coals. The rock turned red, and Storm, agian using the tongs, moved it to the other end of the room in his hollow. He quickly opened his ipad mini 2 and examined the diagrams, adjusting the rock to look like the diagrams. The ipad mini 2 was lost from it's human owner, and Storm found it by the Labatory and is still learning the advanced technology of it. Back to his hollow, Storm pecked a bit on one side of the rock, and left it to cool. The rock was a replica of the Power of Wing. He found the diagrams at cypher labs, and took pictures of the diagrams with the ipad. Back in the hollow agian, Storm decided to fly out and search for BIG spies for information. He'll need it to probably adjust his plan that he shared on Cricket(see the forum named ATTENTION ALL GROUP PLAN MEMBERS). Someone can put me in a post when outdoors.

submitted by Storm Windwhisperer
(February 13, 2016 - 8:00 pm)

Hi! Just starting this so I would appreciate if somebody corrected my mistakes (if any).


I clicked open my stop watch. 7:12, The meeting starts in a hour and eighteen minutes. I close the watch slowly, and rub the intricate symbols with my finger. Then I remember I have to be early.

I got dressed in my new uniform, pulled my blue hair back in a high, spikey, hair pony. I put my hat on, laced my shoes. Turning to my desk I rummaged through my notes, Mr.Sheepshank had me decode a letter we intercepted. 

Now it's not where I left it. 

Stacks of papers were around the room, how could I possibly find one paper! "Curses," I whispered as I noticed a note on my windowsill. It had muddy paw prints all over it and it read "Missing anything?" I growled and stomped down the hallway. Late means locked out of the meeting office, and that means I could get overthrown. The office door was open, waiting. I walked in, sat down, and the person beside me snickered.

"No notes?" she asked

"Nope," I replied. Mr. Sheepshank and his assistants walked in and I straightened up in my seat. He sat at the head of the table and began to address matters. 

Then it was my turn. I gulped.

"Did you decode the message we got from the crow?" Mr.Sheepshank asked.

"No sir, sorry sir," I began. "I found this in my room." I pulled the note from my windowsill out of my Pocket and handed it to him. He read it then gave it back.

"Z, after the meeting you and I are going to have a talk."

"Yes sir." 


I will post a pic of Z tomorrow.  

submitted by MapleSyurp
(February 13, 2016 - 10:10 pm)