Chat Thread (Silver

Chatterbox: In This Month's Issue

Chat Thread (Silver

Chat Thread (Silver Crystal, Jaybells, and Blackfooted Bobcat) :DDDDDD

Eeee I'm so excitedddd :DDD I'll post more when this comes up ^_^ I already have some stuff written so hopefully I won't forget at least XD

Also if my location says "watching *a ballet*", I'm probably actually watching it because I'm constantly watching one XD I've been watching Swan Lake pretty much all day with my Jellycats :P 

submitted by Blackfooted Bobcat, age watching, Swan Lake!!! :D
(November 11, 2023 - 6:09 pm)

Yeah, I totally get what you're saying about trans white people taking nonwhite names after transitioning... and it's like, obviously it's well within their rights and I don't want to tell people what to do, but it still feels kind of icky.

A lot of my complaints about white people and East Asian culture has to do with when people cross the line from 'respecting/admiring someone else's culture' to something more intrusive. Saw a video yesterday about white people using makeup to make themselves look Asian which is soo strange to me. I have a lot of Issues with the K-pop industry as a whole which I won't go into and those aren't the fault of white people but they certainly can be weird about it sometimes. I think Western standards of beauty have a huge impact on Asian culture, especially women. There's a reason why Seoul is the plastic surgery capital of the world- about 1 in 5 Korean women have the double-eyelid surgery to make their eyes look bigger and more 'white'. I know some fully Korean women I know have expressed jealousy because my eyes are naturally bigger due to my white mother. It's all very messed up.

I'm afraid that although my grandma's family lived in Hawaii for a while, they moved back to Korea before she was born so I didn't retain any cultural stuff. A lot of them left to go back to Hawaii after the war started, but she couldn't because she wasn't born there (yeah, they left their 13 year old orphan sister to take care of two younger siblings while escaping North Korea... not great). I went to Hawaii last summer, though, and it was soooo amazing! It's just soo much natural beauty everywhere and I had such a good time. Plus, I fit right in with all the other mixed Asian people there.

I think I might be a she/her gay too?? Honestly it's pretty up in the air rn but I think I'm like if a girl was gay but was also aroace but also was maybe not. It's a little confusing lmao

I'm going to feel silly asking this because I'm sure you've said this before, but what pronouns do you use? You mentioned he/she in this post but any neos I should know about? I'm sorry that you're always with your parents who seem to be into gender roles and not super into being an ally. I'm super lucky to live in an area where pretty much half my school is queer and it's totally normalized to the point where I sometimes forget that it's not like that for some people, which kind of sucks (I just had Thanksgiving dinner with my mom's side of the family and counting me, my bi aunt, the two lesbian couples, and my godfather and his husband I think the queers outnumbered everyone else lol). 

Ok gtg, hope you have a great Thanksgiving guys!! 

submitted by Silver Crystal, age Infinity, Milky Way
(November 22, 2023 - 10:59 pm)

Ohmygosh the "I think I'm like if a girl was gay but was also aroace but also was maybe not. It's a little confusing" I FELT THAT IN MY SOUL- 

Also we live in a pretty small place rn and so there's kind of a small pool of queers so like... idk you only have a couple, if any, people who are definitely/openly queer and in your age group which makes things kind of awkward and iffy dating-wise sometimes. Like I don't really use social media but I'm kinda glad I've moved around so much and can still keep basic contact with the people I do know (again, mostly queers) 'cause they're the support I don't get too much of from this current community.

Anyway, both times I dated it was queer-ish and we all had at least one parent we weren't gonna out ourselves to yet so it was kinda on the down-low/"we're just really good friends who do everything together" lol. People we know definitely suspected it both times, but idk nothing terrible happened, so it was alright. Both of them were a year or two years apart in age from me tbh and I kinda worried about that since we're all so young still. I did end up breaking it off both times for academic reasons and not really wanting to have to force a long-distance relationship while one of us was in college though. Kinda regretted it both times, but we talked about it a lot and agreed it was probably for the best.

submitted by Jaybells, Lost, somewhere
(November 30, 2023 - 1:18 am)

Oh my goodness I wrote out this whole long response and then the page refreshed before I could post it while I was figuring out the captcha... (TAT) Imma do my best to rewrite it.

As for the repurposing of other cultures' names, I definitely get how that could come off as cultural appropriation (although the whole concept is something I've struggled with understanding a bit). At the same time I can see how someone could do this without bad intentions (like they just want to sound like/be named after an anime character they admire, or something like that) without realising how that kind of makes it difficult for people of that culture to actually be taken seriously (particularly those who are a mixed/passing white person, or if they are online). I am kind of conflicted on this (especially because as a passing-white I get accused of this sometimes and am like, bro this is my birth name??? I'm sorry I look too white to have this traditionally/culturally significant name that doesn't match me??? (TAT)), but being bothered by it is completely valid too.

About that poem, of course I'm gonna comment -- you're a great poet!!! You clearly have so much to say and I literally love seeing you go off so much! You're literally not any worse than me, I literally just hyperfixate and need to get it out of my system, which is why I write so much lol. I lowkey have a bit of imposter syndrome and have convinced myself that I'm not really that good at poetry but I use so many fancy words and just write so much that people glance at it and assume it's high-quality. Like, a lot of times I look back at things I've written and just cringe, but idk that's a me problem. (>w<)

Finally, regarding that antagonist guy, I completely understand the worries about not having good representation, and to be honest, I'm not completely sure, but I'll try my best to explain why I think it's fine. Basically, it all comes down to complexity -- is his whole personality that he's mixed? In my mind, if that is the case, that would not be "good representation." In the same way that it's ok for villains to be queer-coded or neurodivergent or women or POCs, it is ok to have an under-respresented identity (such as a mixed race individual) being portrayed as in the wrong, as long as it is done tastefully and with respect. It is fine to have his conflicting feelings about being mixed/passing-white feed into his villainy, but they shouldn't be his sole flaw. You know what I mean? Like, it is fine to have a flamboyant and obviously queer character as antagonist, but don't make that the only reason why he* is evil, even if it is related (say he is outed, and people start to say he's morally bankrupt and judge/discriminate against his character unjustly because of this, picking him apart for the little things because of their biases against this part of him, and despite a lifetime of trying so hard to show he's literally just a regular person trying to do good, he eventually feels forced to give in and become the villain they paint him as). The scenario I described makes sense as an alright characterization -- it makes it clear that just because he has this trait doesn't make him an inherently "bad person," they are circumstances that make sense, and that humanizes him, but does not necesarily justify or define him. You could be a black woman and evil, but not because you are a woman or black -- it just so happens that you are part of those marganilised groups, and I feel that that fact should always be made very clear. I would also like to point out that the marginalised identity marker should not be exclusive to the villain. They really shouldn't be the only queer character against all of your cis-heteronormative/"normal" "good guys," for instance (that definitely sends the wrong message... looking at Disney... *ahem*), but token characters are also not great, so you've got to find a balance.

At the same time, I wouldn't necesarily force other characters into a similar identity in order to cater to "good representation" to compensate for a "bad" character. As long as said character are not demonised and stripped of compassion simply for belonging to a marginalised group, there is no need for that anyway. Just because (hypothetically) your "good guy" is a man doesn't mean you are being sexist, necesarily. Sometimes a dude could be right in a situation while a girl is wrong, but make it clear that the opposite is true as well, or show that it is more complex that just "right" and "wrong." It is not that men are inherently more right or wrong, but that in this given situation they are. You can show that even other members of their marginalised group don't agree with the villain, even if they understand where they are coming from (real life examples of this can be seen in African American history, for instance). Show that different characters have different opinions and values and beliefs based on their own experiences -- maybe one character will be like "well why can't you just do this to solve the problem," but another can point out how that really isn't possible or anywhere as easy as it sounds because of (insert reasons) -- character 1 is priviledged, so they didn't even consider that. That doesn't necesarily make them a bad person, being more priviledged, but can be twisted into a flaw if they don't fix their outlook and behaviour. On the other hand, it could result it character growth if they choose to start looking more sypathetically and with understanding rather than judgement or an "I know better than you" attitude (not that that is what they necesarily meant). Also, any stereotypes don't have to be true at all, but if almost everyone (especially those in power) in your world all subscribe to that belief, then be aware that it will have consequences and affect how your characters act and are acted upon. 

Anyway, sorry if that came across as bossy or anything, these are just tips and my own thoughts, of course! 

submitted by Jaybells, Lost, somewhere
(November 29, 2023 - 8:58 am)

@Admins, have you not posted Silver Crystal's post yet or is something happening on my end?

Not  posted  yet .  We're  holding  some  long  ones  till  the  end  of  the  long  holiday  weekend .  


submitted by Blackfooted Bobcat
(November 24, 2023 - 3:21 pm)

Am I correct in thinking Silver Crystal's post is still not posted? did something happen? is it still the long holiday weekend?

Yes, we still need to review it. We've been busy. Maybe Wednesday.


submitted by Blackfooted Bobcat
(November 28, 2023 - 8:11 pm)

Silver - even though your comment hasn't showed up yet I just want to say happy CBversary and I've really enjoyed talking with you and Jaybells :DDD

Also Jaybells, thanks for commenting on my poem :D I know I'm not as good of a poet as either of you, but it still means a lot. I think that poem says too much about my sleeping habits hehe... but my brain just does not shut off. 

I have a question for either of you but especially Jaybells. How do you find so much content for poetry?!?! part of it is that i have to be listening to ballet in order to do anything most of the time (special interests are better than ADHD meds XD Although ADHD meds basically made me have panic attacks all day (and I still took them because I was in public school and that was the only way I could even begin to function) and my doctor apparently might not think I have ADHD anymore because I hyperfocus a lot even though I can't control that and I can't do things the instant you put any pressure on it or I have to do it or etc etc. and also my mom really overexaggerates how okay things are in many many ways. I mean i'm homeschooled but we've basically given up on any school. So i'm even more behind than i already am. and i need to do school because i have to get into violin school but i don't even know if I'll be able to finish high school anyway because my math is like probably 4th or 5th grade max except for a few things and I'm barely even exaggerating and english is all the wrong things and my brain doesn't hold facts unless I'm hyperfocused on them. ugh. sorry for the rant) My brain is better at finding hundreds of story ideas I'll never get to use. and since I largely write rhyming poetry, it's hard to find stuff that has a decent meter and works with that. I've been trying to write more free verse because it's easier in that way, but it's hard to make the lines work well together. It doesn't help that my brain doesn't really add up and down movement to it so I'm never certain if that part is right. Anway. 

it also probably doesn't help that anything pleasant feels fake and pointless and then the rest of it hurts too much and I can't really make into words anway :'D but yeah, if you have ideas for getting more content that's great ^_^

submitted by Blackfooted Bobcat, age ballet!!!!, The Sleeping Beauty ^_^
(November 26, 2023 - 5:28 pm)

Ty BB!! I can't believe I've been here for three years, wow.

I disagree when you say that you're not as good a poet as me or Jaybells! I think your poems are lovely and you're the only one who can write them like you do. As for my poetry-writing process, I usually get one line/phrase in my head that I really like and craft the rest around it. I think it's really cool that you write rhyming poetry, that seems so much harder than the kind that I'm used to doing. I definintely don't write as much poetry as Jaybells, but it can be pretty fun and I enjoy it a lot (most of the time lol). My main advice for writing poetry is there are no rules and anything goes!

I'm sorry to hear about everything going on with your ADHD and schooling. I know little to nothing about homeschooling and honestly have no idea how it works, but it sounds pretty stressful. My dad and sister both have ADHD so I know a little more about that, and it can really make everyday things much more difficult. Sending love & support <333

It's just amazing how talented some people are at writing- like, how?? My girlfriend sent me a doc with a bunch of her writing today and I was just blown away at how amazing it was. (Now I'm all sad and stuff because I really want to see her but we live in different states and I'm trying to plan a time to see her but we're both so busy and her parents are lowkey homophobic so she hasn't told them about us... idk I just really want to hold her hand and go on dates etc. Makes me feel really not great idk :/) 

Anywaysss I hope your Thanksgivings all went great!! I'm soo not ready to go back to school tomorrow ughhhh 

submitted by Silver Crystal, age Infinity, Milky Way
(November 26, 2023 - 10:37 pm)

Oh my goodness this is so painfully relatable... I'm so sorry you have to go through this BB. (TAT) I was homeschooled for a long time but am finishing up in American highschool rn and AHHHHHHH ITS KILLING ME- (If it makes you feel better my friend Jwyn, now a Cornell student, is/was a fellow brilliant homeschooler-until-highschool and neurodivergent potato who stuggled a lot with work like us, and she seems to be doing alright out here. There's still hope! :') ) 

I was recently (officially) diagnosed with ADHD although I've basically always known and finally got a 504 accomodation plan set up but nobody seems to be taking it too seriously... I'm unmedicated for the ADHD and my mum (also has ADHD) says it would most likely help so much but idk because like I literally get panic attacks off of an inhaler so I might react really badly to them. Also, I'm switching meds for the whole depression and anxiety thing so I think they're trying to be careful, especially since I can get really bad really fast and have done kinda dangerous/risky things before and generally struggle immensely with basic facets of life when I start getting weird. I'm pretty sure I'm bipolar (my therapist thinks not, but my famiy also has an EXTENSIVE history with it...) but I'm not sure if it could be just the depression + ADHD working together and being a mess. 

I actually have been having a pretty rough time because I've been having unusually frequent episodes of psychosis and yeah that interferes a lot with daily functions. It's genuinely really scary (like I don't know why I think/experience things are the way they are, especially when I logically know they aren't/shouldn't be) and even though technically I know what's happening and what I'm supposed to do, I still kinda freak out in the moment. It can be really hard to talk about because first of all, I don't usually know exactly what is going on myself, but also because I'm really scared people will not take me seriously at all anymore. Like, I've seen what just being physically sick can do to people's perception of me, and already have had incidents to do with mental health/neurodivergence too, and it terrifies me to think that people will be able to completely dimiss me as a rational human worth listening to if I let them know how serious what is happening actually is.

Also, Silver, I'm sorry you have to keep things on the down-low. I know how sucky it can be to have homophobic parents, as well as worrying about the stance of a partner's parents and how they may react. It's tough, and I totally get how icky it can feel trying to act like you're "just really good friends" in public. Like it's so hard, especially as a touch-starved child to just not be sweet and cuddly and constantly be at least slightly clingy. Stay strong, hun, things'll get better soon. :/

Wait - please excuse the hyperactivity - but back to the light-hearted stuff --- WHAT IS WRONG WITH US WHY CAN WE ONLY COME UP WITH "hundreds of story ideas [we]'ll never get to use???" Like what do writers who actually write have that we don't? Why can't I just get all of the ideas out that I have in my head into a real, complete story? I literally have one huge, long doc filled purely with bullet-point ideas I want to write (I have a rule that I only write them down if I can fully explain the whole thought process around it in an attached comment, as to not articifially inflated the wordcount) and it's literally longer than anything else I've ever written; literally THOUSANDS of words.... Again, those are only the ones I deem worth writing down. :'(

submitted by Jaybells, Lost, somewhere
(November 29, 2023 - 9:56 am)

(sorry if the formatting comes out a little weird) Exactly!!! I have soo many ideas that I think of that I never really get to write down or when I do I realize that there are a ton of plot holes or it would be wayy too complicated to do. My longest creative writing project has been my Ski Lodge on here, which was around 20k words or something, but my non-CB projects rarely exceed a page and when they do they're never finished. I have my 5-hour long contest submissions workshop with my writing program this weekend and I'm lowkey panicking because all I have is poetry and the occasional flash fiction. It's just so weird how I lose steam or get bored or give up and can never seem to finish anything :/ I think the only reason I managed to get my Lodge done is because I knew I had people reading along and it added some accountability.

Thanks, Jay. I'm planning to go up to see her in January now, and I think it'll work out. We're going to facetime later today which always makes me feel better :)

You're so right about American high schools. For some reason I thought it would be a good idea to apply for the top public high school in my city, so now I'm constantly surrounded by academic pressure and everyone here is either the most annoying pretentious person ever or an academic burnout. It can feel like such a contest sometimes and it sucks. I get so many people lowkey judging me because I'm only in three AP courses this year.

It sucks that you have to worry about how people perceive you when you're already dealing with so much. There's so much stigma in our society about mental illness and how people with certain conditions are treated... ugh it's horrible. I hope you know we'll always be there to support you no matter what <333

submitted by Silver@Jaybells
(November 29, 2023 - 10:25 pm)

OH MY GOSH EVERYONE POSTED SO MUCH SO QUICKLY HOW XD Just responding to part of everything now ig

To be clear I’m totally fine with white passing people having clearly POC names and for that reason I’d be hesitant to call someone out on that unless I knew they were 100% white. I should have specified that. 

Thanks for your opinion on the white-passing antagonist. His main “thing” I guess is the villainy; basically he’s very good at mind games and using that to hurt other people, including the protagonists. So that by itself requires him to have a decent amount of development. (it’s more obvious how with more details but that gets beyond CB restrictions) i’m more worried about the token character thing, especially with the greater writing world. There (understandably, but often hurtfully and wrongly) can be a lot of hesitation about writing white passing BIPOC because a lot of people see it as a cop out, or because sometimes people will make characters more or less white-appearing out of colorism. 

An example of that would how basically every. Single. Mixed white/East Asian character has to have green/blue eyes, and usually not that many other defining POC traits. That’s completely fine, but it’s also a really big trend (at least with the books I’ve read) and like, I’ve spent large portions of my life wishing I had green eyes (and otherwise looked white) and so it has a lot of hurt behind it. So when I decided to give one of my mixed characters (the same one I was mentioning earlier, actually) green/blue/grey eyes, I was very hesitant. However, I’m definitely doing it, for reasons below. A lot of them mention other darker traits and I want to be fully clear that those are not necessary to be a “real” POC, that white-passing POC who have blonde hair and blue eyes and super pale skin absolutely need representation too, and that if I say anything wrong let me know. Also the character I’m mentioning is not white passing by any means, if that matters, so it’s not a representation of that at all. 

First off and most importantly, a lot of mixed people do have light eyes, and that’s perfectly fine and should be represented. But beyond that, the character actually has opinions about his eyes (first off how people can be really weird and “ooh exotic” or ask invasive questions or that sort of thing; second because they’re the same as his brother’s, who is really really cruel to him and he has to depend on). Also the other mixed character (while far more white-appearing overall) has darker brown eyes. Anyway, because of that, I feel perfectly fine doing that. This ties into the above thing because of the thing you were saying - that it often comes down to complexity. But also it’s about how the overarching writing world affects things - for instance, if it was normal for mixed White/Asians in books to look any number of different ways, I wouldn’t have even had to do this. 

So yeah. Idk if this makes sense but i agree with what you’re saying. I still might make the other character more white passing though (they’re pretty close anyway, so it’s not that much of a change.)

submitted by Blackfooted Bobcat, age thanks!, Watching Coppelia :D
(November 29, 2023 - 8:13 pm)

Yeah, I totally get being upset about the "white washing" essentially of BIPOC characters. By effectively erasing their culturally defining traits and replacing them with whiter features, it feels kinda like they are stripped of the bits that would differentiate them from being just plain white culturally. It does sometimes vicariously(?) bother me when I see tons of mostly exclusively "white" characteristics in other culture's media. Like, I wouldn't go so far as to say it is cultural appropriation, but it kind of feels like the creators are selling their own cultures short in order to appeal and present as more palatable to "white" consumers. That really just is not necesary in my opinion; consumers can take what the creator has to give, including a diversity they may not be used to, or stop consuming said content if it bothers them so much -- they are not going to be appeased even if the other cultures are "watered down," or heck, "toned down" (that's such a gross way of thinking about it -- as if whites are too fragile to be tainted by the 'crassness' other cultures, bleck) for consumers -- that's just harmful.

Going back to the name thing, BB, I didn't mean to imply that you were being judgey or anything. I do get where you're coming from, like if people "steal" your culture's name to be edgey ig, but also see how easily this can be, and has been, twisted by individuals to harm basically anyone/everyone (whites, mixeds, and BIPOCs alike), which makes me a bit apprehensive about being very strongly on either side. Like I don't want to say that using a name like Yuki, even if you're white/passing white, is categorically wrong, but I can completely understand why if someone did believe so and would probably not argue with that choice, especially if it were a person of Japanese descent who held the belief. I guess I feel it's not really my place to judge, seeing as this is not really my strong suit and I actually find it really confusing a lot of the time, but I would be happier if people were not immediately always like "OMG UR CANCELLED CAUSE U LOOK WHITE BUT UR NAME SOUNDS BLACK! THAT'S CULTURAL APPROPRIATION" (again, not saying you are doing that, but if it becomes the norm to call people out like that, it will inevitably happen to people who don't deserve it) but at the same time, some people do need to be kept in check or they would totally take advantage of their priviledge and do just that, so I'm not super sure on where I'm supposed to stand at the moment. I am just interested in what you think.

As for mixed people who may not exactly pass for white, but still have "white traits" that people kinda oggle at for being "exotic," I get that. It sounds like you have it pretty figured out. If it helps, I have some friends with experiences like that that I could share. For instance, one of my very close friends is of direct Guatemalen descent. Nonetheless, she could probably pass as white (people might assume she's southern Italian rather than LatinX) partially because she "acts so white," generally isn't terribly knowledgeable about LatinX culture and doesn't speak fluent Spanish, although her parents do. I have another friend from school who is half-black and looks it (although, admittedly, he does have a pretty light complexion than many others of African descent. I'm thinking the colour of hot chocolate, maybe with a little bit of milk). He has striking blue eyes though, and I know he gets a lot of weird questions about this. (I'm actually a bit guilty for wondering about that, although for the sake of politeness I haven't said/asked anything... :/). I also know a family where the father (who has Latina mother and black father) is not white passing, and is married to a white (but darker-featured) woman. Their first son resembles his father, looking mixed if not POC, while the second one is very white-passing (fair-fair skin, straight blond hair). If the dad and second son are alone in a store, for instance, they kinda get a lot of weird looks and sometimes even racist comments. I've had similar experiences with my mother too, where people assume my brother and I are adopted/one of her white friend's kids cause we're very fair, blond haired and blue/green eyes and my mom is clearly a POC. That happens less with my youngest sister because she's always a little darker although still passing white, but people are still shocked to find out that we are siblings sometimes... I also get questions about my curls, because they don't "look natural," seeing as I have naturally  blonde/now a bit browner hair but the curls are very 'African,' while my sister has slighly darker and more 'European' curls so no-one looks twice. Hasn't been as much of an issue now that I've cut my hair pretty short, though.

OMG WE CAN TRADE BODIES MY DUDE. YOU CAN HAVE THE GREEN EYES AND FAIR SKIN + LIGHT EYES, JUST GET A PERM EVERY NOW AND THEN ITS PERFECT- (well my body is femme, I don't know if u care, but that would be kind of cool. Maybe. Like we both have mobility/health issues, I believe, and I wonder how that would work out. If your brain swapped bodies would we still be 'disabled?' Would we switch issues, or would those stay tied to the brains? Or would they get tweaked for better or worse by the change in brain/body combo??? I'm mostly just messing around and being silly, I don't mean to undermine your identity or traits, by the way or suggest we should actually switch. That was just my first thought when I read you wished you were more 'white' and has the green eyes, because I've always wanted the opposite). On a semi-related note I think this is at least partially why I'm so smitten with avatar-makers. Like. You can so easily create a new "you" you like better/identify more, or switch out a character's eye colour or shape (on a whim, or just to compare, or to explore the 'what-ifs'), or flip their emotional expression with just a couple quick taps. It's literally just so amazing to me and I am obsesseddddd with using those apps/sites.

That whole injecting your own hurt into your characters is such a powerful -- but also sometimes scary -- thing. I'm glad you're thinking so thoroughly about everything and asking questions, seeking out more perspectives. That's always such a lovely thing to see. I wish you the best of luck with your writing, BB! 

Anyways, I'd love to talk more about characters (yours, or just characters in general lol) and story stuff, or if you have any other issues you'd like to talk out, maybe before you include them in your script again. This kind of stuff is literally so fun and exciting for me! I love pontificating, sorry if it's a bit much lol, I'm procrastinating rn...

submitted by Jaybells, Lost, somewhere
(November 29, 2023 - 9:40 pm)

I really love reading the conversation that you guys have going, it's really interesting :))

BB (is that the preferred nickname? Or should I call you Bobcat?), what you said about mixed character having lighter eyes is so true. I don't mean to derail the conversation, but have either of you ever noticed that some authors (especially YA authors) will tie themselves into knots to give their characters eye colors other than brown? I read a book where the love intrest had lemon yellow eyes! Given, he wasn't exactly fully human, but another book I recently read had a fully human, normal character with 'violet eyes'. Which isn't possible (I guess you could have eyes so blue that they look purplish, but still). This is a little annoying when reading books where the characters are white, but when POC characters that should absolutely have brown eyes start to not have them then it really annoys me. I don't know if either of you are Percy Jackson kids, but in the Heroes of Olympus series five more main characters are introduced, four of them being people of color (two girls and two guys). The guys both have brown eyes but the girls don't, despite them being fully POC. Hazel is black and has gold (??) eyes (I suppose brown eyes can look gold in certain lightings but that's the only color he uses to describe them). And the other girl (Native American) has 'kaleidescope eyes' that change color constantly? It was just weird reading it and having the girl POCs have 'exotic' eye colors while the guy POCs didn't. Maybe I'm reading too much into it? I'm also not sure if either of you have read Keeper of the Lost Cities (ik it's pretty popular on the CB) but the series is set in a utopian society of elves where everyone is said to be infinitely more pretty & beautiful than humans are, and all of them have blue eyes, even the POCs (not that there are that many). It just seems weird to me to assosiate beauty with blue eyes? I really used to love that series when I was younger but when I got a bit older I realized all of the suble undertones (for example being gay is simply not a thing, also she introduced her Asian characters by saying they looked like they 'stepped right out of a K-drama' or smth which kind of annoyed me). Anyway if you couldn't tell this is a rant I go on a lot, but I just wish more authors (and people, really) would get out of the mentality that brown eyes = boring. 

submitted by Silver Crystal, age Infinity, Milky Way
(November 29, 2023 - 10:52 pm)

Ah, yes Percy Jackson... I was pretty young when I read those and I've since heard a lot of people upset by the portrayal of the non-white characters although I don't personally remember having too many issues with them at the time? Again, I was much younger and more or less swept up in the fantasy of it all, so I probably missed things, though.

Hazel was probably my favourite character, and I liked Piper and Annabeth a lot, too. The fact that they don't have brown eyes feels like less to do with their race to me, and was more related to their powers and status as demigods; like I'm pretty sure Piper's mother Aphrodite also has eyes that shift colours (or at least her appearance does as a whole), so it's kinda symbolic (like she can cut her hair jagged and wear unflattering clothes, but her eyes, the 'windows to to soul,' don't lie; she will always be a child of Aphrodite, ever-changing but always beautiful). Tbh I usually always imagined her with brown eyes for some reason tho? Maybe it's because I knew she was cherokee and my brain auto-corrected? With Hazel I think it's supposed to be because she can sense/see through earth to locate precious gems/metal(hence the 'gold'), do real 'magic' so she's "different" and is a daughter of the Big Three (I'm pretty sure Thalia (and presumably Jason also?) had distinct 'shocking/lightning blue eyes' or something like that, and Percy's are are 'Ocean green,' and they wanted to make Hazel special to Hades as well? It's kinda icky when I think about it like that, though, as if having brown eyes in inherently less "special" than other colours.) Also I think Annabeth's (and most/all of Athena's kids') eyes are described grey like a wise owl and cloudy day, so it's just kind of a trend. I definitely agree that's it weird that it applies for the POC girls and not for the guys, though... Like, if anything I think it would have made more sense for Leo to have fiery orange/yellow eyes? Not necesarily complaining, just kinda wondering why/if it was done like that on purpose?

I've also always thought it very strange that blue eyes are associated with beauty? Like, I don't know if it's just me, or if this sounds rude, but honestly blue eyes usually strike me as rather unnatural and scary? Like, they just seem really intense and maybe it's the neurodivergence kicking in, but it's particularly hard for me to maintain any sort of eye contact with them. And I kinda associate them with scary people like my father, my strict ballet professor, my harsh English teacher, those scary bogoted guys who get all up in your face... Like idk why but they just skeeve me out, and technically my own eyes are a blueish-green! I share your distaste for the idea that blue eyes are inherently "more pure" or beautiful or innocent or whatever, Silver. Even in fantasy, that sentiment just echoes in the vein of slavery, colonialism, eugenics, racism and all that related really horrible stuff in the real world. I can't bring myself to accept or like it at all.

Lol if it makes you feel any better, my father would always says how pretty my brown-eyed sister(only kid in the family who got darker eyes)'s eyes were. I remember getting jealous and sulking about being so 'basic' in terms of our families' looks when I was younger because of that. Also, in the Kane Chronicles (also written by Riordan, this time Egyptian demigods) Sadie Kane's love interest Walt (I'm pretty sure he was black?) had the most beautiful description of brown eyes I had ever read at the time. A lil sappy though, lol.

submitted by Jaybells, Lost, somewhere
(November 30, 2023 - 12:42 am)


So I think one of you mentioned the nounself pronouns and I thought I'd ask if you could elaborate on that. I personally am kinda confused by it a little, but I'd love to learn more about it and hear your thoughts. (I'm pretty sure I first learned it was a thing when Writing said they might experiment with something like rat/rats/ratself? Again, I was completely baffled.)

Hahaha so how are we with public speaking? I have a presentation coming up and I am kind of regretting everything... I keep on swinging between being like "it's fine, you just gotta get up there and say what you know" and just crying myself out of existence. What makes it even more nerve-wracking is that there are content requirements, but we aren't allowed to use any notes/script whatsoever, and will get points deducted if we look at our powerpoint at all. It's worth a huge percent of that class' grade, too. :'((( 

On a more cheerful note, do either of you have pets? It's snowing where I am, and my Samoyed, Sophie (she's almost 1 year old already!), is absolutely adoring it. She is constantly begging to go out and play, and her fur is, like, absolutely perfect for keeping out the melting snow so she will try to stay out there for hours. She can be kind of a handful, especially when she decides she wants to go on a little solo adventure and slip out when we're going/out (she tries to herd cars, which means running DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF THEM and is so proud when they swerve out of the way and behave like cattle... TWT), but compared to a lot of other dogs, even other Samoyeds in our area, she actually has a pretty even temperment. She never barks aggresively or gets nervous around strangers, and her biggest flaw is probably that she gets so excited around new people/dogs, but even then she might put her paws on you, but will not bark, just whine with excitement and wag her tail so hard she can't walk straight. She's really cute. If you two are interested, I'll try to get a good picture of the floofer to share!

submitted by Jaybells, Lost, somewhere
(November 30, 2023 - 4:58 pm)

Initially, nounself pronouns confused me too, but they're basically just neopronouns but nouns. I looked into it when I was writing rat/rats/ratself Writing_in_the_dark for my ski lodge, and it's pretty straightforward once you get used to it (although it can sometimes still be confusing for me haha).

I'm soo bad at public speaking. I had to write and give a fifteen minute speech last year and I was sooooo nervous going up to it. Once I was up there it was actually not that bad but I'm sure I sounded pretty robotic.

YES I NEED A PICTURE OF SOPHIE!!! I'll send a picture of my dog Sam when I can- he's a springer spaniel poodle mix, and one of the cutest dogs on planet earth :))) We haven't gotten any snow yet but he loves it when it does snow, even though he gets all wet and gross afterwards. 

submitted by Silver Crystal, age Infinity, Milky Way
(December 1, 2023 - 5:43 pm)