Chat Thread (Silver

Chatterbox: In This Month's Issue

Chat Thread (Silver

Chat Thread (Silver Crystal, Jaybells, and Blackfooted Bobcat) :DDDDDD

Eeee I'm so excitedddd :DDD I'll post more when this comes up ^_^ I already have some stuff written so hopefully I won't forget at least XD

Also if my location says "watching *a ballet*", I'm probably actually watching it because I'm constantly watching one XD I've been watching Swan Lake pretty much all day with my Jellycats :P 

submitted by Blackfooted Bobcat, age watching, Swan Lake!!! :D
(November 11, 2023 - 6:09 pm)

Uh oh good luck on writing crunch time O_o ugh i’m kind of on writing/practicing crunch time too. I still have quite a few things to fix in the cadenza i’m writing and then i have to learn it completely… i have about a month and a half which is not a lot to have a solo piece performance ready. Also memorizing it is preferable, though thankfully i’m good at memorizing because i basically memorize everything because my eyes are not reliable at all XD anyway don’t feel like you have to be quick about responding or anything :D

My entire writing process is getting super attached to characters or worlds or whatever XD i might have to write more of the Cloudlands book and then find something cool to put in XD

Although whether it’ll end up cool is dubious XD It’s probably a long novelette or short novella, but might end up more like a long novella because I like Reshinerr too much, and the most important part is the mood/aesthetic. It’s hard to describe and but it’s basically clouds and stars and opals and light blue. That makes no sense. Here’s something that gives a small idea (also it’s not finalized at all):

“Stars shimmer like silver dust, making streaks of glow in the inky sky as they flutter towards the streets. Today, the path is paved in a blanket of opal. Just yesterday, it was cobblestone. Starlight flashes periwinkle and lavender onto its white, shreds of embroidery floss that are blown away the instant they fall. And when the stars meet the ground? They burst. Chimes ring, stardust quivers in the air, and bit by bit every last sliver fades out of reality.

“The legends go that the only thing keeping a star in this world is denial that it’s fallen. So I must have been a star a few days ago, when I was still haunting Cyrillia’s most beloved hangouts like a nightmare, hoping she would see me and forget the pain I must have caused her. 

“Why did she keep me around in the first place?”

I might write more about the plot later. But for the record it’s not the POV character’s fault (it’s Wisp here, not Reshinerr)

Also can i rant about how much harder stereotypes make writing? Obviously that’s not the worst thing they do i just hate it. Especially the whole “POC are bad parents” stereotype. Like, i don’t want to write all white characters but all of my main/POV characters have bad parents and I just… you have to work way too hard to circumvent that. And like… I was debating if I should make Reshinerr (fully) white again (him specifically mostly for book reasons and since he used to be), but i really don’t want him to be white. The fact that most of my characters are mixed race complicates it even further, because sometimes there’s like four races I have to make clear “they’re not all like this” and that’s just hard. Like… i just want to write characters i relate to without having to worry about this ToT but obviously i have to. I just hate it. 

It’s also annoying because like… when they’re a race I’m not, it’s even harder. and there's always a sense of "should i even write this?" regardless. Like, I’m almost certainly not going to change Reshinerr back to fully white. But the whole reason he was white before was related to wanting less stereotypes.  But even then it’s like… should i even write this? And it’s also just hideous that these are all stereotypes in the first place. and so it's like a constant balancing act when i just want to write these characters i like far too much. I don’t even know if i make sense i just. hate it.

Silver, if you need any help with any writing things and trust me enough (which it's totally fair if you don't, but still, you don't have to put any of my suggestions into effect), please let me know! I can probably do critiques and suggestions. but if you don't want that it's fine too. but please don't base your worth or talent as a writer off of awards. the fact that you have any is amazing, and you'd still be just a good writer if you didn't have any, and being a good writer isn't the only thing that matters anyway. idk if that makes sense but eh.


submitted by Blackfooted Bobcat
(December 6, 2023 - 4:21 pm)

Ooh, yeah, so I was reading BB's issues with the 'consolidating' of neurodivergence (this also applies to mental health, amongst various other topics in my opinion). I can definitely see that. I think it should really be made clear that the spectrum is indeed just that -- a spectrum. Some are going to be more 'heavily affected' and everyone has their own preferences and interests. Everyone is different, and has their own quirks. I also really don't like when people speak in absolutes like that -- it can really prime people for a flawed way of thinking. People are complicated and in trying to 'neuter' the 'odd' or less common bits of a population, we make it so much easier to (often negatively) stereotype and profile people, and dehumanise them. It's really just not a great habit, and I get how horrible it must feel to belong to a marginalised group, and then have members of that same group tell you (directly or not) that you are not "properly" a part of that group.

I see that happen in a lot of queer, mixed/BIPOC, and/or neurodivergent or mentally 'ill' circles. Like, we already feel like we are kind of at the edge of 'normality,' or even outside it, so I think that it's really strange that people are still excluded for being/acting "too extreme" within that group. Like, I understand just not liking someone very much because of their behaviour, but everyone deserves the same basic human rights and respect regardless. People shouldn't be attacked, derided or left out if they aren't causing harm, and even if they are, I still feel like there is some sort of responsibility owed to try to include them somewhat, but I can't explain how exactly I think it should work. One of the things that I see happen a lot is people intentionally calling someone the wrong pronouns when they don't like the person (particularly for nounself pronouns because it supposedly "takes away from the LGBTQIA+'s credibility"). Like, that is just really messed up. Or when people say that they wish someone would be the victim of a hate-crime, just because they did/said something they didn't like. (Don't even get me started on the "I'm not homophobic/racist/mysogynistic/etc., I just hate when people won't shut up about getting rights for those people," I cannot with those types of people) I don't know why people find that acceptable, but I am always flabbergasted. Like, we are already up against the world. Why the heck are you at each others' throats and trying to hurt our little found-family members??? We don't need more hate and negativity, we need to work together to show that we are more than the charactures and are people worth being listened to and respected. I just can't stand when people genuinely try to ruin each other within marginalised groups. Like, please, please, PLEASE focus that frustration on the actual systems of oppression and not on people who are also being stepped on by said system.

submitted by Jaybells, Lost, somewhere
(December 8, 2023 - 9:37 am)

Well put, Jaybells. I also a problem is that those low level 1 autistics are almost always very very much disconnected from… anything but (very) mild autism and ADHD XD like a lot of the time, they just don’t really know I think. There’s so much communication swirling around that only the main narrative gets noticed. Also it’s harder for higher level autistics to communicate usually, many can’t so caregivers do and autistics tend to inherently disregard caregivers if not autistic even when they’re saying things that would actively help. and like, the idea that someone could even need someone to help eat or such (beyond cooking, like get the food to mouth type thing) tends to be completely foreign to them. the idea that it's all the time, not just on a really bad day, is even more so. idk. 

the thing is i'm still pretty mild and yet it's still a completely different thing than what they're talking about in a lot of ways. it's kind of fluctuate-y I guess as well (some days do need the food help (or more likely just don't eat XD), some days not. less lately actually though). 

Do you have any examples for how this sort of thing happens in BIPOC spaces? (i’m not always great at figuring out what you’re talking about without examples)

also i hope your mental health stuff is going better. my offers for picturings or recipes or such still stand if you want them, but if you don't that's fine. 

do either of you like cooking? i'm actually better at cooking than actually eating a lot of the time XD i mostly bake. some amount of time ago (i have no memory) i made some thumbprint cookies with ganache and peppermint frosting and they were really good, and then i made some banana pumpkin bread because i was making banana bread and ran out of banana and used pumpkin and liked it so experimented more. i can't have gluten or dairy so it's kind of annoying though. i also really like making tea and hot chocolate. i grow a lot of my own herbs so it's extra fun. i brought a lot of them in for the winter and it's far too damp/not hot enough for my sage and lavender :((( I repotted the lavender with some amendments to make the soil drain better but i didn't do that for the sage so it's too wet. 

i also really like non-herbal tea though. especially oolong and green tea. black tea is fine and white tea is pretty good. i might be getting some other kinds of Japanese tea soon, though. 

i sound like an adventurous eater from this XD most days i just eat chicken nuggets and fried rice and fries hehe. i dislike food. except i also like food. idk i'm weird

i guess i should probably ask if you have hobbies other than reading and writing then. so. *asks that*

also jaybells is your dog soft? She looks really fluffy :D i like dogs. 

i have a doctor appointment soon so i have to go :((( 

submitted by Blackfooted Bobcat
(December 12, 2023 - 10:12 am)

Yes! My dog is very fluffy! We just gave her a bath because she slipped out and escaped today... She got all messy in the woods (it's been pretty wet so she got all muddy and gross) :/ Now she smells like coconut and is super fluffy!!

As for the mental health stuff, kinda. It's one of those things that mixes with everything else and makes a disaster-soup that's hard to claw yourself out of. I have been a little more stable I think (idk, like for the past couple of days maybe?) but idk because on the weekend I got in a dangerously low mood for seemingly no reason at all and had to cry myself to sleep while watching my comfort show. Also I did not get much work done, which kind of sucks.

That kind of relates back to what BB was saying about just... Not being able to do things. I feel really useless and small and like I'm wasting space and resources when I can't do things that other people can. Like, whether it's something simple, like being able to get up in the morning, it's especially bad because people will be like "Oh, yeah, I get that, it's tough" but like, no. I literally cannot. And I hate it. It's so frustrating that so many people can just get up, take a shower, get dressed, eat, work/study and just DO things constantly and productively, but I can't. You have to do that literally everyay if you want to go anywhere worth going, is what I've been told. And I simply cannot. I struggle to get to sleep and eat, I'm teetering on the edge of just falling apart near-constantly, I literally cannot muster the motivation to get up and actually do stuff way more frequently than a year's worth of "sick days" will allow, and that's just when my body is not physically breaking and throwing its own tantrum. I can't do assignments on time almost ever, and I have like no ability to manage time or plan into the future, and I feel like I am constantly just blundering my way through life when I do get things done. It's all so, very incredibly frustrating, and getting very ill fairly often does not help that at all. And some people just say to ask for help, but like... What am I even supposed to ask? "Why hello there, I'd like to know how to make it through life!"? I don't know why I can't do so many basic things (or else I'd already be working on that reason), which is what makes it so difficult, plus I have parents who are just annoyed that I'm not a "normal person" and they have to spend extra on me just to get me at barely the same level as someone else my age. I hate feeling useless and behind and like I'm a waste of everything that is given to me, but that feeling has only gotten stronger and stronger as I approach adulthood and am expected to take on more and more actual responsibility and start doing things on my own that I've just never had the means, chance or ability to do. Anyway, I'm getting kinda worked up, so I'll move on for now. Sorry for venting. :/

What recipes do you have? I'd love to hear them! I do the same thing, where I like cooking and baking so I'll do that a lot, but as I mentioned before I really struggle with eating and just do not find it enjoyable it the slightest so it's always an uphill battle with that. If I can't get a "real job" or go to a university maybe I'll try to get a job at a bakery. I don't have any food allergies, so no worries about any of that if you have any recommendations. Also, how do your picturing work, BB? (i feel kinda stupid but for some reason i just don't understand picrturings very well for some reason. Feel free to try to give a description of what is happening lol)

Haha, I love tea too. All sorts of kinds! It's just so soothing and idk like somewhat mystical? It's kinda like you can feel all the culture in the taste of the tea and it's somewhat comforting, like a hard-to-place familiar nostalgic smell, or certain warmly-lit old photo or painting. 

Returning back to BB's question about how exclusion within the BIPOC community happens; basically in a lot of the places I've lived, there is a large majority white population, whereas the BIPOC/mixed community is kinda outside of that, on its own a little. But like, people will still be weird about it even within the excluded community; I don't know if it's a way to "take back power" or something in that vein, but there can be kind of a hierarchy or, like... schism, I guess. For instance, in several of the black communities I've been part of, there's this kind of rejection of "non-white" behaviour because you feel like you have to be "civilised" and/or submissive, and if you act "ghetto"/not extremely professional/"good" at all times, you'll be mocked, even by your fellow marginalised peers (although the exact same will happen if you act "too white"). Alternatively, if you don't like the way that a certain person acts (and you both happen to be black), you're particularly nasty with how you lash out to them, as opposed to if they were outside of your little group. I think that's just really hurtful, seeing as you're not hurting anyone but your own struggling group. It's silly. What good is tearing down your own "team" members going to do you, when you need to get the whole team to the finish line? You can also see that kind of thing in African American history after emancipation, with like how Booker T. Washington and W. E .B. DuBois were bitter rivals and again with the free blacks and enslaved blacked pre-revolution and independence in Haiti. It's just... tiring to see, but fairly common. (We just read Invisible Man in English and I feel like the same thing is shown in that book, now that I think about it). Let me know if you still need more clarification, I feel like that didn't come out terribly clearly.

submitted by Jaybells, Lost, somewhere
(December 12, 2023 - 8:27 pm)

Hi guys!! Sorry I really meant to post on this thread before but I was soo busy with everything (and then yesterday I injured myself a little so I spend the day on the couch icing my foot haha). I finally managed to get my submissions in and am trying not to worry about it too much now that it's over. @BB thanks so much for your words of encouragement from earlier! @Jay your dog is SOOO cute I love her sm!! I'll have to post some pictures of my dog soon too, but he hasn't gotten a haircut for a while so he's a little shaggy looking :P

As for whether I like cooking.... the last time I was trusted in the kitchen alone I set my friend's oven on fire while trying to make chocolate chip cookies from a mix. Long story short I am no longer allowed to operate in the kitchen unchaperoned lol

Uhh do I have hobbies outside of reading and writing?? Let's see- I guess I like collaging and stuff like that. Other than that it's mostly watching videos or reading webcomics or something else that's completely unproductive T-T (also the CB ofc) Idk with all my homework and writing commitments I don't really have time for much more :(

Okay, my question is: thoughts on coffee? Good, bad, too bitter, too caffinated, etc? I rarely drink it bc the caffine messes with my stomach but I'll have it sometimes if it's been flavored or distorted with enough cream and sugar (aka wayyy too much)

submitted by Silver Crystal, age Infinity, Milky Way
(December 12, 2023 - 10:22 pm)
submitted by top :P
(December 17, 2023 - 10:59 am)

I will post a bit more later but here's Fritz/Vivace! (he uses both names) he looks too small in this picture though. also he doesn't look chaotic enough. and yes, he is wearing a Christmas sweater :P (also happy holidays/winter btw! i think i'm late for Hanukkah though oops XD) 

also sorry i didn't post sooner. 

submitted by Blackfooted Bobcat, age Fritz :P, The Nutcracker :DDD
(December 17, 2023 - 1:36 pm)

Cute! And happy holidays!

submitted by Jaybells, Lost, somewhere
(December 17, 2023 - 7:38 pm)

CUTIE!! His coloring is so pretty <333 Happy holidays to you too!!

submitted by Silver Crystal, age Infinity, Milky Way
(December 18, 2023 - 10:13 pm)

I’m legitimately curious how you managed to set your friend’s oven on fire. I have burnt things, I have burnt things horribly, I have left half-mixed batter on the counter, I have baked things and only after realized oh, I forgot the sugar, the baking powder, the flour, all three. (okay maybe not the flour because that’s pretty easy to notice but the other two absolutely) But i always start smelling the burning before it gets bad, or my mom is like “uh the timer went off” or “the timer went off twenty minutes ago three times” or such. That’s just impressive XD

YOUR DOG NEEDS HAIRCUTS?! What kind is he? That’s so funny XD

I do actually have hobbies i just don’t think of them because when i think of “things I like” it’s “ballet, ballet, Jellycats, ballet, writing, art, ballet, Jellycats, poetry, uh i guess i like gardening and tea, ballet, ballet, Jellycats, ballet”. But other than ballet and jellycats and viola it takes a bit to think of them.

I’m so bad at reading though *sobs* I’ve been reading The Spirit Glass by Roshani Chokshi (author of the Aru Shah books!) and it’s really good but can’t focus/sit still long enough :((( and then i miss everything and have to reread 20 times when i do read. 

In the New Year thing that Periwinkle posted, you said something you like about yourself right now is your hair. What do you like about it/what does it look like? 

I only see now that Jaybells posted oops. First off sorry mental health. For me,  not able to do things often is more “physically can’t” than mental health, but both are awful. I hope you can figure out what’s going on. 

I’ll see if I can post a recipe later :D Unfortunately i can’t have dairy or gluten so that will limit what i can do, since a lot of things would depend on ingredients you won’t have and also if you can gluten dairy not want not those things XD What kind of foods do you like, though? I wrote down a recipe for chicken and carrot soup with a herb-flavored broth so i’ll post that eventually. Maybe also a recipe for caramel milk, lavender milk, or hot chocolate if I can get the time to write down measurements. (edit: i just ruined a thing of caramel milk by trying to measure it out *sobs* i usually just throw stuff together and it’s great)

I HATE COFFEE (except for the coffee dance from The Nutcracker) IT’S DISGUSTING! Tea is great though. that’s where i get my caffeine i guess XD although i like both herbal tea and actual tea. My favorite kinds of herbal tea are maybe… hibiscus and lavender and cinnamon and rose? Thyme is also really good, especially in a mix. If you can get some dried rose petals (or if you have a rose bush that hasn’t been treated with any chemicals or pesticides), it’s really really good if you slice up maybe 3 strawberries, simmer them for like 6 minutes, and then steep the rose petals in that. I’m out of rose petals at the moment bc i get them from my garden :( but i really like actual tea too, especially oolong and green. Oolong is also the name of my Jellycat Smudge Elephant :P i know what you mean about comforting and mystical. Some kinds feel very ghost-y and faded, others have other connotations, and some just taste good XD What sort of things do you like baking/cooking?

btw if you can get culinary lavender I 100% recommend it. It’s a really good tea but it’s also really good in baking. Make sure the kind you get is intended for eating, though. It’s a bit hard to find; you go to a health foods store they might have it, or you can get it online. (idk if i mean the right thing by health food store, though; the sort of place where they have like a lot of organic stuff and a lot of allergy friendly stuff and probably a lot of more environmentally friendly stuff)

I can’t say i know what you’re talking about with the BIPOC exclusion thing, but that sounds really annoying. To be completely honest i don’t interact with other BIPOC very often (irl at least). I don’t even know if people see me as white or not, so *shrugs* (like, i don’t think i look white, but i don’t really look Asian either… idk)

Also jaybells i’m still not quite sure what your question was with nounself pronouns? I’ll totally answer i just don’t know what you’re asking.


submitted by Blackfooted Bobcat
(December 18, 2023 - 1:15 pm)

To be fair, I was making those cookies with a friend so the whole thing wasn't entirely my fault- plus, their oven was acting up a little. Nevertheless, I probably should have taken the cookies out when I saw that the mixture was boiling... whoops :P

My dog is a mix between a springer spaniel and a poodle!! We had to get a hypoallergenic dog that doesn't shed because my mom is allergic. His name is Sam and he's the best!! I'll upload some pictures when I'm on the right device. Yeah, he has to get groomed a lot or he ends up looking kinda raggedy (but still cute!).

I read Aru Shah, I really liked it! Also same, I can't really focus on any reading outside of stuff for school :( Hopefully I'll get some reading done over break...

Aw thanks for noticing what I said on the New Years post! I luckily inherited great hair from my mom and despite never styling it or doing anything different with it ever I still really like it :) Thankfully I did not inherit my dad's hair- it's so short and brittle that I legit once got a hair splinter from him yikes

Ahhh are either of you scrambling to get presents for everyone? I don't know if you both celebrate Christmas but for me I have to get gifts for my sister, mom, dad, friends, and grandparents. I started planning reallyyy early this year but still am having to do a lot of last minute shopping. Plus everything is soo expensive and I've already spent a good amount of what I've earned from my part time job this year... oh well, I'll just have to spend less in January (she said, fully knowing that she would not, in fact, be able to stop herself from buying unnecessary art and food in January). 

submitted by Silver Crystal, age Infinity, Milky Way
(December 18, 2023 - 10:26 pm)


I just went back and read it and I abolutely love that, it's gotta be such a funny thing to say at parties lol(I say that as a turn of phrase, because I have only been to like two "parties" in my life and both were heavily supervised). I have never done anything that extreme. I think the worst thing that happened is when I was little I was helping my mum make dough and somehow glass shards got in it there so we had to throw it out and were really upset about that much waste. Also once my stepmum tried to use a toaster and it lit the whole kitchen on fire... I wasn't in the room for that, but afterward it appeared that the insolator for the plug had gotten thin in one section where it bent too much, and an electric spark caught on inside of the cord, which exploded and lit up oil residue from a nearby appliance... It was a scare, since everybody was in the house and the smoke was really thick. Also once my dad left a pan in the oven (and didn't realise it was on), so when he opened it, it like spit out a bunch of charred stuff? I only saw the damage after the fact. T-T As you can see, my family is perhaps not the most responsible when it comes to the kitchen. OH YEAH AND ONCE I ACCIDENTALLY MADE CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES WITH SALT INSTEAD OF SUGAR IT WAS HORRIBLEEEEEEEE-

I feel the same way as BB about coffee lol. I want to much to like it, especially when some kinds smell so good, but it makes me gag, even when diluted. But tea, oh, tea is so goodddddddd! I love trying different types. Some of my favourites are matcha, chamomile, oolong, vanilla chai and there's thing one sleepy one that I forget the name of, but it's so calming and delicious!! I'll post it later when I get a chance.

Sorry BB about the nounself thing, I was mostly wondering how they are used and what it means to people who use them. Genuinely just don't have much experience with them, so I'm trying to understand the basics, and I don't really know how to ask about it. Silver did explain the core of how to use them a while back, but I'm still curious as to how they are chosen (like significance of the noun? is it related to furries at all? what else does it effect/are there other things that also are reffered to differently?), and that kind of thing. Like I want to make it clear I'm not judging, I just am not used to this and would like to know about it, but it's hard to do that without sounding kind of ignorant and/or judgemental. That is not my intention.

I used to dance seriously (like went to a professional-training ballet school), and every year we did a performance of the nutcracker but I have no idea what the coffee dance is. I feel like I have failed as a performer. 

For the struggle with reading, BB, I get that. I love reading, so I kinda push myself through it, especially if it's got a lot of intrigue (it's like doing hard manual labour even though it's not fun because you want that paycheck), but I am also pretty hyper and struggle to sit still especially if it's not immediately interesting sometimes. Something I'd recommend is listening to breakdowns/analysis on youtube of books that sound interesting. I do that for a lot of things I can't watch/read and you do end up gettinga lot of perspectives that you might not have otherwise been exposed to. i like it, anyhow, so that's just a suggestion. 

Interestingly, as opposed to Silver's dog, we're actually not supposed to cut Sophie's fur, even when it gets hot because it serves as an insulator to both heat and cold, and can cause skin conditions if you do... She also hates taking baths/getting blowdried/having her nails trimmed, so I'd worry for the safety of any dog-groomer who'd try working on her.

submitted by Jaybells, Lost,somewhere
(December 19, 2023 - 9:30 am)

Ohh, something similar happened to my dad- once he put the air fryer (partially made of plastic) in the oven to make the counter space look cleaner for some pictures of the apartment when we were trying to sell it, but my mom didn't know so that night she preheated the oven. Needless to say, there was lots of melted plastic in the oven which was Not Ideal.

I feel like everyone in my life literally loves tea?? My girlfriend literally travels with a container of tea in case she ever needs it. To me, it's just like... hot flavored water? Like I don't hate it but it just tastes kind of boring to me :(

Jay, I don't think you sound judgemental at all! Nounself pronouns are so outside of the realm of 'traditional' pronouns that it can be hard to grasp. As for the way that the person chooses the noun, that's a personal thing- it could have a deep meaning to them or they could just like the way that it sounds. It's true there's a lot of overlap between trans/gnc people and furries but they're not inherently related. Furries are simply people who have animal personas ('fursonas') and/or like to dress up as them, I don't know why they have such a bad rep with the general public. As far as I can tell, the only thing that changes is which pronouns you use, but again it can be a person to person basis. 

I LOVE a good video essay. The other day I watched one that was like two hours on the Hunger Games and it was actually soo interesting! 

Sam hatesss getting groomed, but he has hair instead of fur (which is a distinction that exists I guess?) so it would be differen't for him than with Jay's dog, I think. 

submitted by Silver Crystal, age Infinity, Milky Way
(December 19, 2023 - 10:32 pm)

Haha, I kind of understand not being big on tea, as much as I personally love it, Silver. It honestly is just scented/lightly flavoured water, but I guess the more appealing aspect is the smell and warmth. I sometimes as milk in too, which gives it a silky texture (so like warm scented milk really). It doesn't feel heavy, and as a person who struggles to eat a lot but also tends not to drink that much water unless I'm very sick or active, it feels like a healthy, pleasant way of staying hydrated and cozy. A lot of times, the ambience and memories/feelings associated with the scents matters a lot for than the taste of slightly spicy water, at least to me lol. I tend to drink it more often when it's colder, too, so it starts taking on that cheerful, holiday feel as well. Lighter than hot chocolate/cocoa, not usually as bitter as coffee, and with a lovely herbal aroma, plus you can add things like fresh fruit, honey or milk/alternative non-dairy options. What could go wrong? :)

Thank you for the explanation Silverrrrr. I feel silly asking for clarification for things like this, especially when I do have so many friends/acquaintances who are like gnc/queer and have kind of niche interests that often get judged pretty harshly. I was raised in a pretty conservative family and community so I am lowkey kinda terrified that I'll accidentally treat people the way that I've been and seen others non-conforming individuals be treated. I really want to have a positive and pro-understanding influence, but I know I can sometimes come off as sounding sharp or rude if I'm not careful, so I want to make it very clear that that is not at all my intention, and that I'm genuinely just newer to (and still pretty 'sheltered' from) a lot of this kind of discussion. Curious and kinda outta the loop. :/

And yesssss video essays are just spectacular! It isn't unusual for me to find a channel/creator I click with and just binge on their videos for hours while doing chores/work, (sometimes just procrastinating lol), etc. 

Omg with the melted plastic, I have a couple of times where that happened in my house(s) as well. (TvT) You'd think after the first time, they'd learn, but yeah we've had a couple scares with that kind of thing too. I am paranoid that will happen so I'm always checking whenever I see appliances/those turny-handles on ovens. I am literally so scared of that happening when no one's home or everyone's asleep, and like the whole house burns down or something... (TwT)

submitted by Jaybells, Lost, somewhere
(December 20, 2023 - 8:44 pm)

I’m working on a response to what you posted in confessions but basically it’s perfectly fine to not feel “enough” and try not to worry about being a burden, especially on the CB. We’re always here for you, and I hope you have friends who can be as well. I’m also working on a longer/more detailed thing about nounself pronouns but a.) i’m sick (I think I have been for a week or two looking back on it but it just kind of hit a few days ago; i get sick weirdly XD), and b.) i have a concerto competition in 3-ish weeks and also Christmas and New Years. It’s fine if you can’t respond too. 

YOU WENT TO A PROFESSIONAL BALLET SCHOOL?!?!?! Tell me more O_O What roles have you played in the nutcracker? I kind of wish i could dance but yeah haha no. i actually used to do musical theater a long time ago (i was less disabled then) and even then i basically could not dance. I was pretty good at singing - i got some major parts - but i am not very coordinated XD does that mean you’ve watched a lot of ballets? What ballets have you been in, and what parts?

I actually really like the taste of tea XD i mean, the quality of the tea and how you steep it are also important - for instance we have some cheaper oolong tea bags (which i frequently open up and use the non-rolled leaves inside) and we have some really nice rolled loose leaf oolong tea and it’s so deeply different. Also there are so many different kinds of tea - I like sencha much more than a more standard Chinese green tea, for instance. Also i’ll often add honey to herbal teas, but the thought of adding anything to a green, oolong, or white tea is honestly revolting to me XD i heard about someone adding honey to their matcha and was honestly shocked. like, that's just not a thing that people tend to do in Hawai'i or Japan, but i also just can't imagine it would taste good. but I do lowkey (emphasis on the lowkey) “tea ceremony” matcha XD

I also love hot chocolate though. Especially when it has a lot of cinnamon and cloves. I tend to get fancy with it.

I honestly don’t get how people can watch videos for hours. Like i get being hyperfocused on something but watching a video is just simultaneously overwhelming and not stimulating enough for me and also hard to understand so i usually don’t (unless it’s ballet). It’s easier to read because it’s less overwhelming, easier to stop, slower, and you get the input of your finger on the paper. (and i’m also better at processing written words than spoken ones, though i have vision issues with tracking and double vision and all sorts of stuff)

I still haven’t sent presents and it's literally Christmas eve *sobs* more new years presents i guess but i haven’t even finished making all of them.  

i just got a bunch of cool-seeming books from the library. Perhaps the most exciting is one that’s set in Hawai’i (i think it’s literally in the town my dad is from, though sadly I don’t know it well because my grandma lives on Maui now (she’s fine btw)). It’s kind of like a Rick Riordan Presents book (it isn’t, it’s just that sort of mythology thing). Very much excited. The other one is one that’s about saving a boba tea shop and amigurumi, from what I can tell. I love boba (though i have to make it at home; i actually think a boba chain might have opened near here but i’ve had boba chain tea and they don’t cook the boba all the way and also idk if this one has dairy free milks), though I kind of hate to because it’s very pop culture-y, and i also love amigurumi (though I’m really bad at actually keeping interest in it long enough to finish it XD). anyway i’ve been wanting to pick it up for a long time but it’s a very pink, feminine-looking book and also as i said i’m ashamed of liking boba, but i started reading it and i just could not not get it XD i’m liking it so far, though i’m probably less than a fourth in. also to be clear it's not like i look down on it because of that, it just was really really dysphoria-inducing and even checking it out i was doing my best to hide it and slightly panicking because i didn't want people to see it.

Do you guys mostly read MG or YA or something else? I have a lot of problems with the whole YA vs MG thing, but i won’t get into that (unless you guys are interested, in which case i will absolutely get into that)

Anyway i’m also getting excited for New Years. We don’t really do a full Japanese New Years; mostly we have mochi when we can get it (you can make some in a stand mixer though, and I found mochi rice, but then i have to figure out how to cook it XD) and make food. I’ve been trying to do more lately though. I think i’m going to make gyoza this year, though! And soba. I’m glad my dad has done away with the whole “clean the entire house” tradition though XD (i think he did that as a kid) Silver, do you celebrate Lunar New Year? I know it’s in a while unless i’m mistaken, i’m just curious. I probably know a bit more about it than most Japanese people because it’s kind of a big thing in Hawai’i, and i think it’s really cool. I don’t know that much though. 

submitted by Blackfooted Bobcat
(December 24, 2023 - 3:00 pm)